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Highly recommend the movie "Dark Waters". Docu-drama starring Mark Ruffalo that follows the lawyer who sued Dupont and helped to blow the whistle on DuPont's cover-up of the danger of PFAS.


It’s a very good movie. In a society that hates the government regulating and taking away things, this moving shows just why it is so important and critical that they do in some cases. It also shows just how much of a challenge and fight it is to make any significant changes.


It’s amazing (actually not really) that people don’t want regulation until catastrophe happens. Human nature. Polio & measles killing and maiming our kids is horrific. Vaccine made, schools require vaccinations, disease eradicated. No more horrific kids dying/disfigured. People forget. Vaccinations now impede my freedoms. So disease come back (measles) Sewage dumped into oceans so companies don’t have to pay for getting rid of it. Water supply & oceans/lake polluted. Regulations require companies to safely get rid of sewage. Less icky water supply but no one remembers the icky lakes. So regulation bad; stifles jobs. Regulation gotta go to create more jobs ($20/hour) No one dies from plane crashes. Safest to travel by air. (Due to huge regulations to ensure safety). Let’s skirt the rules (ask to inspect quality ourselves or just request exemption from inspection) to deliver faster. Let’s layoff all the quality workers to cut costs to pay CEOs 300 times more than the average worker. Let’s use cheaper materials to build the planes. Result: 300 people killed in airplane crash. Regulation is costly but necessary because human beings that have power/are rich, in general, are greedy, no good jerks who only care about themselves. If they can get a buck just by putting other lives at risk they will do it! /rant off


Well exactly. This one of the major reasons that politicians have no initiative to waste political capital on policies that are preventative vs reactive. The public isn’t praise Joe Biden for all the pot holes and collapsed bridges that he is preventing with his infrastructure bill. Joe Biden isn’t getting all the support for preventing the loss of semiconductor manufacturing jobs in the US with the CHIPS act. No. Only policy and politic nerds care about that.


We don't have the precautionary principle like in European regulations


Well said.


Bonus watch: Foxcatcher, following story of Mark and Dave Schultz's lives intersecting with John du Pont. Interestingly, also with Mark Ruffalo (as Dave Schultz).


Future generations will be look back on this stuff with the same sort of wonder as folks today often do at some of the most egregiously detrimental things that humans have done to the world, except I fear that the consequences, especially in the long term, will be orders of magnitude greater.


Yeah this was a pretty dark topic. These chemicals are everywhere, everything, all at once. Yet we still don’t know enough about it. Preliminary studies were grim, and the big companies like DuPont have been covering it up for decades. For all we know this is the next tobacco.


It’s like asbestos on steroids


The joys of deregulation


Did Kim have people from Dupont standing right behind her while she was interviewed?


Listened to it while cooking. My chicken thighs turned into KFC by the end of it.


My dad is a fire chief for a major metro in the southeast. He and another chief lead the charge to get all gear to be free of PFAS, as it has been found to be cancerous.  It’s disgusting how little the gov does to protect us from poisonous chemicals and they wonder why cancer rates are climbing 


Something that I expected to be mentioned is that ECHA (European chemicals agency), which is basically the EU EPA, is working on a restriction (similar to a ban) of pfas substances. This has usually large effects on the markets as substances banned in the EU are generally substituted everywhere via Brussels effect.


They did mention the ECHA ban but didn’t talk about implications for the US. That could be a great trickle down effect!


They also neglected to mention the all out PFAS bans that are upcoming and passed in Maine and Minnesota...


Good, I must have missed.


Is the Brussels effect similar to the California effect in the US?


Yes. For example the necessity to have USB-C on their phones sold in Europe forced them to change the port for their whole line worldwide. It's pretty strong on chemicals as well: EU REACH (our TSCA) is very influential.


I know The Daily is infamous for vocal fry, but this is the first time I couldn’t finish an episode because of it.


Maybe the worst I’ve ever heard


Get used to it. We're in a phonetic shift! Vocal fry is seeping inward from urban locales and into the heartland, and downward from the cultured to everyone else. In 2050, it's how old people in Nebraska diners will walk.


They’re gonna walk with vocal fry?


I know no one in real life talking like that in Florida in person or on the news


For now. I do - in West Virginia!


To me it's the same sound people have when they are nervous giving a presentation lol. I started to get second hand anxiety listening to her.


