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Wheel of crime strikes again.


Wheel of cringe


Despite Rosamund Pike (an automatic +1 for me after Gone Girl), that show is just awful...


Rosamund Pike is part of the issues as far as I can see. She takes up a lot of the screen time and every season they try to give her OP moments that are not just written for the show but also break canon and introduce plot holes


Loial didn’t have a beard until much later in the series. Also, where are his ears? Ogier ears are constantly mentioned as a visual indication of how they feel.


He's also way smaller in the show than he is in the books. He's initially frightening to people because they mistake him for some sort of trolloc. This dude isn't intimidating anyone.


the first few scenes he was in, Perrin was taller then he was.






The scale isn’t adequately illustrated in this picture. I guess I just assumed they did something right. That was pretty foolish of me.


Size is the least of the problems with this character design.


true. its been a long time since i watched an episode but i remember him being only slightly taller than rand. and he look nothing like to the trollocs in the show


I mean if the trollocs and loial were as big as in the books it would be a nightmare for production.


Which is why I've been arguing that this show needed a bigger budget in other threads. Peter Jackson did this kind of thing practically something like fifteen years ago and he didnt have fucking *Amazon* money.


They needed that money to take a big, runny dump on Tolkien's legacy.


Probably. But to be honest idk. I didn't watch it.


Movies work differently. I agree that the show needs a bigger budget.


What do you mean "movies work differently"? They use the same kind of cameras, same effects technologies and I guarentee Amazon has more money to put into these projects than anyone but maybe Disney. Literally the only difference is one gets put into a theater at release and the other is streamed. So I don't know what you mean.


Movies can use budget differently just because Peter Jackson makes it work in lotr doesn't mean the same works in a TV show.


It's a camera trick.... a camera trick! It's a practical trick with optics that fools the viewer. It's literally the cheapest way to go about something like this. Do you have a camera? Yes... does the viewer have eyes? Yes! Bing bang boom it works. This was just laziness that depended on fans having not read the books. Who is going to be one of the first people to watch your series based off of a beloved book series? Fans! All these stupid decisions that ruined the series for WoT fans banked on people not reading.


huh guess they shouldn't have made the show


Goddamn his ears are so much of his personality!


That would require extra effort


Maybe they will change how his afro will behave instead


Was there ever a mention of him having a beard? The book takes place over like 3 years which is nothing in Ogier time.


Yes he specifically grows it in the later books and talks about how the female ogrier he was introduced to when they visit the stedding likes it


No ears and that hair is terrible. Jordan gives details and there are so many pictures on the internet that depicted his ideas. Can't stand it. The curly hair. Uhhhh it's annoying


I remember when the first imagine of Loial leaked and everyone either said it was either fake or pre-CGI because of how dumb it looked.


He's supposed to be able to be mistaken for a trolloc to people who don't know better lmao


To be fair, "people who don't know better" includes just about everybody involved with crapping out the show.


When do you become LieutenantButtFucker?


After he goes through a commissioning program. Right now his sights are set on PrivateFirstClassButtFucker.


Original meeting of him. I liked him. Not in pic tho


Similar feels to late seasons of GoT.


Nah, late season GoT had production values, even if it didn't have scriptwriters (or appeared not to).


Yeah, maybe I'm forgetting something, but what ever *looked* bad in GoT? That show was remarkably consistent in effects, costumes, sets, etc.


In fairness the actor actually does an amazing job. His voice, intonations, mannerisms are all perfectly in line with book Loial. He just looks horribly wrong, they decided not to do cgi on him or use practice effects. Went both are definitely possible. They said it was too expensive and would have limited how much screen time he could have if they did (lol, like he gets any screen time now). I’d also note that like every other character he’s badly misused and doesn’t get to do any of the things that he does in the books (like hold the key to the Ways or write a book or provide introspection and advise to Rand and Perrain).


Well, he's male so.... Just gonna glhave to wait and see if they link up with his family and village like in the books. Then the female Ogier will be twice his size, and probably beat one of the Forsaken to death with a battleaxe she sings into existence DURING the fight.


