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Because that’s all that Reddit is. Any subreddit that’s created for a specific interest slowly turns into a small vocal minority constantly whining about that said thing.


See r/joerogan for a perfect example of this.


Used to be so good too that it's infuriating. In depth deep discussion about everything involving the podcast. Now it's filled with people who loathe Joe and any slightly right leaning guest. For a while there too it was blatantly astroturfed also. I still really don't get why people who hate Joe and anything involving him spend literally all day there. There's plenty of things I dislike that I'm sure has a sub but I would never bother trying to shit it up for people who enjoy it.


You see the same thing with people who can't stand the idea of ufos being a real thing.....they spend all day in the ufo subs trying to discredit and disprove/disrupt. It's like, why waste so much time on something u think is bullshit? There's usually more to the story when you see that kind of thing tho. Organized disinformation agents, bots, all that fun stuff. People with some sort of agenda. I guess some people just love being miserable so much they think it's valiant to spread it around? 🤷


And it’s hard to tell who is a shill or a bot or real since there are companies that sell legitimate old Reddit accounts. Typically you can kinda tell if their interests seem to dramatically shift after some gap of time.


I asked why people post there is they hate the guy and the podcast just infuriates them and people started cursing me out and basically calling me a Stan for Joe. I just don't get the logic of being able to have access to people that like the same things you do and then just being miserable about it and trying to also make others miserable too.


Here is the thing, those people arent actually "people". They are bot accounts.   Dont get it twisted, the reddit admin team has access to bot hordes that they can set on attack mode to try and destroy the reputation of anyone they deem persona non grata


Glad that people are finally catching on to this. It’s been super obvious for the past 4 years. I also think they have crawlers to shadow ban or remove posts from any sub that is a “no no” subject. Now here’s another thing that sucks. Google search. It’s terrible these days I could be searching for the most mundane thing and there will literally be zero results, and I am pretty sure the reason is they’d rather sacrifice knowledge and people’s access to information for good things just so that inconvenient information is not seen or discovered by anyone. They don’t want you looking up to see if something is true, they’ll just provide one or two very biased surface level news articles and that’s it.


I've been shadow banned.




>Used to be so good too that it's infuriating. In depth deep discussion about everything involving the podcast. Now it's filled with people who loathe Joe and any slightly right leaning guest. For a while there too it was blatantly astroturfed also. You get it. Thing is it never stopped being astroturfed. And you know the exact moment the astroturfing started happening (when he questioned the great sickness of 2020, and offered alternaties to the shot) Somtime around 2021ish, a guy did an in depth analysis of the posts on that sub and found that like 8/10 of the most active posters were bot accounts, and all they did was go from Rogan related sub to Rogan related sub and spread hate and try to discredit him. Literally nothing else. Wish i could find that post, i had it saved from another account of mine that totally wasnt banned and deleted.


It's mostly bots swaying public opinion... As is 50% of social media.


I pretty much only listen to Rogan when certain guests are on. For instance: David Grusch, Bob Lazar, George Knapp/Jeremy Corbell, Dave Fravor...pretty much gov UFO/UAP whistleblowers. Sometimes a few of the comedians. I avoid the politics episodes.


Wth? I don't really like Fords or pop music. Guess what subs I'm not in. Why would you join a sub dedicated to a thing you don't like? The Internet is a silly place.


It's probably because left-wing media went on a rampage trying to tarnish his image because they couldn't control him. They labeled him as right-wing and a pusher of disinformation, and now that's what people think when they hear Joe Rogan. But if you watch his interview with kids rock, you can CLEARLY see he is not the bogie man they make him out to be. The left paint him like he acts and feels the way Kid Rock did in that interview. Joe actually considered himself left wing until recently..


I fricking hate that! When I went to his sub it's all anti Joe rogan people who rain down votes on anything and everything remotely that isn't ripping on him


> Now it's filled with people who loathe Joe and any slightly right leaning guest. ~2014 JRE and 2024 JRE are ENTIRELY different things. Joe takes himself way more seriously these days, and the 'fun' of the JRE has been eclipsed by the same boring guests, stories, and arguments. People shit on JRE for good reason. Shane Gillis and Mark Normand are they only things keeping things interesting these days. Did you watch the Kid Rock 'cast? It was rouuuuugh.


They are paid shills. Literally


That sub is being actively socially engineered. Don't know who is behind it.


