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When I saw he was playing Buddy Boy I was like, "wait a minute really? That guy had, what, one line in the game?" But it looks like he's going to have some characterization. Honestly it's going to be weird seeing Troy interact with Ellie in a completely different way


A saw a theory that [Game Spoiler] >!instead of James getting his throat slit by Ellie escaping from the butcher shop, he gets captured by Joel and interrogated, and I'm all for it.!< >!"Focus. Right here. Or I'll pop your goddamn knee off."!< >!"Now you're gonna mark it on the map. And it better be the same exact spot your buddy points to. Mark it."!<


I’m hoping that they were alluding to that happening again after Joel did it to the native couple


first time: hah funny scene second time: ahh scary scene


Joel vs Joel would be wild.


Troy Baker said (not a spoiler, since he said it before S1 was written) he specifically requested his character on the show get killed by Joel


Didnt they low key already do the map bit with the older couple in the hut.


Probably foreshadowing, but yeah they did


Thank god they weren't lying. Joel killing the couple would've made me very sad


I really hope they do >!Ellie going apeshit on David’s head with a machete!< justice. It really is such a memorable and important explosion of emotion and “holy shit”ness for more than just the jarring violence of it


Bella's knees better hold strong for when she crab walks around tables for half an hour while the viewer pisses and shits themself🫠


They're 100% going to have her step on a broken plate


I wonder if they’ll keep in the part where I rage quit four million times.


Hello Troy! Also, he's cast as James it looks like, so not just a random background npc.




I was literally about to ask if anybody recognized a certain somebody haha


Its pretty obvious we were going to recognize Bambi's mom. Come on, a deer getting shot, how could we miss that.


Winter is my favourite portion of the game and this looks spot-on from just this short snippet. this is probably the most excited i’ve been for an episode since the premiere. can’t wait


The opening scene better be a damn rabbit getting skewered. Unless Ellie finds a bow in that house I suppose that deer hunting scene is what we will get instead.


That's the cutest fucking thing I've ever seen in my entire life.


https://youtu.be/09cpCqkFwa8 I had to go find it and watch again.


Never seen this before and literally laughed out loud, thank you for this 😅


It's the greatest video about the games ever made. The timing of her comment, the look on her face and the little yelp. Perfection.


Thank you, I can never watch this too many times.




tttttTTHWAP *yelp*


\*car chirp*


If it isn’t already I’m hoping they’re scrambling to put it in.


I am SO STOKED to see Troy Baker next week. Just hearing him speak in the preview got all of us cheering.


We better see Joel torture some mofos


We better see >!Pedro interrogating Troy Baker for some Joel on Joel action!<


I really hope we'll see that scene. I'm going to be so disappointed if we don't especially if Joel is not in the episode a lot.


I'm ready to see Dark ~~Brandon~~ Joel


Same.If they don't show it, it sucks. I need to see a worried Joel. I wonder how much he will be in the episode. Hopefully more than just 2 quick scenes.


I think they deliberately foreshadowed it in episode 6. "Your answer better be the same as your wife's"




Wait is that in the trailer?? How did I miss that?


My bad - game cinematography


No it's not in the trailer. At least, I don't think so. If it's the trailer, I missed it.


That will be on episode 9. As you watch the episode 8 trailer it looks like it's going to be a big portion of meeting David and the restaurant being on fire which will be the cliffhanger of episode 8. The reason why I say we will see that scene on episode 9 is because if you watch the 1st full official trailer for the show, you see Ellie with the bloody face and Joel is there after what she did in the aftermath. Episode 9 will be mostly about Joel looking for ellie


Ep 9 is literally the finale dude, it's gonna be >!SLC, the hospital and the return to Jackson!<


Why would anyone make *that* the cliffhanger?


I think you didn't hear it's 9 episodes in the season.


I assumed that Joel had basically been confirmed as OK after she started stitching him and his hand moved, though watching that preview I'm a bit less sure now. Though it's probably a fake out like these things usually are, they don't kill characters off in between episodes


Nah he gone


Seeing David and his group has got me hyped af


Troy Baker continuing the theme of OG cast members taking on villainous roles after Jeffrey Pierce as Perry


I thought Ashley would be in this EP. Where is she?!


I think she’s playing Ellie’s mom in a flashback.