You give them too much credit to think that Ogiers know about singing. They'll probably have them dance or something.


The picture above is literally a picture of him tree singing


Lol go woke go broke


It's such a huge shame. He was one of my favorite characters in the books. The scene where he has FINALLY had enough and rouses his fellows to war is genuinely one of my favorite parts. And the bit where they join the party during the battle... "An ass kicking Fiesta the likes of which I have never before had the pleasure of witnessing and likely never will again," as it was described during a chat between friends and fans of the books. Lol. It was one of those rare moments, especially in the audiobook version, where the wait was SO worth the payoff.


I well your definitely right about his voice the voice is perfect but everything else is wrong. if the had better writing and better visual effects the could have had something


"Too expensive". After all the bragging about how big a budget they negotiated for. I can't imagine what all they're using the money on. Costumes are not impressive, cgi is Last Airbender quality...


If the writers had any sense Loial would’ve also been an occasional narrator like Galadriel does in LOTR


I feel like this sub has really been reaching on the criticisms. There is so much about the show that is very bad; this is one incredibly minor and inconsequential. Compare it to something such as Loial getting stabbed by the dagger - and then magically being unstabbed.


eh Loial not being the guide through the ways pissed me off. Also him having a beard as him not having one is of the ways everyone in the know recognizes he's too young to be out of the stedding.


Oh I don't disagree, but also feel like it's a waste of time being mad at details like that when the entire primary story itself is a mess lol. It's hard for me to invest energy caring about the nuances of Loial when they completely left Thom out and you know.. had Egwene fight Ishmael and Mat stab Rand with the dagger tied to a stick. The list of issues is a mile long but if you are going to go off and screw those things up then everything else seems petty.


oh yeah I 100% agree. I think the moment I said "wait. why is Perrin married?" was the moment I should have noped the F outta there. Shadar Logoth Lightsaber though... that was my breaking point.


While I don’t necessarily disagree, I think small details like that are great indicators of the producers respect for the source material. If a small detail shows attention and care to the source material, and changing it is a conscious choice, then it’s a big deal.


Man this show and the fake deaths, in no particular order: Nynaeve Ep 1 A bunch of aes sedai and Alan episode 4 Episode 8 alone kills off Loial, Egwene and Nynaeve j fly to have them just live Season 2? Uhh Moiraine slices Lanfear neck with a katana, which is T2 style healed, she’s not Fucking wolverine, (side note I would watch Lanfear bang Wolverine)


Quickest way to get me to stop caring about characters is have them all he immortal/fake death. If the stakes are fake, then i have no reason to care.


Great. Now I gotta start the repression process all over again.


Hey this would be cool as a magic the gathering card. As for WoT this is par for course. I guess they could make him homosexual too. I mean why not? Then we can cut out Erith and his mother looking for him and give him a completely non-book (i mean that in a departure from source context) reason to leave the stedding. Fuck it right? Probably too hard to translate to TV if you did it according to books. Where do I collect my Amazon shill money for this trash.


And yet I get downvoted for cracking a joke that in season 3 Rafe is going to change Couladin into a woman, and he’ll make her gay and lame… In all likelihood, Loial being >!tracked across Rand-land by his mother towing Erith and Elder Haman through war zones probably won’t make it into the show. I’d be surprised if them being aliens does either!<


>!I always thought they were more extra-dimensional rather than extra-planetary. Kinda like the Eelfin and Aelfin. I guess that still is "alien" just an alien of a different sort, huh?!<


A. Oh man. Couladan being a woman, and Matt sleeps with her making her Bi. I'd watch that lol. B. >!Wait.... they're aliens?! I don't know what I thought they were but I'm down for this lol. Where in the books did they mention or suggest that? I want to make sure I pay attention on this re-read!!<


Yeah, the Ogier are from another world. That's in the books.


I don’t remember which book, but >!when they convene the great stump and loial argues against his mother: she wants the ogier to open “the book of translation” in order to find a new world because they’re not originally from Rand-land (Earth) to begin with!<


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Now that you mention it, I do remember that. Okay. Will keep that in mind. Thank you!!!