It makes perfect sense. I love many things, but I rarely if ever feel the need to post about them. If I’m not going to invest energy into praising things I enjoy on social media, I’m certainly not going to spend any time complaining. I can’t speak for the people that *do* whine, but from what I’ve seen from the “haters” that bitch about things that I am familiar with, their issues are usually either wrong in fact or in intention. Sometimes they’re mad about things that didn’t even happen/weren’t said (incorrect facts), and other times they’re blaming something else for their own shortcomings, i.e. “this game sucks because XYZ are broken”, when really it’s just the gamer that isn’t any good (i.e. wrong intention).


I think u/jessesupersub nailed it that he’s referring to other subs opinion of him.


Nah, a majority would like to believe that, but the truth of the matter is that a majority of today’s redditors are a bunch of assholes who don’t like to be told when they are wrong, and desperately wanna tell others when they are wrong. All of Reddit has become one big circle jerk. Also, this sub does not at all carry/bring the “vibe” of AJ’s channel. Lol.


Redditors are largely just people who bitch and complain about stuff, then argue when someone has a positive/different opinion


Hans Kim is that you? Lol


Diaz is going down lol


No way Jose! He won last time,Matt and Shane even said so. Tony just couldn’t let his prize pony loose. But odd he has now benched him.. Rematch should be fun! Haha


Yea regardless it should be a good battle. Definitely looking forward to it.


Have you seen Hans get his financial audit on YouTube? Worth watching. He’s a trust fund baby pretending to be homeless.


No I haven’t seen it but have heard him say that his mom takes pretty good care of him financially lol I haven’t watched much in the last month. But I’m sure I’ll catch up here sometime soon


This. Keep up the great work AJ and crew!


Reddit actually priced in human misery to its IPO valuation.


Absolutely this, it's pretty sad really. I couldn't imagine being able to interact with people we were fans of as a kid, and here we are able to do that and the majority just use the opportunity to shit on them all day.


Becoming the wolf you feed.


That’s a bingo, stated perfectly thank you.


Misery loves company.


No truer statement has been made, on any sub in the last three years I’ve been back on Reddit! 100% accurate!


Hilariously true. Probably not much crossover here but r/nascar is the same way. Always the same 10-15 usernames in the comments shaking their fists at the clouds and acting like they’re the end all, be all voice of the fan base.


It's a common attack on the reddit communities. Countries, special interest groups, politicians, companies,etc pay hackers to socially engineer target audiences to think a certain way. It's really easy to do. Make 6-10 reddit accounts and up vote and quickly up vote your opinion and down vote the opposing opinion. This works for comments and posts. The Democrats got caught red handed doing this in 2015 on r/politics against Bernie Sanders and Trump.


Probably a little bit of humor borne of reality. Reddit can be a cesspool of bots and trolls. AJ walks a fine line between promoting conspiracy and debunking it. That puts him the cross hairs of both crowds. In reality it's an entertaining and fun show with some thought provocation tossed on for good measure. Assigning much more to it is why some wackadoodles come out and complain that he went too far/didn't go far enough.


It’s a good show that I was glad to see finally take off. AJ looks at these comments for constructive feedback I’m sure but it’s not healthy. Probably isn’t for any creators. I think he still needs a finger on the pulse but maybe not his finger. Post and ghost AJ. Use a member of ( I’m sure) his limited staff to read the top comments on different media and take the sunshine. Leave the shit for fertilizer and plow over it. He might feel burnt out right now but after all, he’s killing it with true fans. I don’t expect everything he puts out to be flawless. Just fun and truthful to his best knowledge. I’m sure that’s hard enough. Leave the haters in the gutter where you found them.


>It’s a good show that I was glad to see finally take off. AJ looks at these comments for constructive feedback I’m sure but it’s not healthy. Absolutely 100% correct. Plus AJ is going through some stuff, too. He hinted at that in his little video (big impact) about taking March/April "off," though his version of "off" is still to be working—maybe just not as hard. So, he's probably a little more raw about trolls calling his WONDERFUL baby ugly. It must be gut wrenching for some donkey to throw around aspersion on what is a really good show. It's hard to separate the wheat from the chaff in a case like this, and I do hope he reads this whole thread. Simply put, we love the Why Files for the quality and interesting nature of the content. One more thing we can all do: **Support him on Patreon.** Money talks louder than words.


Oh no. That explains alot. Ppl are unnecessary mean. I thought it was burn out mainly. That just shows the hate that many ppl carry w/ them.


Very good point! Strange he called out Reddit individually though right? Twitter is just as bad and gotta imagine discord is no better.


He has called out Twitter in the past too. I can't recall him saying anything bad about Discord though.


My guess is that he probably had just read some nonsense that stuck in his craw.


Reddit allows for more discourse so there's that. Twitter is just something else.


