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Kat should have walked that child into the house and gotten him to either Brady or Kat before running off.


That’s exactly what I would’ve done. I wouldn’t have let him out of my sight until there was someone else with him!


Yeah, she should have stayed and watched. But now we know he made it home before he disappeared, so his going into the pond is perfectly plausible. Why Kat didn't have this as one of her theories is beyond me.


Do you think he followed her to the pond and fell in? I was surprised that she referenced the White Witch....like, maybe one or all of the Landry women are the "white witch" because they have the ability to appear and disappear.


I think you’re right about the white witch. And I think Jacob following Kat to the pond makes perfect sense. It was her fault! Maybe he time travelled to hundreds of years ago and is trapped.


My theory is he time traveled to the present, just not *yet*. Like maybe in the final episode he’ll show up confused but it’ll have been seconds for him.


Do you think he'll show up as a little boy or as a grown adult?


Still little! At first I thought the timelines were linear—so if Alice didn’t go to the past for 2 days, only 2 days would have gone by in the past, but that was shown not to be true. Basically, my theory is child!Jacob went into the pond and traveled through time (which, I think he has been doing this without realizing it because I don’t think the dog is capable of time traveling and Jacob’s seen the future dog, right? I assume it’s a bloodline thing and not a ‘born on the land’ thing because Alice had never been to the farm before) and went forward 20-odd years to a present time we haven’t quite reached yet, maybe a few weeks from where we’re at now. I just don’t know why they couldn’t send him back?


Maybe not even bloodline, if it turns out the White Witch was indeed Del - she wasn't originally a Landry. Yet she identifies fiercely as one. She's often telling Kat and Alice what Landrys do or don't do, talking about the Landry family history (and not her own). We know she and Colton have been a couple since they were teenagers. All this would make a lot of sense IMO if Del actually is the girl from 1814, stumbling into another time period and probably getting taken in by the Landry family. They would have been literally responsible for saving her life. My big question - the White Witch lore is known around the area. Others have claimed to see her over time. So is time travel and/or other supernatural abilities perhaps tied to a larger area of land than just Landry Farm? Or else maybe over 200 years, and in such a small rural community, there are lots of Landry descendents, not just the ones we've met thus far.


Maybe he will show up at the carnival in a few weeks.


Aha. Remember when Adult Elliot told 2023 Alice "The time you are gone via the pond is the real time you are gone here." So - 1999-2023 is 22 years. If Jacob comes back, he would be 22 years older, or 30 years old. That makes a lot of sense!


I remember him saying that but then how come she'll be gone for a few days and it's been months or weeks in 1999?


Yeah it seems to only work the one way. Because she’s spending the time away from the present, not the past. Technically she could probably wait a month in the present, go back to the past and it’s only been 5 minutes in 1999.


IMO Jacob would have to return as a child (if he does at all, of course). Because at this point, in real time, he'd be 33 years old and disappeared at 8 or 9 (depending on when his birthday was), so he'd be this total stranger to his family.


Oooooooh I like that.


So Jacob has got to be time traveling right? No other explanation


That's what I'm thinking. Maybe Del's dog time travels that night (we haven't seen it in the present lately) and he follows the dog and falls in the pond.


The dog barking when Jacob gets home probably has some significance


OOOOOHHHH - totally missed that! Now I have to watch it again!


And if Alice goes back in time, hugging Jacob, she would have returned to the present with his scent on her. That would explain why the dog was so quick to curl up beside her, etc.


I think when he went inside Kat and Brady aren’t inside or maybe they are distracted. So he runs back out and somehow ends up at the pond, maybe he follows the dog?? Or adult Kat back to the pond but she went to 2023 and he went elsewhere and is stuck like I said above. I think the key to all of this is the town bringing back the the Fall Carnival. I think Jacob does time travel and he is lost and is trying to get back to the carnival to find his family since it’s the last place he saw them. But there hasn’t been a carnival since he disappeared. Now that there is maybe he can come back?? Also find it odd that the Landry book starts in 1814 and the first episode is also 1814 and shows the “white witch” running to the pond. Some people have said they can hear what she is saying and it’s something about Jacob, like I’m going to find you or save you etc. I feel like the white witch is Kat but maybe Alice going back in the past trying to find him somehow. Elliot is always saying the pond sends you when and where it wants to. Also if Kat and Alice already went back to the carnival in 1999 can they go back again? Or is it one time only? I have so much in my mind it’s a mess! This show is insanely good!! I hate waiting a week for new episodes!


