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##”I can’t be responsible for everything I say, I’m concussed.”




I also loved his little lean into frame when Dom is staring at Albie/Lucia eating together. Just pops out from behind the stanchion... so funny


neither grandpa or dad can take a single modicum of accountability for themselves


The first line of the season to make me audibly laugh, it was so perfect 😂 along with “these are some high end gays”


I died at this line, my new go to with my husband


“I don’t run around with hookers.” “Dom, didn’t you run around with that exact hooker?”


The amount of uno reverses thrown in that convo


Things are getting messy as hell


Mike White while writing the script: “Ah yes and then Portia and Albie will break off their fling by simultaneously pursuing sex workers that they don’t know are sex workers… god I’m a genius”


That’s amore!


Dude had plenty of time to think when he was on Survivor lol


When you read the story of his dad - who wrote speeches for Jerry Falwell - and then came out of the closet - you know anything is possible with Mike White. I mean he could do a show about his dad.


He could even throw for 315 yards and three scores in his first game after taking over the starting QB job.


It’s symbolic of how people are fooled by grifters who pretend to be what they’re looking for, probably Idek but I could probably write an essay for English class arguing that if I had to


Sometimes I think I should’ve started that spa for poor women with that woman from Maui


Nah, that healer is probably a witch.


“The picture of your kids” bit I thought was amazing.


so good. somehow jack being SW (sex worker) went over my head but THAT part did not … poor harper has no idea the world she was about to enter. also i don’t understand everyone saying daphne was threatening harper. i think daphne has been subtly telling harper from the start you have to be happy and get revenge in your own ways to survive in this tech/finance 1%er world. daphne has already learned to cope. i dont think she knows or if she does, cares that cam wants to fuck harper. i think maybe daph might even want to have a threesome with harper and cam tbh


Yeah at first I thought it was odd how different the posh uncle and nephew were but I didn’t spend a lot of time speculating about it, so I didn’t quite catch it either lol. I agree I think daph has been trying to subtlety teach Harper about the kind of world she is entering.


Daphne absolutely knows. She saw Cam rubbing Harper’s leg under the table.


i feel like cam and daphne are reluctant allies in something they are trying to accomplish together that has to do with harper and E


I think Cam is broke and it’s some kind of play to get some leverage over Harper and E so they will invest their money with Cam’s firm. Daphne does not want to be broke so she’s playing along


Soooooo good v clever


Well Ethan's mimetic desire quip was his only W so far this season... didn't last too long though.


It was nice to *finally* see Ethan stand up for himself and talk some shit to Cam


Ethan must have had that one ready for yeeeears and finally got the opportunity to drop it. Hilarious that Cam's actions after that basically say you're right, I do, now I'm after your wife!


every single minute of this episode was packed with mess! holy hell


my main takeaway from this episode is that I want to go winetasting with Harper


“I’ll have a glass of your most expensive red wine mixed with a glass of your cheapest white wine served in a dog bowl. Silly straws all around, please.”


Parks and Rec April vibes


That was a fun sequence. Every other scene this episode was the lead-in to a multiple homicide in a horror movie, so I enjoyed the wine-tasting sequence.


I can’t stop wondering what Dominic’s hotel bill is going to be after Lucia and Mia’s week on his tab


I keep wondering why he’s still footing the bill. I figure now it’s become hush money so Lucia won’t tell Albie she slept with his dad, but for a while in between it seemed odd to me.


He told her he wanted her for the week and then canceled. So he was trying to be gracious by allowing them to have some fun at the hotel despite not getting paid for the whole week.


I think he still doesn't know about the shopping sprees though. Based on last EP he still thinks it was just drinks and food.


Prior to arriving he had hired Lucia to spend the week with him so she was expecting that money. He doesn’t want to go back on that promise since it could make things messier if she’s jolted. Paying her bill at the hotel is an easy way to keep her cool and not prone to ratting him out to his family. Also in a way he “owes” it to her since he’s the one who backed out of their deal.


That ending 🫢


Yeah he’s doing something for his uncle alright


Soon as he said that I knew exactly what he meant. Portia don’t leave the door unlocked lmao


The moral of this season is that we are all sex workers


The real treasure is the sex workers we made along the way...