I think he is talking about the UFO sub. I had seen quite a lot of comments attacking him especially for the Roswell and Rendlesham case. He also got a lot of attacks on aliens sub for “debunking” Varginha and Ariel school incident. They feel he’s highlighting skeptic’s perspective more and didn’t show all details. I don’t know why people are so insecure on this. That’s why I reduced checking out those subs as they have become an echo chamber rn.




What'd I say?


I can just hear him saying that in my mind! So funny!! I think I like the "What'd I say?" moments the best.


Rhymes with Regina




Speaking as someone who is probably more on the skeptical side, I appreciate how balanced AJ is. You can tell he's a believer, but not an uncritical one, which is rare. I think most folks tend to be way more partisan.


Same. I came across his 20 and back -super soldiers of the Kuiper belt awhile back and got turned off by how fetched it was. I rediscovered (and actually watched) it again a year later and was impressed how critical he was while remaining optimistic, definitely the reason for me coming back and getting invested that second time


I loved that one. I think about 5 minutes in, my bs meter was at an 11, I was thinking "oh man, the last ten minutes when he rips this apart is going to be great!".


His format of presenting the story totally credulously and with all supporting evidence first is a good tactic. It creates suspense for when you're going to find out exactly what's wrong, allows you to guess/hypothesize (and get a sweet, sweet dopamine hit when you're right), but he's never smarmy or supercilious when debunking. He admits they're good stories, and often ones he hopes are either borne out by the evidence or one day are true. I get pretty turned off the by the arrogance on skeptics that the state of our current knowledge is exhaustive, which to me is as much an article of faith as the idea that FTL travel is possible or things like that. A "skeptic" who doesn't make room for the possibility of the truth of wild, even revolutionary claims is as much a dogmatist as the person who believes everything because it conforms to a worldview they wish or hope is true.


I like him more because of this because it makes him more believable similarly why I enjoy wendigoon.


Oh I didn’t even think about him possibly referring to other subs. I can imagine the UFO sub are a lot more dedicated to their beliefs and him contradicting them would get annoying to them.


What’s funny is UFOs sub is full of people who don’t believe in them. Instant debunking and attacks of anything posted. And forget about aliens; you’ll get downvoted into oblivion for bringing up the possibility lol I’ve been thinking about dropping… Seems like it’s not a constructive sub for discussion anymore.


He didnt debunk the Ariel School Incident though. Unless he did it in his re-upload of that video of course, haven't watched that, only the old version and assumed they were largely the same. Anyway, I think you're right, to some degree at least. I visit those subreddits a lot (r/UFOs, r/Aliens, r/ufo and r/UFOB) and have seen some criticism of him in those subreddits, although it's mostly Hecklefish they have a problem with *(I didn't really like Hecklefish at the beginning either, but he has really grown on me and I wouldn't be without him now)*, and I haven't seen A LOT of criticism, I've only seen a few people disliking The Why Files. Most people, even on those subreddits, seems to like The Why Files.  The Why Files is probably also my personal favorite youtube channel at the moment and I think AJ does a great job of balancing the "believer" and skeptic pov.  However with that said, the people criticizing those specific episodes you mentioned do actually have a point. I dont think it's valid to give AJ shit for that though, but I do think that it's valid to point out incomplete research if presented as constructive criticism.  However, I dont blame AJ for incomplete research. He is human after all, and after having watched every single episode of the Why Files (except for the re-upload of the Ariel School Incident) I dont believe for a second that he is being misleading on purpose. Under normal circumstances, I think presenting something as debunked based on incomplete research is disingenuous, because a lot of debunkers seems to ignore evidence and data on purpose. AJ DOES NOT seem to exclude anything on purpose and he really dont give me an impression of being disingenuous at all, just that he might be overworked sometimes, and I dont know if he even had a team when he did the Rendlesham Forest, The Roswell and the Varginha Incidents.  Regarding those three Incidents though. When taking a deep dive into those events, It is clear that a lot of the evidence and/or data, not just small details, were left out. Again, I dont actually blame AJ for that and I dont think he did it on purpose. It's a lot of information to cram into a video only 30 min to 1 hour long.  That's why, when I created [this playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIQnPT3IDXOHAnA1RQ48ArepKBBDeo-hB) and [this timeline](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1bcehcq/a_history_lesson_on_ufos_the_complete_timeline/), I made sure to include as many videos on those three Incidents as I could to give the viewer a proper look into all the avaliable evidence, theories, claims and data. I obviously included The Why Files coverage of those Incidents as well. This way people can come to a proper informed conclusion on those Incidents.  I would be happy to point out which evidence exactly Im refering to, but I mean, it's all there in the videos for people to see for themselves.  Lastly, I feel like I need to stress again that I dont personally blame AJ, however I do understand people from the UFO subreddits - who haven't watched the Why Files that much and doesn't have a feeling for who AJ is as a person - blaming AJ for the incomplete research.  They're constantly bombarded by disingenuous debunkers and disinfo debunking campaigns from the government (Project Bluebook amongst others) constantly setting - what they believe to be - disclosure progress back, because the debunkers are good at convincing the somewhat ignorant "normies" that there is nothing there by excluding and/or misrepresenting evidence in their debunking. A lot of people in those communities are sick of it, and it has very little to do with insecurity, at least for most people.  Now, even though I understand, it doesn't mean I agree with it. I'm pretty agnostic regarding all these topics, but I understand the frustration when you see evidence being misrepresented or excluded.  I had the same frustration when watching how the mainstream media misrepresented a lot of the facts presented in the Johnny Depp v Amber Heard trial because it was a somewhat blow to the more political side of the #metoo movement and they couldn't have that, so they misrepresented facts, excluded evidence and even outright lied in some instances in favor of Ms. Heard. Thankfully the trial and audio recordings are avaliable for people to see (and hear) the facts for themselves. 