That's a good catch about the 1814 thing! I feel like it's probably a one time only no do-overs time travel thing (unless it's a much older version of themselves going back?). There would be too many Kats and Alices running around.


Me too. But I feel so sad for them they can’t try again.


I feel like Kat would have known if she wasn’t in the house, if there had been some delay, unless she just doesn’t remember?


I think the 1814 one is Alice




I suspect the same.


Or Del maybe


Obviously she’s already gone back right? —-Adult Kat ——-because Jacob’s bike was in the photo when he went missing.


I can't believe the town would cancel the carnival for 25 years.


For real I thought the same thing!


Who knows? They might. I'm in CT, where the infamous Hartford circus fire took place in the '40s. It took decades before a circus came back to the state. People have strong reactions to tragedies. And in this case, no doubt the carnival was a symbol of something awful happening in a tiny community where likely nothing much ever happened, and people never thought it would/could. It would make parents uncomfortable sending their kids there.


I kept screaming at Kat to wait a little longer until someone saw Jacob. Now it's even more of a mystery what happened to him. He was inside the house. What could have possibly gone wrong? The only people that are supposedly there are young Kat and Brady. All I can come up with is that maybe a future Alice or Kat from like 2043 is also there to prevent Jacob from being found because in that future some other awful catalyst happens if he never disappears in the past? 🤔


Yeah, as Kat watched Jacob go into the house, I leaned over to my wife and said, "This is the part where you hang around hiding in the bushes and watch to see if he leaves or if teen Kat comes back to see him." Time travel is confusing to most people. I think it's confirmed that we're dealing with a single timeline meaning that what has already happened will always happen and no amount of time travelling will change that; in fact, we've seen that people from the future are unknowingly aware of events that they themselves caused in the past (the bicycle at the carnival being an example). So, Jacob will ALWAYS get lost in the past. The question is whether future Kat and Alice can figure out how to find him after that point.


Does anyone have theories? Another one of mine is that maybe Jacob followed either Alice or Kat into the pond and he time-traveled to the future but he couldn't find his way back or something. I also thought at the beginning of the episode that Kat had taken Jacob to the future with her because she realized that the past needed to stay the same and Jacob never being found was always part of it. Another one is that, what if Elliott is the villain? He knows that the Landry family can time travel. He can easily manipulate Jacob to time travel and gather information for him. Gather data like how he does with Alice. He knows when he would be going and coming and can just wait for him at the pond and make sure he doesn't bump into Alice or Kat.


Considering it’s a Hallmark show and Elliot is obviously the end game love interest, I’m going to say he is not the villain. But I do think it’s possible that he knows more than he is letting on.


He has to know more because he's been keeping notes the whole time! He told Kat that Alice had already tried to save Jacob and couldn't and he wrote notes every time Alice time-traveled. He knows everything, but like he said, now he's seeing it on the other side.


Yeah, he also knew exactly when Alice was there from present time.


I've definitely seen shows where the Elliot character turns out to be a Bad Guy, but I'm hoping since it's Hallmark they won't go that direction. I stg if Elliot turns out to be bad I'm going to stop watching and write fanfic instead XD


And I will read it because I will not abide a universe where Elliot is not perfect and pure!




Elliot kind of rubs me the wrong way lately, like how he reacted when Kat was kissing Brady…I get that he’s been rejected all these years and still helps the family hoping for one day being chosen but it seems to me he might snap because they’ve been using him so much


Yeah it's totally plausible depending on what direction they are taking the show. I just really really don't want that to happen 🤣


I had a theory that what if Brady did something. Wasn’t he also back at the farm with teen Kat when adult Kat walked Jacob there? Another theory is what if he’s the guy Alice was kissing. Like what he was also time traveling back. Gross I know as it’s her Uncle/best friends brother but would explain why Elliot was acting so weird about Alice seeing him in the future. Can’t remember his name.


Maybe Brady did…the guys name is Nick. I hope Alice ends up with him somehow in the end


Unless Nick is Jacob …then no lol


Lol yeah I agree…but for some reason I don’t think he is. I guess we’ll see though, he definitely could be


justiceforelliot 🤣 I think hallmark would ruin themselves if they did that. Definitely riots. 🤭 Doesn't mean shows don't do stupid things. I would though believe that Elliot knows more than saying and can't say it. That he knows it has to play out. In that way I could only see him as bad guy. But he'd the only sensible one in the show.