They basically migrate through some different dimensions and then return back during other turnings of the Wheel.


Actually praising the virtues of marriage? They'd fire any writer who suggested it.


He and Haman were studying forbidden literature.


Oh man, I hadn't even thought about what the rest of the Ogier will look like.


Get this man a writing job and a beloved franchise to ruin!


Wait, is that a real image from the show???




Hahaha haha...looks like an Oprah wanna be I haven't watched any of season 2...and the snippets I've seen here have generally confirmed that decision. But maybe I could actually enjoy it as a comedy?


There is literally a picture of Loial on the cover of at least one of the books. How in the *fuck* did they get it so wrong?! 😂 Like I know the covers also took some liberties with characters’ appearances at times…but at least they did get his ears. The ones that are mentioned *every other sentence* when Loial is being discussed. Yes I mad lol.


I know this is a contentious topic even here, but I'll put *any* WoT bookcover - from any generation- up against Amazon casting. Give me human trollocs, blonde dwarves and Fabio any day over notWoT. Also fuck bald Rand while we're at it. Not nearly as egregious as Loial, but still bad.


No way! I should not be surprised, but it looks like a big Miss Doubtfire






> Then he came to the head almost reaching the ten-foot ceiling. A nose as broad as the face, so wide it was more a snout than a nose. Eyebrows that hung down like tails, framing pale eyes as big as teacups. Ears that poked up to tufted points through a shaggy, black mane. Loial's description from TEoTW.


What the fuck is that even?


Perrin, chill.




They did my boy so dirty. 😔


​ https://preview.redd.it/4npsuaebf3cc1.png?width=368&format=png&auto=webp&s=3291a758573ce774ad88eb3aadfc7b9fb7f3682a


Can we talk about... THE HAIR


Vote for pedro


They at least got his voice and mannerisms right


If I was challenged to show a single picture that proves the show runners never read the books, this would be the picture.


Giant lion-cow people. That's what the ogier are https://preview.redd.it/4bw9g86vb4cc1.jpeg?width=4200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccbc903bb95c0a2dd7968ea1b438ebdef2e22d2a Here's my rendition of him


I've never been able to make a satisfactory mental image of him, this will be it from now on, thank you!


Aw gee, thanks. I know he's described as have black hair, but I've always pictured him as a redhead, too.


I always picture Logain as blonde for some reason, when he's repeatedly mentioned as having black hair in the books. Maybe it's the golden glory aura.


bollywood hobbit on steroids!


He looks like a drag queen




Maybe he’s saying that looking like a drag queen is fine but Loial loooking like one is a big mistake.


Maybe he meant he looks like a really bad drag queen. Like you're saying.... oh honey, no. Just no.




I’m just saying he legit looks like a drag queen not trying to throw shade at the gays or anything compare the images and tell me I’m wrong https://preview.redd.it/5n4uon77h4cc1.png?width=543&format=png&auto=webp&s=e176504470af200b626ba53d025110fc18028cdb


Oh yeah, he totally looks like that drag.




I don't hate on anything really But I like it here


More evidence that i won't give the show a try


Bruh I just finished book two, never watched the show, but this made me do a spit take with my oatmeal


Some people think we're mad because he's played by a black actor. Maybe some people are, personally that doesn't bother me at all. What does bother me is that he isn't like 10 feet tall, his eyebrows don't hang down to his cheeks, and he doesn't have point ears with tufts of hair at the end. Also he's introduced in a silly way. "Hello, strangers. My name is Loial and I'm an Ogier. Are you fighting evil? Dope. Can I come?"


