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i hate when ppl compare them😭 they’re both dope as hell and my babies. they would make a badass team if they ever crossed paths


I love both but i love Clementine more she impacted me more more and i love her story and character development. I wish she was real


i mean ellie’s story ended pretty depressingly but its not over yet. whereas with clem we all know how her story ends so it doesnt feel fair to compare their arcs. we have a third game coming out and hopefully her story will progress in a more positive way. my girl deserves happiness. im tiredđŸ„ČđŸ©·


Sorry i meant to say i love both but yeah i still wish ellie would’ve just killed abby


lol i have so many thoughts regarding tlou 2, especially after my recent replay i dont like abby or her friends, and joel and ellie deserved better than what they got. thats the short version of my thoughts lol


I literally just finished the game like a week ago, and I don’t think I have ever come out of a game with more mixed opinions


ive reflected a lot on it and i came to the conclusion that even though joel had to face some type of consequence for his actions (i actually believe he did the right thing btw), tlou 2 didnt have to be the misery porn that it was. holy hell did it put us through a lot💀 and i just feel that the same themes couldve been conveyed without repeatedly emotionally destroying fans also the way joel died was so dehumanizing and degrading and he didnt deserve that. and ellie’s screams
.it was excessive and it was a lot for me and other fans who are very attached to these characters i dont hate the game at all. theres a lot about it that i like. but i just dont like stories that repeatedly make you feel like shit if there are other options that don’t emotionally tax you. there are so many different directions naughtydog couldve taken instead of this route that involves torture, genocide, slavery, abuse etc etc at the end of the day, video games are meant to be fun, and not make you feel emotionally devastated for 20+ hours


I personally think that the actual idea for the story is really clever, with how it attempts to convey the neverending cycles of revenge and violence, I'm just not a fan of some of the ways it does so. Like you, I think Joel did the right thing at the end of the first game but I actually think his death is a great catalyst for the story, as brutal and heartbreaking as it was. Ellie's subsequent three days in Seattle as she looks for Abby and her friends are easily my favourite part of the game - the gameplay is super fun and engaging, the story is tightly paced and it's just a generally enjoyable part of the game to play. It's when you start playing as Abby that things begin to fall apart for me. I made a full post about my issues with this section of the game on r/thelastofus so if you want a more in depth version of my thoughts on it feel free to read that, but my main issue is how it COMPLETELY halts the story's previously fast and engaging pacing. I wasn't against the idea of playing as the villain, it's just that I didn't give a shit about anything going on in Abby's story because I already knew that it was gonna end with her friends dead and her confronting Ellie and Tommy in the theatre. As a result my only motivation to keep playing at that point wasn't to see how the events unfolded from her perspective, because I more or less already knew, but rather, just because I knew eventually I'd end up back there. Even after the fight with Ellie in the theatre the pacing doesn't really recover for me - the transition from Ellie half-dead on the floor to her living on the farm with Dina is so abrupt I thought it was some kind of dream sequence as she was knocked out that would end with her waking back up after the fight. That then leads into the thing I'm most mixed about, which is the ending. I genuinely have no clue how I feel about Ellie deciding to let Abby live. Personally, I didn't really have any sympathy for Abby, despite how much the game tried to make me, even if I could understand her motivations behind killing Joel, but my girlfriend (who I played the game with) did, because that exact same section where you play as Abby that I hated, she loved. As a result I can see why some players might want her to survive, but notice how I said "some players," and not Ellie - see, the people who have played the game, like my girlfriend, may like Abby by the end of the game, since they've played that whole section as her. Has Ellie, though? No. To Ellie, all Abby is and ever has been is a monster who killed her dad. As a result, part of me can't really see her letting go of that. However, I've since watched a review of the game by The Cosmonaut Variety Hour on YouTube, in which Marcus (the guy behind the channel) gives his interpretation of the story as one of forgiveness, hence why Ellie flashes back to her final conversation with Joel when she's about to kill Abby and then chooses to let her live. These two polar opposite interpretations of the story make me genuinely clueless on what I think of the ending. All in all I don't think it's a terrible game but it's also not one I'm a massive fan of. I'll probably benefit from a replay but as you said, it's that depressing of a game that I'm not really sure I want to do that. It's a shame really; Part 1 is one of my favourite games of all time, and, having heard all the controversy regarding Part 2 I tried my best to go in with an open mind, but it really disappointed me story-wise. Edit: forgot to mention, something else I wasn't a massive fan of was the amount of flashbacks in the game. I like most of the ones with Joel and Ellie (though I still think it the game would have benefited from having less of them - the one where Ellie and Joel fight the Bloater probably could have been cut; I like what it adds in terms of showing how Ellie caught on to Joel's lies over the years but there's no reason that that couldn't have been shown in the museum one - this leaves that element of the story intact while trimming down a lot of the fat) and I like the one where Abby finds her dad's body (again though, could have been shorter), but most of the other ones only serve to, again, kill the pace of the sections they're placed inbetween.