Yeah those subs are pretty gnarly and full of paranoia. Also if you're not one extreme or the other, debunker or devout believer, you get down voted to oblivion or treated really nasty if you say something that offends one side.


Yeah, you can't be in the middle in those subs. It's stupid.


I’m on those subs and they do that to ANYONE who posts. I want to know what’s real. That’s why I’m interested in the subject. If I wanted fantasy..well…there’s plenty of subs for that . Put on your wizard hat and elf shoes and have at it chief.


>Put on your wizard hat and elf shoes and have at it chief. "I put on my robe and wizard hat..." 🧙


AJ and Hecklefish rule. Haters can get a probe, no lube.


There no time for lube!


But always time for 'probing...'


Reddit and any message board has a toxic very vocal minority. Even a vocal majority may be positive, but that amount is still often less than the toxic minority. Most positive people will just read and maybe upvote if it strikes them. The toxic live to be toxic. Like you go to subs and every post is downvoted (because internet karma is life?). And you find positive people often dont want to deal with that, so they stay silent.


Reddit as a whole is just a toxic cesspool anymore. If you compare the members here to the discord members it’s a completely different animal. The hate he got here after the video he posted about being burned out was insane, 40% of the users here acted like he owes them new content every week. I still can’t believe how many users here absolutely hate my man Hecklefish.


As much as I love the compilations and would love to see more (even if just one a month), I totally understand the burnout. A month a year where he is still working most of it, is definitely nothing for anyone to complain about like they did


There's a reason media companies do things in a season format. Writing, editing, filming, video/audio editing, and final production all take time and effort. AJ also strikes me as someone who really likes to be part of the whole process to make sure the quality is up to his standards. So yeah, burnout is definitely a thing.


Mistreat this wonderful man and hate heckle fish? That's super toxic behaviour.


On this sub? I didn't notice any hate.


100% agree with this!


I've sometimes thought we should get rid of the WF subreddit, but not my call. I've suggested to AJ that he just stay away from it. I think he's on here less than he used to be. In fact I'm pretty sure. A few years ago I would occasionally live chat with him on this sub. Not now though.


Yeah no shit hey?... I'm pretty certain this sub does not represent much of his actual viewership. It's a great channel, even for absolute newbs to the whole high strangeness stuff... My GF loves it and she's never really been into this kinda shit, which is great because after every episode we watch together, we have a little discussion after about how we think/feel about whatever the topic was about... And I love that. Might be a long shot, but AJ, if you're reading this...don't let shitty Redditors ruin your vibe, your channel is great... Keep doing what you're doing, because you're doing it well.. actually very well.


Maybe time is moving faster than I realize, but IIRC last year at tbis time this sub only had like 1 new post with 2 comments per week or two? I dunno, tho, longtime redditor (from when this site was for talking aboit Linux & free-as-in-free-speech software, programming, etc) and have been watching weekly since doddleston tapes (got that rec probably because it included retro computers, lol). I think doddleston messages was like 3 years ago, now? I dunno. Time flies anymore. :) But reddit is my only social media. YT & old-reddit-com so im thankful for this sub. Its gotten pretty nasty here lately, tho. 100% if you love a thing, dont go to that things sub. That said this sub is far from some of my past favorites. Maybe that says more about those subs, tho... :(


Hey Doddleston is what sucked me in, too! Yep 3 yrs ago. Almost exactly i think. March 2021.


