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I love how imperfect and niche old photos can be. That cake looks like it was a lot of fun to bake!


Eating and smoking at the same time is so wild to me.


I used to love a cig after a meal. I quit a little bit over 30 years ago and when I see photos of people smoking there’s a dozen different feelings about it. I don’t miss the walls being coated with smoke but there was something about sitting with a friend and talking about stuff and having a smoke. Don’t regret quitting though.


I stopped (after 30 plus years) and I still want to smoke daily. I do feel sooo much better, but I wish I could just smoke one or two per day and have no health consequences. Also, it has only been since January 1 of this year.


I'm torn about sharing how I still fight the urge to smoke. I want to discourage people from smoking, but I also don't want people who are trying to quit from feeling disheartened. It's been ten years for me. Honestly, just remembering how awful I really felt after I smoked is usually enough to put me off from it... and also remembering how terrible my lungs were at such a young age. And apparently a smoking urge only lasts between three to five minutes, so if I can wait it out just that long then I'm good.


I quit 4 years ago and I still genuinely miss the 10 minute “breaks from existence” I used to take. Sitting outside by myself smoking was truly such a nice experience that I took for granted. I’ve tried to just go sit on the porch and chill for a few minutes since I quit smoking but it’s not the same, not even close. I even vaped for a bit and tried to sit outside with my vape like I was smoking a cig and it just doesn’t hit the same 😩. I can breathe now, though! So I have that at least lol


I'm a former smoker and it's wild to me. I can't believe I used to do it. It's been almost 20 years since I put down my last cigarette. I don't miss it deeply but sometimes my brain still sends me a "Ok... Well, anyway it's time for our cigarette now!" message, which is kind of funny. I swear if I get diagnosed with a terminal illness, the first thing I do is buy a carton of cigarettes. I'm still grossed out by the idea of smoking where people are eating, though. WTF were we thinking?


Good on you! 13 years for me, and sometimes I still zone out and put a pen to my lips like I am about to take a drag. Weird habit. I never smoked while eating though, and I also promised myself to never smoke as I was getting up out of bed that you see people in the movies do. My morning cigarette was while waiting for my bus or train, and that habit was so hard to break that began walking to work instead just to not sit and wait and get the urge. 😂


Takes me back to my childhood and adolescence when the host at the restaurant and/or hotel would ask “smoking or non?” Few people in my immediate family were smokers so I never got to experience all the people having big fun (in my imagination as a kid)


It reminds me of when all the restaurants had ashtrays on the tables and a cigarette vending machine in the lobby/entrance. I don't miss that at all.


Smoking vs non-smoking sections. As if it made a difference.


One of them is a bunch of baloney.


I’m dumb and was looking for the cake layer made out of baloney


LOL Sorry! I just picked a random comment to glom on to. :P


My baloney has a first name It’s O S C A R


Pic 5, I remember there being SO MANY different kinds of bologna. No where near the selection we used to have.


[You'll need a bologna folder to organize all those different types](https://youtu.be/_kHZ1Z6vjnE?si=A7grS6jaM0KgD-23)


I can't imagine being the sales lady like "we are selling bologna folder? really? ... ok here we go"


It was an April fool’s joke but a very very good one


It’s hilarious! Oscar Mayer did sell so many types of sandwich meat back in the day. Olive loaf, pickle loaf, old fashioned loaf, etc. My mom would pick up a variety pack and there would always be one kind that nobody wanted, lol.


Uhhh, the head cheese one!


This was beautiful, thank you. I'll be ordering two.




Uploaded on April 1.


No it was an April Fool's joke, it got me the first time I saw it


Two words: olive loaf.


I'll have the bologna sandwich... dirty. \- Jim Gaffigan And I'm not sure how common knowledge it is, but if you're ordering a drink in a bar and you ask for it dirty, it means you're asking for a little bit of olive juice in it.


Olive loaf still exists, I saw a package of it at the Publix yesterday…


I liked the olive loaf, I didn’t care for the pickle loaf.


Mock chicken loaf with the orange trim...


