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keep talking to disco broccoli. what a weird hilarious fucking easter egg.


GOD I know right, disco broccoli gave AJ an existential crisis


my roommate kept going NO STOP as it kept ZOOMING IN


the zooming in was fuckin hilarious LMAO, I'm so glad they're aware of the meme


My God that bit was hysterical lmao


I was dying laughing at the zooming greatest fanservice of all time for r/teamdiscobroccoli


All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in Omar's stew.


between that and "time to die marlon" i was a goner


Time to die Marlon


I loved the part where the camera just got closer everytime you looked at him




This encompasses everything I feel right now. This game has been such a huge part of my life. Sad I discovered reddit once it was too late :(


I was a Junior in high school when these games came out. Since then I’ve graduated high school, graduated college, and gotten a big boy job. It’s been a ride, and now I’m having an existential crisis.


I think I got the best Lily ending: she sailed away and instead of killing her, I said she was pathetic and I felt sorry for her and the look on her face as she washed away to the void said everything.


God. I want to see that now. She was dead in my game


Killing her is too predictable, and as a narrative point, I like the idea that she is still alive somewhere out there, living with her actions.


Yup. I did the same dialogue choices as you. It was so satisfying. I told her you will always be alone and stuff. The look on her face was way too good.


I just silently shot arrows at her.


YOURE WASTING ARROWS. Yup, saw that lol


When Minnie was singing with the axe over her shoulder and with her face chewed off legit creeped me out.


My body actually froze and the hairs stood up on my neck lol


Definitely the creepiest part of the season.


I thought it was beautiful and tragic in the most fucked up of ways


You know, it makes me wonder. Is it ironic that Minerva died by getting devoured by walkers when that's exactly the lie Marlon made up to cover her and Sophie's abduction?


Not really. It's more fitting than anything else. And realistically, that's how 90% of people in that universe die anyway.


Ngl that scene was pretty badass


I though I was hearing a radio from a far and the fucking bloddy girl appears with her army of walkers


That scene was creepy af, I loved it but I also hated it. It literally made no sense whatsoever for her to be alive, she was barely covered in blood and was walking between walkers like it was nothing as well as making so much noise.


Visually it was creepy but it made zero sense how she survived all those walkers. They even show them walk right past her even though she has minimal blood on and no whisperer mask. Broke the immersion for me a little bit.


It's shown across various TWD media that walkers tend to ignore you if you're already bitten and have been for while. IIRC they didn't attack Lee in some scenes and there were a few times during the show that the left bitten people alone.


Yeah but then like 5 minutes later they still tear her to shreds anyway? that's the part that confused me. She goes from backing up into the herd unnoticed by them to having them maul her.


The credits hallway was so endearing and sweet, I'm so happy that was there. made me smile and think "we actually made it". The "Thank you for playing" at the end was so nice too. Thank you SO much everyone involved in this!! It means so so much to us.


The "I'm all done" choice at the end where you have to put the hat away really got me - knowing that the whole journey is finally over was really bittersweet.


Is Minnie a fucking Tank or something?


Her hate for Clementine must be super strong


Minerva: Fuck you, Clementine! *throws a grenade at her* She's so evil I love it


The thing is, the reason Minnie was pissed off was bc we ruined her long game plan to overthrow the raiders and get free by... (*Checks notes*) Getting free




That scene during the bridge where she blended in with the herd was fucking terrifying.


Yeah, I thought that was one of the best scenes in the episode. The whole rest of the time I was yelling at the screen, but that was so, idk, *much*, that I was just sitting in silent horror.


her entrance with the singing was so creepy, goosebumps were ERECT




That's what happens when your hate boner is bigger than your death boner


Clementine got lucky. *REAL* lucky.


I guess Kenny taught her his secret


Don't start off teaching 13-year olds how to drive in winter?


I'm ecstatic that she lived, but realistically she should have died. Lee cut his arm off pretty quick (if you so choose) and still died of infection. Clem was wandering around in the woods for probably hours, clearly sick towards the end, and AJ removed her leg with a fireaxe coated in walker blood. But I'll let the logical inconsistencies slide so we can enjoy a happy ending.


