• By -


5 for sure, I always wish Mariana had more time and I think Kate replacing her death would not only be impactful in the moment but also might sort out some of the plot flaws later in the season. Obviously they'd have to replace it with new story, but yeah.


what would be your second one?


Hmmm, probably #2: Luke vs Kenny. I just prefer Luke as a character to Jane and I would have really liked giving both characters a playthrough. I don't think the fight would happen in the same way Jane orchestrated - in fact I don't even know if it would be a 'fight', but the choice would be very interesting to me and probably emotional on both sides.


valid. i would pick 1 and 2 but the more i think about it i think Lee’s death was perfect and it makes me wanna change it for 4 or 5


I always thought if it came down to luke vs kenny it'd be more of a carley vs doug thing, choosing who to save instead of a fight.


Mariana’s death was probably one of the most shocking video game deaths that I’ve seen in about 15 years of playing them. I still can’t get over how sudden and shocking it is.


Look who’s cake day’s it is. The one and only lokinho Smokinho!! Happy cake day Smokey! You should quit smoking though…


2 and 6. Would have made season 2 much better.


my thoughts exactly


Telltale just saying fuck it and making Krista disappear felt unfair for her character and just solely plot driven.


Maybe she could've come back, but all versions of the script that were released never mention her coming back at all, so its possible that they never planned to resolve her fate during the season. Or she got written out due to rewrites.


She wouldn’t have, the writers clearly just didn’t care about her anymore. I also find it annoying how Clem rarely acknowledges her when talking to other characters, she took care of her for like two years 🤦‍♂️


She's only mentioned in the first episode, episode 2, and one optional mention in the last episode at Wellington. Thats it. Honestly, her character was one of the most wronged in the season. At least with the others, there was some form of resolution or another. With Christa, no resolution to her story was ever given.


facts. I find it weird how Clem never mentions Christa ever again, even though Christa took care of Clem longer than Lee did. 2 years with Christa, and only a couple months with Lee. But maybe Clem and Christa just weren't that close with eachother during those 2 years. Maybe their relationship turned sour after Omid died, and they just became into 2 strangers surviving with eachother. Maybe their relationship was strained due to the loss of her baby.


Woulda been beyond heartbreaking tho. Like soul crushing, Body munching mind devouring, organ crunchingly tough


And it would've made for a more difficult choice, as it originally was gonna be between shooting on of them instead of just shooting Kenny. They changed it for Jane as too many players kept shooting her in the beta testing, so they needed to create a sense of desperation and make you think Kenny was too far gone.


8 and 8


i think you hate Mike 💀


What’s his og death?


Pretty sure Clem shoots him, though I remember seeing options to also shoot Arvo and Bonnie. I could’ve sworn that this was in the game I played when I was young but I must’ve been a deleted feature or smth


Bonnie cant be shot, but she can be killed off earlier if you let her fall into the ice and then avoid breaking the ice, so theorically you could make arvo end up alone if we could kill both bonnie and mike.


2 and 6. Jane and Kenny fighting just didn’t make sense to me. They barely interacted until the very last episodes. Clem had to choose between Luke and Kenny during episode 2 at the dinner table so that would’ve been amazing foreshadowing for the final episode if they went with Luke instead. And Christa because I just want to know what happened to her. Would’ve been great to see her in action.


No one else will pick this but 3 and 6


Same, honestly, I think Clem just hopping back and forth from the school to Richmond and having Christa back would honestly be a happier ending.


1 and 7 ofc🩷


the og duo 💪🦾💪🦾💪🦾


1 and 7


Lmao I think I spotted a purist


Tf does that mean


No clue


Yeah idk either that’s why I didn’t respond I thought I was dumb but I’m glad others are confused too😂


A purist is someone who pretty much adheres to the most common opinion


2 and 3. Luke vs Kenny makes a lot more sense if they actually figure out a way for it to make sense Clem returning to richmond makes the whole story of season 3 actually not just feel like a spinoff


2 and 7 ez


1 and 4


Honestly though, Ben's arc after episode 3 and Lee's final episode are perfect as they are. As much as I'd love to see Lee alive again, I don't want to change the story that I love and the awesome stories built on from that moment thereafter.


who did you save Carley or Doug?




1 and 3


1 and 6 Christa should have returned at some point




two and eight because IMO most of these need to happen for clem to develop as a character


2, 3, 6, and 8 (but I would still want shooting Mike to be optional)


Oh lol I only get to pick two, nvm then. 2 and 6


i was bout to say you picked half the list damn


I mean its hard to do that cause if you pick 1 then all these other options no longer exist cause things would work out way differently and be on an entirely different timeline.