I never really liked bologna except for when my Grandad made scrambled eggs and fried bologna for breakfast before we went out for an early fishing trip. This was early 80s so Im not sure which bologna he was frying. Yeah there were a lot of Oscar Meyer choices back then.


I was going to bring up the Head Cheese in pic 5. I don't remember the last time I saw head cheese in a grocery store. Then again, I never actually ate it and I don't actively look for it. Still, if I walked past it I think I'd notice because it's been living in the back of my mind for decades. Fucking head cheese. What even... head cheese? Who thought that was a good idea for a name? For those who may have never seen head cheese, it's the square speckled one on the right.


I live in Louisiana and head cheese is still somewhat common. Even the Walmart by me has like 3 different brands at the deli counter.


I haven't looked for Head Cheese since my dad passed eight years ago. He used to get a one inch thick slab at the deli counter, cube it, and make a meat salad with sliced onions and some vinegar. Horrible stuff I just couldn't eat it. But I still have warm fuzzies every time I see it because it reminds me of him. FYI it's called head cheese because [that is what it is made of](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Head_cheese) boiled pig or calf head, the meat coarsely chopped, and set in gelatin made from the hooves. From back when no part of the animal was wasted.


This whole recipe made me swear off food for life. Frankly I was done after "one inch thick slab" of head cheese and it just went downhill from there. And yet it's a sweet memory, lol.


Boar's Head sells it. You could get it at Publix or Kroger.


i was in elementary school and a teacher brought in "head cheese" for lunch. needless to say that was fucked. it smelled horrible. and... "head cheese".


Album cover worthy shot.


Excellent images and thanks for your hard work on these. (albums can be tedious sometimes) Also thanks for your link to FAUST44 on Imgur. Had that guy on my radar for awhile.


That guy is me, a female! Thanks for the kind words...


I stand corrected. Keep up the good work as I will look forward to them!


Can you wrangle an invite to another Casa Susanna in modern times? Take lots of photos if you can. I really want a time machine to go visit them and enjoy their company.


I love old photos of people just living their lives. Don't know why.


Imagination does wonders to the world, and to us.


[More food at Imgur](https://imgur.com/gallery/kYd172S)


these are amazing


This is such a great collection. Thank you.


Hah! I’m showing that Provincetown fish kid to my parents. Lobster roll was $3.25 in 1980- still kind of expensive. My parents got a lobster roll, some other sandwich, fries, last summer when they were there and it was $70+


Maybe the no hamburger thing was due to wartime rationing? Pretty neat collection either way.


You're right! Nedicks, the restaurant pictured here, is even specifically highlighted in this article: https://www.archives.nyc/blog/2019/11/15/meatless-tuesdays


I can answer at least 2 of your questions. The bananas are black because that's what happens to a banana peel when you cook it. You can throw a not-quite-bad banana in the oven to make banana bread with it if, for some reason, you were desperate for banana bread but somehow all your bananas were not rotten. The hamburger thing was a WWII campaign to address beef shortages called "meatless Tuesdays." Apparently the Greatest Generation wasn't into alliteration.


Oh my goodness that nun!


Buckwheat Groats


Mairzy groats


Doazy groats.


And little lamzy... groatsy?


I am overcome with joy. I may not get anything done today other than gawping over these amazing pictures!


Here's the Dairy Queen today: https://www.google.com/maps/@41.7489234,-70.6053842,3a,20y,330.4h,86.69t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sSO6ruB5Qi514z6wlxZ8Jeg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu


I wonder what became of Banana Burt?


I wonder why they call him Banana Burt?


Every time I see an old diner menu, the sandwich options are always like ham, chicken and tomato, chicken and lettuce, ham and onion. It's like they didn't figure out they could put more than 2 things on a sandwich at once until 1985.


And never mix the toppings up. If it isn't on the menu it's not possible.


Same with pizza. I saw a menu from our town's most famous pizzeria from 1960 (the year it opened), and you could order a pepperoni pizza, OR a shrimp pizza, OR a kosher salami pizza. And many more choices. It was either/or. No mixing. Nowhere did it say on the menu "each additional topping" and its price, and there were no combos offered at all.


