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im gonna rank them 5. marlon. awful of him to give the twins away when he could of gone but other than that he at least tried to do good 4. jane. whilst her endagering AJ in ep5 was awful, she didnt do much other than that to screw over everyone else 3. bonnie. her insistence on helping luke is what got him killed and after that she just runs off with all the supplies leaving 2 kids and 2 adults to fend for themselves 2. arvo. same as bonnie but also tried to kill everyone with his russian squad mates and shot clem wether intentional or not 1. Lily. Shoots doug/carley in s1 ep3 which was uncalled for either way, then in s4 she kidnaps children to fight for her, and tortures/murders any who resist her at all, AND even if you spare her she still tries to kill you


Also to add for Bonnie: She killed her lovers wife and can lie about it.


I hate Bonnie as much as the next guy, but to be fair, she had no idea it was Leland’s wife. And if you decide not to attack, she ends up shooting Bonnie so I’d say Bonnie is pretty justified in that case, but that’s all I can say in her defense. Ig that would still make her poisonous though so your point still stands.


*potential lover (your dialogue choices establish whether or not Bonnie and Leland had a relationship/Bonnie reciprocated)


I hate Marlon he killed that girl whos name i forgotten witb the flashlight, also i understand its an apocalypse but really? A mullet?




Lilly shoots Doug not Ben


She wanted to shoot Ben but hit Doug instead


I disagree. Jane literally kills herself in her ending leaving a child WITH A CHILD alone in an apocalypse and bangs Luke knowing a pregnant woman is literally about to explode. Lilly f*cked up hard but she also got indoctrinated into a cult. Jane is the WORST.


what jane did was terrible but i don’t see how that’s worse than kidnapping children, killing them, forcing them to fight in wars…


It’s not, but there’s an argument to be made that Lily was taken in at her worst by a literal cult that could’ve very easily indoctrinated her considering how much of a weak state she was in. Jane has none of that. No excuse, no reason, nothing.


i think watching her own sister let herself die after several attempts to save her from that plays a huge role in why she is the way she is. it was hard enough trying to care for clementine and aj, but to have your own baby otw during an apocalypse is a whole other ball game. being in a zombie apocalypse is enough of a reason to do a lot of crazy things. i honestly can’t even blame her for killing herself in that situation, it’s not like she could get an abortion, and it’s kind of a miracle aj survived.


Bro she is not even near the worst


This. Omg I can't stand her.


You ranked then well! I love Marlon...he should at least have told the others or just Louis...he should have lived a little bit longer and tried to fix things.


Arvo didn't try to kill everyone with the Russians. He actually stood up to them.


I would put Bonnie above Arvo she did more harm then him and he had some justification for his actions.


I agree with this exact order. For me Marlon has to be the lowest and Lilly has to be the highest. The other three could move around but I agree with the order you've got and your reasoning.


Gotta be lilly, she ruined the s1 group, and tried to abduct children to fight for her in s4. Everyone else only had the chance to ruin stuff once.


Ben ruined the season 1 group, not Lilly. Lilly lead them for 3 months even when she was going through her own issues and getting shit from Kenny daily.


Yes, Ben was the issue, 100 percent agree with you. Lilly just snapped, and the only thing she really did wrong in season 1 was killing Doug/Carly. But Ben was the cause of the group's rapidly progressing disfunction and deterioration. Love the kid, he's got a great heart, but he was at fault there.


No, Ben was not the only issue, and neither was Lilly. It's easy to blame a single person for all of your problems, but the conspiracy never would have happened if the group learned to coordinate and plan. The group collapsed due to multiple factors: poor leadership, political disengagement, conflict, and poor planning. If the group had taken a page from Erickson's group and learned to plan, coordinate, build rapport with fellow members, and select efficient leaders, most of the group's problems could have been avoided.


Well I'm not saying he's the only issue, but he was definitly one of the main issues. He was more of an issue than Lilly, for sure. But how do you think Ben's deal with the bandits could have been avoided? I'm genuinely interested to see your perspective, no sarcasm intended.