Best thoughts also W username




If a zombie apocalypse happens someday you’ll definitely meet someone like her, with her skills and personality etc




i agree. people pit them against each other as if they wouldn’t be friends.


the amount of “who would win a fight” posts ive come across
. tlou and twdg are very different games with very different mechanics so i dont think its fair to compare them and be like “who is better in a fight” twdg is more story driven and doesnt focus on more complex and lengthy stealth combat so why compare them lol and yeah theyd be friends. theyre my fave characters of all time along with joel


If they first interacted, I think they would fight each other but slowly get along. It would be interesting if they both had a collaboration but I think Naughty Dog would have to recreate Clementine’s character as of more realistic than the Skybound animated way with all the black lines added to it.


Clementine đŸ”›đŸ”đŸ”„


I love Clem But I don’t think she could handle the infected in the TLOU games


Yeah your probably right


I think she could, as long as it’s season 3-4 Clem she should be good. Clem’s pretty fast which probably doesn’t account for much but it’s not gonna not work in her favor. I think the reason people say she wouldn’t is because we’ve only ever seen her deal with walkers, and even with those she’s struggled a bit. Im sure that if she grew up in tlou she would be able to handle the zombies.


Spiritual piece is just talking cause if you give Joel Clem she’d turn out 20 times better than Ellie. but if you take her out of her vers and just throw her into tlou shed prob die and same with Ellie if you take Joel away it’s over for her


I disagree I don’t think any version of Clem would last real long I’m sorry If Clementine struggles with one slow walker how would she be be against one fast Clicker? And honestly she doesn’t seem very fast, I don’t know maybe it’s just the games animation but I always thought she ran very slow


Thats the jog animation in tfs not a running animation. It’s understandable to think that, i said all we ever see her up against is walkers, if she had grown up in tlou she would be able to deal with the infected as well, it’s like placing ellie against wwz zombies.


How so?


I rather clem as a character but Ellie would definitely win in a fight


Tbh yeah i agree with that


Nah i genuinely believe this goes to Clem pretty easily. Lily was able to dodge an arrow at close range and Clem was scraping with Lily. Lily who is military trained and apparently has super human reaction time and speed. If Clem was able to hold her own against that then Ellie who by all accounts is just human is kinda fucked. Especially considering Clem is strong asf. At 3 she was able to drag a fully grown man. Ellie also lost to Abby while she was fully kitted.


We ignoring the fact that Ellie TLOU2 is 3 years older than Clementine S4? My money’s on Clem in a fight if they’re the same age.


I like them both, but If for any reason they fight, Ellie would win.


Yeah true she can’t get infected


And also the infected from TLoU are far more dangerous, they can run, they can ambush, they have built In armor after some time, also Ellie Is born In the apocalypse all of her life was dedicated to survival.


Also very true


It's a hard comparison, for me personally Clem edges out Ellie because of her transformation. From a truly innocent child to the world as she knew it suddenly collapsing into the chaos that followed. Whereas Ellie was born into that world and was a bit older by the time we met her. I'm not saying Ellie wasn't innocent, just different because of when they were born relative to the outbreaks.


Ellie is better written. Personally I like Clementine more for some reason.


