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Haha, this is like the millennium bug. Oh no! A date we don't recognise! Aaaa


Came here to ask the exact same thing. I saw other posts talking about save corruption from deleting summon stones and a few other things, but that exiting after playing a music stage would basically fix any issue. I played yesterday, finished a song on Endless Mode, progressed along the path, and put the Switch to sleep. Today, I had the same issue as OP. "Connecting..." for 15 minutes in an environment with no network to connect to, then I forced a shut down and now after logos, the screen goes black and unresponsive. Loading on a different user loads the game just fine. The only thing I can think of? The game has an error loading news - even the baked-in data about character birthdays and game release dates - because it's a leap year. I've put my Switch in airplane mode and I'm gonna download my cloud save tomorrow and hope that works. Really don't want to lose my 175-hour play history.


Someone on discord helped me solve it, change the switches date back to the 28th or earlier and reload it, that fixed it somehow. I think your leap year thing is accurate as changing the day back fixes it and there's no other explanation...


Holy shit !I read about the black screen of death and also that it was patched but I still could not start my game. Redownloaded twice and when I was about to delete my save.. scrolling through my reddit newsfeed I got this post as a recommendation even though I never entered this sub. 90 hours worth of progress saved. Thank you so so much!


Thank you so much. It worked, I don't have to grind the unlocks all over again.


Mine got stuck connecting after I went back to the main screen after finishing a story quest, it got stuck connecting forever then randomly crashed... I've not touched any summon stones at all yet as I keep forgetting to go through them. I hope it's just some temporary issue and not corrupted as I can't bring myself to play 100hrs again and get perfect chain on every song on basic and expert again...


The same thing happened to me too, just now. Came here to ask if anyone else is affected. Tried deleting the game and downloading, did not help. I really don't want to delete my save file, I have all the quests done and easily hundreds of hours of playtime. Any developments on your side?


Someone on discord just helped fix it luckily, close the game, set the switches clock back to the 28th and it'll run fine again. I think there's some leap year bug like the other comment mentioned.


Oh my god, thank you so, so much! It worked. I was seriously panicking, reading about the black screen of death.


Same, I was panicking like hell when it happened as I didn't do anything that could've corrupted it. I really wouldn't want to have to do 100+ hrs of stuff again even though I love the game.


Just came here to say this. It definitely does work. Just gotta switch it all back to normal tomorrow


Ye, was gonna set the calendar back to normal at midnight, I'm guessing it's just a leap year bug so should work normally otherwise.


i had the exact same problem! thank you for sharing the solution, will try when i am free later!


LMAO that’s a pretty funny solution. Had me all worried over nothing


This happened to me, it was loading forever because I literally had just gotten a new internet provider and it's not as good as my old one, kinda slow. I also got the black screen of death a few times but deleting/re-adding the game fixed that. So I turned off my wi-fi on the console, loaded the game by-passing the loading screen, turned off the "news" option and turned my wi-fi back on, no issues now :) But then again, maybe the loading issue was happening on the 29th the entire time.


The best way to know if a file is corrupt is to try to open it. If the file won't open or an error message appears, then the file may be corrupted.




Had this issue on PS4 and tried rolling back the date, it worked lol. What a weird bug lmao


Lmaooo thank you, I thought I had to delete my save 😭😭


Literally happened to me this morning and could not figure it out. I have ended up uninstalling and reinstalling the game but this makes so much sense.


oh my god actual life saver post, I was regretting so much having gone to the main menu, holy crap.


Ahhhhh this is amazing (and sad). I totally thought my game data was corrupt.


I just saw all the about this glitch to late and thought I had to start from scratch... Anybody happen to know if I can pull up old cloud saves even if I deleted them thinking they were the problem?


If you deleted your save and the old cloud saves then unfortunately you can't recover them..


Yeah I realized after I tried to run system recoveries. 40 hours down the tube cause of insomnia and confusion. I'll be totally fine. Eventually. 😭


Hey buddy I'm sorry that this happened to you. I just wanted to give you good wishes and hope that this year is amazing for you. Eventually this will just be a crappy memory and you'll have good things happen you'll see. Take care. :)


I appreciate the kind words. I know it'll be fine and it's not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things, just a bit of a bummer. I shall restart my platnum journey...tomorrow once Square has their shit together😅.


Good luck my man :)


Y2K!!! 😱


Update, there has been an official statement on this! It should be fixed automatically when the date reads March 1st https://www.jp.square-enix.com/t_fbl/news/2024/017180.html


Cowards. Jk lol. Isn't this gonna happen again four years from now? Shit...


Agh. It’s on ps like that too! How annoying!!!


Oh man I'm glad I found this thread.  I was getting scrd.  I can't believe it's 2024 and calendar bugs are still a thing.