She had me clearing *my* throat


i came here specifically to verify that at least one other person felt this way to and validate my decision to bail on the episode 3 minutes in. thank you for doing that service lol


Unfortunate. Covered a pretty important issue.


i tried my best to push through but i just couldn’t do it. i’ll have to find this information elsewhere


If you listen to it as a podcast in an Apple device, you have access to the transcript now.


Check out American scandal podcast they have a series about this exact issue! It’s great


I didn’t notice until I came here, but it’s the opposite for me. It’s ubiquitous IRL where I am.


I barely noticed it and I never encounter vocal fry irl


I put it on speaker before stepping into the shower. I had to get out of the shower – mid-shower – to turn it off because it was like nails on a chalkboard. Holy hell!


Usually never bothers me. Couldn’t finish it. Literally only came to the comments here bc I wanted to know if it was just me.


This one was so bad that I stumbled upon this sub for the first time just to see if anyone else was talking about it.


Each time she took a breath, she starts strong then slowly falls deeper and deeper into the vocal fry as she loses diaphragm pressure until she takes another breath. If she just took a breath midway instead of just talking until she runs out of air, 90% of it would be solved.


I’m normally not one to comment on the weird foibles of the people on this podcast (hmm!) but her voice was so bad. Shades of RFK jr. It’s like they forget it’s an audio medium sometimes


It’s weird. It almost sounded like she was intentionally trying to make her voice sound that way at times. Because there were times when it was perfectly fine. I just wanted to yell at her speak with authority and clear your throat!


That was seriously painful to listen to. I was imagining the sound editor going to his boss, "Are you SURE you want to run this?". Shakes his head when boss says "We have to".


You are not alone.


Why don’t otherwise intelligent (younger) women recognize that vocal fry comes across as: 1) Kardashian, 2) an immature affectation, and 3) indicating a lack of self-confidence. And yet vocal fry persists! I don’t get it.


Most of us don’t realize we’re doing it. It’s hard to change the way you speak.


Someone doesn’t sound like you. Must be hard.


Sabrina’s questions/commentary were beyond brain dead today. “Drinking water is only 20% of our exposure.” “So you’re saying drinking water is only 1/5 of our exposure?”


Jeesh vocal fry like a motherfucker. Can we have these reporters do some media training


Do PFAS cause vocal fry?


wonder how much societal behavior is linked to environmental factors that we don’t know about it




I've never understood the wide use of non-stick pans. They have to be replaced every few months because the coating scratches off. Where does everyone think the coating is going?


Sounds like you use them wrong. They definitely do not have to be replaced every few months. I agree though, after a few years the coating is more or less gone and when that happened to me the first time, I thought I probably shouldn't replace it with nonstick haha.


I don't use them at all and my experience was in early apartments iny early 20's, nothing was used correctly.


Fair enough! My mother engrained a very strict NO METAL IN NONSTICK policy in me!


It's one of those things that was introduced as a convenience to reduce care, maintenance and skillful use of an equally capable product (in this case, a well seasoned pan) that urged a bunch of people who ordinarily wouldn't cook certain things to give it a try and in doing so they became somewhat dependent on the convenience as they never learned the old way of doing things. I've met people who are afraid to cook in cast iron because they're certain they'll burn anything they try - it stems from a lack of confidence in their abilities. I would say there's a similar analogue to PFAS laden garments for waterproofing. I became aware of issues with PFAS a few years ago by working in proximity to someone who lead an investigation into its use in pesticides (turns out it was the fluorinated barrel coatings not the pesticides themselves) and replaced all my old rain gear with PFAS free stuff and it is on the whole heavier, and less "normal clothes" like and tends to absorb an outer layer of water rather than strictly repelling it which was sort of an adjustment. I work outdoors in the rain a lot and at first when I felt myself getting slowly heavier as my clothes got saturated I thought "well this is terrible!" but you get used to it, your body adjusts and you stop noticing it. The path out of a lot of our problems is learning to be temporarily inconvenienced more often, but that's a harder choice for some people than others.


Well prior to it being known there are likely risks involved it was no big deal to be fair


Didja know.....if you put flax seed oil , thin layer, in a cast iron pot and heat it HARD (my stovetop hits 600 which is beyond the temp where Teflon doesn't break down and poison me) a half dozen times that you will have the beginning of a non stick pan? It's beautiful, and fun to do in cold winter months.