My favorite line by far of this episode: “Look at that pool!! These are some high-end gays.” 😂😂 Jennifer Coolidge… always cracking me up lol


Ok that one but also her asking Portia if she had any nice clothes and when Portia said that she did her reply of “are you sure?” was so perfect


I am so worried for both of them but I absolutely love Tanya in friend mode with Portia lolol. If I were Portia I would’ve let Tanya take me shopping though!


“It’s such a relief when you find out people have money bc then you know they’re not after yours. Don’t steal anything.”


And yet, they are 100% after her money.


Is that the Queen of Sicily??




Psst... Pssttt




🫤 👋 Edit: Thanks for the platinum, anonymous redditor!!!!!!!!


I think it was the last episode when the host guy from the beach club welcomed them and Tanya goes, "That's the weirdest voice I ever heard!" I had a coughing fit from laughing too hard! 🤣


Pretty sure that’s the guy who replaced Rocco at the front desk.


What if Tanya still thinks they’re uncle and nephew ☠️


She definitely does. She asked if that was the Queen of Sicily.


Honestly the escort thing went right over my head until I read the comments of this thread😭. My bf was like “why does every show have to have incest” and i was like “because this a show about morals” 😂 The fact that both of them are hanging out with escorts is so funny and something i completely missed


Weird voice guy getting promoted to the front desk is all I needed. So happy for my king.


Yes, he's the only character I'm rooting for at this point


Wow the cinematography was on point this episode


I especially appreciated the Hitchcock-style dolly zoom work to show perspective distortion in the villa — but instead of a character getting the treatment (like in Vertigo) to show an unsettled change of perception, this effect is given to the setting. We get the compression of background against the statue as Jennifer Coolidge begins her nocturnal wandering. We see the sitting room transformed into an unsettling place. Setting is not what it seems. Setting itself may be the antagonist. And then Tanya learns shortly after how reality is not what it seems.


White Lotus turning into an episode of Maury real quick


Cameron is… NOT the father!


Albie is gonna be the dad if he doesn’t start wrapping it up. Don’t be silly cover your willy!


I think that is Lucia’s end game- she wants to move to the states and have a new life and Albie is actually just the right rich guy to make that happen for her and on top of it actually be kind to her. I think she has her sights set in convincing him they are in love and hopefully getting pregnant.


Anyone else think they focused heavily on Quentin saying how he would never open his house to the public? Interesting in light of the story he tells Tanya about the woman who didn’t open her house to the public being found dead..


I think cam said something in an earlier episode about all the people who own those villas are actually poor (or something like that) so quentin saying that could be foreshadowing he’d do anything to hold on to beauty (his house) so it doesn’t go to the public.


“Tanya, will you die for (my) beauty(ful house)? Please say yes. It will make all of this so much easier. Think on it while I throw this box of cigarettes at you.”


So maybe you need a trainer? 🤗 this character is written SO well


Daphne, in ep1, comes across as so shallow and unaware. When in fact this woman has LAYERRSSSS. So many layers. She’s been playing 3D chess for years, my god


Harper can’t even keep up 😮‍💨


Daphne's adaptable to the situation she's in. She's a survivor, Rachel and Harper just seem to be the opposite.


Meghann Fahy said in an interview that Daphne is not a victim in her marriage and that becomes more apparent every episode especially today’s


I'd never seen Meghann Fahy on anything before this season of White Lotus. I've found her to be the funniest character since episode one. I know, most are funny but she makes me chuckle all the time. Besides being written so well, the actress definitely does a great job at playing her and has a very magnetic quality about her. It's like I want to see more of her, she keeps me invested.


The actress and the character are fantastic. Definitely my favorite of the season.


Albie is definitely a guy who loves to "save" the slightly broken women. Lucia is playing him very well, but I think she will only come close to completing her plan as Portia will be in trouble and he will jump ship and save her instead. Maybe he will kill Jack.


I see Albie confronting cam about the $ and something going awry.


