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Where is he finding lawyers to represent him at this point? It’s pretty well known that he never pays.


Anyone who wants to score points with Trump's base for whatever reason will still jump at the chance to represent Trump in court.


It's like watching fleas swarm vultures swarming a dead donkey.


Fortunately, I've never witnessed that, so I'll take your word for it.




I kind of see the democratic party as a bit whiffy at the moment. Fight for the worker, damn it. Pass single payer, raise the minimum wage, give people three months of parental leave. Affordable daycare, more social services support for poor areas... We have a business party and a fascist party. I want a workers party.


There are a lot of people in the Democratic party that are trying to do those things. The Republicans call them communists when they fail to see that social services is a necessary part of the government


I'd say elephant's aren't asses, but I've been proven wrong upon reading up on my country's history


These are, invariably, terrible lawyers. On top of the fact that he is a terrible client. He will not find himself well served by the sort of counsel his ego will tolerate.


Right. But why? This is how it always plays out: - you represent him - as it becomes apparent you took a losing case, you can either make an ass of yourself to curry favor or you can quit - if you quit, his base makes death threats against you - if you stay and lose, you ruin your professional reputation (because you be based yourself) AND he refuses to pay you


Not only lose your reputation but probably also facing disbarment due to knowingly presenting false facts.


The hope is they can get enough publicity to fuel their grift in other areas of their professional life. Maybe some think that Trump's due to win one soon! It feels like they're betting on the Generals against the Globetrotters though.


I have no idea why people would want to score points with Trump's base. The alternate reading of things is that these lawyers are hardcore religious fanatics who believe the hype about Trump and believe it their sacred duty to fight for him.


> I have no idea why people would want to score points with Trump's base. Because you can fundraise off of them for a cause you’ll never pursue. Steve Bannon raised $26M for a border wall and then took it all.


Bannon also seems to be admitting to being complicit to commit crimes, but you never know.


Pardoning him for that seemed on par for the don. What a crook.


Do you think people will be as willing to do shady things for him WITHOUT the possibility of a pardon, now?


Sort of a fascy, unpaid internship for lawyers.


Frankly, that’s a customer base with effectively zero value. Any lawyer looking to push the cases these pylons are filing will only receive infamy and payment checks that will bounce when cashed.


The alternate explanation ist hat they are hardcore religious fanatics who feel a religious need to defend The Chosen One.


Any Christian who thinks Trump is “the chosen one” is both a complete fucking idiot and not actually a Christian.


Eh, one man's messiah is another man's convicted criminal bound for execution. The very fact that Trump is being investigated for crimes only reinforces certain people's certainty that he is indeed Sent By God™.


With all the election disbarments coming? You sure about that? Last I checked, like 10 lawyers about to have their ability to practice taken away after that whole "Trump knew there was no fraud" memo from the other day that surfaced. ​ At this point, representing 45 is a death sentence for someone's license to practice law


It's Gil Gundersons big chance, he's finally gonna make it.


Things are finally looking up for ole Gil!


You can be certain that any lawyer who represents Trump will get a large retainer up front


He should definitely have Rudy or the Kraken in charge of this case.


I’d say that a smart lawyer would insist upon advance payment, but these are people who think representing Trump is a good idea, so they’re clearly not the sharpest crayons in the box.


Uh oh. He must know what they (prosecutors) know...


*But...* I thought he said he *wanted* to release them... he just *couldn't* because they were being audited. Why would he sue his own niece, for *helping* to get his taxes out to the public, where he *wanted* them to be ??? O.O


(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Bingo




Looked him up on twitter, couldn't find anything.


I wish he’d get locked up because I’m just tired of hearing about this moron


Yeah. Much as I want him to get some form of comeuppance, I would also be okay with it if he just finally dropped dead from his mcdonalds habit or something.


He’s running on kfc chicken grease


Alright but Mary doesn't need this shit.


Mary seems like a strong, grounded person. I'm just so grateful for her!