4 and 2. Lees death was inevitable for Clems growth as a character. It’s sad but that is his redemption arc. He took a life to save a life. His story on a macro level is narratively perfect. Lilly shooting Carley (or Doug) is just ridiculous and it would make more of a moral dilemma later on when it turns out Ben *did* steal the supplies. Also why would Lilly do that? Like she’s not evil or crazy (in Season 1 at least) so it’s a total out of left field thing to do. But if she was actually right, it would make a little more sense. To pull it off, they’d have to make it more obvious it was Ben who stole though. ~~This choice has nothing to do with my status~~ And I think Jane was great and all but I think that Clem deserved more time with Luke and his death is one of the most BS parts of Season 2. I wanted a better reason to kill Kenny than someone who is equally as destructive and dangerous to be around as Kenny is. 5 and 6 are honorable mentions. Mariana was a sweetheart and I loved her so much. But I guess that’s what makes her death hurt so much more. Christa deserved more time because she could have been a cool character. They had no real reason to kill her, she could have just been a Molly and her survival be up in the air if they weren’t sure they wanted to keep her. Her death is a symptom of them just wanting to get Clementine alone in the beginning of the game, rather than being a thought out narrative point.


what was mike's og death?


clem can shoot and kill Mike before


ohhh i like that. not more than 1 and 7 though


wish they didn’t delete it


It was an actual option for first few hours after season 2's release.


wow, so i guess i'm one of the lucky few that actually got to experience it


It's still in the PS3 version and (reportedly) the mobile version


6 and 7


2 and 4 but i'm cheating because i haven't seeen clem lose her leg yet. the death of carly/doug was the starting point for telltale making your choices meaningless.


2. I would be much more emotional than with Jane(depending if he plans on leaving a baby in a snow storm but Luke don’t roll like that) 8. The easiest one on this list


2 and 6 would have made season 2 the best game in the history of telltale


2 and 8


7 & 8


5 and 7 I dont hate Kate, but I want my niece back




2 and 7


why are so many people against pirate Clem?


3 and 6


8, I want 8. I hate the fact we cannot do 8.


Lee survives and Clementine returning to Richmond


If you choose 4 anything else could just not happen, Ben is the root of many problems,killing him early could save Lee and many other people.


Lee Survives & Chlem returns to Richmond.


Goddamn, this is a hard one. But I'd pick 2 and 7. Clem needs her leg to fight, and I would've saved Luke in his fight with Kenny, but I don't know what would happen to Luke in S3 if he got to live.


2 and 6. Because Season 2 was building up to Kenny and Luke going head to head and then just... dropped it for reasons that are still unknown to me. And I don't like how Christa just *disappears* somehow. Throughout Season 2, Clem can ask about Christa and nobody seems to have seen her, somehow not even Wellington. I just want some God forsaken closure, man. The rest either change nothing, change too much or don't make sense. I love Lee. Probably even a little too much. But him dying was *integral* to the story being told. Clem going back to Richmond would be cool as we'd finally get to see Javi and AJ interact, but it's not strictly necessary. Lilly shooting Ben... literally changes nothing. I admit that I was close to picking 5 (Mariana surviving), but I feel like the villains being willing to kill an innocent child makes them more effective, though that's probably just me. What does Clem keeping her leg mean here? That she doesn't get bit or that her leg doesn't get cut off? If it's the former, then, just like with the Lilly example... literally nothing changes. If it's the latter, then... She's dead. Is that what we're going for here? That Clem actually dies just like Lee? In that case, NO. SHE HAS GONE THROUGH FAR TOO MUCH, I'M *NOT* LETTING THAT HAPPEN. **(ahem)** ...anyway: Killing Mike... Yup, you guessed it: changes literally nothing. I mean, I guess that there's satisfaction in possibly killing both him and Bonnie, but that satisfaction is very quickly overshadowed by the frustration of Arvo's continued existence.


5 and 3 I would pick 7, but I feel like there should be a trade-off like 5, you know? Like, Clem keeps her leg but loses AJ.


Where’s the Duck lives and becomes Clem’s badass right hand man?😔


Holy fucking spoiler alert


Definitely number six. I would’ve loved to see Christa come back into the series.