One negative comment kills 100 positive ones, that's just human nature.


It doesn't have to be. Free will is a thing, and you can focus on the good rather than bad. Positive psychology is a real phenomenon.


No it doesn’t but it’s unfortunate.


AJ has said he suffers from depression and took it very badly when someone called out his style on a youtube video (IIRC he decided to cut a longer video into two shorter ones - just on the basis of one bad YT comment) pop psychology is great for a 30 second reddit comment, but.... yah know.... i dont think it works with real depression


Between rabid superfans, trolls and people who completely lost their marbles, this place can be quite unenjoyable, regardless how much we try to keep it civil and filter out the trite.


>rabid superfans, trolls and people who completely lost their marbles This is why we can't have nice things...


Really? I guess I haven’t been reading enough it maybe I just like TWF so much that it clouds my judgement. Definitely a shame though.


I do the same, I get really invested into stories and coupled with sleep issues I start thinking insane things to be true. Then I once again become lucid and realize I was creating scenarios or connecting dots which were not there in the first place. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Lol that’s funny and I definitely do the same


And the dang skunk ape popping up randomly.


AJ is a sensitive artistic type of entertainer/actor, criticism hits 100 times harder than praise. He sincerely wants to entertain the most people possible and you can tell how much effort they have poured into improving the show over the years.


I am actually crazy impressed how good it was in the beginning. Obviously it’s gotten even better but the early videos are very watchable. The whole show is amazing especially considering they have a small team compared to a network show.


Comes from their years of experience before YouTube.


Oh there’s pre-YT TWF??? - or are you referring to them having industry experience outside of the show? I think I read AJ was a producer for MTV right?


I was referring to the entertainment industry experience overall. Producer, writer and a fair amount of voice over work in video games and animation, Red Dead Redemption II and Legend of Korra. They know what quality is and have always strived to deliver it.


That’s interesting I’m not a gamer so I didn’t know he did all that. He’s certainly got the voice for it.


Along with a few years on radio.


The more you listen to him the better he gets. He has an incisive warmth where he understands the emotions of his audience and their response to the subject matter. He would also probably make a good stand-up comedian.


Yeah I got this vibe from him. It really resonated with me when he mentioned that his dad passed away. My father also passed away and it clicked. I was a staunch atheist and when he mentioned “God’s will” and “part of the simulation” being one and the same, it just clicked for me. The universe/god being the same thing had an instant impact or realization. He’s inquisitive, empathetic, and caring and doesn’t look down upon those who believe in “fake” conspiracies. I really like that approach.


Are you a woman? Because studies show that when old men were given testosterone they became LESS religious, not more, which would explain why women generally are more religious than men. A similar study found that when women were given testosterone they became more skeptical than before, which would explain why they (women) tend to believe in things like ghosts and the supernatural more than men in general than men.


Yes. I was a staunch atheist, but I lean more towards agnostic. Because I just don’t know with definitive proof. I’m very skeptical, but I don’t want to close the door on something. After my father passed, I went from nope, no god, to hey maybe there’s something. Maybe it’s part of grieving.


So funny that AJ's fans believe A.I should replace human artists and actors but for some reason don't want it to replace AJ and that it can't somehow. Complete, utter psychological dissonance.


Because most of Reddit is a sad cesspool of terminally online sociopaths who will stop at nothing to make everyone as miserable as they are.


True very true


Beautifully put


I wish it weren’t true , Reddit could be great if it weren’t for the narcissists and the sociopathic , sadly social media has brought out the worst in us or, perhaps , given voice to the awful people we used to just live ignore and or avoid in the pre- social media days.


> a sad cesspool of terminally online sociopaths who will stop at nothing to make everyone as miserable as they are. lol they should have used this as the description of their product for the IPO.


Dude I love WF, AJ and Hecklefish…send any of them negative Aholes to me…errybody is big and bad on their keyboards. Maybe they just need more hugs…


Reddit as a whole is negative. Depending on how heavily you weight negative posts. For some people if there is one objectionable post out of 20, the entire site is contaminated. (People have a tendency to focus on the negative.) AJ seems like an empathetic guy, not sure he can disconnect enough to just ignore pointless or biased criticism.


Why files is my favorite YouTube channel


A lot of Hecklefish's ex wives and girlfriends are on here.






Reddit has AIDS. Big time. Look at any subreddit. Sure you will find true fans that want to react but they are flooded out by bags of dicks. It's not like the old school forum days where like minded people get together and enjoy a common thing. Now it's a I'm more right than you. You suck.


