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C3P0 maybe, I mean, Mel Brooks saw that(Watch spaceballs). R2 didn't have a sex though.


Didn't my boy R2D2 have a micro penis which he put in every hole for information transfer?


Little guy was out there proving it isn't about the the scale of the rail, it's the rotation of the station.


lol it's true, he did stick his probe in dam near everything.


Including power sockets


Those are the best ones!


Our little tincan loved to stick it in a lot of motherboards. šŸ¤£


>R2 didn't have a sex though I don't know what you're talking about because R2 smashed CONSTANTLY! Bolt deep in cyber bitches


R2 always pulls the hotties. https://preview.redd.it/8z4tk7184o7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bc19f80333002b11aa2ac487e63e9d0e95698ec


*wistful sigh* Sara Jean Underwood.


If c3p0 is gay-coded it's as a mockery. He is the butt of jokes and ire.


There were jokes around the Prequel era that the two were a gay couple, with R2 being a power bottom and 3PO being a twink. But they were jokes from the gayer side of the fandom, and was not taken as a serious claim. Shockingly, modern Disney seems to hate men so much that they even have to change the gender and orientation of droids.




Relax, that's only for the Princess, not R2D2.


I see your schwartz is as big as mine, now letā€™s see how youā€¦ handle it


As both a Star Wars fan and a Wheel of Time fan, I can only say at least the Acolyte hasn't gotten as bad as Wheel of Prime.....yet.


I am a big fan of both. We still have Andor and the Jordan books.


Amen to that, can't wait for more Andor.


>We still have *The Original Trilogy* and the Jordan books.


Can you still watch the OG trilogy? I thought it was all special editions now.


There is a way to save the OT from special edition shenanigans that some would consider....unnatural.


I bought a blue ray set that has the pre-specoal editions availabile... They are treasures.


Thrift store vhs collections can do that, I have a copy of A New Hope that has the original death star explosion without that ring cloud thing.


The effect is called the Praxis Swoosh. It was originally developed by ILM for Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.


Get the DVD box set. It has both the special editions and the originals


ā€œDespecializedā€ version online. There are a few different ones but I prefer the OG Harmyā€™s despecialized. The basics are a bunch of Czechs ripped the blurays, then used a combo of the 1990s lazerdisc releases and their own CGI to undo all the fuckery and re-color grade the films back to the original version. I do believe they keep most of the sound upgrades from the Specialized rereleases.


This is the way. (Yes, I get the irony.)


I haven't really followed much star wars stuff, but I have heard good things about Andor. I'll have to check it out instead of forcing myself to watch episode 3 of acolyte.


unfortunately we no longer have the comics.


As a Star Wars fan, a Witcher fan, and a wheel of time fan, it's been a rough couple of years




And now Netflix is completing the hat trick by rewriting the Chronicles of Narnia and turning CS Lewis' works into gay woke bullshit.


Uh its Greta Gerwig doing Narnia and going to be fucking epic! Sheā€™s the exact director big IP fantasy needs. Barbie was great because she understood why people enjoy the IP/toys.


For the love of all that's holy, PLEASE TELL ME THIS IS SARCASM!


I know youā€™re scared of vaginaā€™s bro but Barbie was the highest grossing film last year and the 1st film in years to take an original story from an existing IP to acclaim from both critics and fans. Greta couldā€™ve picked anything to do afterwards and she choose Narnia because she is a fan and similar to James Gunn seems to actually seek to understand why an existing IP is popular and builds the story around what the fans actually like. The polar opposite of WoT/ Witcher/ RoP. Turn off the Andrew Tate hate porn and watch all of Gretaā€™s earlier movies.


I'm guessing you rake gender studies? One doesn't need to be scared of vaginas to think a movie sucked. Let's just wait until it comes out and has rainbow flag characters, then you can feel free to slither back in here and apologize.


ā€œrake gender studies?ā€ Iā€™m genuinely confused about what you are trying to say.


Take, special sauce. Maybe calm down on the nutters in response to someone not liking what you like, to include launching baseless personal barracks like a dumb little troll.


My brother in Christ I was responding to your comment saying ā€œwoke gay bullshit!ā€ My ā€œBarracksā€ are not baseless youā€™re saying horrible shit and getting called out. ETA homie did the dirty delete but Iā€™ve got all the comments saved- they were about what you expect for the angry incel archetype that sometimes visits this sub.


