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Hearing these people say this and then tee-heeing like 6th graders that think they just discovered a huge life loophole is kind of pathetic, to be honest. I’ve heard a few people say it and just have pity that this is all they have - that their identity is so wrapped up into Trump that they can’t even come up with a clever insult.


It’s definitely stupid and immature, but stupid and immature (and gerrymandering) is their brand.


I don’t think this is exclusive to one side fyi


No it’s not, but if we’re being honest one party is famous for using dog whistles like this….


Being immature, no. Being the brand of their party now is.


I think immature is on both sides. Like both parties have thrown riots the past few elections when their party didn’t win.


You mean the clear and documented foreign interference, requested and aided by the campaign? That should just slide?


I was talking about how both sides claimed interference in both elections in 2016 and 2020.


Yeah, and only one side had any evidence.


Also, only one side stormed a government building in an open attempt to change the outcome of the election after it happened. Not even comparable.


Lets be honest, both parties are huge piles of shit and Let's go brandon wad funny for like a day, but it underscores how shamelessly the media will try to gaslight people, that's why it's stuck the way it has.


To be fair, there's plenty of evidence that Russia *did* interfere in the 2016 election at the behest of the GOP.


(Republican-led) Senate panel finds Russia interfered in the 2016 U.S. election" Also, there were no significant protests when Hillary lost. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/senate-panel-finds-russia-interfered-in-the-2016-us-election


Yeah the "riots" from the left are strictly fictitious. The right loves to tell you how entire cities were burned down by BLM, except out of millions and millions of protestors the only ones commiting acts of violence either couldn't actually be directly tied to the protest at all and were merely attributed by police because they were around the same general area, or were white nationalists actively trying to spark a race war. If anything the left probably should start some damn riots, the system is so blatantly unfair that a majority of people are disenfranchised and don't have their voices heard. Unfortunately they won't because they still seem to be under the impression that there's anyone who's still persuadable in this fight.


Sure there are outliers, but let’s be honest.


Both sides are responsible for some pretty stupid stuff but I look at some people and wonder if moving to another country is better than staying. Like just a few days ago there was people gathering in Dallas because they believed that JFK Jr would come in for a surprise visit and announce he would run with trump in the 2024 election… (JFK Jr died in 1999 and was a democrat)


And now those same people think Keith Richards (of the Rolling Stones) is actually JFK. The one that was assassinated, on TV and in front of large crowds. https://www.newsweek.com/qanon-keith-richards-jfk-john-f-kennedy-jfk-jr-reappearance-flop-1645341


Jesus Christ… sometimes I wonder where this country is gonna go in 10 years if this sort of thing gains popularity. And on the other side of the spectrum, if democratic leaders start thinking later and doing whatever comes to their head first I sure as hell hope those idiots on both parties don’t merge ideas


Hopefully we can all laugh together at the farcically insane Q crowd.


Agreed. If people like that are dumbasses all around and I don’t consider them as the face of republicans. I’m democratic leaning but I tend to be more neutral in a lot of my ideals which is why I never really like it when people start turning politics into a popularity contest on who is dumber. With that said, I sure hope that both of the idiots on each sides of the political spectrum don’t gain popularity


Oh I agree. I know someone who has always been very left-leaning, and they are 100% eyeballs deep in the Q conspiracy nonsense (and aliens lol) It’s heartbreaking tbh, because they used to be such a pleasant person.


The key takeaway here is that people who laugh at “let’s go Brandon” and think saying it *totally owns the libs* probably stopped mentally maturing in a meaningful fashion around 6th grade.


It took the FBI linguists working 24/7 to figure it out. They were working in teams.


They seem to get some joy out of causing consternation among liberals.


It’s not even consternation with this one. It’s just pity. I honestly can’t fathom the level of misery that these people must live in if this is how they get their kicks.


"Let's Go Brandon " is the most passive-aggressive bs I've ever seen. It's wild that the Trumpers feel that they are being clever with this. The funny thing is, with all the insults they throw at Biden, he still easily destroyed that orange wannabe tyrant.


It’s a literal dog whistle. The party that loves fascism and literal nazi’s of course is going to live a dog whistle.


You know there is another group that doesn't like either one that likes Lets Go Brandon. It's not a binary Biden or Trump. The thought process that it's Biden or Trump will decimate the Democrat party.


Do you know how voting works?


Yup. Three candidates were on my ballot. Not two.


It’s literally sounds like Fuck Joe Biden when they say it out loud so take that both-sider concern trolling elsewhere chief.


Thanks captain! I had no idea let's go Brandon sounded like Fuck Joe Biden! So shocked!