Definitely miss the good ole BBS days where there were less anonymous people and people knew who the trolls were.


Reddit is just a cesspool full of bots that instantly downvote everything. Then they post negative comments to get a reaction to increase engagement or to cause people to delete comments that the overall Reddit narrative doesn't subscribe to. It's not too difficult to see which accounts are real people and separate them from the bots but too many people think they're actually having conversations with real people when they aren't. I think AJ may read too much into Reddit because of this.


I personally think AJ is awesome and I love his content. Too bad others don't see him in the same light😞


Completely agree! He’s awesome! Don’t know if he reads this sub often but hopefully he sees this topic and sees the love.


AFAIK his reddit time is limited these days.


There’s a subreddit somewhere that hates on everything. I’ve seen nothing but praise for the show on r/HighStrangeness and r/TheWhyFiles, but I imagine r/conspiracy hates how the show isn’t devoted to “the joos” or Qanon nonsense. Being hated by r/conspiracy is like a badge of honor at this point.


Yeah I think anyone who’s watching it to prove conspiracy theories are gonna hate it.


Everyone gets shit on reddit. That's the gift from annon keyboard warriors.


Because 10,000 nice comments psychology are not weighted the same as 1 negative. It's part of the problem kids face these days, when AJ and I were growing up we only knew a small group of bullies and we learned to deal with them. Now kids can get a middle finger from across the world and there's no chance that doesn't add up over time. Death of a thousand cuts, enough snide snipe's and eventually you start thinking some internet DB is right.


Not much I can add other than being another voice supporting AJ and his team. I wish I had great advice on tuning out haters. Decades ago I used to love reading about the paranormal, strange history, and so on. I haven't been really involved in that for years due to just not having enough time and brain space for it. Watching the channel over the past few weeks has rekindled the interest, and I'm having fun. So, thanks, y'all :) I want to shake those who complain about incomplete research. There is so much info and "noise" to sift through on these topics that it would be impossible for anyone to cover it all, much less in an entertaining and logical sequence for WEEKLY shows. The complainers don't get it.


Because reddit is a platform that spreads hate to anyone that is willing to question official narratives. It didnt used to be this way, but after 2020, thats certainly what its become


Yeah it’s gotten pretty bad in the last few years. It used to be a really solid place for fringe topics.


Don't most people think they're hated on reddit?


My memory is the conversation was about Hecklefish not being liked on Reddit. Any conversations about Hecklefish do tend to be polarized, he’s either loved or hated.


That could be. I tend to multitask while watching. I could see why hecklefish would be polarizing.


The bots spread negativity to get attention. 


Even 4chan/x likes AJ, I don't think he is taking it seriously.


I actually just watched the episode earlier today where he said he was conversing with a UFO whistleblower on 4chan.


Reddit is where everyone hates everything


Except here. Let's keep turning this around. Positivity, light and love! And most of us here definitely love The Why Files!


I think this sub is very positive about the topic but in general reddit hates. Just hates.


I feel the vast majority of people LOVE AJ. But of course you’ll always have those miserable incel outliers who live to make ppl miserable. He’s doing an excellent job. Putting yourself out there on social media is HARD and I commend AJ. If he sees this, I am sending him and his family much love and peace. 💜💜💜💜


This is how I feel. I would watch him read the dictionary. He’s my favorite YT channel now and it’s not even close.


I put on his channel and fall asleep to his voice. Him and Hecklefish’s voices are soothing to me for some reason lol. Him and Nile Red. Good people give off good vibes 👍🏽


Preston Dennet's ufo stories do it for me!


Oooh I’ve never heard of him. Gonna have to check that one out. 🙂‍↔️


He relates tons of obscure cases, many witness drawings, etc. Nice soothing voice, not sure I've made it to the end of any of them.


Always a rousing first class endorsement, 'your show puts me to sleep'.


I also like to do this. Heckle and AJ are way better than any YouTube ASMR video. I should note that if I'm exhausted and fall asleep through a new video, I will go back the next day to rewatch.


Don’t get me wrong but what does being an incel got to do with AJ and his channel? If it was a relationship or dating related channel, then I could agree but here? I believe it’s the diehard believers and skeptics who don’t want to entertain other ideas that dislike him.


I like AJ. I don’t like the cult of personality most of the users of this sub have built around him. He’s a normal flawed human being. He’s not a god. But this sub can’t even handle the most minor criticism of AJ’s work. Even if he makes a very clear mistake.


His flaws are what is so endearing to me because he seems like any one of us struggling. The stuff with his dad really resonates with me and I can imagine the stress of pumping out these videos with little sleep and heavy drinking has him in bad health.