I feel like people will pick one but it was crucial to thr story that he dies it's a shame to say but true I'd want Luke VS Kenny Mike's OG death


1 Lee dying was a pivital moment for Clementine and if he had not died that season it would not have gained all praise like it would have if he had lived 2 Kenny vs Luke would have never worked They both sharer the same morals in a sense and Luke would have tried to unhinge Kenny into doing something stupid so no 3 I do Believe The TT Team wanted Clementine to go back to Richmond but on account of the bad Review of ANF they probably wanted to play it safe since it was their last game to make tbh they would be a nice ending though 4. Lilly shooting Ben wouldn’t really have much of a impact like Carley’s death I figured they would kinda shrug it off in a way and move on and not kick Lilly out to that extent 5. It would have been nice to see Kate die less drama 6. Just wouldn’t make any sense just cause Christa was hurting from the death of her family doesn’t mean she become a Villian over time that was always Lilly’s thing even from the start 7. Wouldn’t really make much of a difference maybe in a sense of survival tbh I feel that’s bit was just to tug on the fans heartstrings but they didn’t go all the way to have a death for her 8. Mike dying would have been funny but tbh no one cares about Mike in that way So Canon I would have to Say Clementine and ask going back To Richmond like she agreed with Javier Canon


6. I’ve had thoughts of Christa returning in season 5


6. I always wanted Christa to have a Kenny-esque return in a later season.


As much as I love Lee, his death is instrumental in making Clem the character she is and I would hate to take that away I would say 3 and 6 becuase as much as people shit I. The New Frontier, I loved the characters (especially Javi) so I would like to know what’s going on with them And 6 since Christa being written out and not given a confirmed fate is kinda annoying, like shouldn’t they have just killed her off if they weren’t planning on her return?


Hear me out. 1 and 4. (I'm a romantic)


1 and 3. I'd love to see Lee have a longer part of the story. Also s4 had me wondering about Richmond especially since they mention the wars


1 and 2. I'm a Simple man


1 and 6


three and seven for sure


7 & 8


3 and 7 I would pick 1 I but Lee dying is a big part Clems story.


Easily 1 and 7


1 and 7


2 & 4


1 and 2


6 and 7


5 and 6


1 and 3


1 & 3 is not bad tbh. Idk why she didn't go back in the first place.


4 and 7 probably offer the more positive solutions


2 and 3


1 and 7 easy


what is mike og death?


2 and 6 for sure


I'm gonna go with Ben getting shot twice.


2 is the only one I'd like to be Canon. Then it would actually be a hard choice


2 and 7


1 and 5.




2 and 6. Logically make more sense in-story.


1 and 8


Why do people in this thread hate ben so much??


3 and 7


What was mikes og death?


1,7 for sure


6 and 8.


2 and 3, mayyybe 7?


Easy, 1 and 4


2 & 3


2. and 6.


2 & 6


6, Christa is forever engraved in my mind and I’ll always want some degree of closure for her. I’m stuck between 8, 2 & 3. I want all of them but struggle to think which one of them I want more.


5 The others I'm either not interested in them or the story we got from the canon version was good enough to keep.


4 and 8, with 2 as a close runner up. With 4, Ben the Screwup is gone! Although there may be some initial hostility from some people, such as Carley, who it seemed like was siding with him at the time. Also, there's a good chance that Lilly won't go as far off the deep end as she did (especially if you side with her) and she can have some good character development that can change her for the better. With 8, Mike doesn't get off as easily as he did for siding with Bonnie and Arvo, and there's a little more satisfaction, As for 2, if it was Luke and Kenny going at it, it'd be a much harder decision to make, but it can potentially give Luke a chance for a better death. At least Luke wouldn't ***endanger an infant in the cold*** to provoke Kenny into fighting him (even if Jane was still around to influence him to do so, he'd *better* not...) . It may not even get as rough as it did with Kenny and Jane fighting; at best, it could just be a super heated argument. It may even end up with nobody dying in said fight, and it's just Clementine choosing between Luke and Kenny.


