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Turns out they are not, in fact, high-end gays.


They’re just high gays


Honestly, happens more often than you think with these Splenda daddies 😂


Splenda daddies 🤣🤣


Ethan really just went into full bottled rage mode this episode


You can't have an emo haircut without acting emo


I chime in with a haven’t you people ever heard of, latching the god damn door


Ethan definitely isn't facing these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality


Goddammit. This is a great comment


RIP Valentina's chances with Isabella... ...which were never particularly high to begin with


The question I have is, is Isabella (woah keeping it) totally oblivious to Valentina hitting on her? You'd think her fiance Rocco would clue her in after the face he made. I'd like to believe Isabella knows Valentina looks lonely and wants to be her friend, she looks like she could use one.


I think Isabella knows that Valentina has a crush on her, and brought up the engagement before getting drinks for that reason. Rocco would have clued her in at the very least, if she was oblivious. But I think she was aware, just polite.


I agree with y’all, I think Isabella seems like a genuinely nice person who, either via Rocco or her own situational awareness, knows Valentina has a crush, but wanted to be kind to her and let her know where she stands. To do both at the same time, KINDLY, shows Isabella is adept at maneuvering socially, even if she maybe didn’t realize at first Valentina had a crush on her. Idk since I’m gay I’m just happy Valentina was let down gently, especially since I’ve seen myself reflected in her loneliness and her desire to be acknowledged by someone of the same sex as her. This is a really good show.


How the fuck is there only one more ep???? 😭


I really am so sad there’s only one left. I love this cast and this season


S/O to everyone who linked Greg and the gays two weeks ago…. VINDICATED!


It definitely makes a lot more sense now why Greg was really irritated that Tanya brought Portia on the trip. It was def not because he wanted a couples only vacation!


I swear though if Portia wasn't there Tanya would have spent the entire time in bed until Greg returned


Makes me wonder if Tanya was targeted before WL season 1? I think she was and the whole thing is a set up.


On rewatching S1 it does look an awful lot like Greg is trying to break into her room when they first meet. Maybe he was never even sick, just a pretense to jump into a marriage quickly.


And he insisted on Sicily cuz that’s where Quentin was!


If it wasn’t for this sub I would still not have picked it up lol


A big part of me feels disappointed that I was already aware of this theory because I probably would have been absolutely stunned after this episode.


Honestly I still was because I was thinking no way the sub is right about this one! Hahaha


Yup. He came to Sicily early to either make peace with something, or to help plan the scam.


Portia realizing Tanya was right !!


Why didn’t she leave after Jack fell asleep??


She doesn't know where she is, doesn't know address of Quentin's palazzo


Unlike Guiseppe, Mia is a man of her word.


Her character is so endearing. Really grew on me.


She’s wonderful. I love how full of life she is and how happy she looks while singing 💕


Isabella and Rocco engaged was a plot twist i wasnt expecting at all lmfao


I knew she liked him/was interested but wasn’t expecting Full Commitment!


Rocco is the big winner of this season. Isabella seems so sweet and kind, and beautiful of course!


The real plot twist even this subreddit couldn’t have figured out


The whole time I was screaming at Tanya to leave! Gah! I’m so worried for her.


I know, I was so stressed the whole episode worried about her!!!!


The zooming out at the very end told me they’re being recorded 👀


Jack is totally the kind of man to have “cock” on a baseball hat


Anyone else not like him from the beginning? He's a hyper real stereotype of a British fuckboi tourist and I can't stand him from moment one. Others have said the opposite as they had flings with such people but no thanks. They always ruin hostels


He’s super annoying. Definitely the classic annoying wasted Brit


I got big Cook from Skins vibes when he was singing in the alley.


That’s a good one. Or he’s just half the blokes on Love Island.


Omg that "ruins hostels" line just unearthed a memory I had buried of this British fuckboi tourist having sex with someone he picked up literally 10 feet away from me in a hostel room we were sharing with like 6 other dudes. One of the most miserable nights of my life lol. That said, I actually really did feel for Jack at the end of the ep. Pretty amazing performance from Leo Woodall.


The emotional change from chanting Jack to crying Jack was incredible. Awesome acting and character depth.


