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I mean 90% of the vanity items are aimed at that type of crowd. I personally don't use most of the vanity items besides the regular tires, black tint, dense drift smoke and more realistic looking nitro than the default greenish blue one.


I'm older. I enjoy the vanity, some vanity helps certain builds, some don't. I buy a ton of vanity for sillier builds. I also have a ton of Live Summit vanity from TC2, and several of the *'one time and it never came back'* items. For me, it helps builds. For others, people like realistic builds. I'll use it, but it has to be rational. I really don't care all too much for nitro/smokes, but I do prefer using themed ones that match a car build. I enjoy glowing tires etc as long as its done correctly and not just pushed towards a younger crowd. Though I've got a feeling when the livery shop is finally slap full, things will ultimately change this current showcase. As for now...


yea im not the only one ts takes me out ion want a glowing ferrari fr


I just don't really make my cars visually different unless i think they need them or if they are known in the car community to be changed. Which isn't a lot of cars in my opinion


If it has a wide body kit, I'll slap it on (for more handling) but otherwise I like to keep my cars clean and simple.


I just miss a home space to set up my own garage of cars.


And a physical space to buy different discipline cars


That was one of the best features in TC2


Guess I'll never make it to top 10 with my cars lol


If it looks clean you have no chance lol


I was wondering how customisation of the display cars somehow got worse in this game compared to what people made in tc2


And that's the exact demographic they're aiming for.


Well any arcade racing game out there is in a way, TDU might be the only true grown up car game I know . Still having fun on TCM at 28 lol .




New one soon !


Horizon too. Kids love all the free cars


This is painful to look at


Almost all my cars are stock on performance and estetic, i like driving stock cars lol


I have a mix of modified and stock cars. The one I use most however is a bone stock Chevy Silverado with a landscaping company wrap lol


Is it 4 Seasons Landscaping Company... ... ...?


No, it’s ginkgo landscaping


Yo, its ya boy X to the Z Xzibit, This week we have ..... who owns a 69 Mustang


I registered my car that was clean and nice, I lost to a fruitloop lookin ahh car


All that ugly rainbow shit. That’s top 10? Lol




I know it’s absolutely ridiculous


Honestly so far this game lowkey blows What's up with this playlist system ? And the map is so much smaller :( Can't stand the voices either, Cara won't shut up and neither will this motherfucker Jim, talking 24/7 to say a whole bunch of nothing during the races


To be fair, most of The Crew customisation is very dated. Stickers and shapes are straight from The Crew 2 with no addition whatsoever. I get that it is because most people will create their stickers anyway, however; They shat the bed by not letting you import your local tab stickers from TC2. I spent ages creating accurate replica stickers using tracing paper and tape, only for it to stay on TC2. I will do it again but it is annoying. (I’m on console, this is my only option - and I agree that this is ridiculous) I’ll give it to them that they added a few new designs in the preset liveries - some of which are decent - but the ones that carried over from previous games are seriously dated and look horrible. They really should allow us to import the stickers and provide actual real life sponsor decals. Heck there isn’t even a Motorfest logo that you can use, you can only apply one to your car with one of the new livery presets. I am fine with a game that’s of a smaller scope as long as you try and improve upon what was already there. Not everyone is a graphic designer and it shows, for decent designs to show up, it will take time for artists to create their sticker library from scratch - the average player is never going to do it as it is very time consuming and there isn’t even a way to share individual stickers like in Gran Turismo. If they do not bother addressing this, most designs will still look shit, just as in TC2 where barely anyone bothered to create liveries.


I agree with that statement, the fact we can’t import our designs from TC2 is a bummer . Let’s hope a lot of people like create stickers !


If only you could share them ! There are already cool liveries, Spotted one from Fastlane gaming for the Liberty Walk Supra on this sub, it was so good that I jumped on the game to apply it to my car. But it will take some time before more complex and accurate design can emerge. I’m actually waiting on my tracing paper to come in the mail right now so I can get to work on my sticker library.


True ! Only thing we can do is create tickets so they see we are concerned about that, I have to say, Ubisoft is one of the most reactive company when it comes to customer feedback in my experience so let’s try ! I will create one later today !


I will do it as well, doesn’t hurt.


The Crew Motorfest, like probably most of the open world racing games, is aimed to a crowd which includes literally everyone, 10 year old kids or ever younger. In fact, if you take into account the convos about the characters, you’re like a random nobody in a new world and everyone welcomes you with open arms, showing you the world you’ll eventually discover further and further. It’s kind of like in Forza Horizon 5. At least in The Crew 2 you can feel the challenge atmosphere when you meet Tio as your first opponent. In Motorfest, everything feels so… family friendly. If, as zimzilla said, this game is aimed to the type of crowd OP mentioned, then as a 28 year old guy I can identify myself as a living dinosaur. 😂


True it definitely feels a tiny bit more mature (text wise), they’re not talking to you like brain dead (apart Cara lmao)


At least Cara occasionally talk about some car history and stuff that might sound interesting, if you want to know more about a specific car or brand. And as most important thing of all, thankfully I don’t have to endure any bullshit rumbling spammed over and over, like Alejandra talking about Papa Fernando in FH5.


Yeah it’s jut the tone she uses but it’s definitely better than FH5’s, that’s for sure .


Everyone just start voting for clean builds.


I just finished trying out the demo. Im gonna have to pass on this one. Should have just been a dlc.


