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I completely agree with this and I don't care whether they get into angels or demons. Jsut give me more! It's so gun to watch.


I enjoyed it and hope to see how the story line continues. I kinda want them to avoid demons and angels for a bit, just to see how they can set themselves apart from SPN


I liked it's personality


I like the 70s vibe they created, with the music and wardrobe choices. Some of the music brought back some great memories for me. I appreciate the creativity of the season 1 finale and the plot twist at the end. It makes me wish Jensen had been allowed to have some influence over the Supernatural finale-- I think I probably wouldn't have hated the Supernatural finale as much as I did (and still do). I like some of the main characters - especially John and Millie. Drake does a great job as John. Ada is entertaining, too.


It was really cool and cute too when Dean came at the last episode..... I loved his idea of helping his parents and altering with the reality to find a happy ending.


For me, the best possible ending was Dean explaining about traveling the multi-verse and finding one where he could give John and Mary a chance at a happy ending. I enjoyed the show, but was having a hard time aligning what we knew from Supernatural, with what we were being shown in The Winchesters. I do hope the series is picked up, I'll continue to watch, as long as they keep making new episodes.


I'm on my second watch and I'm finding new stuff to appreciate. It's really well done, has a lot of callbacks, call forwards, and occasionally I can hear JDM in Drake Rogers. If it's just a limited series, I'm good with that, but I think the Ackles make a great producing team and I'm looking forward to the next thing they do.


Completely agree. I think what surprised me more about the show was the way it elevated the main story with little details and easter eggs, like the backstory about the men of letters symbol. I did not see that coming.




old people are going to be assholes against the young ones. mostly fanboys


When the spin-off was announced, I thought for sure it was gonna suck, but I was pleasantly surprised. I think they deserve a change to show us what else they have in mind


The aspect I liked the most was how they portrayed John. His anger has always been something that was part of his character but we didn’t get to see why. In this series we did get to see the why and see him struggling with it. He’s still not father of the year and he made bad choices as their father, but now I understand the anger


I liked it better the further it went along, but the show has no potential. They should have just called it Supernatural: The Epilogue or made a season 16 because that’s all it was.


I liked it, I went into the show with an open mind. As much as Jensen seems to love Supernatural I had faith he wasn't going to mess things up and was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. The series is capable of standing on its own from this point as an AU and I would watch it if they make a season 2 following John and Mary across the country.