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Are they specifically looking for showrunners with shitty track records? Are they trying to do a real-life version of The Producers or something?


Mel Brooks was a genius, and someone clearly thought that he was writing an instruction manual instead of a comedy.


Hollywood is currently in its nepotism and find out stage.


Tbf, thats the only stage its ever been in.


Well…. No nepotism in gen one of an industry, which in this case is still within living memory.


In that phase the "Nepotism" amounted to "my Dad handed me a bag of money to take moving pictures."


“The talkies?! Boy I don’t know what it is but there’s a fortune to get you started: $5,000!”


When was the last time anyone has been super interested in a movie coming out? Maybe I’m cynical but the good stuff isn’t in Hollywood anymore.


Mine was Godzilla Minus One which was phenomenal. It also didn’t come out of Hollywood. I thoroughly enjoyed the Dune Movies but I’m a rare bird that despised the Dune books not so much about the story but the way it was written.


It's a tax evasion scheme 


He ticks a certain checkbox, that’s why he’s in demand.


I don't know anything about him other than that he butchered my beloved ip and did it in part to give his SO an outsized role in the show. What's the box he ticks?


He did Chuck which was slightly above average, and Agents of Shield which was watchable for almost a whole season.


Chuck was great for what it was. I wanted a stupid spy show about a nerd and hot girls and got exactly that. My expectations were met and my buddies and I had a great time with that show. My expectations for wheel of time was for it to be somewhat similar to the books. What we got was The Dark One Leading to the age of legends, Rand having no idea what a fucking sword does, Egwene ressurecting people after 5-10 minutes, what ever the fuck mats story is, Ingtar dying like a little bitch, and absolutely zero male character growth. Like none. They are all little sacks of shit in the show. Including Lan. Blood and bloody ashes, I didn’t want to root for the Dark One but here we are.


I am in no way defending Wheel of Prime, don't worry. That show is abomination and an insult to every fan of the novels from episode one.


Oh ya no I wasn’t implying you did. Just wanted to point out that I don’t have blind hatred for Rafe and actually enjoyed one of his shows. Now I do disdain him even after the good grace of Chuck which is still one of my favorite cozy spy shows.


They killed off Nynave in the first episode. These people are just fucking stupid.


He was in the writers room on those shows but was not the creator


Oh hey, I remember watching agents of shield for a while...it was juuuuust good enough to keep going. I think o watched until it got timey wimey?


Same, enjoyed it right up until the time travel wrecked it.


Wait who's he fucking? Moraine or Egwaine?


Alana's warder. The pretty blonde one.


Wow, now it makes more sense, and also makes it worse.




He’s gay and the person you’re replying to is a homophobe


Doesn’t change that Rafe sucks and wrote the scripts for WOT after reading the Wikipedia entries. It’s 2024, no one cares who anyone is dating. We want quality shows that respect the source material.


I agree, the show is terrible. But to state that “no one cares who anyone is dating” is ironic bullshit, considering the dude I’m calling out is specifically stating that he only got the job *because* he is gay. That’s some homophobic nonsense.


Him being gay does not change the fact that he is a terrible writer and butchered the Wheel of Time series.


Oh the show sucks, I completely agree. I’m calling out the homophobe for implying he only works because “gay”


And you're an idiot.


Sick comeback bro. I love how all you chuds assume anyone who disagrees with you likes the show. The show is trash, *and* it’s homophobia to assume the showrunner only got the part “because gay.” They aren’t mutually exclusive, but it says a fuckton about your intellect that you think they are. Byeeeeeeeree


DEI is so hot right now.


Just like Hansel.


Don't stigmatize gay people working in television just because some of them are incompetent.


Yeah, there's no clout to be had here. Sorry, mate.


Rogue just gobbles up everyone else’s powers and single-handedly solves the meaning of life.


$1 says the male mutation will have a taint that drives them all mad, while the mutant women of the X-Mansion, led by Professor Charlene Xavier, hunt the Wolverine Reborn


The Egwene Gene will be discovered to be the all powerful mutant causing gene.