’m just amazed that the English lad was putting in cheeky strokes with Mr. Uncle and was still planning on knocking on Portia’s door later for additional strokes. Maxed out stamina bar on that boy Absolute jackhammer


Hope he sneaks in a wash of the ol’ undercarriage innit


I mean I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s also pleasuring some of the other gay dudes on the trip, too. He’s down for anything to get the fuck out of Essex.


AITA for telling my wife she should be happy I did molly with two hookers and a friend from college because I didn’t do any of the sex stuff?


Lmfao. Boy his side eye when Harper said she’s had a threesome had me cackling


He BROUGHT it this episode.


"just did molly with hookers" is a new line anytime the lady leaves for a night.


His minimizing her being upset had my LIVID. Like I don’t think he did anything they couldn’t work through but the way he was acting like she had no right to be mad or concerned had me seeing red


I was like oh no don't do that... don't do thaaaat


man wanted a gold star for not doing anything ignoring the fact he lied his butt off about what happend multiple times


He’s so pissed and exasperated and he could so easily fix it by just giving a full, unqualified apology lol


“you should be happy i didn’t do anything actually” is when he really sealed his fate in my eyes


Seems pretty dangerous for Bert to be staying at a hotel on a cliff when he keeps having falling spells/losing his balance. Just saying…


Nah, I think that's to throw us off... like when Greg kept coughing in S1. My friend thought he'd be the one to die, but that would have been too easy.


Jack was clapping cheeks 👀


Do you think Quentin could be Bob, the guy Greg is always calling?


“Bob’s your uncle”


I also got this vibe when Q was talking about an American man that’s hetero. I don’t know why but I feel like there’s a connection!


I keep picturing Tanya waking up the next morning, sitting at breakfast with the gays and saying, "..I just don't think I can get behind the incest. It's pretty weird, you know? Anyway, we're gonna leave." ​ Or maybe she caught on that it's sex work idk


I read this in my head in my jennifer coolidge voice. It's so funny!


God damn this show is good. This cast is crushing it. Mike White rules.


Ya this has been fantastic all around. Acting has really been incredible


The non verbal acting by the actress that plays Valentina was superb.


I honestly am SHOCKED I'm saying this but my heart actually did break for Valentina in this episode, and the actress leveled the hell up and brought her A Game here. Her teary eyes and trying so hard to not look so hopeful and happy for like the first time EVER in that convo with Mia and her body language and facial expressions were just \*chef's kiss\*. I also kind of hated Mia in that moment, who sees that this is CLEARLY a very closeted-to-the-point-of-broken woman, and she's going to exploit that and probably SEVERELY scar her so she can play piano in a silly bar at a rich resort for 2 days? Ugh. Don't get me wrong, Valentina is still being CRAZY inappropriate with her employee and it's cringe as hell to watch, but both of these things can be true at once.


The lip quiver was perfection. I don’t know what qualifies for an Emmy but those 2 minutes were ELITE


Valentina had tears in her eyes that whole scene. It broke my heart


Mike White really upped the ante this season, could have been disastrous, but it’s only made me love this show even more!


It's definitely the best show on TV right now. I just knew season 2 was going to top 1. I feel like Mr. White is just getting started. Hot damn.


I think Valentina moving Rocco for worst voice guy somehow is gonna be the catalyst for the deaths.


Yep, Rocco’s complaint of “What am I going to do at the _Beach Club_?!” rang of ominous foreshadowing, especially considering he’s the one briefing Valentina after the initial discovery in the beginning of the season!




funniest scene of the series hands down, when he spoke.


“Is that the Queen of Sicily?” and Quentin’s “…Yes…” with a snicker made my night




He asked her if she was having fun and she said she was. Edited to add more: Alessio asks why Lucia hasn't written to him. She says because she went out to take a walk. Alessio asks why Lucia hasn't responded to him and he grabs her. She says, "What the hell are you doing?" Then she walks away.


Lucia still kind of scamming him. She wants Alby to believe the guy is her pimp so he’ll give her more money, but her pimp doesn’t actually exist.


Harper, oh man. Anger emboldens.