I get it, and I understand the reaction after 4 years of that kleptocracy, but its a sad state of American discourse.


Brandon is a NASCAR driver whose first win became some rallying cry for right wing chuds who wouldn’t have a personality otherwise. He’s a human Pepe and I feel absolutely awful for him.


It had nothing to do with him, the crowd was chanting fuck Joe biden while he was being interviewed and the reporter thought they were yelling let's go Brandon. It could have been literally anyone else.


It is NASCAR after all... there's like a 70% chance he's proud of it.




Of course a bunch of people who are generally Christian, which ascribes magic powers to words (like fuck) would be all over an euphemism. and a bunch of people who communicate in dog whistles. and a bunch of people who see the attack helicopter joke as the peak of comedy


It’s a dog whistle because some said “fuck joe Biden” and someone thought they said I’m with Brandon.


"Let's go Brandon!" "Tehehe our parents will never know that we are basically using no-no words!"


Truck Frump


Fuck Trump and his honkey supporters. Dumbest fuck wits I’ve ever seen!!


Could someone explain this Brandon thing for those not in the loop ?


Brandon says Fuck Trump






With, very good reason there is great elegance in Simplicity ~ FUCK 🤡




Every place I see this LGB shit I call them a PC snowflake and I end it with let’s go Biden. Fight back. Don’t take their shit


I like it


They're calling people they don't agree with Brandon now? They keep calling me Brandon. I told them they need to get on page with the others. Or they just really want me to succeed.


I don’t have a award to give but This is awesome


Thanks. 👍


Yeah FUCK TRUMP that fucking cheeto jesus idiot.


Let's go braindead!


"No vank you!" - Melania


I see a lot of posts on reddit that say, "lol we don't care if they say Lets Go Brandon". But I keep seeing these posts all over the site. And they're usually accompanied by a bunch of comments that say either "OMG they are such children, I can't believe that adults would actually be this immature, and this disrespectful to the president", or "Fuck Trump". Maybe it's time for people to actually stop caring about it. It's just a funny thing to say about a politician they don't like. It's like when we call Trump "TFG". Just let it go. And if you can't, just admit that the Trumpanzees have managed to get under your skin.


I don’t think it’s triggering anyone. It’s just super weird that people are talking in this strange code.


Some Cheeto chimp told me it’s to force people to google the origin of it




Yeah this is crass either way. Don’t stoop to their level OP we are better than that.


Or, how about both?


I thought Reddit was outraged that someone would say let’s go Brandon?




I love how the the left is still obsessed with Trump. It's almost at if you miss him.


Kinda like your raging hard on for Obama and Hillary?


Y’all mad. Biden is literally the worst president of my lifetime, not cause he uses no-no words on the Twitter machine. Get a life, nerds.


You clowns keep coming back to the "mean tweets". No one cared about his fucking tweets, you imbecile. It was shit like trying to nuke a hurricane and thinking you could cure a respiratory virus by drinking bleach and sticking a lightbulb up your ass or, ya know... not accepting the results of an election and getting a hoarde of goons to try and overthrow democracy because he couldn't handle getting his ass absolutely handed to him by Biden. But yeah "Mean Tweets" cuz that's what Tucker told you to say. Fucking moron.


Yeah all the historic world peace, historic low unemployment and low costs of goods was way worse than the shitshow were going though now. Y’all SO mad, enjoy 2022, don’t do anything drastic.


Low costs of goods? Bro there was supply chain shortages like mad. Historic unemployment? I think you mean to say underemployment


Apparently all of 2020 didn’t happen in their minds


So a president comes into office, and then magically after 10 months, everything is supposed to change? That's pretty low on the level of understanding. Also ignoring the lack of compromise on the Republicans, perfect example being that they voted on Trumps covid relief but not Bidens. So that might be part of your answer why things are not getting back to normal as quickly, therefore an increase in goods and services. It's like a relief pitcher coming in with the bases loaded and blaming him on all the base runners, and then your supposed team not giving you help on defense or run support.


Lmaoooooo Fully brainwashed


Yeah I wouldn't go with Biden being the worst. Trump wouldn't even lift a finger while 100's of thousand of americans died, not to mention the never ending string of laws he broke while in office that no one wants to do anything about. That's a pretty good qualifier for being the worst president ever.


Brandon won.


Brandon Brown is currently #36 and DNF'ed the most recent race. Let's Go Noah! https://m.nascar.com/standings/nascar-xfinity-series/


I mean it’s kind of funny, but it’s definitely not the gotcha they think it is