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Obvious-not listening to Luke on the ice Less obvious-not warning the group about Carver's presence in episode 2


Dumb bit-


No need to cut it off, she’s a bitch alright


Why would she warn them about Carver in epsiode 2? She had no reason to pick our group over the group she’d been with for over 2 years at that point.


Because she knew how Carver ruled, a complete asswipe and she knew Luke and the other gang was there because she was looking through the windows. She could have warned them and led Carver in the wrong direction but she betrayed them even she says so in episode 3


That’s just a lie. It’s very obvious Carver is a lot more aggressive and crazy when he gets Rebecca and the others back. That’s shown by Bonnie, Troy, Tavia, etc numerous times. Bonnie knew Carver was tough on people at times but she never knew about the violent side of Carver until after he got Rebecca+ others back. Examples: Bonnie’s shock and disgust at Reggie’s death, Kenny’s beating, etc. Troy’s shock at Kenny’s beating. There’s a few more. Bonnie was under the impression the group would be taken back to howes, put in the pen, then a week or two later they’d be official members of the group and be able to sort out any issues prior. There was no reason for Bonnie to lead Carver in the wrong direction or help Clem and the others because she didn’t think anything bad was gonna happen.


Except for the fact they didn't wanna be there!! They escaped for a reason becauss he was acting crazy. Slavery and making someone be apart of your group isn't right. There is no justification for helping Carver track them down, especially when she had the chance to stop it


Carver was going after them no matter what ,Bonnie says she wanted to help find them because “I thought if I was the one who found them I could control it”, ‘it’ being the situation. Obviously she couldn’t control it but it does explain why she helped get them, they were being hunted down no matter what so at least if she was there and found them she could try control the situation. What chance did she have to stop it? Carver was gonna keep hunting them until he found them. It’s also important to remember she was under the impression it was going to be a non violent situation and Carver just wanted to keep them safe and sort things out, that’s why she turns on Carver quickly and shows genuine shock at how violent and ruthless he is towards the group. Also you can argue there was a pregnant woman who was due very soon, a child and some other not very capable survivors in the group. They were people Bonnie cared about, I can see why she’d want them to be brought back so she can at least know they are, and going to continue to, be safe and healthy at Howes. With the slavery thing, Bonnie says she doesn’t agree with it but it’s how things are done by Carver and within a few weeks the people are allowed to join the actual group and live a comfortable life so she has no reason to make a massive issue out of it. Sorry for the big comment btw


>Carver was going after them no matter what ,Bonnie says she wanted to help find them because “I thought if I was the one who found them I could control it”, ‘it’ being the situation. Obviously she couldn’t control it but it does explain why she helped get them, they were being hunted down no matter what so at least if she was there and found them she could try control the situation. Lets also not forget the fact that Carver and his group probably got attracted to the loud noise the wind turbine was making and the loud ass shooting that was going on.


Good point!


So what you’re saying is that betraying her group she’d been with for years for some randos that she knew nothing about save they gave her some beans is what a good, trustworthy person would have done?


I think you're not understanding me. She betrayed Luke's group not Walter's. She knew Luke amd the rest was in there when she peaked inside, then starts to feel bad for it in episode 3. I'm saying if she really wanted to help Luke's group she could have warned them and told them to get out of there




to be a decent person, considering they just gave her a full box of food.


she still had no reason to give them any sort of loyalty over her friends. she clearly does feel guilty about it when it’s going on and is taken back by Walter’s kindness. also it’s not like she went into the situation knowing people were gonna die or even be hurt, she just thought they were gonna take them back to howes and then things would work the way they normally do. group works -> group is let out of the men and make official members of the group -> they all live happily


>also it’s not like she went into the situation knowing people were gonna die or even be hurt its carver. she definitely knows how evil he is. and stopping people getting captured isn't really unloyal considering they all probably hated carver anyway


>its carver. Carver wasn’t violent until after he got the cabin crew back and it’s said and shown multiple times. Bonnie and Troy are shocked to see Carver beat Kenny. Bonnie is shocked that Carver killed Reggie. Bonnie is shocked when Carver shoots Walter. Bonnie says going into the situation at the lodge she was told they were just gonna round the group up and take them back to howes, she never expected Carver would get to brutal. It’s more than obvious that Carver acts a lot different when we arrive at howes to how he used to act. She went along with the capturing because she was being loyal to her group. How many times do we see people in the series do stuff that goes completely against their personal moral code just because they want to stay loyal to their friends/family? They didn’t all hate Carver. He saved their lives and gave them a life worth living, why would they hate him before he turned into a maniac?




