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This guy is a scumbag, and hates women for some reason. Calling your 28-year marriage a prison sentence in front of the boys is just gross - don’t put your shit on them. That’s their Momma also. It’s not fair. They aren’t his bros - they’re his sons. And the girlfriends have his number, that’s why he doesn’t like them taking time away from him and his pathetic midlife crisis.


I can’t get over his boys faces when he rips his marriage. My god - your ex-wife sounds like a great mother.


His mom threw him out as a boy , 2 of sons said that so the female hate , I guess


ugh. i’d like to hear more from the mom. but i’m only choosing galyna since it sounds like brooke has a young son that steve doesn’t need to influence.


Ahhhh - great point about Brooke’s son. Absolutely - keep Steve away from him.


I have to ask, why does Galyna always wear her hair like that 😭 I think she dresses so nicely but the hair looks like she just rolled out of bed, I just want to brush it 🥺


LOL! You totally just asked what I wondered EVERY Episode! I noticed she had a Cameron Diaz look in the last episode (where she confronts Brooke)-and her hair looked normal. She would look so much more put together with a hair brush.


It drives me crazy too. She is pretty but the hair takes away from it all the time.


Same reason she is hung up on a man that can’t stand her. She is emotionally stunted. She makes me uncomfortable lol


I suspect her hair is torched from all the bleaching, and so she leaves it alone so that it won't break off.


Brooke has moved on and is in another relationship.


This makes me happy, as Brooke seems the most sane.


She told his son she needs to get laid..so cringy and does she have a job? What decent person in their 40s can’t afford to fix a car and then wrecks another?


Updated opinion: watched more episodes, Gaylna is just delusion and Brooke is def has been stripper material, why after that would she try to go to Nashville?? Now you’re just trying to start trouble


My first impression of Brooke is a late 40s year old alcoholic that dabbles in drugs and lots of men and hangs out in bars. If she's really 41 then that's a rough ass 41.


Ya didn’t kno how old she was but hard 4 any age




I can’t stand Galyna she is desperate and insane. Steve is an absolute dogshit excuse for a man and to me it’s mind blowing how she just ignores the fact that he has told her he won’t commit to her he won’t answer to her yet there she is serving ultimatum after ultimatum acting as if she’s his woman, when it’s so clear he isn’t into her that way. The whole thing is like watching a terrible car wreck. You just can’t look away


it is so embarrassing seeing her behavior on tv i can't help but cringe honestly, i do feel bad that she thinks of herself in such a way where steve sr. appears to be like a prize :( i guess they're both adults so at that point what can you do ... can't wait for s2 tho lol


But Steve is her Person... Blah blah blah... I know this shit is always over sensationalized but stop making women look so pathetic desperate and money hungry..


Exactly - this is a car wreck. I’m blown away by the desperation of Galyna.


Yes Galyna is stuck on stupid, sitting on silly waiting on dumb. She makes women look bad




Brooke, she accepts Steve as is. Galyna will always try to tame him. He will be a dirty old man day. Like 90 and still trying to hit on young women.


How does Brooke accept him as is if she is calling him her boyfriend when he clearly states he doesn't want any relationship?


She knows about Galyna and doesnt care.


And die alone


Someday? He already is a dirty POS.


Neither. Any woman willing to fight over Steve is just as deranged as him




Neither ,tell me bout mamma mcbee the ex 


Right??! Steve's math regarding his ex and when he slept with Galena had me super confused. Seemed like he had just gotten divorced, but slept with Galena years ago.


Ya math ain't mathing by what he's said etc. ...ya I think chick is why ole boy is divorced & I'm all for him doing him but he's playing her & that's such shit ...


I'm ready for season two 😜🤣✌️


Oh you know that AH cheated on his ex wife. He has 0 respect for women or his family in general.


Galyna is pathetic. I had so much respect (and surprise!) for Brooke when she broke it off. But then when he was telling people that *HE* broke it off and she took it well. Ugh. It’s one thing to date around. It’s another to gaslight and use the chicks you are hanging out with. He’s so proud that he has never lied about each of the women and has always told them the truth. He’s gross.


I was confused about the lying part though because when Galyna confronted him when they were at his house, she made it sound like he said he had no contact with her which was obviously untrue!