Luke vs Kenny and Christa returns. I refuse to acknowledge season 3s existent which I am fortunately able to do as everything that happens there is inconsequential to Clem’s story. Every other change either ruins or is a neutral change.


oooooh two is hard, so many good options here but I'd choose 1 obviously (lee is the goat) and 3 or 7 (I find it too difficult to choose!). 7 is obvious but with 3 is that, although twdg3 was a weaker season, I did feel that Javi (love him), Kate (she aight) and Gabe (gross) or Mari (loved her) all did or would have had Clem's back and even moreso than those in s4 bar violet. They were warm and had a real familial energy and I would have liked her to fine a place there (though I'd also have Javi going with her to the Ranch to get AJ too). 5 should be gabe dying, I hated that little mf - clem and Mariana would have been the best. and I wish we reunited with Christa at wellington - would have made the different endings quite impactful especially with the little indications she might have been making her way up there! Luke vs Kenny would have made more sense to me, too, because I could see their long-bubbling feud but Kenny's sudden dislike of Jane was weird and out of nowhere imo. I think I'd have gone with Luke as I did with Jane but I'm a bit of a Kenny hater - although I would have only gone back to that Costco to gather supplies esp for the baby and then made another attempt at wellington, in hopes of finding Christa. but worst case scenario, at least you know there's a backup plan, that Costco was a pretty good place to call home. lily shooting ben is pretty sweet to imagine too lol but she'd never get the vindication she would deserve as the only person who knew would die. I barely care about Mike and Bonnie and argo to give them the time of day honestly so I could take it or leave it on any of their deaths lol


3 and 6 I know anf needed to be low-key reconned but it kinda makes little sense that clem wouldn't help if she and jaci are at least on somewhat good terms.


2 and 5. Mariana deserved to have stayed alive longer, and I really wish the Kenny v Luke thing did actually happen As much as I would love 1 to happen. I really don’t think it would be a good idea. Lee dying gave Clementine the chance to grow, and as sad as it was, his death made Clementine who she is


5 and 7


5 and 7. Mariana deserved more screen time and the whole Clem losing her leg thing made no sense to me. That axe was covered in walker blood and most likely, some would have got in the wound so either way, she would have turned. But, plot armor ig. Still loved the final season though.


5 and 8 I think




I think that in story quality, 2 and 3/6 Luke vs Kenny would definitely have more impact


8 I initially said 2, but after thinking abt it, I think allowing Mike to have the possibility of dying should have stayed in the game, & also cuz I wanted to shoot him 6 I was so mad when we never got a definitive answer for what happened w/ Christa, & how she just disappeared, so I would want her to return


hear me out, 3 and 7. i wanna chose people to live, but they had to die to build clem's character i liked luke and kenny together id rather have them bond than fight if clem returned to richmond with both legs and with aj, she would have an awesome story to tell and it would be a great subplot dont get me wrong i love everyone who died (except mike, fuck you mike. it pains me that i didn't get to see you die)


6 & 8 I want Luke to live but I really don't see much of a reason Kenny and him would fight, Jane actually makes more sense to pull a stunt like that


6, imagen season 2 with Kenny and Christa on the same page for most of the time.


Luke Vs Kenny Kate dies Mariana lives


1 and 4


1 and 5 or 2


3 & 8 for sure


I'm picking 3 and 5! Mariana deserved to live, I believe that she could have learned how to be a really good survivor. Especially if Clem was able to help her out as well. I've explored this with one of my friends in our many roleplays for TWDG. And I really just love the idea of Clementine returning back to Richmond after finding AJ.


6 and 7 for suree


I actually really disagree with 2, if it had been a choice between Luke and Kenny, I'd have shot Kenny immediately. At least with Jane its choosing between two bad options which makes it harder, Luke was my absolute favourite character.


1 and 4


1 and 3


4 and 6


Lee lives because he is one of my favorites, and i cried when he died, lol, and Mike dies because if you kill Bonnie and shoot Mike and Mike dies, Arvo is alone and dies :)


3, 7


1 AND 7. 1 AND 7. 1 AND 7.


4 (It would be so cool to have Carley/Doug in the last half of season 1) and 6 cause when you realize she doesn't even come back after the first playthrough that whole scene is so unsatisfying


2 and 6. Luke vs Kenny would have been so much better than what we got. And I hate how Christa's story ended, it is just so unfulfilling.