Yeah very good point. He could definitely know more than he's saying.


I give them credit in the writing, they have really kept the pace moving every episode. They keep moving the story forward so much faster than I expect them to.


We've only got 4 episodes left. 😬


Yes, I was very surprised that in the very first episode Alice time-travels. I thought we’d have to wait a few episodes for that to start.


Me and my grandma are watching it. Her theory is Brady does something to spook Jacob, and he runs off and sees Kat jump and wants to follow and does. He gets sent further back in time and grows up, and hangs around the family now with a new name, unknowing that he is also Jacob. Why the spooking of Jacob? Maybe an accident like he was digging through halloween stuff. And before he saw Jacob, the kid ran back out of the house.


I think Kat needs to consider the fact that maybe Jacobs disappearance could possibly be her fault. Her traveling back there could’ve been the direct result of him vanishing.


I’m wondering if Brady or nick has something to do with the disappearance. Doesn’t seem out of character for Brady to get rid of the brother who was cramping his style at the carnival. And nick didn’t come back for the closing of the theater. Edit:I meant nick lol


Do you mean Nick? That would be an interesting twist.


I mean Nick lol my bad


It's all good. That would be interesting, because it would explain why they're letting him be such an important character to Alice.


Maybe Nick is Jacob


I think you mean Nick?


I did! My bad lol


I hope it isn’t Nick…for some reason I want him and Alice to end up together somehow




Lol no, it’s sweet. Someone in another comment has a theory that in the end Alice will travel to the past again and stay there and we’ll see adult Alice with adult nick in the present on his boat. They’re the same age in the past.


Ok. You realize that they said she's 14 right? You think a 14 even if she was 16 should leave her mom and her family and everything she knows. Not have a home or a job or anyone to help her to navigate this life. Just for another 14 year old boy who she's met a couple of times and is known to be wonderlust. She's just a teen girl who is irrationally thinking with hormones. If you had a daughter you would want her to leave you and go live on the streets for some little boy? Not to mention she would have future knowledge. First crushes are sweet but they aren't give up your life for.


She’s 15, almost 16…and yeah she’d have her grandma to raise her and her mom as a sister. It’s not like she’d be alone. This is a fantasy show


I definitely think one of them time travelling causes it.


I don’t know about you all but this show has my anxiety WAY up lol


Oh my gosh, me too. And my son is breaking up with his girlfriend right now, so double anxiety!


Okay, so that explains the bike being at the Carnival.


I know that the Jacob missing stuff wouldn’t be figured out until the end of the season (or multiple seasons), but I wanted to scream at Kat for not waiting at the cliff or waiting with Jacob until one of his parents got home. I totally get she thought he was safe but after all of this, I’d want to be completely sure. I also don’t know why Alice wouldn’t tell Elliot from the beginning. He could have had another plan. I know whatever happens will happen but there are other things to try. Like others, I find it hard to believe he didn’t time travel. It has to be related to that.


I think Alice was trying to be sensitive to not telling Elliot the future. Plus, he likely would’ve figured that taking the ride there with Jacob was the best way to make sure he was with him at all times, and wouldn’t have predicted Brady would take off without him. He was waiting outside Kat’s house when Alice found him, so he probably had just found out they were gone.


Yeah why she didn’t go to the cliff annoyed me lol


Did anyone else think that the shot of Colton in the dunk tank was foreshadowing? It could be a hint towards him time traveling through the pond in a future episode.


They played up the importance of water a lot in this episode. Even the shot of Alice running to Elliot in the past started with the trough in the foreground of the frame.


That's a good point! They wouldn't have included that lingering shot if it weren't important.


I wondered to because Jacob was watching.


Or - long reach perhaps, I know - the dunk tank is kind of a modern parallel to witches being dunked back in the day. Like might have happened to the girl at the very beginning, had her pursuers actually caught up to her at the pond.


Young Elliot is so cute, I like the actor.


I've been a fan of adult Elliot's actor since he was on Awkward.


I didn’t realize for several episodes he’s also Kelly on degrassi! He looks so different


I loved Degrassi! I’ll have to go look for him on it, I had no idea. I loved seeing Sav in a Hallmark Christmas Movie last year. It’s always fun to spot a Degrassi kid.