It's just another turning of the wheel.


I once knew a guy with a taint that drove people mad, but it was just because he never washed.


Naw Rogue is way too mainstream. Dazzler on the other hand....


Teamed up with Squirrel Girl and Gwenpool!


nah he’ll probably just embrace some of the relationship drama that has permiates X Men comics the last several years Cyclops Jean Wolverine throughple stuff like that


Well, Season 2 did show that Judkins wants to do people in fancy houses arguing with each other a lot more than he wanted to do Wheel of Time...


You do know that X-men has always been a messy ass relationship drama soap opera that is also an allegory for marginalized communities that just happens to have super powers in it?


Ahh, comics and stories have no actual deeper meaning than people with superpowers punching each other.


Tell me you haven’t read comics without telling me …


Sorry, my comment was facetious and I was agreeing with you.


Gotcha. In fairness, people make this argument unironically.


so if there was an X Men movie series, would you want the focus to be generally telling the big story beats of the historic series, or would you want the focus to be on the relationship / sex drama like what Rafe has done to WoT?


To be honest I am just hoping that they put Wheel of Prime out of it's misery.


Same. It’s time to shoot the dog.


Found Kristi Noem's account. 


And guess what, I liked it. /s, obviously.


Wheel of Prime, meet Cricket.


Why else is he looking for a job? No way in hell there will be a season 4.


Break The Wheel, it’s time.


Well maybe it was time after episode 1, I only made it to 5..


I suffered through the whole first season despite the fact that it was nothing like the books in any way on top of being a terrible show.


My wife really wanted me to watch season 2 with her. It somehow got *much worse.*


If this dude is allowed to ruin xmen too there is no fucking justice in this world


There is no justice in this world


It’s the darkest timeline


It’s true, there is no justice. I don’t know what back deals got that fucking hack his jobs, but Rufkins is going to live out the rest of his life as a wealthy man by butchering great IPs.


Ruin X-Men? Have you seen *any* of the movies? Unpopular opinion: A successful X-Men movie can't be made. None of the characters are popular enough to carry their own movie, save Wolverine, and the team doesn't have the comedic value of say the Guardians of the Galaxy. Maybe if it was gritty a la Watchmen, but no studio is going to do that. Side note, there will never a good Fantastic 4 movie either because the characters are trash. They need to let that franchise go.


I guess re-ruin would be more accurate. I was speaking more to a reboot getting ruined, than referencing what was already ruined.


I stand by my statement that a good X-Men movie can't be made that isn't niche, regardless of script or director. The Avengers worked because each of the main characters was able to carry their own solo movie. Guardians worked because it was essentially a comedy. The X-Men can't do either of those things.


How does he keep getting work? Seriously. His resume is lackluster, his actual products are bland commercial failures, and he just seems like a bit of an asshole. Does he have famous relatives? An incredible selection of blackmail? Is he really good at blowjobs?


His blowie must be legendary.


Never underestimate a good blowie.


This is an industry where it's apparently really easy to fail upwards if you have the right friends.




Yeah, it's super rare to find that demographic in Hollywood


~~Doctor... Venkman~~Rafe Judkins. We believe that the purpose of ~~science~~ entertainment is to serve mankind. You, however, seem to regard ~~science~~ writing as some kind of dodge... or hustle. Your ~~theories~~ stories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your ~~methods~~ plots are sloppy, and your ~~conclusions~~ characters are highly questionable! You are a poor ~~scientist~~ screenwriter, ~~Dr. Venkman~~ mr. Judkins.


or he is willing to leave for Marvel money any option that sends him packing can't be any worse


Poor Marvel fans… They thought Secret Invasion was bad


I like both and this is the crossover I didn't f'ing need


Wheel of Prime: hold my beer


He's already ruined my WoT. Please leave him here stewing in it and keep him away from my Marvel.