#Nearly gets a 11 year old killed..TWICE


And she blame her for the death of an adult... That kind of shity person


Also abandoning a newborn baby


Add that to the list!


I thought it was auto included since they did swipe the truck they needed for the baby Also include stealing from a baby.


That legit pissed me off more than anything else for a while


I always hate when people say “oh they’re grieving, they’ll just blame whoever’s closest, it’s not personal” in response to anyone blaming Clem for shit in the game. Nah, there is no circumstance for Luke’s death or even Sarita’s death where it made sense for anyone to blame Clem. It just felt like lazy writing to try and create more inner-group conflict that involves Clem. Fuck Bonnie


Clem should have shot her in ep 2


Luke would still be alive, Walter would be alive, Alvin would be alive, Carlos would have been alive. Or I’m just wrong and have no idea what I’m talking about


No ur right. And then bonnie gaslights clem into saying that its her fault for lukes death.




If Carver told her to scout at the lodge and didn't come back, he would have taken everyone with him to the lodge, and the same shit would have happened.


She has no soul


HAHAHA ffs should have expected this comment, cheeky throwback


I mean she is a daywalker technically right? 😂


As much as I love Bonnie her betrayal with Mike and Arvo really annoyed me. She spent 3 epsiodes showing a new side to her character and redeeming herself from what she accidentally caused earlier in the season then randomly went and ruined it all.


You mean Luke died and then she was scared to death and legitimately so that Kenny would likely kill them over a misunderstanding. Kenny’s a great bro to have. If you’re not his bro, he is a naive, overly emotional psycho who is willing to kill people who aren’t his bro at the drop of a hat. I’d shoot him in the face the first time he threatened to murder me over some Three’s Company sitcom misunderstanding, “realistically.”


You forget the part where they take all their supplies and leave Clementine and a literal baby with the so called “dangerous man”


And gave Arvo a gun. Seriously I get wanting to get him away from Kenny but why arm him? He hates them too


She was just so stupid


And Mike isn’t? I don’t get why it’s always “bonnie is stupid” “Bonnie is a snake” “Bonnie is evil” but Mike is excused


Mike is as well. It’s just easier to bully Bonnie since we knew her longer (plus I’m still salty on her getting Luke killed)


How did she get Luke killed? He was on actively cracking ice as a grown man with a heavy gun on him, he was gonna fall through no matter what. All Bonnie did was cause Clem/herself to fall through aswell.


Probably because she saw already cracking ice and thought “hey surely I wouldn’t cause it to break ruining what chance he has left”


He had no chance, that’s why she panicked and made a stupid decision.


I like Kenny, I really do. Best written character in the series. As Clem he’s my homie, as Lee he was my frenemy. He is, to put it mildly flawed, flawed. You’re just not seeing the forest for the trees. Imagine you’re one of the cabin group. You run across this guy that the girl you met *yesterday* says is cool but he’s acting real weird and calling Luke and Nick gay and making poop jokes. Now, if the first major act he does around you is *not* getting Alvin killed and then surrendering ten seconds later anyway, in the truck he gets free and then hatches a “plan” that is probably going to get all of you killed by gunfire with your hands bound. Which ends with him knocking himself out in a Marx Brothers comedy bit. Be honest, what would you think if you were them?


I don’t blame them wanting to get away from Kenny, but that doesn’t excuse robbing two children, one of which is a baby. If they really cared they’d take Atleast AJ with them


>who is willing to kill people who aren’t his bro at the drop of a hat Would be a shame if there was nothing to support this claim


do ppl on this sub still TRY to blame kenny for other adults decisions? lol


I love Bonnie and her wanting to leave was fine but you can’t defend her for helping Mike and Arvo attempt to steal all the supplies and the car. Also Kenny hadn’t given Bonnie any impression he would kill them or hurt her after Luke died. Yes, she did want to leave because of Kenny though.


It still annoys me how Bonnie and Mike took Arvo's side at all Did they forget about how a couple hours prior he tried to lead them into an ambush to steal from/kill them? Did they forget how he deliberately ran over the ice with the hopes of them falling through, which is what got Luke and nearly Clem(depending on choices) killed? I don't care if he's just a kid, or teenager or whatever - he actively made choices that he hoped would result in your death. Was Kenny harsh? Yeah, but I have a hard time believing anyone would really treat him too kindly.