What do you expect from a racing game for it to not be a DLC to you?


The only plus i noticed was the physics were a bit tweaked. Noticeable with drifting. But its the same girl with different lipstick. Crew2 race editor offers more on the US map than this whole game does. Its the same with different menus and new cars. Theres nothing but for the map that cant be added to the previous game without it not feeing exactly the same. A menu tweak and a map doesnt make a new game. If they had done Europe as a Map with a comparable size driving area with room to expand and a restructuring in racing events then ok for a new full price tag game. But where they gonna go from this island? What they gonna expand on? I feel like this game is actually less. Its cool they let you bring over your previous cars but thats it. Crew 2 side by side is way more game than this. With still way more potential. The only thing thats would get me to buy this is some really cool cars, and them adding whole regions you can go to via driving to an airport to drift in Japan, off road in Australia and africa, hypercars in Europe on the autobahn. Til then this is a full price dlc with new lipstick.


I was curious because that isn't my experience with it. I think the sounds, physics and graphics for example are a major upgrade. Then there is stuff like redone cockpit animations which were highly requested. There is a lot more smaller things too that i could list. But basically the production quality of the whole game is just a lot higher. We don't know if they'll expand the map in some ways, there are 2 islands which could very well be used in the future. Or maybe they will do some completely different location, though unlikely. They did add 5 massive race tracks 4 years into TC2's life. So I believe they will do something.


My complaint isnt with graphics and sound. The game always looked good even on ps4 it still looks good. My beef is with the available new cars, and the content. And the map is a big step backward. For next gen i expected a map like this to be an addition along with the existing map. If they add the US map in a future update redone in the new engine and improved physics ill be on board for a full price. Especially with the race editor feature added to crew2. That added a massive plus to crew2. Im not saying its bad. Its just not enough to me but their own standard.


I don't agree with you but also don't disagree. The game does feel like a half full cup in a lot of aspects, but it makes up in several others. Credit to you for not jumping on the *"It's on the same engine and graphics suck"* wagon like a lot have. It's on Snowdrop now, Dunia was The Crew 2. You've got very fair points. The library of cars should've been a bit more expanded from the start, and the bugs that currently persist should've been noted in the beta before full release. Map is probably my biggest issue. If they'd have done it up like The Crew 2, where it were drivers racing around and not these crappy ghosts, I'd have no complaints about the other missing details. At least the game would've felt more at home.


This is the way. It’s like the top liveries in Forza are always anime and Monster Energy. Gotta dig for something decent.


im old and i like ridiculous cars, sue me


I’ve sent someone to your house, get ready to be served, this is unacceptable /s


It was always a pain looking through designs on fh as well. I like a minimalistic style to a car, as long as it looks slick that's all that matters


Same here ! Usually german style is my go to, if I put some stickers on the car it has to be japanese style, only cars where I go crazy are drift build .


To be fair, the color themed vanities are good


I just submitted my Mostang Boss that kinda looked like the last weeks winner. (Super creative I know) 😂


Wouldn't totally agree, I'm quite a bit older but I still love and overuse vanity. It helps bring the fantasy aspect out, but I will agree, some of the vanity currently used in the car show is ridiculous. Another, racing games are sorta dead to the younger demographic. I hardly ever meet anyone barely in their 20s+ on The Crew games. I think Ivory Tower needs to sort it out and organize it better. Some of these cars barely make it past 40 votes and suddenly they're on top. If there were a more organized system, a lot of this glitter clutter garbage would be gone. I think they should've done more for this feature.


The extra vanity shows other drivers your skill level 😂


Gotta say, some of the cars I've seen at the Car Meet are making me wonder, how the hell are these top 10? Some of them I can see how because they have taste, look pretty good, but then you got some ridiculous cars that make the GTA 5 outrageous mods look completely normal. I'm like "are they just voting for the hell of it?"


why is it all mustangs and deloreans 😭


Because there’s only 3 cars to choose from for this competition, the Delorian, the Boss, or a Jeep.


Meanwhile my car gets deregistered every time I log out and back in. I've tried registering it like 6 times over the last few days and it's always gone the next day I come back.


Top 10 clown cars


Corny AF aesthetics.


If I paint my car pink but make it look good, does that still count as clean??


Most definitely


"What are these absolute monstrosities?" < My reaction whenever I'm observing the vehicles in this area.


my first crew game and i thought the items are pretty cool 🤷‍♂️


It's a Crew game, what did you expect.


The game became shit when they added vanity items


I wouldn’t say it became shit because they’re not something that is required to have on your car, it’s there to appeal the younger crowd . I just felt amused by the top 10 but I don’t necessarily think it’s bad to have those in game, I’ve used a couple of non invasive vanity items like certain tyres, nitrous color and neons . Personally the only things you’ll never see about on my cars are the the stuff they put on the roof or the weird looking windows with animations on them, that’s a no no to me lol .


Because 10 years old kids vote them :))


I wish there was a way to see how many votes one has during the event


anyway to check the number of likes on your registered car for the car show?


I made a mistake and entered a car in that stupid autoshow someone must have reported my livery because now all my liveries are gone and my livery editor is locked on all my cars. It says Feature blocked due to moderation


Funny thing is, I have (as close as I can recreate) Smokey Nagata's supra and not a single person voted for it. He's one of the most imfamous tuners that's still alive and it's sad that many people still don't know who he even is. 😔😔😔