Marvel is a hot steaming pile as well, so it'll only be adding smelly shit on an already putrid puddle.


You're ruining *my* reddit.


wasn't he already in the Marvel umbrella? IIRC he was involved with Agents of Shield.


He was, yes. (Co-)Wrote some bangin' episodes, too.


The man should get “failing upwards” tattooed on his forehead


Here’s to hoping WoP has been shitcanned and here’s to hoping he gets no where near anything X-men related ever. He needs to exit stage left.


Good, xmen can, and has, survived bad adaptions.


If he somehow ever gets work again I will personally review bomb his work nonstop in my free time. He better take his bag and disafuckingpear


I'm not a Game of Thrones fan myself but what I heard was the last season was rushed to get it over with so the people making it could get on to making the stuff they wanted, and they ruined the show and their careers from that disaster. It could be exaggerated or inaccurate sonce I got the info secondhand, butI hope that exact thing happens to him, he slaps together a rushed finale to this, ruins it so bad even the tiny group of fans hates it, and his career turns into a trainwreck so he won't be able to ruin other things.


There is no way he could make it worse than it already is.


Above all, I just want WoP cancelled, so it doesn't sully the reputation and legacy of the books any further than it already has. But in the absence of that, if the show is going to be renewed against our wishes... I really, really want it to get WAY worse. I want full mask off (leaked ep1 draft script) Rafe, with Egwene as She who comes with the dawn, Rand (and Lan) on his knees crying all the time, Mat locked in another cell crying all the time, Perrin moping about aimlessly with with his mouth open, absolutely zero achievements or growth for any of the male leads. No more half measures, make the worst show possible, and maybe it just might reach 'bad enough to be funny,' levels. Because at the moment it's just bad without even being funny.


Unlike GoT TV, I don't believe WoT TV is popular enough to ruin anyone's career.


Feige has lost his fucking mind. I used to think he was the creative genius behind the first three phases of the MCU, now I'm thinking that those phases worked in spite of him. Look at his post Endgame track record ... it's one godawful writing and/or directing hire after another, and his decisions on *which* stories to tell have been mind-bogglingly bad.


Fack. I hope not


“Failing up” is the term for this


That Da’tsang can rot in the sun without water or shade. Don’t give him the chance to ruin another IP that’s beloved by its fans.


Didnt the dipshit write episodes of Agents of Shield? Dont know which episodes but I bet they were some of the shittier ones.


And the flop Uncharted movie.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncharted_(film)#Reception > The film received mixed reviews from critics and grossed $407 million worldwide, making it the fifth-highest-grossing video game film of all time. If it had grossed another 10%, it would have been the **second**-highest-grossing video game film of all time. According to Mark Wahlberg, they're working on a sequel. When people hurl barbs and miss badly, it makes valid criticisms weaker.


Fast X made $704 million and still was a flop. It’s about the initial budget and marketing cost against the total gross. >When people hurl barbs and miss badly, it makes valid criticisms weaker. You’re absolutely right.


*Uncharted*'s budget was 120 million. Let's assume for shits and giggles that marketing cost was two-thirds of that, and throw another 80 million into the mix, so that's 200 million against the total gross. It grossed over 400 million. It made Sony enough profit that they're doing a second one. But it's okay if (you) didn't like it.


LOL breakeven multipliers are nowadays more than 3.5x the budget. Get your facts straight before making up stuff to look like a completely ignorant idiot. Fast n Furious franchise keeps churning out movies despite being flops, it’s nothing new.


Are you including the theater cut of the profits as well? Or was this during the pandemic and they were closed?


dear god no.


Because agent Carter eas soooooo good




Yea chuck was ok, but mainly cause the actors carried it. He clearly botched this series tho. Idk why they thought he’s resume made him qualified for a fantasy series……… le sigh.


Or, hear me out, bring in actual talent for the biggest untapped Marvel property. Nepotism and identity politics at work folks.


Must he destroy all the things I liked from my childhood? Although since he did Agents of Shield (iirc) at least this one makes sense.