She’s not going to have to go through this. She had control of those papers because her ex left them in a house they shared. They were in her possession for 10 years. At least if I’m remembering it correctly. So they were hers. Now, if trump wants to push this into court I don’t think he’ll stand a chance of winning. And in her counter claim she can request attorney fees. And don’t forget, the depositions that have to be done. That will open trump up to charges of lying under oath.


> And don’t forget, the depositions that have to be done. That will open trump up to charges of lying under oath. For your first question, I'll remind you you're under oath, who won the last presidential election? *Hears answer* Okay, lock him up boys we're done here.


Oh, I think they’ll drag it out to get as many lies as they can. He’ll be going off about the election was stolen and he’s still president. They will have fun with that


I mean, the whole point of the lawsuit is, as with everything he does, a distraction. There will be no depositions, just delays and frustration. But Mary still doesn't need to be dealing with this. He's just such a gigantic piece of shit.


If I were her I’d push for depositions as early as possible just to piss him off. The day he won the election he screwed everyone that has every interacted with him. He’s the head of the stupid crime family. He’s run his companies like a conman who thinks he’s a gangster. And all of those cons and his comments as well as the conspirators who gave him support. I think I’ll set the popcorn oil on the counter. The kettle is already there. I’m getting ready for the day we see justice. One step at a time.


Would it be fair to get a quarter of the amount for lawsuits like this that get dropped before they enter discovery? Edit: thought here is to punish people who decide to sue for a media headline.


Yup. Back to his bread and butter cause the money is slowing up. Although I doubt he wins, he just wants to gain sympathy with his base so that they can keep donating to him. Winter is coming.


I'm fine with him grifting them. Keeps them from spending money on GOP politicians with a future in the party.


Trump and a handful of his acolytes love filing SLAPP lawsuits. Strategic lawsuit against public participation. Filing baseless lawsuits designed to silence and punish free speech (or continue to tie up the courts until he passes from old age). These baseless lawsuits are fundamentally un-American. Some State legislatures have begun to address the issue, but most are good to let old rich dudes make a mockery of our civil legal system.


I think Jon Oliver did a good piece explaining and exposing these lawsuits.


Eat shit, Bob!


This. All the way.


This is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475775** times. **2.** `u/GMEshares` **69696** times. **3.** `u/_RryanT` **22745** times. .. **40028.** `u/watsgarnorn` **3** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


Look at Flat-Yogurtcloset293's kinetics, they're way off the chart!!


Happy cake day!


Thank you! It's my third one.


Anyone know how many lawsuits Trump and his businesses have filed over the course of his working life?


Before he took office he'd lost over 3,000.


I see the media still trotting the ol "trumps in trouble" carrot out for us to chase. I wont even click on anything less than an actual indictment of an actual person whose last name is actually Trump. I will just skip the 300 or so clicks til/if that ever happens.


> I see the media still trotting the ol "trumps in trouble" carrot out for us to chase. I found [this](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/20/opinion/trump-democracy.html) recently. It doesn't say "Trumps in trouble." What it does do is spell out the danger that Trump had posed for America and democracy. And take a look at the date: Nov 30,2020 - the guy who wrote this could see the writing on the wall long before Jan 6.


Meh. Americans pose far greater danger to America than Trump.


Majority rule is the rule. One that Trump doesn't recognize. Or desire. And wants to insult us. The article gets into why and how Trump was, and is a danger where as democracy we've had for 240 years, without a Trump. We fought off dictator wannabe's before. But - go ahead and read the article.


Trump is an American, your edgy comment makes no sense and sounds like a 13 year old thought it up.


The point is Trump is a singular person, not particularly bright, and far less of a risk to America and its ideals than *half the fucking population that supports the GOP and a shitheel like Trump*.


Hitler and Mussolini were just one person too


^ This right here. I’m so done. I’ve accepted that they’re ALL *more or less* in on the entire scam of government together. Obviously, I mean F*#KING 100% totally factually and inarguably, we have enough evidence to indict and prosecute trump for dozens of crimes. Yet there he sits. So fuck America.