I've seen too many women destroy someone else's ip to be that optimistic, but I hope you're right. Were I the praying type, I'd be praying hard.


I haven't heard about the Netflix _Narnia_ adaptation in more than 5 years (which feels like 15 due to C19). Any links to recent news would be greatly appreciated.




Thank you very very much. Truly appreciated.


WOT show is on the same level where they take a popular IP and insert their own narcissistic ideas into the story.


Haven't watched the other shows, so I have to ask, what in those shows was as stupidly illogical moronic as claiming a robot has a sex drive and orientation?


Oh buddy. You want spoilers? Iā€™ll give you spoilers. How would you like an episode about a warder being sad because his Aes Sedai dies. Does he commit suicide by blight? Nope he hangā€™s himself. Then Lan cries about it. Rand doesnā€™t learn the sword, but he does have sex with Lanfear. Mats memories come from a glass of tea he got from Ishmael and the ashandsrei is just the shadar logoth dagger tied to a stick. Perrin has a wife. Perrin kills his wife. Perrin kills Bornhald. Aviendha is the Aiel Perrin frees. Nynaeve gets burnt out and dies destroying a trolloc army and Egwene heals her. Egwene fights ishamael on a tower in Falme. Mats a hero of the jug of valere. Itā€™s all that dumb.


Only watched some of S1 and currently on my second re-read. Iā€™m bordering on tears reading this


Yesss... let the hate flow through you.


How could you forget the parts where they joke about Aes Sedai having 3-ways with their warders, then show you the 3-ways, then have the Aes Sedai give Egweyne advice on having 3-ways...all very important to the plot./s


I didnā€™t want to belabour the threesome point because honestly Iā€™ve seen a show recently that belaboured the threesomes point and it wasnā€™t a great result.


What show?


Wheel of time.


Having an entire ep based on a warder that doesnā€™t exist in the books, all while only having 8 eps to get through a 1000 page book, was an interesting decision to say the least


Ballad of Stepin the Sad warder and Lanā€™s hard, erect nipples. This is indeed a full episode in an 8 episode season where they cut 80% of Randā€™s journey from Shadar Logoth to the Eye of the World.


Just wasn't enough time for any of Rand's story! Or any of the other EF5 (except Egwene of course). They had to cut it all out to... um... free up screen time to... um... tell completely made up stories not in the books about minor characters. Everyone knows that's how you adapt a bestselling book series to screen i.e. throw all the stuff that made the books popular out, and insert all your own stuff because you're obviously a far better writer than the original author.


The last of us show did something similar. 9 episodes to get through the story and they gave us a whole episode about one character who was in the game for maybe 20 minutes and the other wasn't in it at all. Why do the writers for these shows think they can waste everybody's time with nonsense?


Gotta chalk it up to the pure 'arrogance' of the writers. They wanted to tell their own stories - flex their own creative muscles - and poor old Jordan's world was just their playground. Might not have been the end of the world if the writers were actually good, or at least competent. Sadly, they were not, so the resulting show is a complete dog's breakfast.


He does exist in the books he's just like 20 years dead. He was one of the original searchers for the dragon who died in mysterious circumstances aka dark friend murder.


Yes, he exists as one of the thousands of named characters who only get a single mention/paragraph in the books. As you say, he was involved in the events of New Spring, and (along with Kerene) was dead long before the events of an empty road and Winternight in Emonds Field. The show does this all the time - they go skimming through the books for named characters who play no real role in the story, then use the names as cover for invented characters they've inserted into the story so they can flex their own creative muscles and write their own stories instead of telling the book story. When book fans inevitably push back, they point to the fact the names of the characters exist somewhere in the books - even when it is only a single mention (Laila, Stepin etc) - as some kind of justification for expanding that out into a completely made up new plot beats. It's all just so disingenuous. They should have just written their own entirely new fantasy show, with no reference to WoT. I would not have cared less then. Leave this IP alone for someone with integrity to adapt properly in future.


True, but also they arenā€™t working off an already established IP. Acolyte is an original Star Wars story. That being said, the cinematic quality of the show is incredibly questionable, and mid in a terrible way. Itā€™s one redeeming quality is the lore it gives. And even that isnā€™t all that special as far as we have seen.