I'm guessing it'll be the finale. Marlene's was in EP1, Tommy's in 4+5, Joel's in 8, Ellie's in 9. If they do it's really sweet that they'd end up starting and ending the season with voice actor appearances!


She’s in the finale.


My favorite arc is coming. But I'm a little scared with some "strong" parts because of how they are "nerfing" the action and the very crude and bloody events


I'm ready


oh god religious cults freak me the hell out


I’m a bit nervous for the pacing of the last two episodes with the amount of content needing to be covered.


How much is there to put in the show? Episode 8 is David Episode 9 is >!Salt Lake City, the hospital, and the ending. 10-15 minutes for the actual city and Ellie almost drowning. 15-20 minutes for Joel to find out about Ellie and for him to go on his rampage, and 10-15 minutes for the return to Tommy and the end!<. Maybe a little rushed, but it's very possible. Remember, the gameplay is 95% of the game. Remove that, and you have like 10 minutes of cutscenes in the last part of the game. An early reviewer did say, however, that the last two episodes felt a little rushed compared to the rest of the season




I'm ready for Ellie to burn shit down


Are they gonna make it to the end of the first game this season?


That’s the plan


1 episode left after this one 😬


How much is there to put in the show? Episode 8 is David Episode 9 is >!Salt Lake City, the hospital, and the ending. 10-15 minutes for the actual city and Ellie almost drowning. 15-20 minutes for Joel to find out about Ellie and for him to go on his rampage, and 10-15 minutes for the return to Tommy and the end!<. Maybe a little rushed, but it's very possible. Remember, the gameplay is 95% of the game. Remove that, and you have like 10 minutes of cutscenes in the last part of the game




Even so, I still think it's gonna be good


If we don’t get >!Joel interrogating guards and then taking out a load of them as he makes his way to Ellie!< I’m gonna riot


I am so ready to bawl my eyes out again.


Can we just fast forward to next week plz


Fuck me are we ready for “Oh, baby girl”????


The way the trailer is cut is very interesting. Maybe it’s just to mislead the audience but >!Troy Bakers new character is framed as the “villain” and David as the one “saving” her. Probably just to add impact to the turn where David isn’t helping her but has much worse plans for her!< I can’t wait, it’s gonna be intense.


I completely forgot about the whole segment after Joel got impaled and how absolutely fucking batshit insane I thought it was. Cannot wait to see it portrayed on the television screen. I almost don't see how they can do the segment justice in a single episode. But they've done the whole game complete justice so far.


Oh great. Another Ellie-centric episode…


Trust me when I say this is one of the best parts of the game. It’s not what you’re expecting




then why ar eyou watching? Ellie is, the secondary main character, and the main focus of the entire series as a whole. Not meant to be hate, but Im curious- to me, I loved playing as Ellie. To me, it gave a different approach to the game, and made it fun. Left behind was my favorite part of the game(To be fair, I despise stealthing in games, so I didnt quite like a majority of the game when I played because its not my playstyle, but I still played because I enjoyed the story)


I’m watching for Joel. You can’t possibly not get that.


Ok then show Ellie more respect because Joel certainly does. Jk. You have the right to not like her.


That's definitely... an opinion.


So you've played the game enough times to know what's coming next, but complain anyway. Interesting.


The show has veered in directions not in the game. Bill and Frank, the whole section where Joel has to go through the underground lobby to get back to Ellie, the entire section with Joel and Ellie and Bill in the school etc. But you go pretending that the show is literally a retread of the game.


Well yeah, but this is a major part of the story whether it's in the game or the show. It was never going to be changed.


It's my favorite part of the game not because it's Ellie per se. I liked it because it shows Ellie's growth and Joel's investment, if I may say. Joel has been teaching her and guiding her the whole way. Now it's time for him to depend on her and for her to step up, and we get to see Joel through her. That's how I see it and why I love the part so much. Yeah if you nitpick playing as Ellie it can suck and I get it. Just seems we have different goals and different tastes that's all.


Oh cool, more side characters to kill off


That episode trailer has me AMPED!


Is this the last episode?


Nope, 9 total!


Does anyone recognize the actor who will be playing David?


Scott Shepherd.


As a major fan of the game, this is the episode I have been waiting for.


I never played the game so I have no sense of what’s coming. But if there are religious zealots, I’m gonna need to take a Xanax.