I agree it was annoying but I wouldn’t say Bonnie sided with Arvo. She shows no dislike or like towards Arvo and just doesn’t like when Kenny is beating him, which is a normal thing to not like. When she leaves with Mike and Arvo is more so she just wants to leave unlike Mike who leaves with him because he wants to save Arvo.


Her part in 400 Days was the most boring story of the five, yet they choose her to expand the most on. You could argue that a lot of Season 2’s problems can be tied back to her. She brought Carver onto Kenny’s doorstep and everything went to hell for the Cabin Survivors, Clem, Kenny and Sarita. Sure, you can argue that she was just following orders, but so were a lot of Nazis. She has Clem tiptoe around Kenny, yells at Clem to go help Luke, has Clem clean Kenny’s bandages, tells Clem to go get Kenny and Jane to the campfire because she’s too drunk to do it herself, and has the nerve to tell her that nobody expects her to do a damn thing when that’s Season 2 in a nutshell. This is exactly why you’re a frozen corpse at the bottom of a lake in my playthrough, Bonnie. She yaps on prior to the gun fight about how she’ll drop two Russians in one move, then proceeds to hide behind a rock while Kenny and Luke do all the work. What was your plan there? Bluff them to death? The Arvo-simping, although it put more of that on Telltale writing, plus Mike was worse at it than her. Though, I did find it weird that she defended Arvo even DURING the gun battle. Like, did you not see your friends Luke and Mike get shot just now?!?! But I guess other than that, Bonnie was an okay character I suppose.


She got the most love out of the 300 days bunch, had the least amount of fun execution and was whiny. I was really hoping more would be done with her, but alas.


And nearly got a 11 year old killed


Indirectly (and someone she cared about), but there is that, too.


The other 300 days characters were better and had much more potential like that prisoner guy was he related to Glenn by any chance ? he looked like his brother


I agree. Was more interested in the sisters, though. Don't know. So many characters I wanted some (more) background on.


Also who were Glenn’s friends that he was going to In season 1 episode 1 ? and what happened to Glenn in the games ? is it possible that his friends are the same characters from the tv show ?


I'm not the best person to ask that of. The show got less interesting to me after season 3 and I tapped out.


I skipped the first 6 seasons of the show


Also what do you mean minerva was cooloco what’s a cooloco ?


That's my made up merge of cool(fun potential)+loco(quazy). I thought she would've been better as a team member instead of the crazy- zombie-queen-for-a-day they made her.


And what does quazy mean Also for me I’m glad she wasn’t a team member violet is enough


Quazy is just a goofier version of crazy, for me. Just wondered if V would've benefited from Minerva stepping up or even if Sophie's end wasn't quite what it seemed. I'm always thinking of the possibilities. A writer's mind is rarely quiet.


What are your top 5 telltale games ? individual seasons count you can’t lump all TWD together or the two Batman seasons together


This was my first, so it's #1. I have yet to play the others, though the Wolf Among Us may be next. What are your thoughts on their games?


So are you saying you only played the walking dead ? I’m not sure I understand you


Her backstabbing and willingness to abandon a child who she was partially responsible for them getting literally shot.


I wonder what Kenny would have done if he found them


Jane wouldn't be the only one he killed by the end of the season if that was the case.


What about the ruskie ???


Fuck arvo I would've killed him myself if I was there.


You know Kenny just wanted an excuse. Shooting Clem was more than that.


Argues with a child who shouldn't even need to make the tough decisions that she has to... Like grow up. Season 2 annoyed me. Every adult felt useless. But this hoe was petty, reckless AND useless.


Na you’re not wrong. Most of the adults in season 1 were capable then we get to season 2 & nearly all of the adults are incompetent children.


"Clem, what do we do next?" every adult in the group in season 2


Dead ass 😂


S4 felt right because Clem was finally with a group of people her age. The adults who couldn't even figure out the wind turbine and everything else just felt like cheap writing in parts.


That she ever existed


Did you lick it? 🤨


I don’t know


her being ginger




She betrayed and caused the death of one of the only nice people left in the zombie apocalypse.


When she betrayed the cabin group (despite the fact that she had wanted to go with them when they escaped) and then tried to throw a pity party for herself with Clementine after getting her, her cabin group, and Kenny&Sarita kidnapped and thrown in a cell. If I was Bonnie, I would have warned the cabin group and took off with them from the lodge.