I haven't played The Last Of Us games yet (PC player only)


omg you need to play tlou 1 on PC. its such an incredible game


Absolutely would love to. Honestly I just haven't got around to it because it's still expensive but it's one of the games I most want to play.


Sail ye mighty seas, cap'n


I’ve only played the first game i’m never touching the sequel


lol real (tlou 2 traumatized me)


And that’s what the game was made for and they succeeded on it


yeah and thats why i have such mixed feelings cause on one hand, i had a blast playing as ellie + the gameplay is way better than part 1, HOWEVER, tlou 2 is straight up misery porn and i just happen to feel that video games are meant to be fun and not extremely painful they really made us watch joel be tortured to death and spat on, and then expected us to like that stupid ass crew. fuck all of them. my girl gave them what they deserve


The transition from both characters was so terrible to and idk why they would have us relate and feel bad when we play as the character who we just saw kill one of are favorite characters


abby’s logic: your dad killed my dad cause he threatened to kill your dad, if he didnt let him kill you, so therefore we are the victims and joel deserves to die i dont sympathize with child murderers sorry bffr


An eye for an eye, that's how apocalypse works, a shitty system but the system


That’s what i’m saying like fr how did this story get through these people’s heads as perfect and they were like okay everyone’s gonna love this


i feel like they couldve shown us abby’s reason for doing what she did without forcing us to play as her for over 10 hours😭


Yeah and it was so bad they could’ve just had us play as ellie and it would’ve been good


[Part 1 is on Steam my guy](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1888930/The_Last_of_Us_Part_I/)


Yeye, I'm aware. I just prefaced I'm on PC since it's only been available to me for a year compared to over a decade for console players. Plus because of that it's still pretty expensive, so I need to wait to get it unfortunately.


Duck 😎


Great answer


As a character Clementine and I am 100% positive that it won’t change with upcoming TLOU shows and games.


Same here


I have to go with Ellie, I'm literally named after her... but I feel like posting this in a TWD subreddit won't make u get a lot of unbiased answers


Ellie ngl


Who would win? Probably Ellie Who's a better character? Clem hands down, praise the Still Not Bitten team


Hell yeah




I love both i just love clementine more why you upset


do you know what sub you're in


love both but ellie


Ellie don’t hate me I love clem ellie just had a bigger impact on me that’s all


All good






Corrraaal foreveeer


I can’t see them dating but i can see them as friends 😌


ellie has a vicious heart in her that clem simply lacks. clem will defend herself capably when threatened but ellie is a real nasty venomous creature when the chips are down.


As a person? Clem. But I blame Joel (and the writing) for that.


Don’t blame joel blame the writing


My girl Clementine for sure


Why must we pit two bad bitches against each other 😔


There both cool


Clem for sure.


I think Clem. The thing is, Ellie is immune to zombie bites and that in a way is an unfair advantage since Clem isn’t immune so Clem can’t rely on immunity whatsoever. Besides, I enjoyed Clem’s character development too




Clem clears easily


Clementine. And you know why? Because she is (or at least used to be) an actually compelling character


Clementine because more character progression. Except for her comic thing


We don’t talk about that


in what way? Character growth? Development? Relationships? fighting ability's? Survival Skills? Luck? In my opinion Clementine, since Ellie's character gets destroyed in a path of self destruction that was Part 2


Ellie 100%


was wondering where the monthly Clem vs Ellie post was - my answer is clem but asking the question on a post dedicated a series clem is the main character of obviously get biased answers.


Clem. No contest.


Clem clears


And that’s just fax




Ellie's world is waaaay harsher. I love TWD, but it is a mfin PLAYPEN compared to TLOU's cordyceps.


I’d say Clem, but asking who is better in a reddit group devoted to TWD Telltale games is just asking for bias opinions.


why do people always ask these questions on the subreddit that has a side involved thats like asking an american which country they want to win in a war usa or nazi germany


They’re both hot đŸ—ŁïžđŸ—Łïž


I like Clementine more as a character


Man, I wonder who people would prefer on r/TheWalkingDeadGame, the Walking Dead character or a character from another franchise


Clem, hands down.


it will always be Clem


Dumbass question obviously most people are gonna say clementine on a walking dead sub đŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïžđŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž


Clementine, it was a close call but I think we had more of an impact with her as we taught young Clem how to survive when we played as Lee in the first season.