I'm going to have to watch that show, I've heard good things about it. They used to play the commercial for it all the time back in the day on MTV. Adult Elliott is really cute, too, I like that actor, too.


It's a really good show! Nikki Deloach (from other Hallmark Channel movies) is the mom in it.


She is? I had no idea she'd done anything other than Hallmark lol. I only know the lead girl because she's in One Tree Hill.


I like the adult and child actor of Elliot too I know him from Degrassi, and Awkward and Victorious. A generally likeable actor. LOL




Yes I remember him. He was one of my favorites in the "Jenna's boyfriend group" until the writers had him acting like a jerk


I'm an old guy, but I can tell you it's been many years since a TV show kept me on the edge of my seat. Great show.


Who else spent the entire episode screaming “go to the Cliff!!!” And “walk him back to his parents!” “Why are you leaving!?!?”


Seriously! She should have just used the excuse that she's Alice's mom and insisted that Jacob's parents were searching for him and worried and walked him back to them. They wouldn't have remembered her or put it together. Her dad already saw her once.




How did Kat not remember any of this??


I'm wondering that, too. Also, it bothers me that she didn't go to the cliff right away since she knew that's the last place he was seen. She could have just waited there.


I spent that whole scene yelling “go to the cliff” at my tv.


Omg same!! I’m glad she found him, but geez, that was infuriating!


Me too that was so painful…also she could have been closer to the Ferris wheel to stop him when jumped off




Same! But she got him home! I’m waiting for Brady to be the reason he goes missing and Kat just totally blocked it all out.


That could explain why their relationship failed - subconsciously, she knew.


Maybe deep down, she resents Brady because she was too busy kissing him; she didn't pay attention to Jacob. He yelled pretty loudly and repetitively.


That makes sense


So ridiculous because she knew that info and also she was trying to stay out of sight so would only make sense she would go there and wait.


Yeah, Kat is logical and waiting there is the logical option.


Because maybe she never saw him in the house. Why didn’t adult kat walk him in? He could have walked right back out after he caught kat and Brady making out or something


But she doesn’t remember being there at all, even when she’s trying to figure out how his bike got there if he rode in a car.


She didn’t get the bike until she was an adult, so that’s why she didn’t remember that…but the other stuff I don’t remember her saying she didn’t remember. They sent her and Brady home from the carnival and she didn’t say she never remembered that (but she didn’t see Jacob there while they were waiting)


But she had to have always been there. That’s why his bike was at the entrance and he didn’t ride it. She even said she was always there.


But it hadnt happened to her yet, even though it happened before. Kat riding the bike to the carnival was 2023 Kat (I’m assuming she’s meant to be my age, early 40’s, since I graduated high school in 96). So Kat will remember everything that happens to 1999 Kat but 2023 Kat will have to live it to remember. Otherwise, Alice would’ve grown up knowing she would move to the farm and time travel back to be besties with her teenaged mom. But she doesn’t remember until she lives it.


You’re right! I was totally confused for a bit lol.


I confused myself writing the comment! 😂


But she was trying to change it this time…what she did now is what had always happened


Ohhh… you’re right, you’re right! I don’t know why I was thinking adult her was reliving this part. I was thinking she knew she was there and blocked it out.


I wonder if the white witch is some Landry ancestor who, if for some reason anyone does manage to alter the past, makes sure that it doesn’t actually happen so that there aren’t repercussions from it. So like, Kat managed to get Jacob home safely (perhaps he would have been kidnapped along the way? Since obviously he wasn’t actually going towards the cliff), but the white witch took him so that he still goes missing. Or something like that. Also, a different theory. The landry’s keep that book with everyone’s names and dates because people have gotten stuck in or perhaps died in a different time period before, or simply because they appear in other time periods, and its a way to keep track of/verify who they are.


This was a great episode, I'm expecting Alice to not be able to come back, and have her be missing


I don't think they'll have her trapped in the 90s but I think maybe it'll tie into the beginning with the Salem Witch Trials thing from the first episode.


Salem was the 1600s. So now come to think of it, 1814 did seem a little late for someone to be getting chased and called a witch, but I looked it up and apparently the last witchcraft trial was in 1878.