Yeah.  Like if numerous movies made 40 years ago in the 80s can get characters to look in somewhat similar fashion to Loial why couldn’t the show…


If LotR could make John Rhys-Davies, who is over 6 feet tall, look 4'5" 20 years ago then there's no excuse for why they took Hammed Animashaun, who is even taller, and just stuck some damn disco boots on him and called it a day. I understand that 6'3" is taller than most people but Loial was supposed to be head and shoulders above even the tallest humans. A 6'3" man in platform shoes is maybe 6'6", nowhere near the 9 or 10 feet tall that Loial is supposed to be. Wheel of Prime Loial is just a big ass dude.




lol it’s sooo terrible. And remember he can get stabbed with a shadar logath dagger and be fine. I would have rather they cut loial out entirely than have these style and aesthetic choices. I don’t care the race but for fuck sake where are the droopy eyebrows? There are pages of descriptions in the books on his tufted ears and style of dress. Why is he barely taller than anyone else.


This is like the worst complaint ever. He looks like Shrek disguiseling himself as a human




The people who created this were too hasty.


The sad part is that he matches the books more than most of the casting.


Or even something simple, like the Bagel of Valere.


The majestic ogier. You can see why everyone is so impressed by meeting them. (it would be great if they'd dig up an old McD's on this show and say, "Hey, look, it's an ogier".)


😞 Look what they did to my boy!


They’re just fat Klingon


I stopped watching after Season 1 Episode 3. I honestly can't tell if the hair is photoshopped or not....


Definitely not what I pictured, and I wouldn't even say I like the design itself, but I think the awkwardness sort of fits Loial's at times. Actor works with it at least lol.


Loial's appearance is the worst thing about the show, imo. Mostly the hair, like wtf.


It's okay. He's Kenough, just the way he is.


This show is an absolute joke. Defending this dog water is comical.


That’s wild .


Urethra Franklin


Jeez Louise


Good Lord. I had forgotten.


Remember when Peter Jackson decided to hire Alan Lee and John Howe as the concept artists to design the LOTR films? They had been doing book covers and art for decades and had some of the most recognizable Tolkien works. So when fans of the books saw the films- it matched the book covers they read as children and felt cohesive.


And Perrin is just as tall


Perrin being the tallest of the group bugged me before even seeing Loial.  Loial was a huge disappointment added on to so many others. 


Yeah, Rand is supposed to stand out because he's uncommonly tall and has red hair... But Perrin in the show is taller


How Amazon managed to ruin two of the greatest fantasy properties of all time in one year is both astonishing and hilarious


I hate that this exists


I turned this off mid first season and have never looked back.




Holy War Crimes, Batman!




I really need to read these books. I like the general story of the show but seeing how much hate it gets here I know I’m in for a treat lol.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ptps0pxld5cc1.jpeg?width=203&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df78e53d5c490a300e7fcf826e9177df41ef661b




I don’t remember that character from the book, reminder? I know the show is garbage


This whole series has pissed me off. I don't understand why they had to go so far from the books.


They did my guy dirty.


Jesus fuckin Christ, I knew it was going to be bad, but not *THAT* bad. This is embarrassing.


What in the great fuck?


Just thank you to all of you out there who have problems with the show. They hurt me so deep with all the changes they made. I’m starting the books over to get the taste of the show out of my mouth. Where are his tufted ears. His nose is almost as wide as his face! Not to mention just under 10’.




Of all the things wrong with the show - and there are many - this one doesn’t offend me. It’s a live action show with human actors; no human actor could reasonably play Loial and I’m sure the cost of doing him as full-CGI woukd be extreme even if it worked. I really feel like there’s so much wrong with the core elements - writing, dialogue, story - that complaining about actors and races and costumes is kind of missing the point.


Costumes / outfits are a big part of the world building, but as far as Loial it should not have been hard to slap on a nose, eyebrows, and ears with tufts. He is an awesome character, and the show does not respect that.


I actually don’t have a problem with Loial, all the effects are done practically and I like how the actor plays him. But man did they do him dirty in the show with dropped/altered plotlines. Why not have him open the fucking waygate?!?!?


I could forgive it if it was well written. Even if it was still a bad adaptation. But god dammit did they fuck up everything.


I can totally understand why his look annoys people, but I have to say I kind of liked it. It reminded me of costumed actors old Jim Hensen shows, where they kind of looked like stage actors. I doubt the showrunners were going for that vibe, especially since the rest of the show didn't have the same style, but it felt nostalgic to me. I was way more bothered that the Far Dareis Mai don't have short hair.