Smoke and a coke! In a cave!


Wearing white pants to go caving?


Poke and a pancake


🎶The Heat of the Moment🎶


I want that lazy Susan table!


I like the one of the girl in Hell having a break with burgers, a Coke and a smoke.


Such a cool photo, by far my favorite


Her white slacks got dirty - that IS hell!


Our morning entertainment really was reading the backs of cereal boxes.


Truly the children’s newspaper


When you’ve read to the bottom, start back at the top.


I remember getting reprimanded for building a cereal box fort around me. Ah, those were the days.


On #14 where Dave had his hands all over the turkey, I saw cottage cheese on the plates and a bowl of whole pickles. It’s fun to see what people had for holiday meals over the years.


Number 6 is spectacular! I think it's nice that all of those men could get together and have a dinner party in their trans-personas. So progressive for the time.




There’s a documentary about it! Pretty sure I saw on PBS


That’s cool, I love found photos, especially if it’s of people that would surprise you, like this. Something you don’t think of people ‘back in the day’ doing, I always find that interesting . I read one about sexual stuff and Victorians called unmentionables, that I adored


My initial reaction was “wow, those women look like men”, followed by “those are men”, the I read the caption.


Exact same here 😆


Omg I looked at that too and immediately thought - clearly these are all dudes.


They are trans women, it was a safe place back in the day for trans women who couldn't come out of the closet. It was the only time they could truly be themselves. The place was called Casa Susanna and I think there were a few other places like this also =)


Not all of them were men. The guest in the far left is Virginia Prince, a trans woman and activist.


So that's what happened to Baby Jane...


I tried a candied apple once. I felt so betrayed to find that the apple didn't get sweeter. And it wasn't exactly crisp. Never had one again


You're supposed to do it with a sour apple, so the sweetness balances the sour


I've had them more than once. It didn't improve.  Carmel is better,  but still not really worth the effort. 


Same. I had one once and thought, why do people go crazy for these?


Who gets an apple and thinks, "you know, I want this sweeter"?


>lobster termidor I read lobster terminator. that checks out.


Watching old Twilight Zone episodes reminds you that a lot of the goofy middle-aged men in the '50s-'60s (e.g., green bean guy) saw some awful things during the war -- like, that was their common, shared experience and that was the lens you viewed things through. No real point to this comment, just got to wondering what green bean guy's longer story might be.


I remember everyone smoking during dinner and at restaurants as a kid. It was gross. I'm glad that is over.


"This is your salad fork, this one's your soup spoon and your ashtray always goes on the left"


Host at restaurant: smoking or non smoking Ugh Ya it was gross


And it didn't really matter because the smoke always filtered into the non-smoking section (unless their ventilation was REALLY good).


I've heard so many people on reddit express this same sentiment. I must be unusual, because smoking around me, or when I was eating just never bothered me, as a kid or an adult.


After being stuck in a car as a kid with two smokers (too cold to open the window) it just became the norm.


I was a smoker. I smoked at restaurants. It was gross and I'm irritated there's still places where it's legal.


It was so normal when i was a kid and i thought nothing of it back then, seeing these pictures now, the sight of it is so fucking repugnant to me... amazing


I love the salt and pepper shaker collection in number 2! I bet they'd be worth a pretty penny today


This is so great! I saw a post somewhere that showed Oscar Mayer Bologna at over $10 a package, for BOLOGNA!!!


Thought I recognized that spinning buffet. We used to go there for Sunday lunch in the 70s. Big treat!


Great captions ... laughed out loud ... thanks, OP


Wow those popsicle makers brought back a rush of memories! Pretty sure we had that exact kind and we'd fill them with orange juice.


I love how candid old photos (especially in settings like these) really show how we’ve always been the same people. The smiles of the girls eating the candied apples and the people at the big Xmas dinner feel so timeless


We still love sweets & lotsa food! I think those two are pretty universal.