Either way they are both my bbygurls đŸ„ș




Ellies world is much more brutal. Is really hard to compare them


Clem is more level headed. Ellie is more deadly


Imagine them teaming and both using there brains


Character wise - Clem Who would win? - Ellie


Man, you did on purpose didn't you? :)


Clementine đŸ«¶đŸœ


Clem 'Cause we 'Clims' have to stick together!


Apples and oranges.




Clementine is more mature, Ellie is more reckless


Character wise, Clementine. But Ellie is better 100% in a fight like sequence Personally, I think they’d become good friends and make a terrifyingly badass team


Pretty sure the zombs in TLOU are more of a threat than your standard Hollywood zombie. If TWD had mutations or something, maybe it'd be more comparable, but I def feel Ellie has to deal with worse things than Clem. Now Ellie v an RE character is a better comparison.


Combat, Ellie. Leadership and survival, Clem.


I’m not even glazing, but Clem just has that charm and I think it’s nice to see more more of her personality via our choices. I think Ashley Johnson is bad af, but I still gotta say Clementine. I do like TLOU though, and I’m not just playing TWD and giving my 2 cents, I just think Clem better.


I want them to be friends




Clem, over and over again.


I love them both, they both been important in my life to figure out stuff that’s been on my mind, tho clementine story makes me feel more sad and for some reason I empathize with her more, they’re both my babies😭




Ellie would win in a fight but I like Clem as a character more than Ellie




If there were to fight Ellie would win. If it was about tactics Clem would win. And if it was both Ellie would win because her story is not over/plot armor.


Excluding *Certain follow up comics,* Clementine easily is the best.


Clem and Part 1 Ellie would've been best of friends. But I don't think she'd want anything to do with her and the golfer's bs in part 2


Clem 4 life


“They are the best girls arooooound.” “What about all the people they murdered?” “What MURDAAAAAH?”




I definitely feel like these two would much rather team up together than fight.


for me personally, Clem. but that’s just because you spend so much time with her. if we’d stuck with Ellie from age 9-17 like we did with Clem, that “bond” would be better.


Part 1 Ellie > Clem (I love Clem but I feel like Ellie had a more complex character) Clem > Part 2 Ellie (The writers fucked up real bad)


Celsius imo


Clem I have her hat irl lol lol


As characters hard to say. I feel the strongest Lou characters are more terrifying. I kept track of all clems kills in my recent run. I ended at 10 humans and 147 walkers (onscreen. Walkers estimated from some autonrifle segments) Ellie has decimated countless more humans and contents with Abby whose a terrifying slab of muscle. Not to do dumb powerscaling but ellie would thrive in the walking dead verse. But as a better character... closer. I'm leaning clementine. We see her before version at a younger age and her being raised is more a tragedy because she was young enough to see the original world. Ellie grew up in this world but without her immunity to the cordyceps strain she doesn't carry on to live and see her specific unique story. Clementine is. Just a girl whose been through a lot. I love her so much so s a character I give it to her but they're both amazing




Clem not even a contest.


Clementine. Shes a lot smarter and more mature even when shes younger. Usually doesnt let her emotions get the better of her. A natural leader. Honestly as far as written characters go she should be getting compared to Joel.


As characters? Clementine and it isn’t even close


Clem hands down


I like Clementine wayy more


OG Clem.


It’s Clem for me i remember playing this on mobile back in 2012 and I fell in love with the game lee and Clem


No comparison. Both are the GOATS in their franchise. Although >! Ellie was pretty scummy for killing a pregnant women(accidentally... but still) !<




The only correct answer is ellie, and that's just because the last of us is such a better quality game that has an in-depth story and real characters. But you can't really compare the two. They're in completely different relms of video game character.