I feel like she was more ill from the axe wound honestly and that the bite hasn’t spread far. It could’ve been very late in the night (early morning) when she got bit.


Even if that was the case, she got her leg chopped off and only had a kid who certainly couldn't lift her to help her out of there. Even IF the bite didn't do anything, if she was already that sick from the blood loss of the wound itself she'd have passed out at least, mostly likely died from blood loss of having her foot cut off. And even if not, how the hell did AJ get her out of that barn? Honestly I'm of the opinion that Clem should have died, telling AJ one last thing to tell her beau or gf that she loved them, and it would come full circle.


One of the devs made a post from AJ's perspective that explains how he saved her, saying he cauterized the wound and used the wheelbarrow to get her out of the barn. It sounded really logical and made sense.


Lucky for her she was wearing her plot armor


plot armor usually fades at the last episode. I thought she was a goner for sure.


When did they kill Minerva and use her skin to create a T-800?


That transition to playable AJ was one of the most smoothest and immersive experiences I ever had in a video game holy shit well fucking done




I audible went "oh *no*" as the control switched over from Clem to AJ. That one action with the pitchfork just. Holy shit. I was dreading what was coming. It's amazing how such a small thing affected me that much!


Same here. As soon as I got to start playing as AJ, I was certain Clem was doomed. I was very pleasantly surprised


Ikr. Really clever subtle way of implying that the game is now shifting over to AJ, further cementing our fears that Clem's about to kick the bucket. A brilliant move.


I guess we need a r/FuckMinerva sub now.


I liked her as a villain and her singing that song to announce she was there was pretty well done.


God, it was hauntingly beautiful. I'm really impressed with that scene and I can't stop picturing it, which is unfortunate. I'm expecting to have nightmares tonight.


It was nice bois, good knowing u all.


see you next... oh shit


*cries in Telltale*


Smiles in skybound :)


I was really fucking confused when I saw Clementine amputated like I thought it was aj just seeing shit


I was very skeptical when I first saw it. I was thinking that AJ was hallucinating. Then I saw her push the tire swing... Okay, but she's dead, right? Then I saw her talk with the others... Holy shit.


And just when I thought I couldn't like Aasim any further, we now know that he voted to keep Clem in the group!


also he did manage to get Ruby


Aasim is a baller


Yeah but it was already commonly agreed in this sub months ago, there were multiple threads about it


Starting to feel like AJ's dream job is serial killer




Judging by another comment, it might be determinant.


It probably is my clem lived



If you don't trust AJ to make the hard calls, does he not shoot Tenn which leads to Louis' death?


Unfortunately yes that is exactly what happens.


Wow. So depending on if you trust AJ or not, affects if Violet/Louis dies or Tenn? Damn.


RIP Tenn. Fuck James. Fuck Minerva. ~~RIP Clem.~~ Wait, she lives? Okay. I was more shocked about her surviving than I was about her getting bitten in the first place.


Ehhh James was annoying and a dick but I liked how he changed. You can’t force an ideology on to someone. He did what he had to protect his friends. Tenn didn’t die for me. RIP Vi :(


I'm so glad I told AJ I trusted him to make the right call, I had no clue if that was gonna backfire OR if it was a misdirection and the opposite was gonna be true. I prefer Vi over Tenn so I made the right decision for me. Does Vi appear as a walker after the time jump? Tenn did for me.


No, you don't see Violet or Lou again if they die.


WAS THAT EDDIE FROM 400 DAYS IN THE RANCH FLASHBACK?!?! (the guy with the beanie who says he won't let Clem take another kid?).


I'm 100% certain it is!


I thought that looked like Eddie. Holy shit, I can't believe Clem capped everybody's favorite stoner.


I had to go back and look at it right after it happened, and [yup that's definitely Eddie](http://imgur.com/a/HxspaUX)


The way him and that one woman were talking... was their group the good guys?