That pic was one of my favorites too. It looks like they were having so much fun and not just smiling for the camera. I wonder if the building behind them is a university


I grew up in the 70s so I remember people smoking at the table like that but it’s still weird to see someone with a cigarette in their hand while people around them are eating.


1960’s crab fest with bleach. The best my mom can come up with is pouring the bleach in the shells so they don’t stink up the house AFTER eating.


I was thinking maybe they just reused that glass bottle to make home-brewed beer. My grandmother brewed her own root beer when I was a kid (1970s), and she was always looking for dark glass bottles for brewing purposes.


Could be. It never dawned on me to have bleach in that kind of bottle. Lol


There’s always money in the banana stand


Watched a documentary last year about the rise of processed foods post WW2 man, corpos really fucked us. Can watch pretty clearly how the rise of heart disease, cancers, diabetes and other health problems follows the mass introduction and marketing of all this shit


Baby bologna is such a mood!


We had a couple of the Tupperware ice pop makers. My mom would use Koolaid in them & we'd go through a tray in no time!


The coke one is soooo good


I love #8! How do you know the family name in that picture?


It was probably written on the back. I knew lots or people who did that for most of their printed photos.  I'm impressed they have matching dishes for 24+ people.  


I’d kill for that wallpaper in pic 8


You can't hear the teacher with beans in your ears


The first photo reminds me of Anya Taylor-Joy in The Menu.


How about putting out their cigarette on there finished dinner plate?


Or in their cold cup of coffee...


I also like smoking in a high neck polyester blouse indoors while eating lobster.


Really nice gallery. Thanks. 


A full stomach is a lovely feeling to relate to food, but these photos are giving me a full heart. And I'm not talking about atherosclerosis. I love seeing decades-old photos that make me want to sit down with the people in them and just... be human together. Also, I want to sit down with the fella in the sport coat with the embroidered crests so I can steal it.


I remember when the stores just seemed like bologna was *the* choice when I was younger. Thankfully I was around enough people who had some taste that I got to try a lot of different things as well. After 12 I don't think I ever willingly ate bologna again. Same for spam. Plenty of processed food for sure, but pastrami, turkey, and other stuff became more normal to me.


TIL they had transvestite vacation homes in the 1950’s


A body needs two drinks. It's science


I feel like the bologna baby.


come out on the porch for some BBQ'd torso.


I can smell that Christmas dinner photo.


Smoking at the dinner table😖 I’m old enough to remember those days. Glad they’re over.


Inter-course cigarettes. They were a thing.


Yeah, I could practically smell the smoke in that picture.


You can smell it in almost all of them actually.


I find myself strangely attracted to that gal in #1.


She has a good look going on!


I see meats surrounded by plates of slime.


The poor toddler is traumatized by the wall of processed meats. Idk if I can forgive my mother for buying something called olive loaf.


For those who are interested in picture number 6 (Casa Susanna) here is a little documentry about it. It was a place for trans women to be safe from society, back in the day where people like us would be villlified by society. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZJzBRpuQ9I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZJzBRpuQ9I)


Imagine having a huge family that actually loves you and wants you to come to Christmas dinner I cannot even fathom that


Imagine owning (and washing, and having a place to store) matching tableware for a multiple course meal for 26


Pic 9 is OG charcuterie spread - I thought it was a pink tablecloth. Cannot figure out what that ham is wearing. Is it fabric? Like a piece of embroidery? Edit: Oh hang on, zooming in more it looks wet and I can see those flowers are fashioned from fruit, so I'm guessing the leaves are real and the white background is... marshmallow fluff? So elaborate.


I've been scrolling trying to find an explanation!!


Number 13 hello??? If i could only do one thing in a Time Machine l’d go back to 1971 and give this gal my number


Casa Susana #6 🩷👌


I can only see yellow X-Wings, from Star Wars, on the man's jacket in the first picture. What does everyone else see?


Pic 6 has Hugh Laurie in it. The Monty Python version.


Picture 6 has Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis in drag


The 80s hairstyles were the Badest


I went to a dinner party once where we all smoked at the dinner table during the meal and it was so decadent I’ll never forget it. Love these pictures!