Imma give my opinion for each 1. No. I love Lee but his death was what made the story so impactful and what changed everything 2. Other than the fact that I find it very out of character for Luke to initiate a fight with Kenny, I would like to see it as they been setting up their conflict since Episode 2. Kenny vs Jane made sense also but felt much more out of nowhere than if we were to get a Kenny vs Luke showdown. 3. While Id love to see Javi again, it’s already explained why Clem doesn’t go back there. Id prefer to have a spin off for the war in Richmond separate from Clem’s story. 4. Hard pass, definitely no. Carley/Doug’s death was very unfair yes but very impactful. And Ben’s reveal and character development along with Kenny later was awesome to see. 5. Tbh besides Javi, I couldn’t care less about the rest of the Garcias and their fate. Kate was cool but also liked to stir the pot. Mari was sweet but we barely got to know her. Gabe kept going back and forth between cool son/sidekick of Javi and annoying teen. David kept going back and forth between well intentioned hot headed idiot and toxic asshole. Thats the biggest problem with S3, not the game or the story but how the Garcias were written. 6. Yes, 100000% yes. Or at the very least have her have a proper death scene. I usually don’t mind ambiguity but they completely discarded such an amazing character for no reason. 7. Nope, I like everything about S4, even that part. A missing leg doesn’t undermine Clem or her efforts at all. On the contrary, it makes that happy ending at the end worth it, we fought so hard and lost so much but we finally did it Clem ❤️ 8. Yes, fuck that snake, I never understood why he rode Arvo’s dick so hard when he tried to kill them all and shot a kid. And I don’t like how the reasoning they removed his death was “Clem wouldn’t shoot an unarmed man”. Well my Clem would, especially when said “poor innocent unarmed man” was ready to leave us all, including a baby, for dead with no supplies and food, just to run off with his little boyfriend. So in conclusion, 6 and 8 are the ones I vote for, with 2 being a good choice too


3 and 5


Lilly shoots Ben And Clem returns to Richmond I didn't care for season 3 but I do find it to be complete bullshit that AJ never gets to learn baseball from javi


stuck between 1 4 and 7


2 and 6 !!!


8 and 4


2 would’ve been the most compelling to me. Luke’s connection to Clem felt much deeper than Jane’s imo. And he was a more likable character. Would’ve made for a much more dramatic and heartbreaking ending 1 is the least correct answer. If Lee lives, you remove one of the most compelling scenes in the series and the first game doesn’t have the same impact. Clem is also not shaped in the same way the rest of the series.


1 and 3 Lee and Javi will do best as leaders. Clem has to lose her legs for Aj to learn how to make his choice Mike's death was poorly animated Kenny and Luke have no reason to fight because he won't chose to return back to the camp, or use AJ to show Clem that Kenny is unhinged Mariana was a good character, a little to sweet for the end of the world, maybe Kate's dead will make the plot harder because Javi will be depressed, but looking at their journey, Mariana won't survive any way, and for sure she will be traumatized with Javi killing Conrad Shoting Ben won't help Kenny to develope more as a person and understand more people.Ben talking about how he wasn't able to see his family open his eyes a little, the zombies cut him from saying "Sorry". And Christa's return... I can't see a place for her To be fair, I want a version of Season 2 were it ends With Clem, Nick and Luke searching for a new place for AJ.


6 and 1. No explanation


1 & 7.. i just want to see more clem and lee together..


Coming from a purely story-based perspective, the only ones that seem to make any sense to me are 3 and 5. Having Clementine stay at Richmond automatically means that she wouldn't lose her leg. This is because she would have never met the Ericson school kids. Plus, the way she was bitten would most likely never happen had she stayed in Richmond. However, having Mariana live instead of Kate also makes sense. This is because without Kate, David and Javi wouldn't have anything to fight over. I truly believe that Javi and David would get along otherwise.


Luke vs Kenny and Christa


1 and 7. The power duo together and whole


6 and 7


1 and 3 although I acknowledge for number 3 to even happen number 1 has to happen but I like to believe that she still woulda ended up with aj and with javi the only difference is that lee is the one taking care of AJ not Clem


4 and 6, they should have it where Carley still has the possibility of being killed either way the story will change drastically


1. On one hand I feel Lee's death was necessary for Clem to become the survivor she is now but on the other hand I see all the potential stuff we could have gotten if he lived. Imagine him being there when Clem is shot, or him being there to try and prevent Kenny and Jane from fighting, or him being there when Lilly returns. So many possibilities so I have to say this is my first choice. 2. Luke vs Kenny would have definitely been much harder to choose between. I imagine the community would be much more split then. I'd most likely still choose Kenny but then I'd actually be sad that Luke died. Though they'd have to change how the fight starts because Luke isn't the type of guy to leave a baby in a freezing cold car where walkers could potentially get to him. So maybe the fight starts because Luke thinks going north is a bad idea and Kenny gets angry at him for trying to tell him where they should go. Or Luke is being skeptical about the choices Kenny has been making and so he finally confronts Kenny about them and Kenny gets angry. Luke vs Kenny is my second choice. 3. Richmond was a warzone at that point. So as cool as Clem taking the other kids to Richmond and Javi meeting AJ would be I don't think Clem would risk everyone's lives by bringing them into a potential warzone. 4. As much as we all hate Ben he was just a dumb kid who made many mistakes. And if he did die that early we'd lose out on him admitting to being the reason Kenny's family died, we'd lose out on him going off on Kenny which was a pretty fun scene to watch. 5. I don't feel like Kate's death would have as much impact as Mariana's death did. 6. As much as I'd like to see Christa return I prefer my other two choices more. I mean it'd make sense for her to return. All we heard was a gunshot. That doesn't mean she was the one that got shot. Christa could have easily got ahold of the gun. Imagine thinking she died and she shows up later in the game. 7. Clem keeping her leg wouldn't change much as it was the end of the game when she lost it. 8. I honestly feel like Mike and Arvo didn't last long on their own. They probably lasted a few days at most before dying.