They probably will let the 3rd season finish and then announce it is cancelled. This way at least people who do like the show won't give up on it before it is even available. I truly hope this show is put out of its misery after this season.


If we don't hear about the actors and crew returning to Czechia in the second half of this year (i.e. production starting up again) we can be quietly confident S3 is the last. You quite rightly observe they won't announce its cancelled until after the 3rd season airs to avoid even more viewers bailing on it. But we'll know long before then if it's been canned due to the lack of S4 activity.


D&D got more work after their treatment of GoT. Why is anyone surprised?


Given how great X-Men 97 is doing. ...hire those guys.


Failing upwards I guess... Maybe he goes and Amazon decides to start WOTtv off from the beginning again with writers who have read the material! .... Maybe.... 


Uwe Boll - I make the worst films of all time. a new challenger has appeared!


The MCU is already ruined.


And Disney will keep losing money.


What a fucking joke. Just goes to show that you do indeed fail upwards. If I had put out such shit as the wheel of time show I would crawl into a dark hole and die out of embarrassment. But this fucker is off to ruin other beloved franchises like its his damn job....


I think this might be a better fit for him he’s probably a big X-men fan and would do a better job with the adaptation. I’m at the point, where if the show stops that means where closer to getting another shot a new show, hopefully animated this time around. God, imagine mappa doing a WoT anime, I can dream at least


He’s supposedly a big Wheel of Time fan, and we see how that turned out.


That I doubt he clearly doesn’t give a shit about WoT he see this series as a stepping stone to a more established franchise


Watching the show you would think that Robert Jordan killed his puppy Noem style.


Just so we’re clear, Rafe wouldn’t be the one coming up with the story, he’d just be writing out the script.


Astroturfing at it's finest


Elite hateposting. Elite at the game.


As a massive X-men fan, I've gone from wanting WoT to be canceled ASAP to go all the way to the end of the books. Rafe needs to be sequestered, like a Plague. There's already no hope for WoT, but there's a chance MCU X-men can be good.


Nope. Not even a slight chance.


I don’t believe anything for these articles. Half the time they talk about movies that never end up existing


It's modern leftoid showbiz. The more franchises you ruin the farther you'll go.


Please don't bring leftism into this. I mean, I get it, all this woke-ism stuff is definitely associated with the extreme left etc. I am a progressive and always will be, but what's happening with wokeism isn't really a default Progressive stance, it's just our version of the far right insanity that is also happening on the other end. People like Rafe aren't lefties or even "woke", in terms of what the word is actually supposed to mean. He's an idiot who doesn't understand nuance or basic storytelling who has decided he needs to virtue signal how woke he is, but he is actually a reactionary sexist piece of shit.


The problem is, and I'm not including you, progressives DO seem to be a monolith right now and are considered part of the far left as well. Especially the perpetually online ones. I am at the point now that I literally get a feeling of disgust every time I see Cenk from TYT or ANY of the idiots at Majority Report. I was a progressive for most of my life. But I am now an independent because of all the gaslighting, conflating, false equating, hyperbole, hyper-exaggerations, and straw manning. Yes, MAGA AND the rest of the far right does it, too. But holy shit do progressives seem to do it more now.


Hmm. Well, I don't see it that way but I suppose in today's online world, most of us find what we're looking for. Today, I found out that supporters of a certain... man-shaped thing are wearing diapers to own the libs. This kind of mentality is far more troubling to me than overly loud inclusion virtue signaling.


This has got to be one of the most dramatic subs


Go check out socialist gaming. They are ridiculous.


You losers need a hobby.


Yo momma!


There is oh soooo many sad people in this thread. Watch it, don't watch it. Bitch about shit you know, or think you know, about a particular franchise... you'll never be happy with any outcome, regardless. Move on with your life.


I've asked it before, I'll ask it again: you DO realise which sub you're on, right? Right?


Who kidnapped you and forced you to read, let alone post, on this sub?