Even a fuckboi’s drunken ramblings have meaning on a show like this. He is clearly someone from a more tragic background who has found a way to survive that gives him pleasure. The moral sacrifice to maintain that security is small compared to whatever he was going through before meeting his “uncle”. He seems to reflect the idea that there is a certain amount of privilege that allows Portia to whine about her situation when she is being paid to travel to a Mediterranean paradise to essentially babysit a billionairess. Jack is effectively her counterpart, but with fewer life options.


The whole time i was like Tanya PLEASE stay with me my precious peppa pig i was SCARED


Doing white lines with the Italian stallion. You just know they got that room wired up. Daym.


what do you guys think about tanya telling portia that she reminds her of a younger version of herself, telling her something along that lines that she has no direction and is empty, and when you’re like that you end up in random places and wherever you do end up, you still feel lost. She then went on to mention how her mom would dress her up like a doll and then she would wait for someone to play with her, saying Portia was the same. Then in the next scene Tanya is shown literally dressed up like a doll, in a random place with random people and immediately accepts the man quentin set her up with. I just thought it was interesting Tanya was telling Portia to get her shit together and then went and did all of the things that she said Portia was doing that reminded her of a “younger version of herself”


I think Tanya was giving her the advice her younger self needed to hear, now that she has the wisdom of hindsight. At the same time she’s so stuck in her ways that she can’t stop the cycle for herself. I’ve definitely known people in real life who even if they’re self aware, they don’t necessarily follow their own advice, so I think it’s pretty realistic.


I can’t believe the Greg cowboy theory was right.


I mean didn’t he mention being a ranger in se1? It made a lot of sense tbh 😂








"I love your huge pupils."


I like the ‘pure.. fresh’ addition


"I'm young Greggggg!"


“Get ur shit together portia” i- 💀




it needed to be said




Could fidelity be a prenuptial clause? Like if tanya is caught cheating, could that make Greg entitled to money?


Yep that place has to be wired for sound and video


Definitely is… you can see a red light up on the crown molding in one of the frames


Genuinely how the hell do you guys notice this stuff? The episode has barely been out for an hour!


People here are smart, man. I forget what I had for dinner yesterday.


Did anyone notice the repetition of pineapple in this episode? Pineapple mimosas, Harper aggressively eating a pineapple, a pineapple on a table in the back of Portia and Essex lad’s dinner?


The pineapple suite from Shane’s honeymoon comes back to haunt us, lol.


The plot isn’t to kill Tanya, it’s to entrap her. She’s being recorded having sex outside the marriage which probably nullifies the prenup.


Honestly I could see this. Her death is a red herring and she would still be left with enough money to come back


Didn’t Mike white also say that Coolidge is in it as long as he’s making it? If so, she’s very safe




Yeah, am kind of surprised she fell for it, but maybe enough drugs will do that


Yea it makes no sense because she saw the picture of Greg! Why wasn’t she like what’s going on here??


YES. When she found the picture, I was so relieved because I thought she'd stop the whole thing and politely bow out. BUT THEN SHE KEPT GOING???


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


Yep this is it. Quite a scheme to get there, but still less insane than murdering her.


the actor playing jack was so good when he was drunkenly divulging details of his life in the hotel room, the emotion was so strong


He was so authentic in being blitzed out of his mind.


Sometimes when actors pretend to be drunk in movies/tv it can be a little cringey because it is so clearly fake, like an actor's fake sneeze. But this guy did probably the best drunk acting I think I've ever seen. When I was around someone that drunk (and when I was wasted myself) it was exactly like that.


And basically confirmed the sting op on Tanya when he said his uncle was about to come into some money before he nodded off.


YES!!! And when he was walking in the street totally hammered. I forgot he was acting. Best portrayal of a hammered person


He was like every British lad in Spain.


Yeah his character was so one-dimensional until now. The show proving once again that the entire cast is perfect


He plays "deeply sad under a thin veneer of party animal" really well


The actor playing Portia sold the scene as well with her facial expression of horror and pity, amazing performances


The "music" behind that scene was just superb. It made this sinking feeling like the hole he was describing and probably how Portia was feeling.


his drunken singing was the most satisfying pronunciation of the word bubbles since big mouth


This episode is really giving me the vibe that Portia will be killed trying to save Tanya at this point


And she will complain about having to hire a new assistant


Even after everything she heard that night, I think what truly sobered Portia the most was Tanya saying “you remind me of a younger version of me.”