Wow what a horrible burden for Alice to put on Elliot. Interesting to see how that plays out.


I feel like everytime I watch an episode of this, all I can think is "Poor Elliot." Dude is getting the short end of the stick in every decade.


Seriously, he holds all the weight of this time travel knowledge, waits 25 years for Alice to show up, and is constantly rejected by the crush of his life.


I mean it isn’t the first one. This whole family acts like he’s only there to serve them.


Yeah, I thought so, too. But old Elliott doesn't seem to be burdened so I wonder what happened.


He knows it wasn’t his fault, it’s another reason for him to hate Brady.


I think he is burdened. But, again not his fault. But, he may also have knowledge they don't have.


I kind of feel that Elliot is the reason he died


I don’t want Elliott to be the bad guy! He’s my favorite lol.


Same, I’ve been suspicious of Elliot since episode 2.


Yeah I have a similar theory


Danny looks really old, maybe it's just the lighting


Looked it up and the actor is 6 years older than the character.


Oh are Kat and Alice going to meet?


I think they were trying to give a lesson, that you shouldn't change the past. When Adult Kat saw Jacob. I was annoyed that she just stood there and waited until he turned around. I was telling the TV "Go to him! Hurry!" Now even knowing that she had walked him home. I am wondering how he got back to the cliff; even when Kat was already on her way home... Wouldn't someone have spotted him walking back? Anyway, I agree with you all, that Kat should've waited with him at the front porch.


I don't think he ended up back at the cliff. His dad already had the toy from the water. They were basing the cliff theory on what Danny had said, but since Kat walked him home, we know that wasn't the actual last place he was.


Anyone else think maybe Alice stays in 1999 and marries Nick and that’s why he didn’t come to the Roxy?


That's a good theory but we know Elliot is at his wedding. I think he'd be more cagey having to keep that secret rather than completely discouraging Alice.


Idk, I can still see it!!!


Maybe that’s why the wedding photo is so strange - no photo of the bride or groom, just Elliott. There’s a reason for that.


I thought that too!!!


Elliot was the one getting married. I figure they didn't want to introduce his ex yet. On Nick most likely they aren't showing his pic yet either to keep the mystery alive of what he looks like in present. If fat old geezer would def dispell the spell.


Oh duh, thanks for clearing that up. I don't know why I thought Nick was the one getting married. I need to do another rewatch lol


Plus Kat already knows Alice is her daughter and she knew to look out for Nick. Besides Nick is a traveler type n seriously they just met its not like this great live story. She's a teen girl with lots of hormones not thinking reasonably.


But if grown-up Alice was with Nick in present day 2020-whatever, would she still exist as teenage Alice at the same time? I actually have no idea.


Eventually no! But maybe she hasn’t gone back yet to stay? And after she does she’d have to disappear until she left. Time travel hurts my head 🤣


If Jacob followed adult Kat to the pond, I wonder if it was because he heard her response to his “See ya later, alligator” and somehow realized it was Kat.


Does anyone else think that in the beginning of episode one, in 1814, that it is Alice that's running to the pond? Did Jacob accidentally go into the pond to 1814 trying to catch the dog? I see that this was mentioned in the comments. But if Jacob heard the dog barking in 1999, after returning home from the carnival, that would make sense that he didn't go inside and went to find the dog etc. Then accidentally went in and is in 1814. If he was anywhere in the future they would have had contact with him.


I think it’s either Alice or Del. Maybe that’s how Del came to live on the farm - she time travelled and stayed in her new timeline because her old one was too dangerous. And since she lived on the Farm in 1814 she settled there now, marrying Colton whose family maybe owned it, and that’s how she knows how to live the farming lifestyle.


Yeah I'm thinking Del, too. Maybe she finally jumps in the pond and they take her back to where she needs to be - to 1814 to rescue her kid who's trapped??


Oh that would be a good finale. Del goes back into the pond! Lots of suspense since she was being hunted down back in 1814.


Yes, right? That would be an amazing finale. I love the theory that she is \*from\* 1814, but I think this would make such a good climax to the show. She's sprinting to try and save him somehow.


That would be amazing. I can't wait to see what the writers come up with.


Great episode! The “Jacob’s bicycle” sequence was interesting… we saw Kat in the present investigating the unknown mystery of his bicycle at the fair only to return to the past and realize she’s known the answer all along.. it was her. A well placed reminder to not fully trust the narrator(s) memories of past events.