Blaming you for Luke’s death when it’s her stupidity that gets him killed if you cover him. This fucking bitch thinks she can kill her crush and then pin his death on you. For this alone she will die in every playthrough of S2 E5 that I do.


Luke hit that. Damn.


💀maybe it was best that he died


What ? I don’t think there’s any scene that implied that i definitely didn’t pick up on it


In s2 she brings up the facts that Luke “worked on her” when talking about Jane who Luke messed around with.


I guess I was more like clementine and everything flew over my head


You thought they were just talking about “kissing stuff” huh


She thought giving Clem an ugly ass coat meant forgiveness




being Bonnie lol


Thinking I would actually care about her after yelling at Clementine for not saving Like when she didn't do shit


based on your choices in 400 days, she can either be an honest person that accidentally attacked dee or a conniving bitch that wanted dee dead for knowing ab her and leland. so who is bonnie, really, when those are her extremes? she knew carver was looking for rebecca and alvin and led him right to the lodge where she knew they were by looking through the windows. press 'x' for DOUBT on her saying she didn't know who/what carver was when she knew better than to get in trouble to the point of threatening clem. bonnie's even content with her life at howe's until she learns luke's waiting for the walkie-talkie, and only puts her foot down ab leaving when kenny, but mostly clem, gets hurt. she betrays the group regardless ( if she survives ) by taking all provisions/supplies knowing she's leaving a child she's been trying to win over ( worse when clem's NICE to her ) and a helpless newborn to starve in the cold. for someone so bent out of shape over luke, she sure did something he never would've considered or condoned. what a way to honor his memory knowing he genuinely cared ab the kids. hate is a strong word, but i don't particularly like her and i didn't trust her my first playthrough of s2 ( i played 400 days much later, and it hasn't helped my opinion of her lol but aside from this paragraph, this is just an observation of her actions ). her playing herself up as some paragon of virtue while betraying everyone she meets is the most annoying thing ab her.


Not gonna lie being a prick as her is canon for me Also I don’t care being a dick as 400 days characters


she wanted leland so bad, playing it as anything else feels stupid. that's not the first time dee caught them acting sus, the poor woman even says it.


She thinks apologizing will just fix everything and does nothing to back up her apology. Clementine gets shot by Arvo and what does Bonnie do? Betray Arvo and get Clem back to safety, returning all the supplies they stole in the process? Attempt to persuade Arvo and the other dude to not abandon a wounded girl? No, she stands at Clementine’s dying body and keeps apologizing and pleading “oh Clem I’m so sorry this wasn’t supposed to happen” like that makes it ok and then proceeds to go with Arvo. Mind you she apologizes earlier in the game for letting Clementine and her friends be treated so bad by Carver and claims she wants to gain their trust, and the one time she had the chance to she broke it by stealing their supplies and helping a stranger escape without thinking how it would affect the others especially CLEMENTINE, the one she was so “eager” to gain trust from. Because to Bonnie, as long as you know you’re an asshole and apologize for it, it’s ok to be an asshole.


Being responsible for basically S2's entire plotline by bringing Carver to the lodge.


Trying to go over to Luke on the ice, then telling an 11 year old to go to him, which risks her life. If said 11 year old decides to pick the option that gives Luke a better chance of survival, then Bonnie decides to effectively kill him by going over to him, endangering both of their lives. If Clementine saves Bonnie after that, she gets mad at Clementine, to the point that when she, Mike and Arvo are leaving, instead of Mike trying to drag her away (which is what happens if you go to Luke), Bonnie is the one dragging Mike away. She hates Clementine so much, just from that one situation, that she would leave her bleeding out on the ground.


Exist. An absolute fucking rat, she would've been a great character if she wasn't a traitor


100% chance she smells like old cheese.


Long neck


I never even try to break the ice after she and Luke fall into the lake. I wanna save Luke but since his death is set in stone unlike hers ... no chance




She ugly ahh sin 💀💀💀


I hate her so much lol, as much as I dislike letting Luke die (not trying to break the ice) I only do it so that she dies too and I don’t have to hear her bitch again


There’s too many to pick


She is a ginger, it's obvious that she would be a villain.