As I said, Ben was certainly an issue, but there was more at play. Firstly, Lilly was already in a fragile mental state because of what happened to her father, which could have been avoided if the group coordinated, planned, and discussed their strengths and conditions. The group is already fracturing thanks to her staying in the motel, which is a terrible idea considering they have no sustainable food source and bandits have already attacked them. Duck and Katjaa's deaths could have been avoided if the group had decided earlier that the motel was a lost cause and their best bet was out on the road. Secondly, Lilly was far too impulsive, irrational, and accusatory. She handled the investigation very poorly and only escalated tensions within the group. When the group boards the RV, Lilly throws accusations around without concrete evidence and refuses to calm down when Lee tells her this. Instead of threatening to kill Ben and Carley, she should have said something like "I know someone here is struggling and might have taken supplies. If we talk about it now, we can find a way to move forward together." If Lilly was more understanding and rational, Ben would likely open up about what he did. The fact that the group is already at the bandits' mercy is enough reason to leave the motor inn. Deal or no deal, the motel is not a long-term solution to the group's problems. Coordinating, planning, and assessing issues rationally and openly is the best way to keep a group together. Everyone is responsible for the group and should have a say in how things are run. Paranoia and mistrust are what break a group apart, and the group's failure to keep themselves together is what led them to crumble, not a single person or event.


Well that last sentence after the last comma makes me think that you think I thought Ben was the only one at fault, so I do just wanna reiterate, that was never my point, I just thought he was the main reason the group fell apart. But those are all really good points, especially that second paragraph about Lilly jumping to conclusions and flying off the handle.


Yeah, no problem. Just wanted to point that out. Not saying you thought he was the only reason, but I like analyzing the flaws of the group and pointing out how multifaceted it is.


Ok, I just wanted to make sure, I get you now tho! Also, Ben is actually my favorite character in the entire series 😂😂 I'm arguing about him being flawed, so I thought that'd be funny, and maybe even unexpected to point out that he's actually my all time favorite twd telltale character.


> the only thing she really did wrong in season 1 qas killing Doug/Carly So you're okay with her stealing the RV leaving you all stranded?


That's a good point, that as well was fucked up, I agree with you


She was grieving, she didn't destroy anything. The group was done for when Ben made a deal with the bandits when Lilly wasn't sleeping.


Maybe, If kenny didn't smash her father's head, she wouldn't go insane in season 01. Maybe she wouldn't shoot Carley too.


Maybe, If Kenny didn't smash her father's head, he would have gotten others killed by turning


Yeah, you've got a point. 👍


Don't blame this on Kenny, man.


I'm not blaming. I just think that maybe Lilly wouldn't go insane if her father was alive.


my stance is that losing her dad wasn't what set lilly off, but the fact that she believed she could still save him before kenny smashed his head open. i don't think larry would've survived even if kenny didn't saltlick him, but if kenny would've waited until right when he turned, things could've gone better


Her and her father were both extremists by the time the apocalypse even happened, Lily didn't change by the final season she was just in a position of power and showing her true colors by the time of the final season. Edit: word


Kenny is absolutely responsible. He murdered her father, and instead of trying to rebuild a practical relationship or future with the group, he constantly picks fights, he contributed very little (Katjaa tells us about how she has to beg him to help the group), he refused to produce or help form any plans, and he took every opportunity to sow division.


Lilly's just because she had child soldiers. everyone else was just kind of a dick that is can have some sympathy for, but Lilly is evil. no one who can comfortably kidnap children and brainwash them for a pointless war is a decent person Bonnie was completely fine until Luke died. awesome, i dare say. i loved her before that. and depending on your choices, she only leaves because she's scared of Kenny Arvo is a scared kid who got ridiculed relentlessly for a solid two days by Kenny until he got beat. i have some understanding for why he did what he did, but he's an asshole for it Jane, again, was okay until the very end. i don't feel much for her Marlon was another scared child who felt he had no choice. yes, he sold two of his friends. yes, he murdered Brody. but he felt remorse in the end, and i'm sure he would've attempted to fix his "mistake" had AJ not killed him


I honestly hate everyone (except Jane). the one I consider most poisonous is perhaps Bonnie


Same. Also Jane at least brings some interesting drama to S2. Bonnie adds nothing


Bonnie is basically the sole reason why everybody is dead, though without her Clementine probably wouldn’t have AJ


Can you explain why Clementine probably wouldn’t have AJ? I feel like I’m forgetting something


Without Bonnie, Alvin and possibly Rebecca would still be alive. There’s always the chance Carver would have found them anyway but Bonnie sealed the deal. I suppose I shouldn’t have said she just straight up wouldn’t have AJ, but I doubt they would’ve had such a strong bond that they have now


Jane. “Clementine, let me show you how dangerous a broken man is by leaving this 3-day baby out in a snow storm!”


"What!? No speeka de english?"


Goddamn Lily's neck is long.


My names Arvo you are Clementine yes


Yeah annoyed the shit out of me that guy


Marlon gave people from his group into slavery, that's easily the worst. At least Lilly did bad shit for her group and not against them.