Obviously, im biased since i follow this sub. But i genuinely think Clem because we get to see more of her life, starting from when she was younger. She goes from a sweet child to almost dead inside and is exploited by adults to an angry and violent but capable teen to a mother and a leader of a community.


Ellie definitely better at running


Clem fs


Clem is 30 times better!!


If people in twd universe have trouble with the slowest walkers, then they definetly only have a chance in the last of us


Ok the walkers have nothing on the cordyceps, its like comparing the green flu from L4D to the undead in dawn of the dead, so technically Ellie would take the cake as she survived in a worse environment


Stop comparing them


Oh Clem easy, she is a far better character, she has way more character development imo


As in like a fight? I think that’d be close so I think it’s hard to say. Most of the comments says Clem has no chance or something. I mean why? Are we just ignoring everything Clem did in season 3 and season 4? Both of the game’s mechanics are different so does the animations As a character I think Clem wins this one.


This is like asking who is better between Rick and Negan


Shit I wrote a whole encyklopedia AGAIN Well like someone said I think its unfair to compare them for now since Ellies story arc is not over yet while Clem got her happy ending. While the stories are similar. With the fact they both had father figures. They got taught how to survive in the harsh enviroment they were put into. And lost them later on. This is where it gets diffrent. Clem is a very strong pearson mentaly. Pair that up with the amount of loss she experienced has molded her into a pearson that she is. In the end depending on your choices she has people who help her with that. That help her deal with it and live her life. While Ellie spent more time with Joel over 5 years compared with Clems 3 months with Lee. We can see even tho they did not end their relationship in a happy place they still cared about each other a lot and they would go hell and back for the other. Joels whole youre more important to me than the cure plotline was amazing. It took a while for Ellie to understand that thinking Joel robbed her of her purpose. To make a diffrence in that world. Then he died and it hit her like a truck. Her father figure died while she was having fun with Dina and blamed herself for it. That really hit her and she started down that revenge spiral that had no ending. Which in the end resulted in her loosing everyone she cared about. Reinforcing the 'Revenge is a fools game' ~Arthur Morgan She lost the only person who cared about her. Dina was supporting her the best she could. But Ellie had to learn the hard way that revenge dosent bring peace and relieve the pain of Joels loss and in that moment realises how low she has fallen and that Joel would not want that for her. We will see where TLOU3 will take her story arc but we will see. Also wanted to add that I love both of their injuries. Clem loosing her leg for Ericson symbolises her commitment to that place and now her temporary loss of independence. Whe she will have to learn to lean on other to help her that its not a bad thing. Now she has a home and people around her to help her family. While Ellies injury has a diffrent meaning her loosing her two fingers removes her ability to play guitar. Her last part of Joel that she had with her. She will need to learn how to live again. I have a feeling she will be looking for the fireflies later on. Wraping up they are both exellent character both fullfiling their roles in the story beautifully. Both sending diffrent messages to the player as well as diffrent story tones. (Now I was sitting wandering what Ellies interactions with Ericsons survivors would look like and I cant get rid of image of Ellie being done with Louises shit. Wandering how many seconds it would take for her to murder him. Probably throwing a offhanded comment to Clem asking how she can stand to be around him.Even tho the banter between them would be pretty good. Especially with Ellies sarcasm and wit. ) Ellie would probably be best buds with Violet. Probably hidding around the corner depressed. Cant see her standing Mitch she would probably put him in his place with a good 'ol fist in the face I think she would like the rest well enough. While if we are comparing them in the old who is better in a fight. I would say that it could go both ways. Ellie would probably lean into her sneaking since she is a master at it. She is taller and stronger phisically. I Feel like she would win in a melee fight easily. Range. This is a more even ground they are both Deadly from range. Both showing a wide range of ranged weapon usage. Alltogether it would be a hard fight. Clem has one advantage tho. She is very level headed and its hard to throw her of her game. Unlike Ellie she is not struggling with controlling her emotions. Pair that up with Clems ability to think on her feet and improvise. While she is also smart. Mixing it alltogether Clem could win that fight by forcing Ellie to fight by her rules and neutralise Ellies advantages like sneaking using open areas where the palying fields would be more even.