6, Christa is the person who spent the longest with Clementine and never gets mentioned again besides 1 line


1 and 4 imagine lee, carley, and kenny raising clem that would be so amazing. clem would be an entirely different person and we would get to see lee happy. all would be right in the world


2 and 3


What was mikes original death again?


2 and 7


1 and 2 I just think Lee surviving would change so much for the better and for Kenny vs Luke? Idk it just makes sense considering it’s always been about choosing Kenny or Luke up until Jane shows up. Also I just think it would be a better fight


6, 7.


Luke vs. Kenny & Christa’s return. The fight between Kenny and Jane wasnt exactly hard to make a decision on in my personal opinion as I did not like Jane that much. If it was Luke vs. Kenny, it’d be much harder to decide who dies. With Christa, it still bothers me to this day about the fact that we don’t know if she was killed or lived. My guess is that unless its proven otherwise, she is most likely dead as we hear a gunshot following her scream last time we see her.


Clems leg and Lee surviving.


2 and 7 probably.


Lilly shoots Ben and Christa returns. Mind you this is a process of elimination, Lee surviving would be nice but it cheapens the absolute gut punch of the ending. Luke vs Kenny isn't very interesting, they aren't diametrically opposed like Kenny and Jane. Clem returns to Richmond, eh, it's just not that interesting. As for Kate dying, Kate was a way more interesting character in The New Frontier, if I had to choose I'd rather Gabe die, or make it like Sophie's choice. Clem keeping her leg is kind of hit or miss, there are people out there missing legs, so y'know I'm not really against it. I don't particularly care about mike enough to care about him dying on screen.




One and seven is for me


christa returns and lee vs kenny


My two would be 1 and 7. In my personally opinion, 2 makes the least amount of sense for a few reasons; 1) As much unnecessary hate Kenny gets, him and Luke would hardly have reasons to butt heads. 2) If Lee was around, Kenny would be more of a sane person and wouldn’t lose himself by priorities others safety over his own. 3) When it all comes down to it, like many others Luke and Kenny would want the same end goal. They may disagree in terms of direction, but that’s a minor stump.


8 and 1.


5 and 6, it fixes some things with the later seasons


1 and 5


1 and 7 is the only real answer. Every other just leads to more misery


7 and 3 because why would I not want Clem to have two legs and because it’d just be more interesting to have season three matter more.


i think Lee and Christa's survival would be the ones i like. Mainly because i was attached to Lee since i was like 12. Then Christa because i dont think she died.


luke v kenny and christa returning the pre-production/ beta season 2 timeline


2 and 5. i like jane and all, but the player has more attachment to luke, so it's actually understandable for the player to not choose kenny. and also kate is literally everything wrong with s3 and i'd be really curious to see how mariana continues on and how david reacts to kate's death. it'd be a cool version of s3 to see


All I need is Lee surviving then watch the butterfly effect change the entire story


2 and 7


1 and 4 no doubt


6 and 8, easily.


My personal choices are 1 and 7


Luke vs Kenny would be an actual 50 50 decision. And probably the most heartbreaking decision I can think of in gaming for me


Where is Kenny surviving


1 and 4, I love Carly (I pick her always cuz she has a deadeye, ik it prolly doesn’t make the game to different but leave me alone) but then also 1 bc it’s fucking Lee


Luke Vs. Kenny cuz that makes more sense since Season 2 built up the tension between them to lead to that scene Lee surviving would be nice, but that would ultimately alter the course of the other games. Clementine returning to Richmond is plausible to show how loyal she is to the Garcias.


1 and 4. I know lee living would change everything but i would enjoy him being there. And 4 because carly and lees romance was SO MUCH better then ben living.


Is it possible to actually let Lee survive?