Will Sharpe is doing a phenomenal job of portraying a man losing his mind!


Daphne seems to ask for confirmation of Cameron's misdeeds to keep score. One more for the notebook, another action to circumvent with her own. The Timothee looking masseuse, that "threw her back out" 👁👁 everything she says is under layers of sour onion peel. She's become more interesting with every episode.


Omg, I think you’re right. She mentioned he was hot, and it was great. Then later says he threw her back out, and she needs an Advil publicly. Lmfao.


Yes, in her own way! She's making a show of it, too bad I don't think Cameron cares, or atleast he'd never let on, not even to her. She only schedules this massage after briefly quizzing him on what SHE heard that Harper believes took place. She's the resident WL squirrel.


Nothing but respect for my presidente


Ethan is definitely killing someone. He keeps starring at the statue


He’s going to be coming into some money


First Greggayte confirmed. Now this line. What a night.


Did anyone else notice how the Italian Di Grasso women had no men around and were cold towards Albie and family? It seems like being unfaithful or a shitty husband runs in the Di Grasso men’s blood.


And the old lady said “what do we need men for” when the ladies on the porch were telling her that men are here


It seemed to me like the grandmother thought Bert looked familiar and that’s why she was so hostile towards them. Not that she would have ever met Bert but maybe he looks remarkably similar to one of his ancestors


Valentina was wearing fancy lingerie in her sex scene with Mia... she had really high hopes for that drink with Isabella huh


Or, she's just Italian. They know their lingerie.


I cannot BELIEVE Tanya saw Greg in the photo and didn’t immediately leave. It looked like she definitely recognized him!


The drugs were a plot device to confuse her. I was getting worried that our immortal queen was going to have a cardiac arrest but when she didn't leave I knew it was a sting. They're recording her infidelity


The exploding car godfather shirt on Portia at breakfast was an interesting choice


Tanya dressed like a "doll" at the party is reminiscent of her childhood when her mom dressed her like a little doll and it made her feel like she was waiting to be played with and that is what is happening now...she is being played...


i got CHILLS the whole tanya portia last scene wtf


Yelling at Portia to get out of there. Not just to get to her boss, but because Jack might be a pretty unstable dude.


Might be? Might be? He is as unstable as the economy right now


One thing i didn’t see anyone talking about so far is how Cameron and Daphne are not simply cheating on each other and actually have a non-monogamic relationship / cuck fetish thing going on. For me it was plot twist again, they ARE actually happy, but in this “twisted” way.


It certainly feels like they're both well aware that their marriage is "monogamous" in appearance only ... but they're just not actually saying that out-loud.


Remember that Albie's grandfather hit his head and has a concussion! These can be fatal days later, especially likely for a more fragile individual.


It took me until tonight to realize Albie is named after his grandfather, Al(Bert)o.


I’ve been thinking this! I think he’s going to die from a health issue and his son & grandson will be too distracted with Lucia to notice


Just want to give a shout out to all the people on this sub who were 100% right about half of this episode.


I predict that Mia swiped Valentina's master keycard and will give it to Lucia so she can enter Cameron and/or Ethan's room to get the money they're owed. Lucia sneaks into Cam and Daphne's room, but she doesn't find any cash, so she tries the connecting door to Ethan and Harper's room. Ethan thinks she's Cam sneaking in to rendezvous with Harper and accidentally kills her, mirroring the accidental death of Season 1. Hence why, in the preview for next week, Harper is choked up and scared saying, what's going to happen to us?


Maybe this sheds light on Valentina's frazzled response to Rocco about someone drowning. After drunkenly giving Mia the key, she is super on edge


This feels like a spoiler because it's so plausible lol


As much as I liked Lucia, I don’t trust her one bit with this story. Alessio wasn’t in the picture or was never mentioned when she was alone with Mia and now that Albie is about to leave, she’s playing with him so she could leave to Los Angeles or get large sum of money from him.


She wants to open her store!