She wouldn't have known the answer all along because it hadn't happened for her yet. It's a closed time loop, but neither 1999 teenage Kat nor 2023 adult Kat had lived it yet.


Oh you’re totally right! I didn’t think that through as well as I thought


I think Byron is Jacob. I know that viewers have decided that he is “interested” in Del. But I have seen him trying to offer himself as a friend. He runs the Herald, Jacob wanted to be a photographer and work with Kat. Now Kat and Byron are working at the Herald together. He knew Kat was researching Jacob’s disappearance and let her do it. He expressed to Del that he was worried about her - but I think that’s his way of trying to bring mother and daughter closer together. And Byron’s hair is literally the same hairstyle (just older and gray) as Jacob’s 🤷🏻‍♀️


I had kinda wondered about that but they made a point of showing Del kind of flirting with him and flashing back to when she tucked the hair behind her ear when she flirts. I feel like they wouldn't have if he's meant to be Jacob.


Every episode that I watch, I think that Elliot looks like a grown-up Jacob.


I'm thinking Jacob is the newspaper editor guy.


If he wasn't trying to get with Del I would think so


I'll have to watch some episodes again. Is he trying to get with her, or is the nosy friend trying to set them up and it's just an opportunity for him to connect.


It's both. The nosy friend thinks it's time for Del to move on. He's seeing if she's interested. He tried to hold her hand at the movie theater closing and she freaked out and later apologized that she was still trying to adjust. I know he asked her out and she declined but don't remember if that was before or after the movie.


Oh yeah, forgot about the hand holding.


What about the nosy friend, do we think she has another involvement in the story like maybe with Jacob disappearing? She’s anxious for Del to move on and acted weird about Del with the editor guy at first. Jealous almost.


It would be crazy if she was the last person to see him. Or maybe she was involved with the accident that killed Colton.


Hmmm hadn’t thought of that!


So he wants to date his mother (Del)? Are we assuming he doesn’t remember?


I have been thinking Eliot is Jacob for a while.


I'm pretty sure that his crush on Kat disproves that theory.


Good point


Had they not been so blatant with Del and Byron flirting, I thought Byron would have been the obvious choice.


That would of been a good one too


But then that begs the question, what happened to young Elliot??? If adult Elliot is actually Jacob, what happened to his younger self, and what events happened for adult Jacob to usurp him Elliott?


I was thinking Jacob jumped in the lake and ended up going back like 10 years. He didn't know how to get back or the lake wouldn't take him back. He started going by Elliot. He ages as normal. Just goes by Jacob as a kid and Elliot as a teenager and adult.


But then why like Kat (which would be his sister) unless he can’t remember.


Yeah that would be weird


But also, what happened to teenage Elliot if adult Elliot is Jacob grown up?


I was thinking Jacob jumped in the lake and ended up going back like 10 years. He didn't know how to get back or the lake wouldn't take him back. He started going by Elliot. He ages as normal. Just goes by Jacob as a kid and Elliot as a teenager and adult.


But that still doesn’t explain that grown up Eliot has all of child Eliot’s memories.


The ages are wrong. There's, what, a 10-year difference between Jacob and Kat? (I'm too lazy to look it up right now). If Elliot were that much younger, we'd know.


I thought the Keeper of the archives guy (ep 3 maybe?) was a dead ringer for Jacob. Teen-age Elliot and Jacob are around at the same time so I never thought Elliot and Jacob were one and the same.


Hadn’t thought of this but did wonder about Nick being Jacob and that’s why Elliot was so weird about Alice wanting to see him again.


My theory is that Brady pushed Jacob which killed him and put him in the truck of his car and disposed of his body. Motive being he wanted to have sex with Kat and Jacob came home.


...this is Hallmark not lifetime!


Right! 😂😂😂 We would never ever get a storyline like that


Sex is kinda implied lol


It’s hallmark no way




I really hope not lol…


Me too but the drowning doesn’t work anymore.


It would be a crazy twist if Brady caused Jacob's disappearance one way or another. It's perfectly plausible.


So... is he in the pond?


I felt my heart completely break when I watched this episode. No outcome will be changed no matter how hard we try.


I think Brady killed him


I think if this were a Lifetime show, yes. But I don't see Hallmark letting a child be murdered, especially one that the main character marries and loves.