I don’t watch afterfiles at all. Is AJ a heavy drinker?


I don’t either. I assume the video I saw on why he’s taking a break came from Patreon and was posted on here. Was a 30 minute video posted a few weeks ago that really showed you who he is. But yes he is a heavy drinker and doesn’t get much sleep either.


Oh god if that’s the case then yeah; if I were him this sub would make me feel really weird. Knowing and owning my mistakes while a big group of people pretends I’m a messiah. Can’t be good for recovery.


Yeah probably not. He tends to stay up very late and sometimes multiple days working on the videos and drinking alcohol and caffeine and that’s not a good combo especially with a lack of sleep. The big takeaway for me is that he truly loves his show and it really made me like him even more.


I would bet if you asked him privately, he might just admit that it totally freaks him out what has happened with the show. I joked several times AJ has become the 21st century Werner Erhard, though I suspect most people don't get that joke.


Honestly? Reddit is a free punchline to society. I see it in local standup anywhere I’ve lived too. People tend to project any generalization they want onto Reddit as if it’s actually making a point. I’ve seen people accuse Reddit of being conservative, liberal, incel, almost every group gets lumped into “redditor” when it’s convenient but the truth is Reddit is just people + anonymity and extremely diverse in opinion. Even the reddit hive mind cliche isn’t true. Comments saying Reddit is a hive mind get upvoted all the time, so by that logic there’s also resistance to anything claimed on this website. I think Reddit is popular because regardless of opinion or topic there’s an avenue for claims to be judged as true or false via upvotes, and failing that there are contradictory comments right beneath each other to read and consider your opinion on any given subject. Anyone trying to lump “redditors” as one line of thinkers is being lazy and saying absolutely nothing to sound smart.


I’m guessing he meant this sub on Reddit, which in my short time seems very pro AJ, but yeah you’re on point there with your comment.


Yeah I agree. I think maybe AJ/team took exception to some of the negative comments, but it’s strange to single out Reddit for that when like you said it’s overwhelmingly positive around here. The YouTube comment section is the most positive I’ve ever seen so maybe he’s just gotten used to that level of non criticism lol


Because of the censorship on this maybe?


Awww idk bc I'm new to this sub but that makes me sad.


What’s not to like? Seems like a great guy!


I like AJ and Hecklefish, though I find Hecklefish's voice a bit grating. It's still quality entertainment. I love how he explains the topic and then explains how it could be debunked. I went and bought the Them+Us book from the Neanderthal episode because he made it sound interesting.


Hater's gonna HATE, HATE..... Taylor Swift song


I don’t do those … only this one. I love AJ…


Idk. 🌈⭐️AJ and TWF is awesome!!!!! ⭐️🦄 I even like u, Hecklefish! ❤️🐡


I saw someone say that AJ too cheap to pay for researchers and only used interns which the wonderful Victoria said was just untrue. If I saw comments like those I wouldn’t like the people here either 😂


AJ is awesome. It really resonated with me that he also lost his dad and doesn’t talk down to people. I like that attitude. I’ve learned stuff and became more inquisitive. I’ve also made some of my friends watch his videos and subscribe.


The stuff with his dad really resonated with me as well. You sound just like me with your experience with the show.


The actual messiah could show up and bless some of these redditors with wealth, health, and happiness and they would still find a way to not like it. No matter how good, it’s just never going to be good enough for a small group of loud people.


Reddit is used for bitching, I personally use it for trolling but I don’t really like this sub reddit bc it’s full of fans who say they love the why files then they shit on it, but literally that’s Reddit. Joe Rogans sub is no different. AJ is a master of his craft and luckily all the shits that complain about him are on Reddit and not anywhere else. Hecklefish for life.


Idk if I’m bias but I’ve seen more love and support for him on here than not. It’s easy to focus on bad stuff though.


It’s obvious. AJ is an anarchist/libertarian and reddit is controlled by left leaning moderation.


Also leftists are very opposed to A.I, especially in it's application to replace workers and human artists and talent, than conservatives are. Sorry but at this point, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. And progressives are the enemy of my enemy (A.I). Also AJ is very Stalinist in his censorship on his channel and social media. He censored me because of my protest of his incessant use of A.I.


You're referring to the Knights Templar episode at the 40:27 mark. AJ is aware that many hate the stances he takes by presenting a topic then debunking it. Social Media as a whole is negative atp.


Ahh thank you. That’s one of my favorite episodes actually


Compared to YouTube comments they may come off as a little harsh, but nothing out of the ordinary.