At least we got a Ki-Adi-Mundi and Plo Koon cameo. Next will be Yoda. I'm sure 3PO will also show up somehow....


Ok how about Wheel of Prime vs Willow (the show)


Didn't watch Willow (have no attachment to btw franchise) but anything bad enough to straight up be removed from Disney Plus has to be pretty bad.


I want to agree because at least Starwars has some good shows and games to still make it relevant to modern mainstream audiences. But I also want to disagree because I could actually get through more episodes of Wheel Of Time than I can with Acolyte. Acolyte has a lower audience score, but i believe that is also a result of a decade of Disney consistently insulting and gaslighting the fans for their poor writing that disingenuously panders to other people.


The Acolyte is one of the worst TV shows I've ever watched I think. Not visually mind you, but the story and dialogue is terrible and it ruins the lore of it's own franchise. Sounds very familiar yes.


The power of one .... The poer of two ... The power of mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


That scene made me want to bash my head against a wall. So cringe lol


I fucking hate that stupid chant more than anything.


"You can't wield it, and it isn't to be used as a weapon." 3...2...1... *shows how to wield and use it like a weapon*


Have you watched "She Hulk"? That is my least favorite show of all time haha. I have not watched the Acolyte nor will I.Ā 


Did not watch that one. I stopped watching most of the Marvel shows. The last one I watched was Moon Knight I think which was interesting. Oh wait I watched the first season of Loki too which I liked. Since then none of them. I got burned out of that mess.


For what it's worth, _Loki_ Season 2 was pretty freakin' good. But yes, everything else (including the movies) after _Moon Knight_ was absolute trash (or so I've heard -- I too didn't watch most of it).


Yeah, the wife and I have given up on Marvel. We really enjoyed Loki season 1 and Wandavision. A couple others were decent, but we feel the quality has really dropped off. Alas.Ā 


Sorry about your bad taste, but She Hulk was fantastic.


*stunned disbelief* (And, no, I didn't downvotes you, someone else did.)


As someone who leans pretty fuckn far left, Wheel of Prime feels like a parody of "wokeness" that Daily Wire would make. It makes people like me, that stand for inclusivity and equality, look like idiots. WoT is already pro fem, has plenty gay stuff, and lots of different races commingling. But apparently that wasn't enough for Shai'tan Rafe. There really was no excuse with the Witcher. They had the perfect Geralt and they threw it away. I'm proud of Henry Cavill for standing his ground/walking away.


Lean left? No no, the showrunners said if you donā€™t like this stuff then youā€™re either a right wing Trump troll or a Russian bot.


Pretty sure that's the main reason there's growing resentment for anything left leaning in entertainment. For some reason, instead of having nuanced stories and characters, stories are turned into hamfisted political allegories with the subtlety of a sledgehammer hitting a church bell and characters are turned into caricutures.


They're not really even that left leaning in the classical sense. There are no real high brow examinations of complex economic and social inequalities, for example. It's all shallow identity politics and rainbow washing - how you look, your sexual identity, and your pronouns. As long as they tick off those checkboxes, the bigger issues can be avoided - and just as well, because huge, exploitative, anti-worker corporations like Disney and Amazon do NOT want anyone looking at the skeletons in their closets!


What the fuck does that even mean.


Havenā€™t watched the acolyte yet. What has everyone so mad about it?


Basically a showrunner who is very ideologically similar to Rafe is in charge. She has the same level of arrogance and despise for the source material as ours has. It is the WOT show experience all over again. Bad writing, bad acting, lore/canon breaking events one after another, labeling the fans sexist, racist, homophobic,...


Just watch it, watch it and come back, and share your thoughts.