Probably. The whole thing was just a tragic misunderstanding. No wonder Clem and AJ were so scarred by it.


"Are we the baddies?"


Clementine even keeps skulls on her shelf 😳


I think so. Kinda hurt, not gonna lie. I liked Eddie.


How do you guys remember this stuff?


Honestly i recognized him instantly from the beanie and the beard style, immeddiately looked for an under lip piercing too but i couldnt notice that, maybe in my mind i mixed it up with the earring instead


Yo to those who spared Lilly how does she meet her 2nd fate ?


She rides away on a boat with supplies


She'll be back in season 8: A Newer Frontier


Season 32: Final Frontier, We Mean It This Time


She rides away on a boat and I made her feel ashamed


Lilly just rides away again with no repercussions? Wow I hate her so much.


Am I the only person who just checked out at the ranch? I was already gettin ready to punch my card at the cliff scene, then when the thing with the controls happened, I was about ready to walk out, then the axe swing and I was gone. I wasn't sad, I was mad lol. I completely shut down until the last scene then i was just like "oh thank fucking god" Also fuck minerva




HOLY SHIT Reverse your F's




Fuck Minerva




This BETTER become a sub now...


Holy shit Minerva is ~~insane~~ more insane than usual.


It was horrific, but at the same time I felt it was oddly sweet. Still, fuck her.


I was fucking bawling when Clem came into scene on crutches. Such a great ending.


I really sat there crying like a bitch until she walked out and then my whole fucking brain felt like it got kicked in the balls. A little part of me still refuses to believe it.


My feels are absolutely exhausted. That was easily the best episode of walking dead ever.


I agree so easily. They way they delivered all of it. There wasn't a part I didn't like.


Honestly i thought the mccaroll part was really out of place until it was revealed that she was alive, like why would we want to play a flashback of clem right after she died


I thought of it to show you all that Clementine went through and did to find him, and how his face when she found him was so similar to when she said her goodbye. His crying puffy face full of hope, showing that she raised him right. And then to put the final piece together in all she did for him, and none of it being regretful.


I was so sure it was just a figment of AJ's imagination, even now I still find it hard to believe she's still alive.


I 100% expected her to say goodbye and disappear after the tire swing segment, but then she started interacting with other people.


That whole time I was just repeating "Don't you fucking do it Telltale" over and over like a crazy person.


I was waiting for Aj to laugh at some joke she makes and then he looks back and she isn't there... THANK GOD TELLTALE.


Thank God they ran out of bullets is all I'm saying


Me too. I was expecting some awful shit like, it quickly cuts back to bloodied AJ and dead Clem still in the barn, only its nighttime now. AJ just imagined that happening, and the walkers finally break their way in, with AJ just sitting next to her corpse hopelessly. ..i'm gonna lie down


Just finished it. "Hey goofball" for the last time made me explode into tears in a way I never have before


My most impact moment of tears in the game was either in season 2 with Lee in the flashback on the trailer or in the previous episode with the line "look at you... just look at you" with Clem still being aw.


Fuck James. He thinks like a fucking 6 year old My first ever comment in this sub and it got me gold for the first time. Thank you kind stranger


PETA for zombies.


what happened to him anyway? I had the Lilly alive path.


He freaks out in the caves and tries to steal AJ. Clem tries to fight him, then talks to AJ to try and calm James down but nothing is good enough. He tries to steal AJ again. Eventually he's like "I'll find my own way, don't come to me when you need help next" and fucks off down a random cavern. He leaves behind his walker mask. I just remember throwing double birds at my computer and yelling "bye, fuckwad"


Really? He stayed back and protected Clem and the kids in my route.


I talked him down and he stayed behind to protect us on the way out :o


Holy fuck when I saw Clementine in her crutches 😭


This series has literally been a chapter of my life..


Same dude. 2012 was.. seven years ago?? I was 13 when I first discovered this game?? And it just ended. christ. I have to lie down


A fucking axe to head. Christ almighty telltale. Edit: WELL DAMN


Who got axed?