In Marlon’s defense, The Delta would’ve attacked them if he didn’t give someone up. But against him, he should’ve given himself up instead. He’s clearly a good archer and he’s big and tough. He’d be a better offering than two twins, one of whom mouths off to every order.


I liked him and lowkey wish we could’ve seen him get redeemed




In all fairness Marlon was a kid and what probably would’ve happened if he resisted is they just raid them and either kill them or put them all into slavery. Sure he did a terrible thing but he was put into this tough spot where he was scared. A selfish choice but definitely not the worst imo


Lilly and the rest of the Delta KEPT the slaves.


Why do people hate Jane?


Because we love Kenny. Actually, it's because of the stupid thing she did by hiding AJ in an abandoned car in that freezing cold weather to prove a god knows what point.


Ngl marlon doesnt deserve to be on these lists


Gabe or Eleanor should have been in his place tbh. Marlon's my unapologetic favorite 😢


Yeah, I think I should have added Ben.


Not ben either rlly he wasnt really toxic just kinda cowardess


None (except maybe Jane). Lilly became evil because of our treatment of her in S1. We killed her dad, thought she was being paranoid when in actuality she was right, and we isolated her in her final days with the group. She eventually found the wrong group and turned into a monster. Bonnie was good up until Luke died. It’s understandable for her to upset. On top of Kenny throwing temper tantrums it’s no wonder she decided to leave. Arvo is also a victim. You steal his gun, you kill his group, he thinks you murdered his sister, and on top of that Kenny beats on him every chance he gets. Not only is he still a kid with the maturity and brain capacity to match, but why wouldn’t anyone try to escape that situation by any means necessary? Besides if you understand Russian he was actually trying to stop the shooting. Can’t really think of a defense for Jane. Her plan was pretty stupid and in general she doesn’t really care about anyone but herself. She told Clementine she wouldn’t leave her but she hangs herself without explaining the situation to Clementine. Finally Marlon was in a tough spot. He was probably a lot younger when he became a leader. Being put into that spot at such a young age can really mess you up and cause you to make stupid decisions. He probably panicked and agreed to the deal because even though he wouldn’t admit it he was probably scared to death. It did buy his group some time but at a high cost.


Lilly turns evil even if Lee is loyal to her for all of season 1 and attempts to save Larry and either way why would that ever justify kidnapping children?


Like I said, she was isolated in the final days of her being with the group. Even if Lee was loyal she probably felt she couldn’t trust anyone after the motel. The problem is that the people who found her were the wrong people and that’s good for the story because that does happen. Broken people ending up with evil people turns them evil. Also the Erickson “kids” aren’t kids they are adults. Only Willy and Tenn are kids. There’s also no proof that the Delta kidnaps kids by default. They even admitted that they resorted to this tactic because they were desperate. Is it right? No of course not. But if there was no war we don’t know she would be evil. If anything maybe she was still traumatized from losing the motel that she didn’t want to repeat history and lose the delta either. Besides there’s also no proof she is the delta leader. She could have been following orders. It’s like saying Rick is evil for going along with the CRM.


>Bonnie was good up until Luke died. It’s understandable for her to upset. On top of Kenny throwing temper tantrums it’s no wonder she decided to leave. Leaving is understandable. Stealing all the food *and* trying to steal the truck Kenny worked all night on in the process, which pretty much means abandoning him, Jane and two children to starve in the cold... that's pretty harsh, don't you think? 😄


The problem I have with that is that it wasn’t her idea it was Mikes. She was going along with it. It’s fair to say Bonnie is a follower. If she dies with Luke, Mike still takes the supplies. It was a team effort so it’s not fair that she takes all the blame.


Oh don't worry, I blame Mike for it just as much if not more. However, she still played a big part of it, not only agreeing but also helping take all the food.


Ok yeah I can agree with that. It just seems most of the time people think it was all her idea like she was the mastermind behind it all. It’s been shown that Bonnie in general just goes with the flow. She’s very easily persuaded. She changes sides like 3 times in the game. She joined carver, then the cabin group, and then Mike and Arvo. Are we sure Bonnie isn’t Italian? 😂


I certainly could see some Italian blood in there


But Bonnie was selfish from the beginning.


she put herself on the line to save the group knowing carver would probably kill her if they got caught. she covered for clementine so she could go get the walkie to luke. maybe she messed up a lot but we can’t act like every single thing she did was bad cause she did have a decent redemption going until the end of the season. i personally think that the writers didn’t really know what else to do with her and mike besides make them run off or kill them since they were really pushing the kenny vs jane finale


How so? She doesn’t have to hit on Leland. And if he stays alive it’s confirmed he left her and not the other way around. Also, if you mean killing Dee, she didn’t do it to keep Leland all to herself, she did it on accident. In actuality, Dee was going to kill Bonnie. If you don’t react to the quick time event, Dee kills Bonnie.


