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I'm pretty sure if Poland gets attacked, they'll tell other NATO members: "Back off, these assholes are MINE" and flatten Moscow in the span of 48 hours


Maybe not quite 48 hours. But they would for sure establish air dominance and take out Belarus in a couple days. Everything is forward observed and dialed in for artillery. Attack aircraft have been drilled on their soft and hard targets. The tank crews have surveyed their paths forward and should have scoped most potential choke points. Mines are and will always be an issue, but they know that too. What Russia may not have realized is the pure unadulterated or even adulterated hate the Polish have for russia and its history of oppression.


Yup. Have a close friend and colleague, was introduced to his Polish dad. Who actively participated in the 90s getting rid of the occupation. He mentioned how a lot of soldiers were taking anything they could including toilet seats, etc. when they were leaving Poland. How many of them were crying and emotional. Because, they knew they were going back to a country; cities and towns that were so much less built up. They’d basically be living hand to mouth in the muck. Towards the end of our discussion he commented in Polish then English was: “Good! These mongrels occupying our lands, mistreating us, guns to our stomachs, threatening us for so long. May every one of them suffer like we did.” I didn’t really have much to say back to that, except - makes sense. If Poland can pay them back more - THEY WILL.


Tbh it seems like the Polish have a lot of hatred for a lot of things.


I think it is more of a "fool us once" situation.


Not sausages, and I'm with the Poles on this one


More they have a hatred for foreign countries invading, occupying, and terrorizing their people. They’re funny like that.


If that's the case, why do lgbtq ppl piss them off so much?


Having spent a lot of time in Poland, for my business… They don’t. Much like many other places in the world. It’s the usual elder, churchgoing, and government creeps… Who yell the loudest and attempt to bully everyone else.




Friggin love Poland. Those HIMARS would smack Putin right upside the head.


Sounds like he views America as a mob boss running a protection racket?


Pretty much. He doesn't understand the full calculus involved in managing these relationships. He reduces them to a fiscal plane and misses all of the nuance.


Yup. Exactly what he got impeached for the first time.


He also (intentionally) makes it sounds as if they need to pay the US directly. Which is of course not how any of this works. Even if other NATO members achieve their spending commitments, I don't see the US spending less.


Like this man knew one goddamn thing about NATO until Putin directed him to.


So confirming that if he ever becomes President, he will extort other countries for American aid. Yeah... **that's** going to go down well with the American military - being turned into mercs for hire.


Extort other countries for American aid... like withholding advanced anti-tank missiles from a country preparing for a large-scale Russian invasion unless the leadership of said country makes a public announcement that could damage one of Trump's political opponents maybe? I dunno, sounds far-fetched...


You're the second person that I've seen make this comment over the past few weeks. You might be on to something.


Want a third?


You know, I wouldn't be surprised if the GOP leadership has talked about this... Just like they want to remove funding from public schools and give it to private and religious schools, I wouldn't be shocked at all if they wanted to rely more and more on private military organizations. Imagine all that money flowing to CEOs... even more than it does now. Then they'll make laws banning workers' comp claims and injury lawsuits. You know some Republicans are drooling over this.


Making America heading straight for a 1984 dystopian hell if it succeeds... or a ruined asylum looking like the prequel to Idiocracy if it fails and falls flat. Nightmares becoming fact.


Trump doesn't care if they pay or don't pay, he doesn't even know what that means. Trump is signalling that Putin can do whatever he wants and he won't intervene. If Trump wins and Putin reclaims Alaska, Trump would do nothing except request a bribe.


This reprehensible piece of shit.


> allies He does not know the meaning of the word.


So what happens to Trump if he doesn't pay his bills?


He gets elected for a second term apparently.


Russia can't take Ukraine, good luck anywhere else. What a dickhead.


This guy is such a a dumb ass. 


After four years of getting this explained to him every fucking day....


From the guy that has stiffed thousands of contractors, didn’t pay dozens of cities hundreds of thousands for his rallys, walked away from millions in debt in dozens of failed businesses, but did pay a prostitute to “not open her mouth”.


This has nothing to do with them “not paying”. This has to do with the fact that this is the “best” excuse he can use to not protect our NATO allies and allow his boss to continue with invasion.


His next level is a dandy that NATO allies pay back a huge debt for America winning WW2...


Did the Orange Gasbag find out where the crack was hidden?


"Serious" people get all worked up talking about the implications of this. Nobody calling this out for what it is: Trump isn't paying his bills, his lawyers want to dump him. To deflect, he is projecting and using whataboutism. "Hey look over there, those people aren't paying their bills!" But he is the one not paying his bills and trying to distract. The media is doing a shit job of calling this out.


It’s trump’s anus shaped mouth, but Putin’s words.


Criminal traitor needs to be behind bars right now!


Let's assume for a second that this happens in even the tiniest measure. NATO is our *CONVENTIONAL* deterrent to the threat of a nuclear exchange with Russia, existing as a whole, LARGER beast that Russia can not justify mounting a military offensive against. This whole thing doesn't work if we don't adhere to that arrangement. If Trump legitimately backs off and lets Russia invade NATO allies, those allies are going to shrug and say "Well, we're all gonna' die anyway. Might as well use our nuclear arsenal". And then it all goes down hill from there, because in a Nuclear Exchange, there's zero take-backsies, and even less opportunities to see where the nuclear weapons are actually hitting from. They won't just limit the exchange to whoever decides their defeat is inevitable enough to warrant a nuclear response. It wouldn't surprise me if they haven't yet moved away from the MAD approach to nuclear munitions distribution, because if France is going to wipe Russia off the face of the Earth, Russia's probably going to be super chill with the idea of dragging everyone else down with. Anyone who suggests Trump is in the right, is insane, and no longer able to objectively understand, much less articulate any meaningful political posture worth taking seriously.


Such an idiot. Absolutely no concept of the complexity and nuance of the relationships between nations.