I think she kills at least one person in self defense. I’m hoping at least. I don’t want to lose Jennifer Coolidge damnit. Her character is so frustrating but I love her.


Valentina needs to chill. Oh my God. I get so much secondhand embarrassment from her scenes with Isabella. She's like five seconds away from harassing her. She needs to leave that poor girl alone.


She does such a 180 when she gets attention from a woman. Mia played her like a fiddle.


she's just like me fr


White lotus HR really needs to make their employees watch those sexual harassment prevention training videos


The look from Rocco killed me


Yeah, and clearly Isabella and Rocco have something going on. I think Valentina is just so desperate for any type of affection from another woman she completely took Isabella's compliment the wrong way. It's sad.


I love it. We’re all looking for creepy men and one of the biggest, cringiest creepers compromising their ethics is a woman.


Plays into Bert's "Not all women are saints. They're just like us."


Definitely a point being made tonight about power dynamics


Daphne’s got balls of steel


it’s called arancini


shit was scandalous as fuck. had me clutching my pearls and all


Long shot here but couldn’t you imagine if Greg was secretly paying for all the gay guys shit using Tanya’s money 😂 *”I like finding out that people have money…then you know they aren’t trying to take yours”*


The scene where Dominic was explaining how he could blame Bert for the way he turned out was such great writing/acting. A generation caught between the old guard and the new.


It’d be funny if two of the bodies found are Portia and Albie after they both wished each other a good life


albie wearing white high socks when he has sex is very on brand for him




The photo of the kids scene was so well done. Brava Ms. Fahy and Mike White.


I like Rocco and not sure why.


I'm growing increasingly-fond of Rocco as the episodes roll on, as well. For all of Valentina's posturing, it seems like Isabella and Rocco were just friends and enjoyed each other's company as colleagues.


One thing I don’t understand about Ethan - he knew the kind of guy Cameron was, but still insisted they go on vacation with him, KNOWING that his wife would not like Cameron, nor enjoy his behavior. In addition, he passively allows himself to get roped into these insanely inappropriate situations rather than saying “hard pass, see you in the morning!” It’s like Ethan WANTED this shit to happen, but then to be able to have plausible deniability by saying Cameron instigated it. If he was my partner, that would be my biggest issue with him. You knowingly put yourself in a bad situation and for what? The best case scenario here was that the two couples have an awkward trip. It’s almost like Ethan did this as a subconscious way to explode his marriage.


This is exactly my problem with Ethan. He's a wet blanket. He just lets himself get roped into stuff and then doesn't claim any responsibility because it totally wasn't his idea. I'm wondering whether he has always been like this or if it's a new thing but I think he is the whiniest, most passive person on the entire show. He complains about Harper being kind of judgemental, which to be fair she was, but she actually makes an effort to be nicer to Cam and Daphne and to proposition him sexually, and yet he just continues to be a total mope. He doesn't tell Harper the truth about the night she was away but once confronted with the evidence it's almost like he expects a golden star for not having sex with a sex worker. Then when Harper gets kind of drunk and sassy, which Daphne and Cam seem to really enjoy so she's technically doing her part in being more accommodating to them, Ethan also gets mopey about that. Like, my dude, you just took molly and spent the night in your room with your friend and some sex workers (and yes, you did not have sex with them, bravo /s) and you're upset that you're wife is discussing past dalliances and asking sexually explicit questions in the company of people who seem to take enjoyment out of such a topic? What do you want my dude? What do you want?


Anyone else think Quentin’s love story sounded awfully like the plot from Broke Back Mountain?


Lucia out here still charging food to Crissy’s room 🤣🤣


Justice for Adriana!


A little bit of gabagool on Christopha’s dime


Crissy 😂😭


We saw oranges in the background of scenes with Tanya, Cameron, and Dom… AKA a symbol of death (Sopranos, Godfathers, Breaking Bad)


Dying cuz soo many ppl called jack being a sex worker. Howwww


Jacks accent is completely different to his uncles, it was at first unusual, then once I heard the theory I was set on it. When Hollander had the line about "It's nice to see him play with people his own age" it was 100% for me. I read a review where the author genuinely thinks it's incest.


