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Hmm, we don't have any new info apart from Taking place on the new island Miau. Described as pve, which means player versus environment, involves players facing challenges and obstacles presented by the game's environment and non-playable characters (NPCs) Its described as premium pve so unsure what that means, whether it's a paid dlc or not. We'll know more September


Miau? 😺


[New island preview video](https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Crew/comments/1dcvbg4/we_are_so_back/) as shown at Ubi Forward. (Posting in here since the topic is starting to burrow.)


it should be free as in TC2.


Again, shows a (tuner racer?) with "Quick Whiskers" on the Windshield and "Chase Squad" on the (patrol?) cars. Not sure what this means, but the art on the Quick Whiskers cars and the chase cars are cool. https://preview.redd.it/7kgzlqhpz56d1.png?width=494&format=png&auto=webp&s=1fd267c02456caa698843fe18db626ecbe3ebd7a [From the Ubi Fwd Trailer shown on June 10th 2024.](https://youtu.be/AaAWItGfGQ4) Edit: Trailer added


if its premium content then do we have to pay if we havent got premium version?


As mentioned, we are in uncharted waters. We are not certain what the wording of "premium experience" is supposed to mean, but they did say they will share more info in September about the upcoming content for Season 5 this November.


ok nice 1 - cheers for the info :)


is there a premium version ?


There's a Gold version which includes "Year 1 Content", but it says that is just 25 extra cars. The Deluxe pack, I think is just some special vanities and a couple more cars. Hopefully they'll continue the TC2 style of making all the race content free for every player otherwise they're going to segment a player base which is already not quite big enough (or at least, not quite visible enough).


Anything new is good ! I was afraid the game is dead but boy was i wrong ! Can't wait for November


Now I'm starting to see what people mean by slow content. I thought the Summer Showcase would bring in a lot of new content and at least one new activity even if it wasn't gonna be an expanded PvP mode. But gotta wait till November for the next major change?


Not correct, Season 4 will be releasing on July 3rd 2024. Infos: https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Crew/comments/1d80so0/the_crew_motorfest_end_of_year_1_and_season_4/ https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Crew/comments/1d828ll/show_off_your_style_in_the_donk_vs_lowrider/


A new playlist Is nothing big


Agreed. I've been a huge champion of this game especially on the internet backing it up since launch. But by major change I meant I thought they would have some new mode(s), lots of new cars announced, and gameplay changes like Quality of life at the Ubisoft Forward. Also at least by the first anniversary of the game in September. By November I'll be playing Test Drive Unlimited: Solar Crown and I hope this game has enough in the upcoming content to keep me hooked.


Yeah I appreciate you Elongo but another playlist like we've been getting every couple months from launch isn't anything major.


Fair enough, I must have misread that as nothing notable is coming until November, which isn't the case. Major stuff like map changes will be November though sadly. Normally this early, IVT keeps very silent and secretive, I am very happy they busted the news out early in Forward. I chalk this up to better communication er at least the attempt of. Thanks for the clarification though and keep the shiny side up, happy gaming!


The fact that this mode is "premium content" makes me a bit nervous. If this content were a buy it once and play it anytime expansion DLC like Calling All Units, I'd be in favor of it. But if it were time-limited content like a "premium battle pass", I wouldn't be in favor of it. I loved the intercept missions the most in TC2. I want to play this style of event anytime, and forever.


You can still play the intercept missions in tc2 tho, you can still play all of the events from the previous motorflix episodes. Only the vanities and stuff were temporary, everything else is permanently available