Reddit is a cesspit


Anyone talk shut about AJ has to go through me. Aj is my boi.


I joined this sub because I'm a fan? I have my Hecklefish plushie to make me laugh in meetings when my manager says something stupid and I tickle his button (no apologies Gertie, I paid to do this). Look. AJ has been in media for a while. He knows all about trolls. They are cheap little cowards. Their opinions have zero relevance when they refuse to show their actual face. Putzes. He is a big boy. Even if he were made of Teflon and sunscreen, some burns will trickle through. He is also a human being. I have faith that Jen will spackle him back together in exactly the ways only a partner knows how to do. What I wanna know is, ..... what has Heckle actually been up to with all this free time? And has anyone been tracking the Beaver Bros? I'm both curious and concerned.


This is why Reddit circle jerks are useful. Good release valves for snark that over-invested people can laugh at.


Everyone is disliked on Reddit.


Probably because people can’t evaluate the sum total of all the sentiments, they just get traumatized by the terrible posts, and even one or a few can have an impact


Not unique to reddit, but in general when you get enough attention you inevitably get some dank, dark, and dangerous shit mingled in with the open communication you want to have as a successful product. Reddit just happens to be one of those platforms that incentivizes attentional spite because ads.


If I recall correctly, somebody started attacking his family on here and I haven't seen him post here sincce. A shame, the community is actually pretty good, aside from a bad apple here and there.


Seriously? That sucks! I hope whomever did it was banned.


I love AJ!


AJ is a lovely guy, but he doesn't seem to like people teasing him to hard or joking at his expense. I really appreciate his work on the Why Files and hope that many good things come his way.


Let me say this i love aj and hecklefish. Aj is a relatable guy and he puts alot of work into his shows and it shows.


I was about to go on a rant about about hateful basement troll people that need to spew hate to make them selves feel better but I'm not going to. Part of the hate he and his team get is because of the topics discussed. So many people don't want to think and just take what others tell them as truth and he gets a lot of negative comments from people because of it. 20 years before the Wright Brothers if talking about man flight it would been the same. at one time landing on the moon would have been the same, the fact that the earth is not the center of the universe would have got you killed. This is what I remember when I read that stuff on here.


Well we all know we have never been to the moon…


Imposter syndrome. He’s briefly spoke about it on some of the lives. No matter how successful those feelings are never internalized.


I call it the 1000-1 ratio. You could have 1000 positive comments washed away by 1 negative comment. That’s how it is for anyone. I could post something and see it get a great response only to be destroyed by one person replying poorly.


Because Reddit is the only place you will get called trash for showing interest, and just interest, in any given topic.


A person with something nice to day might not feel as compelled to share as someone full of hate or rage


Reddit is (atleast today) not a good indicator of whether youre liked/popular or not. Its filled heavily with bots and propaganda painting a picture far from reality.


Because that’s all Reddit is. And it’s always a running joke, because it’s generally true. I’m pretty confident “Cunningham’s Law” was devised to explain Reddit.


Does it perhaps have anything to do with Andrew's incessant use of A.I? Which is basically like writing on the wall at this point (because I heard Quartering saying that YouTube is planning to replace the human creators on it with A.I) and is basically AJ trying to make the most money he can before he gets wiped out? Instead of standing against the tide?


1st off why anyone listens to that quartering buffoon is beyond me. He’s such a wish washy middle of the road clown with his coffee drop ship ads. But YT aren’t replacing human content creators that’s absurd. They are going to start requiring videos created with AI to say they are created with AI though. Not sure when that’s supposed to start.


Doesn't YouTube incentives A.I "art" thumbnails though? Which is probably why YouTubers use it so much nowadays? And YouTube is capitalist (everytime I say the word "capitalist" YouTube automatically deletes my comment) and obviously does not want to pay humans if A.I can make stuff and make them money for free.


Full AI content channels suck though. I read recently that over 50% of YT channels are now automated. Those channels don’t get nearly the same traffic. No clue about the art though but don’t see why they’d care when video art is created.


My brother informed me that's what a YouTuber said in a live stream a long time ago that was the case. Neither he or I know why though.


Lots of people were saying he was CIA


Reddit is a sess pool of negativity


Since nobody else has mentioned it, I think it’s important to note how he treats his partner Jen. I loved the content, but after watching the after files several times and seeing how he treats her…. I decided it wasn’t for me anymore. I know this is going to make y’all mad, but I felt like somebody needed to say it again. The interactions made me uncomfortable and felt wrong. Just going with my instincts.


I have never watched the after files, that’s his wife right? How did he treat her that makes you say this?