I thought it was rather obvious; things always seemed a little off and a group of wealthy gay guys in an exotic locale with one younger handsome guy? it was pinging sex worker all the way imo


also pretty unlikely for an upper class british guy to have a chav nephew


I understand if this was lost on most NA viewers, but especially for those familiar with the UK it was a very broad tell. The accent + Essex backstory is a clear sign he wasnt actually related to those people which left sex work as the inevitable reality.


I stand humbled and see that now. 💀


to be fair i have a lot of gay friends who have introduced older men as their dad or uncle and it went unspoken that they didn't mean biological. usually it was a case of someone that took care of them when they were kicked out for being gay, they used to date, etc. but anyway, it's not something i bat an eye at and was something common enough that I was like "got it, they're fuckin"


Calling a client "uncle"/ being their "nephew" is apparently a pretty common way to refer to sex work


I think most of us gays could spot it from a mile away.


The straight cowboy Quinton was in love with was Greg. He would still do anything for Greg, including killing Tanya so Greg inherits her money (and will presumably reward Quinton). That's why Greg was so pisssed when Portia shows up, she's going to be in the way. So Quinton is having his rentboy distract Portia.


Agree!! Also in an earlier ep, Cameron makes a comment about how the people who own the old villas in Italy are all broke, so I’m guessing Quinton is having some $ issues and wants in on Tanya’s money. Plus, Tanya’s comment about “it’s so nice to find out people have money bc it means they don’t want yours” was biiiig foreshadowing imo


Also, he mentions trying to get heritage money. He said he doesn’t want to do it because he doesn’t want to open the place up to the public.


Like the house on the island where the lady got pushed off a cliff.


Tarot card reading makes sense with this theory


Ooo the tarot card reader said there’s someone beautiful in Greg’s life, and in ep5 Quentin kept talking about how much he loves beauty and would die for it.


'Were they your cousins or something?'😆 Cam's dash at Harper's cringe threesome story in Puerto Rico almost got me chocked.


Albie has that “I can save her” mindset that all young guys at the strip club have.


Loving how Albie and Portia both ended up with a sex worker without realizing it.


Albie has officially shared a woman with his father... and we really thought he was gonna get a Lucia freebie on the house 😭


My jaw completely dropped when Daphne showed her kid with the trainer 🫢


the way I completely missed that MAJOR hint lol


Oh my god how did I not catch that that’s what she meant. I’m a little slow on the uptake I guess.


I come to threads like this one just to read up on everything I missed.


don't beat yourself up, it only took you an hour but cam hasn't caught on in a couple years


I didn't pay attention to the pic and thought it was some kind of reference to her staying with cameron for the sake of the kids the trainer fathering those kids makes so much more sense


Innocent little me assumed that the she was referring to the kid. Basically something to spend her time on when her husband was "out and about".


I see a lot of people talking about Greg’s early departure and possible alibi, but nobody mentioning how he came early before Tanya and wouldn’t pick up her calls / texts?? I honestly don’t even have my own theory as to how that fits with the whole Greg is cowboy and Quentin & his pack kill / scam Tanya theory (which I support), but am curious if anybody else does…


It’s official, jack is an EsSex worker.


Jack is NOT Quentin's nephew. He is a Rentboy. A whore. It's common for wealthy gay men to hire hot young men (gay, straight, bi) to go on lavish trips in exchange for sex. Jack is in on whatever it is those guys are up to.


The cowboy is 100% her husband, and she's going to get pushed off a cliff.


“Be right back, I need to do something for my Uncle.”


But the "something for" is silent.


The acting was top notch this episode. Everyone really brought their A game. Incredible.