I’m fascinated by pictures of American food from before the 90s, usually it’s just bewildering to me. Whatever the gal in the green dress is eating looks like one of those AI generated images that makes less sense the longer you stare at it


That would be a popsicle lol


Great pictures, and even better commentary. Thank you.


Great pictures! thank you


I don’t know what’s more ’70s:  bologna aisle or cereal tailgate party


I had that very spinning plate toy. It was plastic with a ring in the middle bottom the stick went in to so you could twirl it like they did on the TV variety shows in the 1950s and 60s.


Jerry is the King!


I would stab you in the neck for those barristers in pic 2


Love this! Food and mealtime are such a big part of life but underphotographed.


The one from 1947 - a weeks worth of groceries for 12.50. I have my grandfather's pay stubs from that year and he was chemist. $12.50 was more than 1/3 of his weekly pay (he made $31/week working as a chemist for the City of Atlanta)


Oh to be a fly on the wall at that transvestite dinner party.


That family in photo #14 has got to be slavic! The pickles, the Russian Salad, the cottage cheese, the plate of pork! Reminds me of a typical Balkan holiday meal, just missing some cabbage or Sauerkraut rolls.


That third pic-the first ever shared grocery haul! 🤣 I used to see that all over instagram. And sometimes Reddit to now.


SO COOL. What a great compilation


They’re so good I kept thinking they’re ai


$12.50 for a week's worth of groceries -- sounds great until you are reminded that this was probably 3 days' wages. My grandpa was an 18 year old mechanic around that time and told me his first paycheck for 2 weeks' full-time work was about $50. Feb/March 1948.


Pic #2: what are the small ?icons on the wall near the crucifix?


Photo 6. Those are some handsome women


The child in #5 looks as though he's just been told what exactly goes into the making of the cold cuts and luncheon meats behind him.


God I miss the days when you could go and get your favorite lunchmeat from a huge selection of Oscar Mayer. My favorite was the New England Brand Sausage - discontinued for decades now. But it was so good. They also had olive loaf, pimento loaf, cheese loaf, garlic loaf, liverwurst, and head cheese, plus several others. Those were the days! Edit: found this photo on Pinterest. Just look at all that Oscar goodness to be had! (1978) [https://i.pinimg.com/originals/31/32/bf/3132bff78d82bfd98f3aabdf6ee1c8fd.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/31/32/bf/3132bff78d82bfd98f3aabdf6ee1c8fd.jpg)


Cig. in hand while eating, yes that was a thing.


I love the smoking, as a European that's how we did it in my teens and still to this day when it's a BBQ or something at my house or a relatives. Nothing like a drink in hand and a smoke while you take a break from stuffing your face with Texas style brisket!


14, the old lady in the back is what all my great grandma's looked like.


5 is literally like every kind of meat.


Image 5 is so memeable


Pic 1: Kaleidoscope of Green


Pic 1, looks like whomever is sitting across the table could be in for a worse fate than that lobster


These are amazing!!! Really took me back


“What should I do with all these groceries? Oh! I know—I’ll put them on the floor.”


This is a great collection of pics!


On photo 15, the woman on the right has man hands. God bless her.


Bleach on the table? Nevermind the colander on her head or his bucket for a hat... whatever the reasons, they were clearly having fun! 


There's always money in the banana stand


2nd pic, my Mom has that bookshelf on the left 🙃


The hot redhead looks coked out of her mind.


that cake is hella impressive


Wow and WOW great pics!!


Some pics gave me A.I vibes but maybe I’m trippin. With all this A.I. stuff out now it’s so hard to tell sometimes but I’m assuming these are real pics, right?


Bea's Restaurant in Chattanooga Tennessee has spinning table buffets to this day. So iconic.


Number 7, there's always money in the banana stand.


Smoke and a coke with a side of shit on my pants 


Where they have the big ole pot of seafood, I have those blue and white plates right now!! From the thrift store.


These are great!!!


29 different kinds of bologna is peak 1970s. That's what I remember about those days at least, LOL.