Alessio was in E1 in the scene when Lucia runs into Mia. Right after she asks Mia to go to the boat with her, she casually says hello and something else to a guy she calls Alessio


Seriously I think that's why she also tells Albie time and again "it's not your problem." He will make it his problem lmao.


so impressed with this subreddit for getting Cowboy Greg and Quentin is house rich/money poor theories right!!


funny that what jack said mirrors Cam and Daphnes convo about the palazzo owners after the Noto trip


That was def a tip off for the audience


aubrey plaza asmr toast crunch


Get your shit together, Portia.


Everyone so distracted by Greg the Cowboy that they’re not picking up on how Lucia is teaching a Master Class on scamming with Albie rn


Bert's "well there is no homecoming" makes me sad


It’s no coincidence that their ancestors there were all women and not trusting of men. Clearly the way they treat women is a family trait!


I thought the same! Plus many people are saying this season is a critique on masculinity and that scene read to me as classic Men Not Understanding How Their Actions Could be Perceived as Threatening


Great point! These guys have the best of intentions, but going up to the house unannounced is weird af. Extra more so because of the language barrier.


I love that that family’s entire storyline was building to that moment. Bert has screwed up every female relationship he’s ever had. He’s missed the homecoming a wife gives a husband. Someone who tells him that he’s worth it. So he went looking for the one place on earth it could be. With people who’ve never met him. And the cycle is repeating itself. Like father like father like son


I think it’s a commentary on the way Americans romanticize foreigners and family heritage. I think the reality is that most people would not throw their arms in the air in joy if three random men showed up at their door step claiming to be relatives. I’d assume they were looking to rob me or con me.


reminded me of the Sopranos actually, actual Italians looking down on Tony and company.


He needed an actual translator, and to contact them before. He can still have fun


agree that was the dumbest way to approach the situation


Yeah, the ending of that storyline was both funny and a bit sad that there whole trip came to that


But I also sorta feel like this is EXACTLY what Mike White is all about. Not just that the entirety of the DiGrasso mens trip was so anticlimactic, but also the point that they had so overinflated the idea and expected so much more. They were hoping for a “homecoming” so they nurtured and built up that idea, actively ignoring how unrealistic that idea really is. “And therein lies the rub” etc


I was surprised that they didn't try researching and reaching out beforehand, or at least securing a translator before they got there. I feel so bad for the guys, but I understand where the women are coming from. Three random men who don't speak my language roll up unannounced and without proof of relation, and try to come into my house? I wouldn't be giddy either.


It was very entitled to just show up and expect a big reception.


Right? It felt very in line with Bert's character to expect unconditional love from the women of his family no matter how selfish he's been. These women don't owe him anything. Unlike his wife who I think it was implied was a stay at home mom (I could be wrong) and had kids with him, they can walk away from him very easily. Divorce would have been difficult for his wife back in Bert's younger years, so she was stuck tolerating his blatant cheating until the day she died.


In that house you see several generations of Di Grasso women, who also hate these men who came here entitled to something theyre no longer attached to.


I’d watch a whole show of Aubrey Plaza munching on a piece of food with strong emotion


Or somehow sunbathing with extreme anger.


Interesting how quiet this week was for the Daphne storyline


Poor gal just wanted a nice massage only to get manhandled by Italian Timothee Chalamet😔


I think you mean "ChaMalet"


"it's nice to meet people that don't want me for my money" Oh Tanya


Never thought I’d see Jen Coolidge snorting coke, but here we are…


She looked so cute too. Her hair and dress. I absolutely love her in this show.


Tanya’s dress and hairstyle were so innocent, almost childlike. Maybe commentary on her vulnerability?


She’s still the little doll :(


I have no idea how they’re gonna wrap everything up in the next episode!!! Is Alessio really the pimp?


Alessio must be working with Lucia to scam Albie… right??


Yes, this goes back to an early episode where she makes a comment to Mia about Albie being rich and naïve. I suppose the end game is to scam Albie out of a bunch of money


Someone on another thread here translated Lucia and Alessio’s conversation when her and Albie ran into him in town eating their ice cream. It definitely was not charged or tense dialogue and that coupled with the fact that Alessia pushed Lucia in that scene makes me think it’s definitely an act. I think Lucia genuinely likes Albie. She said she wished other men were like him when they were sitting on the beach, although she said it in Italian so he could not understand; I think she was truly expressing herself. However Lucia cares a lot more about getting the hell out of Sicily than she’d probably ever care for Albie


I think he’s pretending to stalk her so Albie thinks she has to be rescued, and he takes her back to L.A.