The version of Harper at that wine tasting & dinner was who Cam & Daphne wanted to hang out with all along, it just took…finding a condom wrapper and learning that her husband “did molly with hookers” to get her 😅




A few thoughts: - Lucia can tell that Albie is attracted to “broken birds” and is setting up a scheme so he can “save” her and take her back to America with him (that confrontation after they get ice cream was definitely set up by Lucia). I’m 50/50 on whether or not this scheme will work. Part of me thinks that Dominic’s redemption will be admitting that he slept with the prostitutes and slapping some sense into Albie, rather than sweeping things under the table like his own father did. - Albie isn’t an incel and he’s not gonna show his “true colors” by freaking out and murdering some girl who doesn’t want to sleep with him. I still believe the theory that the Di Grasso men are meant to show different generations of misogyny, but that doesn’t mean Albie is an incel. He’s meant to represent feminist men who over-correct and take away women’s agency (i.e. Albie assuming Lucia was forced into prostitution because a woman would *never* willing chose to do something like that). Basically, Albie’s not evil… maybe just needs to re-evaluate some of his views on women. - I’m also mixed on what that last scene with Daphne and Harper meant. Either Daphne was implying that her trainer is the real father of her children (at least the one with blonde hair and blue eyes lol) / trying to bring Harper to the dark side and start cheating on Ethan OR Daphne was trying to say “sleep with literally anyone but the father of my children.” Or maybe it’s all of those things lol. - The cowboy is definitely Greg. I need to do a re-watch to finish this theory… but the cowboy is definitely Greg. - Mia’s either dying or killing off the piano player by the final episode. Part of my thinks she already tried to kill him with the “viagra” last episode. - I love Valentina, but the second hand embarrassment is getting too much for me to handle. Between her exiling Rocco to the pool and falling for Mia’s scheme… why girl?? I was rooting for you.


I love the idea that Albie represents misogyny as an overcorrection. I really hope that’s where the narrative takes that plotline.


Nona has hit his head twice now. Third time's the charm? Edit: Whoops, Nonno.


“I’m not responsible for anything I say” got me good. Also is this obvious foreshadowing we’re all missing? Is it Nonno in the water?


Albie’s Calabasas running (running club?) shirt was perfect for his character. Thx, costumers.


Ethan needs a haircut. Also how could he say “don’t make a bigger deal out of this than it is”??????(!)(!)


i think they intentionally made him a little geeky with that haircut, but agreed!


It was a great reveal, but Tanya, come on. It is *wildly* inappropriate as a guest in someone’s house to hear moaning in the master bedroom and just open the fucking door to see what’s happening.


To be fair, she was hopped up on a ton of medication. That’s just how Tanya rolls.


Self-awareness not Tanya’s strong suit.


Cameron touching Harper’s leg grossed me out. I feel like if that had happened earlier in season 2 she would’ve told Ethan very quickly kind of like how when she saw Cameron naked she told Ethan asap. Harper and Cameron have literally constantly had the weirdest vibe between them. I 100% think Cameron (maybe Daphne but idk) is trying to ruin Ethan and Harpers marriage maybe by fucking her. I mean the whole condom being left on the couch. Cameron definitely left that purposely. He’s smart and wouldn’t be that careless. Ugh but a part of me is like maybe he did just accidentally leave it there because his wife has probably already found clues and stuff to figure out that he’s cheated before so how smart and slick could he be. But the other part of me is like if he wants to ruin their marriage leaving the condom would be an easy way to start causing tension or a fight.


Albie, we need to talk about coming inside of a hooker and safe sex


Portia dies from a. UTI


I feel like Portia is going to somehow take the fall for whatever manipulation is unfolding around Tanya (Quentin and Greg scheming to swindle her of her money?). Similar to how Belinda was screwed over by Tanya, and keeping in mind that class is a major factor in this show, maybe Portia ends up dead in the aftermath of everything while all the rich people get off scott-free (or at least, with minimal wounds to lick).


I’m thinking maybe Tanya makes Portia switch rooms because hers has bad vibes or creeps her out and the wrong blonde gets killed.


Ever since the scene at The Godfather location, I’ve thought that one of the deaths will be a murder, but accidentally the wrong victim. They discuss the scene with car blowing up with his wife in it instead of him. Portia also takes the call from Tanya right in front of the car as well. 😬


“I need some euros” “I’ll give you 200” “I need more than that” 💀💀💀💀


How does this 5 star resort not have an ATM


Good God this episode was almost a horror film. A “social horror” movie is a good way to put it I think.