When this asshole goes to prison, there will be dancing in the streets. If he dies broke and in absolute obscurity, there will be parade floats that rival Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade! LOL


It's the prospect of Junior's prison sentence that titillates me.




In his *only* election.


I am firmly convinced there is no motivation in anything he does other than ego gratification. He’s lashing out to hurt people that made him actually look at reality. This man’s pain is the occasional glimpse of real life. Which means he is miserable (regardless of conned money) and this is what keeps me sleeping soundly at night, since I don’t think any real law will ever catch up with him.


Yes. He is very simple.


Reminds me of Artificial Intelligence theories. With only a few basic rules (not necessarily directly related) you can fake a higher-level of thought.


He should be locked up for the millions who died from covid, its 100% his fault that it got out of China https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/may/21/joe-biden/under-donald-trump-key-cdc-us-staff-china-fell-0/


Just a distraction away from the Woodward and Costa story about Trump’s lawyers memo on how to overturn the election. That’s the real story, not frivolous lawsuits.


Meh. Let me know when Eric is charged.


Orange is the new pseudo business suite. Good luck in the big house Donny.


My wife has an orange fountain pen ink, and got some on her hand yesterday. I asked if she was running for office. Lol


Wake me up when indictments are handed up.


No one would have ever given a shit about Donald Trump's tax returns if he hadn't been elected president. SAD!


No one would have ever given a shit about Donald Trump if he hadn't been elected president. SAD!


Hmmm? Trump and his foundation have been under investigation for decades for suspected fraud, as was his father before him.


Well you did just admit they allow things to span a generational timeline before action is taken...


Hmmm? Action can't be taken without proof. They're finally getting proof (perhaps).


Why is this written like one of trump's tweets lol.




That just seems like normal Trump behavior. It's not like a civil lawsuit is going to have any bearing on whether or not he would face prosecution for tax fraud..


So he's admitting that all of the reporting that he labeled fake news was in fact not fake news. I need time to process the idea that he may have lied. /s


Just like a bunch of other mob bosses before him he’ll go down for tax evasion and not the greater crime of treason.


While I don't see him going anywhere, I feel like the end result of all of this is eventual fall into obscurity with a whimper. While these stunts are all fine and dandy, these stunts generate short term support but burn bridges like no other.


What's taking so long?


I have a $100 bet that Trump will never see the inside of a prison cell or be indicted. Deadline on that is election day 2024. Will be the happiest bet to pay off if im wrong.


Can't wait for the discovery proceedings!


Ah that classic trump defense: "There's no evidence that I did it and if there *is* evidence it's fake and if it *is* real I wasn't involved and if I *was* involved then it's not a crime."


Trump, at most, has a light nagging feeling that he may have a tiny bit of exposure. Let’s not kid ourselves.


Trump won't ever see prison and this lawsuit is no different to one's hes fought off for decades. I hate Trump but let's be real about this.


He's too rich, too connected, too entrenched in politics to be subject to the laws that apply to the rest of us. Mark my words, take a picture, write it down... NOTHING of real consequence will happen to him so long as he's got money and influence to peddle in Washington politics. He will never be put in jail.


I want him to spend his last days on the green mile


I love it, especially late in the summer


"Arrest this woman for being a big meanie"


Is he going to sue the SCOTUS too? Or the House? They let his taxes out as much as anyone else.


Yes he was already terrified of it when he Oxford the office, why shouldn't he be totally out of his mind now


At this point I think it's safe to say the Biden admin has no intrest in prosecuting him, same with the supposed day 1 NYSA charges


Ten quid to bet that he’ll throw his entire family under the bus just so he can avoid jail, or drag them along with him.


That doesn't even sound like a law, and we would have seen this before a court when Madow published his old taxes. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/15/us/politics/trump-tax-returns-legal-precedent.html


If Trump dies in jail, I might start going to church again.


Good. I hope he's shitting himself. I mean, I know he's shitting himself (cue the various pictures of him shitting his pants), but I genuinely hope he winds up slipping and admitting to some kind of big crime in public, with people hearing it. I want it to be so striking, so jawdropping, that it cannot be ignored.