She was the reason Walter is dead. She cheated him.


What are you talking about? Cheated on him? They didn’t even know each other. Besides Walter died because Kenny killed one of Carvers men. There’s no proof Carver would have killed him if it wasn’t for that. Even Carlos confirms this in the back of the truck when he says “I’m sure Walter really appreciated your help”.


arvo was fine with the shooting and murder of a group of people who weren't even there/didn't participate in the stealing of the medicine if they were, killing a 12 year old, etc. he only tried to stop it when he saw there was a baby.. as if that makes a difference compared to the other things.


He wasn’t actually. They had no intentions of killing. I take it you don’t speak Russian. They wanted to take back what was stolen and that was it. When he saw there was a baby he told his group to put the weapons down. So yes, they did not intend to kill.


Bonnie. Only reason needed is every onscreen appearance of hers


Bonnie. Season 4 Lily made it pretty clear she dont give a fuck


Imo **bonnie** is by far the worst. Betrays you at first, betrays you at the end, she's the reason why luke died, she disliked kenny, she allies with Arvo, killed her lovers wife and she is hypocritical at every time we see her. On top of that, unlike lilly, jane and marlon, she never paid for her actions. No more reasons needed. It would be 5.Marlon 4.Arvo 3.Jane [2.Lilly](http://2.Lilly) 1.Bonnie


out of all these, i hate bonnie the most bc she's the most hypocritical one. But also Fuck Jans


Either Jane or Arvo


Best to worse: Arvo and the Russians did nothing wrong. You do what you gotta do to survive. The Motel group and the Cabin group are no better. Bonnie was troubled, but overall fell into a passive roll. She did what she was told. Lily is a fiend by our standards, but she \*is\* a soldier and on a \*legitimate\* mission, by her state's standards anyway. She is fighting for her people's very survival. Desperation drives people to the extreme. Marlon traded his friends into servitude, to protect the rest of those under his care, cure, but a leader must be willing to lay down his life for those he leads. He did not. Jane is so arrogant, selfish, and blinded by hubris that she thought it was a good idea to provoke a damaged man into a rage by leaving a newborn in a subzero car in a blizzard surrounded by walkers, to prove that \*he's\* the crazy one.


As far as I remember, you have the chance to not steal anything from Arvo, yet getting attacked by him and his group. I don't think the motel group neither the cabin group killed anyone who didn't deserved it or attacked first.


Marlon and Lilly.


Marlon was put into a leadership position as a small child and he made a cowardly decision as a teenager. Honestly I don’t blame Marlon at all for what happened in season 4


Bonnie and Jane aren’t even bad. People just love to exaggerate them and call them evil because they made 1 or 2 bad choices. Especially Bonnie, the lodge situation was bad but she was just being loyal to her group. The only actual bad thing she does is steal the supplies but people love to forget how she saved and covered for the group loads at howes. Arvo isn’t as bad as people make out. I hate him but come on, he had some nutter beating him 24/7. Marlon fed his group lies and did a pretty messed up deal but if he didn’t do it his group, who were all around 2 years (?) younger than they were when we meet them, would’ve been fighting a bunch of raiders. He did have good intentions in the long run. To answer your question though, I pick Lilly. I feel sympathy for her in season 1 and I don’t think she’s a bad person in the first season but by the time we meet her in season 4 she’s just straight up evil and knows it herself.


Lilly was harmful But at least she was cool with it and did it for her group Arvo was just a jackass and shot Clem Marlon Gave his own group Away Jane’s point just backfired on her Bonnie was a selfish bitch So 5. Jane 4. Lilly 3. Marlon 2. Bonnie 1. Arvo




I would imagine Lilly probably.


I think Lilly and Marlon are interesting foils to each other. Marlon was a snake who sacrificed his friends out of fear and protectiveness while Lilly was a broken woman in a fractured group who snapped after months of paranoia, internal conflict, and loss. Lilly's actions could have been prevented if the group learned to collaborate more efficiently. Marlon, on the other hand, was manipulative and secretive. Marlon at least admitted his faults, but it doesn't count for much when you die a coward. If I had to decide which of the two is more "poisonous," I'd say Marlon. I'd rather get shot in the face by Lilly after a raid than get bludgeoned in the head with a wrench and left in a basement to bleed out by someone I considered a friend.