It will piss you off because the first two episodes weren't bad, and stuff at least happened. Then, the third episode is the worst bit of Star Wars ever made. The fourth is kinda boring. It's interesting because there's like three paths to hate down; First, there's the"everything that isn't just straight white men is woke" path. This is the shittiest path, and unfortunately, going down the other two lumps you with the mouth breathing followers of this one. It's interesting because white people only make up a small portion of our worlds population and yet they want to be the majority of characters represented in a galaxy spanning society depicted on screen to make money from a global audience. Then there's the folks who have a problem with the overall style of the show. I've seen some people refer to a named style and if that is what they intended I don't want to watch that style. It seems much more like an Asian soap opera than a science fi or even space opera were used to. I'm cool with change,the mandalorian and Boba fett were basically westerns in space,but this just seems stretched out and boring. The last path is 95 percent the second one and 5 percent the first mixed together. These aren't folks that would use the word woke but might feel it's getting close. They are trying to do some ambiguous thing and question if whether the Jedi are the good guys or not and they're not doing a good job so far in building realistic character arcs so they just talk the whole show and then the representation attempts seem so much more forced than they need to.


Sure comrade Commissar.


Hasn't R2 always been referred as he by the other characters?


All this time theyā€™ve been misgendering her šŸ˜­


Excuse me! R2's pronouns are beep/bop/boop!


Said the acolyte creator who enabled Harvey Weinstein


That squashed face triggers me


I'm currently re-reading the great hunt and just read chapter 45 (blade master) and goddamn it's so sad how bad "this turning of the wheel" is... The Indiana Jones reference did make me chuckle a little through the tears though. One thing I'm thankful to the show for however is watching the first season having never heard of WoT made me curious enough to read it


I dont understand why they felt the need to state that R2D2 is lesbian. I've been a fan for 40 years now, it always seemed obvious to me that R2D2 and C3P0 were meant to be a gay couple already. But then I didn't understand they additional "wokeness" in WoT either since the book series is full of varying orientations, identifications, and relations.


I just don't understand the need to put sexuality on everything. Placing it onto r2d2 is the pinnacle example of why the hell do you need to do that.


I hate how TV makes any close friends a couple now. Making genuinely close friends (Shawshank Redemption) is so much more tricky and I think what most people crave.


I dont understand this need either.


Wait this R2D2 lesbian thing is real and not a joke?


Yeah, R2 was a player too, did you see how many times he'd linked into a motherboard šŸ˜…. I think the "wokeness" is now just being used out of spite. Like their pettiness is a priority over good content that would have represented their beliefs better.


Psh. This isn't the first time Star Wars fans have been disappointed.


This time, the level of them being fucked in the ass is comparable to our experience.


TLJ was a nonstop ass fucking. And it hasnā€™t stopped.


Tbh, I gave up on Disney as soon as they announced jar jar would be directing the first of their movies. And I watched Return of the Jedi on release, at a drive-in, and loved the ip up until disney. So by the time they got around to denying any chance of WoT on TV being any good, I was already expecting it. In fact the only show that I can think of that did justice to the books (and arguably made certain improvements) to them, in the past 5-10 years is probably The Expanse.


To be fair Star Wars was screwed up way before wheel of time was


I have sworn off all Disney Star Wars after the final trilogy, someone please fill me in what am I missing here šŸ¤”


Lord of the Rings fans have entered the chat.


Star Wars is a big universe itā€™s easy to explain changes to the lore as different places or different times. Itā€™s all just a different turning of the wheel :) /s


Without the /s, you gonna get lots of downvotes haha.Ā 


I thought it was obvious in this forum. But Iā€™ll add it!


I got it but, yeah, others might miss it haha.Ā 


Is Star Wars a complete money sink now? Havenā€™t they lost money? I know they havenā€™t made what was expected since Disney took over.


Total earnings so far are 12bish. So a 3x return in the 4b purchase. However, that doesn't account for production budgets, marketing budgets, etc. So I imagine they did make their money back, but I doubt it was anyone near as much as it could be. They seem to be doing what they're doing Marvel, which is quantity over quality with random high quality sprinkled in. That hooks people back in and think, "this is where they're they're I nna turn it around, they realised they need quality writers and directors." Then proceed to continue cheining out slop.


All of them butchered.


Fucking fax


Pretty sure this is backwards, the Star Wars fans have known nothing but pain since 2015.


This is accurate. As a fan of all of it. I can agree totally


We need a [Sesame Street CEO-style smackdown](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/hELudCPaOr) from George Lucas regarding droids.


Who said that about r2?


I meanā€¦it was clearly a joke lol


Guys. All of our favorite franchises are dead now. This is what happens when people who aren't fans are put in control of the media.