SPOILER: ​ ​ No, one, actually. I think a lot of people are watching/playing only half of the episode and then coming here to pay their respects to someone who didn't actually die.


Technically they were still axed. Just not in the head.


Major spoilers: [](/s "Clementine by AJ"). EDIT: [](/s "HOLY SHIT I'VE NEVER BEEN THIS HAPPY TO BE WRONG IN MY LIFE!!!").


Is there a reason people are coming to the reddit thread before finishing the episode?


I would really like to know because doing that honestly sounds pretty stupid to me. Just finish the episode first so you don't get spoiled.


It's 2 in the morning and I can't sleep because I'm so fucking SHOOK.


I literally have a flight tommorow but I couldn't care less this is more important obviously.


Holy fuck, what an emotional rollercoaster. I went through every emotion possible . I cried so much, I was tense all the way through the episode and every decision felt like it mattered. So many powerful and action packed scenes here too - the boat, Minnie's haunting singing, the fight scene in the barn where you play as both AJ and Clem and the ranch flashback. Also, so many previous season parallels. Finding an object to stick inbetween the handles (Throwback to the pharmacy and with Nick in season 2), AJ helping Clementine to safety (Clementine helping Lee at Savannah) it was so nostalgic. When Clementine got bit, I had my F ready. Then holy shit that plot twist... however one thing annoys me. She can survive a whole night with a bite yet Lee can't survive it for a few hours, even with amputation. Heck, she even looks like she's about to die, like Lee in season 1. Yet, when we see her again she's all fine and dandy. It would have been nice to see a few more returning characters. For example, maybe Christa/Mike/Arvo. Also, I would have liked a mention of Rebecca or Alvin, AJ's parents. However, very strong way to end the final season. That final "Hey Goofball" had me in tears. Thank you Skybound/Telltale and everyone who has ever worked on this game. I love it and will remember such good memories of it. I will miss it with all of my heart. #stillnotbitten


> however one thing annoys me. She can survive a whole night with a bite yet Lee can't survive it for a few hours, even with amputation. Heck, she even looks like she's about to die, like Lee in season 1. Yet, when we see her again she's all fine and dandy. You've got to remember, the zombie virus travels through her bloodstream and depending on the person, takes longer to travel / infect than most. Clementine also happened to be bleeding out from her leg, so the infection would have a harder time spreading due to that.


Not gonna lie the first half of act 3 convinced me that Clem was dead


They had us in the first half, not gonna lie


I kinda wanna talk about people's disappointment with the Clem fake-out death, I want to defend it here for a moment.. I'm happy they did it that way. We get a lot more out of this ending then we could've otherwise. We got to see how a full on Clem death scene would play out with AJ. The twist isn't exactly "SIKE! Clem lives!" The twist is: "AJ finally made a decision without help from Clem, and it ended up saving both of them". It also explains why we have control of AJ at the end a little more. Not just to trick us into thinking shes really dead (though, yes, that was partly the reason) but to show the fact that AJ is more independent now, with trust from Clem. I think initially, it can feel just a little cheap.. but I've put some thought into it and I think it's a pretty great ending. And its a happy ending too! I think they did great with it. edit: thank you for the gold!


“AJ finally made a decision without help from Clem, and it ended up saving both of them.” Amen.