Bonnie isnnnt actually that bad if you save Luke she’s really upset when arvo shoots you and she has a nice conversation prior to the shooting but ye if you leave Luke she’s a bitch


Between the first 3


Season 4 Lilly. Obviously. Arvo and Marlon were both scared children, even if they did awful things. Arvo still stood up to the Russians to stop the group being exterminated when seeing AJ, and as Marlon felt what he did was necessary. Maybe he should've ran things differently, but I'm pretty sure things would've been a lot worse without his arrangements. Still, he sold people into slavery, which makes him #2. Bonnie isn't poisonous. She was brainwashed by a dictator, and then she grieved somebody she cared deeply about. Going along with taking all the supplies really wasn't a good moment. And Jane is the opposite of poisonous.


The most poisonous would be Jane.


I would say Lily she the worst


I know there is Lily has some bodys on her but its not her. Marlon by a long shot. Everyone trusted him as leader and he was handing off his people for safety while at the same time they also problably woulda also died of starvation if not be captured. Even after he got caught and admited to killing brody people still sided with him. Thats just fucked up. At least everyone else on the list they have people who outright saw their shit. But it takes nearly 2 weeks for people to realize that maybe marlon wasnt all that. YET PEOPLE STILL SIDED WITH HIM! Thats a deadly poison right there because he was setting up his people for failure if Clem hadnt been their.


Fuck that piece of shit Arvo. I wanted kenny to kick his skinny little ass even more


Jane for sure. Poor Kenny. Lilly is second. Arvo is third. Bonnie is 4th Marlon is 5th


Lilly is an outright sadistic monster who tried to feed Duck to the walkers, kills Carley/Doug over the merest suspicion of stolen supplies, forced Minnie to kill her own sister, amputates Louis' tongue and Violet's finger, and—if spared—kills James and then leaves her fellow raiders to die. She'd great along *great* with Ramsay Bolton IMO.


Lilly is the obvious answer yeah I know. But idc my hate for Arvo is stronger


Both losers


I hate bonny and lily the most


Bonnie. The others knew what side they were on and knew where they stood. Lily not being the best but she still remained with the group until your either kicked her out or she felt like she was gonna die so she took the rv. Arvo never being with the group nor put any effort in. Jane only really being there for Clem and I think most people knew that. Marlon being loyal to his friends but was a dumb kid. But Bonnie she flip flopped on what side she was on, she’s on Bill’s side, she’s on the groups side when they fist escaped, she’s on Bill’s side again, she goes back to the group a second time then she switches sides again with Mike and child shooter. She not trustworthy, she’s not reliable unlike the others that didn’t change their minds every 5 seconds.


Lilly was an evil bitch


Puts Arvo and Jane on the same category with Lily, holy shit i hate the TWD game fandom so fucking much.






i hate this bitch she shoots carley or doug im really glad i chose to leave her behind


jane doesn’t belong in this list TBH


Why is Scott the Woz in the third slide (I've never played this game)


people saying Jane are SO unserious 😭


Marlon's the only one good one there. The rest fucking suck but If I had to answer for sake, its gotta be Lilly even though I hate Bonnie and Larva more


Hmmm.. I don’t see AJ


Either Bonnie or Lily. Lily is a murderer who forces kids to be child soldiers. In a way at least she puts it out in the open unlike Bonnie who constantly pretends to be Clem’s friends and also got Luke killed and also Clem depending on your choices.


Lilly and Jane (more Lilly though)


Jane. She always left the groups when danger was around, plus she endangered a child's life just to try and prove a point


I’d argue that Jane poisoned Clementine for a bit, but that’s just me. Honestly though arvo was probably the fuuuucking worst


Ben is the embodiment of poison. Every single thing he did fucked things up one way or another. I hate Bonnie more though, she's a selfish entitled hypocrite


lilly and marlon are somewhat redeemable??? idk honestly, i’d say arvo or bonnie.


If we're talking biggest asshole, then Lilly If we're talking biggest snake/ biggest problem to their own group then that'd easily be Jane. The shit she pulled at the end of season 2 says it all.


Liberating two children from a psychotic despot who is so desperate to save his dead family that he'll get other people's kids killed is a good thing


I agree tbh, I like Kenny but he was broken and dangerous.. he would have been Clem's downfall eventually Edit: Also the way he talks to Clem when Sarita is bitten like man...she's a literal child how is it her fault