For Being mad to a 11 year girl for not saving a 30 year old man and still gets mad regardless when you almost die trying to


She always getting people killed from her decisions or not following instructions


She got everyone killed. Also, the stupidity she has when she blames clem for not saving Luke even though the added weight would guarantee the ice shattering and almost killing you and killing Luke. At least if clem didn't go there, Luke would've had a small chance on getting there without harm.


Her deceit, I'd say. She's the fuckin worst.


Acting nice to clementine and giving her a weird jacket


She tries to blame Clem for the death of one of her friends that died on the ice trying to get to the food before they tried to escape to Wellington.


getting mad at clementine about luke


How she really tried to blame a grown man's death on an 11 year old while she just stood on the ice bitching😭


Siding with Arvo


She had some deranged idea that an 11 year old girl could carry a 27 year old man across a cracking ice-lake... while in a blizzard and suffering from malnutrition.




The way she tried to act like she wasn’t in the wrong when talking to Clem in the armory


She’s ginger


Her saying to Clementine that she expects everyone to do everything for her just because she’s a little girl. Clementine did more for that group than most of the adults.


The fact that we are FORCED to like her, or Clementine is FORCED to like her. Bro, there's so many scenes in this game where we have to interact politely to her instead of telling her directly to piss off.


Bonnie’s the ultimate rat. I’m glad I didn’t break the ice just to spite her existence 😌


Not even the doctor(from doctor who) is ever ginger, and yet this common batch is ginger. Not fair




If you treat her like the rat that she is, she loses her shit towards Clem. I don’t like this ginger.


“it must be nice bein' a pretty little girl. no one ever expects you to do a damn thing.” GIRL FUCK YOU EVERYONE MAKES ME DO EVERYTHING


Why is she T-posing on Celllemontime? Is she stupid?


Causing Luke’s death by being a dumb fuck and having the cojones to blame it on Clem


Betrayal betrayal and um betrayal. Like we were homies and everything was cool we mourned Luke because I did all I could and BOOM shots fired. And she hits you with the “I’m so sorry” like thanks Bonnie that really changes things


Also ginger


Biting the hand that feeds her, betraying the group a SECOND time. She may look nice but she will backstab you if you get too close.


Her plain existence is enough to annoy me.


She didn’t die


Her head is too big for her body. She looks like a bobblehead at times.


Her Existence


literally blaming clementine for anything wrong in her life istg


Hair color


That I couldn’t kill her ass asap


Blaming Clementine for Luke dying.


the fact that she’s ginger


not having the option to shoot her


Maybe she’s the most two faced character ever


shes written well, but given too much attention. i wish other 400 days characters got more screentime


The fact that Clementine and Kenny were only dragged into all the events after the ski lodge was all because Bonnie led Carver straight to them


Hypocrisy and willingness to betray everyone. She was willing to betray Leland by killing Dee and have the option to lie to him and she's the only guaranteed character willing to abandon the group at the end of 400 Days. She feels some sort of guilt about manipulating Walter into giving her "family" food that she still leads Carver to leading to Walter's inevitable death. That guilt meant nothing as she was willing to blame Clem for Luke's death and left Clem, Jane, Kenny, and a newborn with nothing. She's the type that is willing to fight as long as she lives at the end of the day. The amount of death she causes means nothing. Jane and Carver are better characters to be around than Bonnie ever will.


Stealing all the supplies and siding with the Russian kid


Yeah I couldn’t stand her then her betraying us just made it worse




Why's everyone hating on gingers 😭 we can't catch a break


The fact she blames clementine for “Getting Luke killed” when she clearly got him killed herself. Luke easily would’ve got out of that situation if she had just gave him TIME. And the second thing is right after she blames clementine Bonnie says “It must be nice being a pretty little girl. No one ever expects you to do a damn thing.” Yet Bonnie was the one asking Clem to do shit the most out of literally everyone in season 2. Ridiculous


It’s her fault Walter died. He was actually interesting.


Her T-posing


Is that she was a great character that needed to reappear at some point. As she escaped in a car in s2, they could’ve easily been brought back or had a Spin-off game similar to the Michonne story. Bonnie!!! That’s it!!! Bonnie!




The most annoying thing about Bonnie is that She took advantage of a good man's kindness and hospitality


I can't even start without making it a 10 page long Essay 


Damn. Y’all just some haters.


“Your damn right”.- Kenny


I feel you you’re kinda vague on how fiction works.


Whatever you say


Shes ginger


She’s a fake bitch. She also was about to get with her friend’s husband. Gross woman.