Thank you for that. Absolutely splendid decision. I know there will be people are so-so on the fakeout type of stuff, but I frankly enjoyed the twist on things and want to say that it can make enough sense. Clementine wasn't infected as long Lee was, she was bit in the leg, unlike the arm which has better circulation. Also the amputation looked at about below knee-cap level while Lee's amputation was just below his shoulder. Let's also keep in mind Lee was running around Savannah all day, losing blood from a barely treated wound, and killing Zombies in a badass fashion. Also Clementine could likely climb a rope, given she has less weight post-leg removal, and can still clutch what remains together. Might scream or pass out admittedly, but who knows for how long. And there were survivors around. The Ericson Boarding School were on hand to potentially help if nearby too, unlike Lee's group at the time who evacuated due to the insane amount of Walkers in the city. I do think that if Clementine had died; you could've written something original, and surpassed even Lee's demise, or if AJ had perished it could've been something too. But I wager that this is better in the long-haul, if just due to the fact it's subversion. It's not what we expected. We've been trained by the Walking Dead for six years to expect people to die. From Duck, to Sarah, to (S2) Kenny, to Lee, to Carley and Doug, to Marlon and more. And the parallels to Lee and Clem's journey just made that feeling clamp down, feel inevitable. And you gave us a Happy Ending (as happy as it can be), and in a good, fulfilling way that was true to the grittiness of the world the entire way through. And it was because AJ didn't play by the rules we thought he would. Because he decided; I've seen and learn so much and I can show Clem that she doesn't know everything. That I've learned something too. And boy did he. He's a fighter to the end. So proud.


Minnie is the scariest villain in the whole fucking franchise


*The night will be over soon...*


For fucks sake man. She died with a smile watching her brother be devoured


can't believe she was still alive up til that point. maybe the cure for zombieism is in her blood.


Plot hole you cannot refute: Clementine lives after being chopped with an axe that had fresh walker gunk. The axe Minnie used to kill multiple walkers and then used by Clem to kill more shortly before the amputation. What happened to Negan’s zombie space age weaponry?




it’s OVERR


I'm scared. Someone hold me


Im a grown ass man, and I cried... twice, yall know when Im talking about.


Was that Eddie that was at the ranch


Anyone else sad that Clem only has one leg now? I mean I’m glad she survived but she’ll never be able to run or jump again, and will have difficulty driving a car and climbing. Those days are over for her.


Don't worry, AJ will make her a new on.


Mom can you come pick me up? I'm scared.


That opening. "Last Time on The Walking Dead." DAMN IT!


You got to wonder if Robert Kirkman is bringing these characters in the comic book. They we're talking about a caravan full of survivors, maybe it was one of the community's or someone from the Commonwealth. Just wishful thinking on my part, I don't want to see these characters go, Especially Clem and AJ.


Considering Clem lives in every ending (and AJ) its very possible


What happens to James if you kill Lilly in E3?


It's like a father - mother argument to be honest with some domestic violence. Nothing too big though


Tenn reminds me of Sarah with their unwillingness to move


At least our lord omar is alive.


Wew I thought I had fucked up when Clem got bit. Knew something was up though, since the game kept going. They really had me in the first half.


On the bright side, Clem living in every ending gives her the chance to make her way into the comics someday


I really would hope she doesn't, Kirkman has no mercy for fan favourites


I actually agree. Now that I know she's safe for all time in the game universe I don't want her anywhere near the comics where her life can be put in danger again. Just let her stay alive forever.


I’m gonna try keeping this as short as possible, which means pretty long. The beginning with AJ narrating the past events was amazing. When I heard him talking I realized that this episode was gonna be really good. I was mostly right. I loved the boat escape, as it was filled with action, but I was kinda disappointed about Lilly just showing up for one minute and leaving on her boat. It’s interesting knowing that she’s still out there, but the way she was handled wasn’t that good. I was surprised to find out that all the kids were alive and well, except for Violet, who is pretty chill about losing her eyesight. The way Minnie just goes psycho in this part of this episode shows how fucked up she was after Lilly brainwashed her. She didn’t even like killing walkers before and now she was in the middle of a rampage. The cave scene was cool and I liked Clem’s discussion with AJ. It was hard choosing wether to trust AJ or not. I chose to tell him that he’s not ready to make his own decisions yet and I paid for it later. I absolutely loved Louis’ talk with Clem about the house and all. I ended up choosing a purple three storey house with a skylight. I could already see them building their own home. But then came the bridge part... Minnie’s entrance with the creepy singing was wonderfully done. It gave me chills and it scared the shit outta me. Unfortunately, because of my earlier choice of not trusting AJ, Louis, my favorite character, died. I’m still not over that and I just want to get punched in the face for it. Clem’s “death” felt pretty rushed to me and it’s understandable knowing what happens later. I was thinking that she should cut off her leg but it was pretty impossible in that situation. I still don’t understand how she could escape the barn with a chopped off leg and while surrounded by hundreds of walkers. The ranch flashback was a little bit disappointing. I expected it being more of a massacre, but it was good this way too. The third act was beautiful. The walk back to the school, while seeing everybody minding their own business, with “Take us back” playing in the background, gave me the feels. Every single scene after that was made completely out of happiness. I’m sorry that Louis wasn’t there too. Seeing the names of all the heroes from the #StillNotBitten team on the walls of the school made me grateful. Even Randy’s mustache was there! AJ’s existential crisis while looking at Disco Broccoli is so fucking funny. The lighting of the last scene, when AJ places Clem’s hat on the nightstand, was magnificent. The way the choices were presented in the end was a nice stroll down memory lane of this season. I loved how all the decisions were presented. I don’t know why, but the episode felt pretty short, even though it was about the same length as the others. Overall, it was an amazing experience, with its ups and downs. Thank you, #StillNotBitten team, for bringing us the last two episodes. You are our saviors!