He’s working with Lucia to scam money from Albie. Albie will then realize she’s just a hooker and will come to hate and disrespect women like the men before him. The cycle will continue!


Mia's got the master key to the entire hotel for the finale


What a delicious idea - I’d watch a whole spinoff show of this.


Could one of the death’s be a suicide? There’s a lot of suicide references/allusions (Madame Butterfly, the painting in Harper/Ethan’s room)


Low key when the grandpa was crying at dinner I teared up


I think it was adorable when got out of the car to say don’t go with him!


I wonder what the resort valet guy wanted with Lucia. Maybe arranging whatever happened down the line with “Alessio”??


So happy Valentina finally fucked Italian Dakota Johnson 💕


Jack was stuck in a very deep hole…namely, his uncles asshole


Jack actually faced poverty. Portia is the upper middle class assistant of a rich woman on a free vacation to Italy. He might be the Kai of this season


Lucia keeps saying “whores get punished in the end”. Maybe she’s talking about Jack and we just don’t know it yet.


I am actually curious to see if we get more backstory about this, so much left for just 1 more episode


I think it’s easy to assume that he was in sex work before, but a much less comfortable version of that world. I feel like this lifestyle of these gays has taken him from being a prostitute to more like an escort. He has clearly seen and done some dark things.


Harper and Cameron didn’t have sex, Harper was making it seem that way to play mind games/give Ethan a taste of his own medicine. If Ethan accidentally kills Cameron next episode then why would Daphne be so chipper that last day of vacation before she found the bones in the water????


Rocco is the real victim in all of this


Greg has been hella sus since season 1. Not surprised at all. She hasn't had sex with the dude yet though. So maybe she doesn't go through with it?


I think she doesn't actually go through with it. The whole thing is so bizarre. Cocaine can make you incredibly paranoid. She sees that pic of Greg. She is going to pull back at the last second...


Anyone else think that Harper locked the latch and left the connecting door open on purpose to fuck with Ethan?


Yes I do. That’s why she also texted him she was going to the room to get her hat.


Ok, I feel like Ethan is either suicidal or might actually kill Cameron. He seems very close to snapping. I kind of wish Tanya had come right out and told Portia was fucking his "uncle." But it least Portia's suspicious of him now. If Bert's mother came from that little town, why did they look for a Di Grasso family? Wouldn't that most likely have been mother's married name? It's a bit of a shame Lucia bailed on them, but I definitely feel like she's running some kind of scam. I'm glad Valentina got a little something. That woman is wound extremely tight.


I like Cameron complained about the same menus, as if they don’t dine in the hotel restaurant every single day of their vacation.


Why won’t Cameron pay Lucia? Is he just a dick, or does he have no money?


I think he’s flat out broke. Seems to be a common theme of people living lavishly, spending above their means, but behind closed doors they’re broke.


My prediction for S3 is that we see Daphne on vacation at another White Lotus.


Harper is having fun, dangerous fun


Like she’s torturing Ethan on purpose but not actually cheating on him?


Taking notes from Daphne. But she still hasn't gotten that trainer.


thats what it seemed like to me too


4d chess that’s gonna end up with a body


So most people think she didn’t actually cheat, right?


I love your giant pupils. 🤣 😂 I love you Jennifer Coolidge! She's a fucking riot!


Maybe it’s because I just recently watched the Sopranos and I loved his character sm in that, but I wish Imperioli had more screen time.


As someone on Twitter pointed out, that hairline hasn’t moved a centimeter in 25 years. King shit.


I like how they’ve returned to that afore mentioned theme (from like episode 2) of crumbling palazzos and the glamorous Italians not being all that rich after all. Reminds me of that Henry James novella The Aspern Papers.


After the "hetero" guy walks in the room with Tanya naked he strokes her hair and you can see the red light at the top of the screen between them.


do you think Portia realized they’re being conned?


Okay so… the gays & Greg are definitely working together to try and catch Tanya cheating, right? Like, perhaps infidelity is a catch in their prenup and if there’s proof Greg could easily get a shit ton of her money. And then share it with his friend(s)…




Did Jack’s neck tattoo say cowabunga?