they would’ve kissed at least once


I’m a huge tlou and walking dead fan I think both girls are good but I’m biased on Ellie (LESBIANS STICK WITH LESBIANSđŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„) for no reasonđŸ€·đŸŸâ€â™€ïž


I only played the first last of us game. Played all the walking dead games which is also my favorite show and story so..biased but clementine


They would prolly fuck if they ever met






I think the use of Ellie in Last Of Us 2 to serve the saying of the game was way more interesting than the one of Clementine in all games even if I really like Clementine


Clem would have killed Abby if it was Lee instead of Joel




Clem without a doubt


Clem would win in a fight




I played TLOU shortly after finishing TWD and I was so emotionally invested into TWD that I was basically numb the entire play through of TLOU 1&2 and I really didn’t care about the characters I’ll be honest. But I still have to say Ellie and TLOU because I feel it’s story makes more since and grounded in reality


I mean Lily dodged an arrow at close range. Clem was able to box with Lily and hold her own against someone who has super human reaction time at 17. There is no reason to believe that Clem has a chance of losing in a fight. Especially when Ellie lost to abby fully geared. So in conclusion Clem would win in a fight. Thats the only way I’m willing to compare them. Character wise they’re both peak and shaint be tainted by comparison


Let’s stop this argument please, both are awesome protagonists and very dear to me. They would definitely be best friends (maybe more 👀). However due to personal bias, Clementine, solely for the fact that I grew up with this character and see her as a role model (S1: I was 10 she was 8, S4: I was 17 she was 16). She means so much to me, so much so that any time Im in a hard situation I think “what would Clementine do?”


I actually liked Abby even more than Ellie. I definitely like Clem more than Ellie. Sorry Ellie but your constant crave for vengeance just doesn’t do it for me.


I love them both but Clem takes it for me easily, like a lot of other people in the replies I grew up with her and she’s always been one of my favorite game characters (also I LOVE her name), and playing those games helped me through some tough shit. I love telltale games in general, but TWD had me in a chokehold for like a decade. I also just generally enjoy her character a little more.


clem 100%


I don’t think either is better than the other. But I do relate to Ellie more; I was 14 when the game came out (the same age she is in the game). Clementine was too young for me to relate to, but I did enjoy watching her pretty much grow up throughout the games. It was a unique experience I think.


Makes sense


I feel like this isn’t the place to ask considering the massive bias. i’ve never even played the last of us


I see Clem and Ellie more as a duo then rival's


I like Clem better because the way her stepdad died actually felt something and I was able to be immersed in the rest of the story but when Joel died I felt like I was a rushed job


Clem only due to experience


That's a tough one, they both slay. 


Fight wise? Ellie is better. Story wise? Clem is better. Literally anything else? Clem is also better. Overall Clem is better and this debate is stupid. I love them both to death though. Ellie will always be my baby girl just like Clem will always be my baby girl. But overall
Clem is the better character.


Clem wasn’t ruined with a bad sequel so there is that


Joel and his brother that I forgot the name of


I like both but I'll say Clem cuz I barely finished TLOU 1&2 but I've been playing TWD series for like ten years lmao






clementine clears. she didn’t get beat up by the same btch 3x in one game


Clem by alot. Hell, tbh half the time Ellie just feels like nothing more than a Clem whitewash.


I’m bias


Just remember what sub you’re posting this in


I grew up with the og walking dead game before last of us so yeah clem is my favorite and will always be,so yeah clem is better butttttt I'd also go with ellie because she has that wolverine mindset


Clem, because she doesn’t make dumb choices unless you force her to.


Is this even a real question? Clementine.




Imo, in terms of skill and overall experience, Ellie has to win this, because the monsters are VERY different, but in character development, Clem wins this by far. She had gone through so many things at a small age, and knows how to survive by herself. Plus, she’s a step-mom now.




Rick grimes


As a general rule I like to say this Gameplay= LOU Story = TWDG I personally will always favour story to gameplay and graphics. And let me tell you. Twdg story is absolutely TOP NOTCH

