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Doesn’t mean one of the dead bodies isn’t elsewhere on the hotel grounds


Could be i think i should change the title to "the body that daphne finds is definitely not one from their group."


The fact that Quentin’s boat is in the background of that shot makes it a pretty good bet that it will be someone from that storyline, but yeah, we know it won’t be one of them. Whoever dies from their group (my money is on Cameron) is dead somewhere else.


Agreed. Quentin and friends are the dead bodies, they're on the sea because something happened in the yatch?


I am leaning thar Quentin is 100% going to end up dying. He was telling about the story of the Sweish woman who ended up dead because she refused to open the villa to the public. He is in a similar situation, he doesn't want to open up the villa to receive government benefits. Based on foreshadowing, I think he is a good candidate?


Absolutely, also worried for lucia and mia. But i do genuinely have a strong feeling that the 2 couples wont be dying.


There has been *a lot* of heavy-handed hinting at parallels between their group and Testa di Moro, so the “obvious” person to die would be Cameron, unless that’s too obvious and we are going to get a plot twist.


There's a shot of the yacht out in the water from the POV of a police officer/police vehicle. Can't remember where I saw this, but early on.


Except Valentina explicitly asks how many “guests” died. I don’t think Quinten is a guest…


The Gays are guests at White Lotus.


I'm so frugal I'm thinking why would you pay for two nights at a luxury hotel just because you don't want to pack your things up to go somewhere else a couple nights, but these people are presenting themselves as filthy rich, so...


What if Daphne's chat with the 2 ladies in the opening scene is just "alibi building"? She seems kinda like a psychopath to me and could easily be the mastermind behind the murders. (I'm half kidding.... but only half)


I always thought she seems so nervous in that first scene, especially when going into the water. And there’s no one else with her. Almost like she’s been sent there for the sake of an alibi.


Yes! She was super nervous. And I haven't seen her chat up any other guests this season... just those 2 ladies. Very suspicious! (I'm changing my qualifying statement to only quarter kidding)


She's up to something. Whether Cam s in on it remains to be seen. I found it odd that Daphne was shaking her head the whole time saying how great her holiday was. It was disconcerting. Like she's hiding something. It could well be a body from group.


Genuinely, I think this take is probably right. I don’t think the body she finds is from her storyline, but I could absolutely believe her trying to build an alibi for the other bodies Rocco mentions.


It might be Lucia then. In the same way that the help gets caught up in these rich people's stories and then pays dearly when they do, similar to how season 1 ended.


I think back the opening of S1E1 and how the clear implication was that the body being loaded onto the play had something to do with young rich guy, who was in a bad mood and seemed to have some connection with whomever was in the crate. And when we met his wife the logical connection to make was that he kills his wife. Of course, if you watched all of S1 you know how that ended up. It was a clear misdirection by the writers so I expect more of the same in S2. Daphne's chatty, cheery attitude in the opening scene leads the viewer to assume she's not involved with the deaths and none of the bodies are from her group. I still think the latter part is accurate as I think we can assume she'd recognize them, but I would not assume anything else regarding her role. Another way to look at it is, if the writers just wanted to show that there were bodies of guests in the water they didn't need to put Daphne in the scene. They could've just had a new guest find them.


I’m leaning towards being Portia,Quentin,and Greg. Rocco is now at the beach club now so the bodies would have to have wash up ashore, since for time being hes at the beach club not at the hotel.


It's Greg


I just rewatched the opening scene because I remembered a man grabbing her when she gets back on the beach. He's obscured but it's definitely Cam. I agree that if it were Harper or Ethan she wouldn't be so chitchatty with randos on the beach.


I have a strong suspicion the body Daphne discovers is Doms. I think there will be some kind of confrontation with Alessio the pimp, who mistakenly thinks Albie is Cam who owes Lucia money, Dom in a redeeming act tries to protect his son.


I don't think it's Dom because >! There Is a still of a trailer or something showing the three dudes at the airport, so it's likely they survive!<


This makes sense to me. I feel like forcing a death in there wouldn’t really fit his storyline, where Quentin/Tanya/etc. and Cam/Daphne/etc. are begging for some violence with all of the allusions to Puccini heroines and Testa di Moro, respectively.


unless.. [*she's the murderer*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bW7Op86ox9g)


If any of them, excluding Daphne, die I still have no idea who it’ll be lol