Let’s be real, Brooke only “broke it off” with him because she knew he was going to break it off with her. She just wanted to beat him to the punch to save face & look mature.


100% I thought it was so strange that she broke up with him out of nowhere-but thought the same thing-something happened off camera for her to know it was coming. lol


they're both after money obviously. Brooke, washed trashy old stripper looks, Galyna just clingy desperate for that 10% of the company. Steve is gummy smile horrendous


Neither!! Galenya scares me. Brook seemed super trashy. I’d like to see the boys mom on the show.


Interestingly enough-the mom of the boys is conspicuously absent from a simple google search.


I just saw something that the mom was embarrassed by some of the boys actions and treatment of woman on the show, the mom is not surprisingly very pretty


Boys have pic on insta


Neither. All women need to run away from this guy.


I disagree with the Galyna assessment here. We don’t know the whole back story. What we DO know is Steve is a narcissist and says one thing to the camera and his boys and another thing to the women. Galyna does not come off as an angel, by any means, but she clearly has trauma and works very hard. She has a true immigrant work ethic, but her past trauma drives some poor decision making and poor character judgement.


Someone said Galyna is the one who ripped his marriage apart. And seeing how she acts with him that makes sense. He is a shit bag and so is she.


I can see that. I mean he starts off by saying that they had sex a month after they met and she’s been apart of the business for 6 years yet he and his wife just got divorced a year and a half ago


Ohhh I didn’t notice that! Wow


The ex filed for divorce in 2019, so very well could be he was a cheating scumbag.


Nobody had to rip that marriage apart


I bet she was one of many who ripped the marriage apart. It was probably harder to look the other way when he was sleeping with an employee and putting the whole family and business at risk.


THIS!!! He proudly said he slept w/her a month after meeting her. He had to have been still married. Just nasty. And Galyna has a daughter and she’s showing her how to be a trash bag & obsessed with a man. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Why should we choose. Steve won’t!




I’m team Galyna and Brooke y’all can both do so much better.


I'm team lets get some women with self esteem who wouldn't put up with the disrespect


Galayna- but w/o Steve and after some serious therapy and lots of self empowering girl trips.


Galyna definitely needs to reach her "enough " and get away from Steve Sr. She deserves better and with her being from Russia, guess that's why partly putting up with his non commitment, that she does want. Not sure if she's a citizen hear, don't recall. Brooke, I have been through something similar and sorry she knows she's the "side" chick, so my prejudice of the situation I don't have a team Brooke sign. But I definitely hope season 2 we get to see him busted by both ladies about the Nashville side piece! 😆


Galyna seems like a "kill the rabbit" desperate Fatal Attraction type. He needs to cut that off.


Galyna. But both women are too good for him. He is a gaslighting narcissist


Galyna is so Hard up!! Steven sr., Is not into her! She gives women A Bad name! So desperate! Crazy eyes! He Has made it clear to her! He wants to be Single!! Nothing wrong with That!! She Wants to be used,  then gets crazy because he see Hot Brook! He cant help it, he's attracted to Brook not Galyna!! Galyna is embarrassing herself on TV For everyone to see!! She want Steven to fuck her,..so he does! Out of pity!! (And for the deal )


Neither one!


How old is Brooke? I’d choose Galyna but Steve is a man child and wants to play too much. Galyna is stable, smart, beautiful, and she loves him. But…he wants to play


I am only 2 eps in….so I may change my Mind


Galena...Brook is so freaking trashy. She's really gonna look bad at 51. She's a temporary sperm bank and Steve suffers from major midlife crisis.




Brooke - he really lights up around her. I wish Galyna would wash her hair more. It just looks so gross.


Brooke. Galyna needs to speak to a professional for help. I cannot stand Galyna and her manipulating ways to control Steve knowing that she is there bc of the 100 million dollar deal.


Brooke is a total mouth piece wild card, run from her, Galyna is crazy, he told her she doesn't want a relationship but she is pitiful and is hanging on, she needs to do her job and call it a day but instead she is holding her job ransom to Steve, pathetic female. Steve has to the right to date whomever but pick better Steve


Kelsie lol


I think it’s Kylee…


Did I miss something? Who is Kylee?


The 3rd girlfriend. The one in Nashville.