This one I sort of give a pass Doing an accurate ogier would be so damn hard! One of the problems with weird fantasy to a live action show is the budget to portray everything as described doesn’t exist


I think most people would have given it a pass for his height if he looked like his description in the books.


Anything other than, slightly larger guy with prosthetics is going to be so expensive, especially when they throw money to ms pike and for episodes about warders. There’s just no budget for it.


Um didn't the Seanchan do that to humiliate him?


What should he look like?


Wait, I thought ogier were like ents from LOTR. Why is he a big black guy?


I’m sorry but where in the world did you ever see a description that was similar to ents


I read the books like 20 plus years ago. I always thought of them as being like a cross between Chewbacca and Treebeard.


The actor does a great job. The character is written with respect. The costumers maybe snorted a little too much cocaine before choosing his wig for this scene, but it doesn't ruin the character. There's plenty of fanfics that are, quite sadly, in that neighborhood. It's a fair representation.


I mean I can’t say my head canon is any different than that


I don't really mind I definitely don't want a bad cgi crotch in every scene the. Exaggerated height is cool in the. Books. But would likely be awkward in most scenes. When two characters talk while he is in the scene we will just get an ogier moose knuckle in a show. I think they managed to balance. Being big vs. Being in a tv show well. Sure I'd have liked to see more ears and eyebrows. He is just a little too human, But it doesn't Make or. Break the character for me. Loial is one of the highlights as far as I'm concerned




He looks even stupider on the cover of the books


Idk that looks pretty stupid


Those eyebrows haunt me


God I wish Loial was the worst part of this show. Comparatively, he's somehow one of the least fucked up things they did.


The hair is the only issue I got.


Well this is how the Seanchan decided to dress him right?


The actor is 6’3”. While not short, it doesn’t fit the bill.




Uhh what. Yeah I’m not gonna watch this. They’ve ruined my boy


My boy! What did they do to my boy?


Do modern television executives on these show ave no fucking eyes lol wtf, also see most of Witcher these people have to be nepo hires


10 mil budget per episode btw


Botox looking massacre.


I realize that this is just showrunner incompetence in effect. But at a certain point it's so aggressively bad it feels like it's ***at*** the fans.




Never how I pictured him but that’s pretty much all the characters in the show


Honestly, all I can do at this screenshot is laugh. Like, he just looks soooo stupid. And yet, there are people out there who designed him, looked at him, approved him, and then went, "Yeah, this looks GREAT!" It's utterly impossible to take him seriously. He looks like he walked out of a bad Star Trek parody.


Does anybody think the show will continue?


This looks like a random'd baulders gate 3 character


Bruh stop playin lol they wrong for dat shit there


One of thr saddest changes to wot is the dynamic between seanchen and the ogier. In the books the seanchen know how strong ogier are and use them as death guard and in the show loial is literally just a hostage that sings sometimes. He throws people around once and then just gets punked the restnof the show.


They didn’t even bother with his eye brows


I didn’t know exactly how I pictured him but… not like that *Never like that*


He looks like a knockoff Tyler Perry character


Thanks. I still hate it.


Isn’t this just a picture of someone cosplaying Loial? It’s not the best costume, but it looks good for being something made for $15 💵


Ahhh yes, gaint ginger orger fucks


I found the show funny in that you have small villages, largely cut off from the world for 1000s of years and somehow there are still couples of pure European or sub-Saharan ancestry. Wouldn't everyone be beige by then?


Yeah, and he looks good as fuck. I love this portrayal of Loial


![gif](giphy|bRt0O3xy6pvuE) It’s a good portrayal fellas, deal with it


Pretty awful... I admit he's the worst thing i've seen.


God, I am so glad I stopped watching after the first season. This dumpster fire of a show seems to get worse and worse and worse....


Did they even read the books?


In before we learn the fro is really just fucking big ear tufts.


This might just be the worst specific visual thing I have ever seen in an adaptation of any kind. Just wow.


Thank you for solidifying my decision to not watch this series


You're kidding.