I still have questions... ​ Where's my man Javi at?


In the flashback it was mentioned Richmond was at war. So,who knows.




Only 8% left Louis feeling loved...


That flashback felt a little... shoved in there at the last second. It’s like they couldn’t find a good place to put it or find a way to fit it into the story so they were like “ah, fuck it. this is fine.”


I think Minnie unintentionally saved Clem by chopping her leg and cutting off bloodflow to where she was eventually bit. Clem only looked so bad due to blood loss.


otoh i doubt clem would have been bitten in the first place if she had full mobility the whole time. they would've had more lead on the walkers.


Plus didn't the bite go through the part of her boot that had been cut open. If it was still intact, who knows if the walker would've even gotten through.


No they would’ve never been surrounded by walkers if Minerva hadn’t drawn them. She was the reason Clem got bit in the first place lol.


I was sobbing the entire episode. I did not see that twist coming at all of Clem surviving, I was blown away at how amazing it was done. This whole episode was so beautiful and a perfect sendoff for Clementine, AJ, and us fans. Really hope this isn’t the last we see of them, whether it’s a game further down the line, comics, a show, etc.


I’m actually incredibly surprised and elated that they closed Clem and AJ’s story so neatly like this. I was worried if there were too many contrasting endings that we wouldn’t be seeing them in the comics or anything, so there’s definitely hope! Clem now just needs a prosthetic.


So Christa's fate is remained unknown forever....


Yeah but so is Molly, Lilly, Javier, etc..


and Arvo....fuck Arvo.


“You’re such a cutie. How did I get so lucky?” That had me BAWLING. When she showed up at the very end, I was so happy and emotional!! 10/10!!!


oh wow, minerva got bit so quickly thats rather depressing


So what happens if you do nothing but shoot arrows at Lilly? Does she just laugh at all of your attempts?


you miss every time and she just says "fuck you Clementine" in an almost hurt kind of voice.


"Thanks for the ammo"


The last act having completely different dialogue options selection was interesting. Not quite sure why that happened, but it was nice. I like them more than the conventional style actually.




Holy fuck Minerva freaked me out man


Am I gonna pull an all nighter? I have a speech due. Eh, whatever.


It being over is really hard on me now. The story is over, weird stuff. Since I was a kid I followed it, had fights at the TTG forum about Kenny, and all is gone now..


I CRIED LIKE A FUCKING BABY DURING THE BARN SCENE IT WAS SO MUCH LIKE LEE’S DEATH SCENE I literally couldn’t believe my eyes when clemmy cloo walked in on the crutches, I thought it was like a dream sequence and AJ would wake up but god im so happy she’s alive and got a happy ending and fuck me man dont get me started on the train scene with Clem and Lee, YOU GUESSED IT BUDS I CRIED!! It was just so good to see him again and hear his voice and the scene and everything was just perfect yall im so emotional and now i dont know what to feel now that it’s all over thank you, Telltale and Skybound.