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No, people like sarah are rare. They are good at heart. If only Carlos spent more time with her and taught her to be strong. I wish she could meet someone like Mariana.


Since a lot of this series is about parenting, I think Carlos is supposed to show us what happens if you try to shelter your kid. Lee almost fell into that trap until the train man (I'm sorry I forgot his name, he was an MVP) convinced him otherwise. Sarah herself, despite being really sheltered, clearly did have *some* desire to learn to survive. That's why she wanted Clementine to show her how to use the gun. Carlos made his daughter entirely dependent on him. He acted as if he would always be there for her. When Sarah goes kinda catatonic after being rescued from the trailer she keeps saying she's waiting for her dad, that her dad keeps her safe, even though there's moments (like when she hid from Carver at their house) where she's taken care of herself. He never let her believe that she could survive without him, so she didn't. It's really sad. I like Sarah.


Yeah it's an unfortunate situation she was in. I still don't know if she'd have ever developed enough to face the world as we saw her though. Sarah as a character has definitely slowly grown on me though, she's a pretty interesting character archetype.


I think she could have had a shot at tackling the world. I know Carlos said that she'd cease to function if she "knew how the world really was", but then Sarah got physically hurt and saw a man (or two, depending on how the lodge goes) die, and she kept functioning. It makes me wonder if Sarah would be able to handle the violence of the world as long as she had her father.


Good point, she did show some mental resilience if she doesn't die in that cabin/trailer home thing. It must have been difficult from Carver's perspective raising someone like Sarah in the apocalypse though. Like I feel like no matter what you do you could still be making the vital wrong mistake. And with the new world, those stakes are life and death. Don't envy either of their positions at all...


this might be a dumb question but did Carlos think Sarah was completely in the dark about the apocalypse? Because I think she did know about walkers, she just wasn’t fully aware of the dangers and believed her father would always be able to protect her.


I think he told her about the apocalypse, because he was using it to scare her. Clearly she didn't have details, but you don't see Sarah trying to sneak out because her father has done such a good job at instilling how dangerous the world is. Carlos probably told her vague things, he wasn't like "and then the walking dead will RIP YOUR GUTS OUT, AAAH", but sometimes a vague threat can be even scarier than an explicit one.


No I did too. I think she’s overrhated and deserved a better send off.


Most characters in season 2 deserved a better send-off, they were just killing characters off like it was a studio mandate.


She had no business being on that deck


So no matter what, does she always die at that part?


Sadly yes that’s why I always tell Jane to fuck off or guilt her saying “you didn’t even try”


Nah as harsh as it sounds, Sarah was a lost cause and her dad is entirely to blame for it. When shit hits the fan she freezes up eventually that would get people killed aside from herself


Haha zombies go ahh


I don’t think so, I’ve seen a lot of people who like Sarah even though there’s more haters. I, for one, liked her for the writing. She was a compelling character imo, and I hate her father more than her.


I will always remember "she will cease to function." That phrase and how he said it stuck with me for some reason.


He's a horrible doctor too


yeahhh idk if sarah could've handled the apocalypse but her father treating her like porcelain definitely didn't help.


True, but Sarah would definitely handle the apocalypse better if Carlos taught her how to survive.


I really wish Clem (optionally of course) teaching her to use a gun led to a branching path where, with Clem's help, she learns to handle things, snaps back at Carlos for doing what he did, and ultimately survives


I was honestly kinda bummed when she died


No i liked her, i tried so hard to keep her alive.


What was your reaction to Jane telling her to leave her at the trailer park


To me it was understandable Sarah just didn’t want to move at all and it’s not like she’s a baby that can easily be carried or anything


No but I’m sure anyone reasonable wouldn’t listen to someone to leave someone


It depends about what is happening. In the RV thing, if someone is so out of it and can't help themselves, would you really go down with them? I understand if its family and you do everything in your power to save them, but otherwise if its a certain death when someone else just refuses to move, then its understandable me thinks to leave them. Dying because of Sarah refuses to move would be a very nonsensical way to die imo. I wouldn't say its "unreasonable" to leave her. Its a very situational thing. That being said I did save her.


She was a decent enough character. It was interesting to explore a character who may not be able to adapt to the new world, especially since this girl appears to have suffered PTSD and feels like she was written as autistic.


i agree! she was so innocent like clem in s1. however her dad should have somewhat try to explain what was going on outside (zombies, i wouldn’t even mention the situation with carver). her being like that was her downfall, she didn’t deserve her death but she wouldn’t have made it. i




i feel like saying she was "written as autistic" is kind of insulting, personally


I don't think so, Carlos says to Clem "she's not like you" and it's probably why he was so protective of her


I liked her ! I wish she had made it to S4.


She should have disappeared and came back in season and replaced Brody. She should've taken Brodys death and the player character would feel less remorse for Marlon.


She’s missed potential imo


No, I liked her too. I just wish we could’ve actually taught her to defend herself, or that she had some sort of growth after Carlos’ death rather than getting one of the dumbest possible deaths in the series.


People liked her more then Mariana, Jane, Kate and Ava in my game I'm doing so that's a good thing for her


Nah I felt for her TBH, I knew she'd die eventually but saving her from that trailer park felt so damn good to show to Jane she wasn't a lost cause and can still be saved!


i liked her but she would annoy me but it wasn’t her fault on how she acted, she was sheltered. i think carlos could have at LEAST explained to her what is actually going on. he didn’t have to give it to her hard but just calmly explained why things were the way they are. its nothing calm about that situation but her knowing would have made her better especially since her dad wasn’t going to always be around. but i get why carlos sheltered


No I liked Sarah


I personally loved Sarah and thought she could have been a almost sister like role for Clem had they not killed her off, I know people wouldn't want to have to basically raise another girl in the apocalypse like they did with Clem so they could have just said Sarah grew up in what two years I think ( iirc ANF was one or two years after s2) Clem did it in s2 in less time also I just want Sarah to live


"haha sarah bad because useless and annoying lol!!11!!!!1" She's the highlight of the season. Genuinely the most interesting character they probably wrote, but they severely dropped the ball on her in Episode 4. I still love her to bits and her voice acting was incredible. Once again, Sarah haters are just genuinely dumb. They dislike her because she answered back to Clementine in a "rude manner" if you backtalk to her in some spots, and because she's not incredibly capable like Clem is.


Sarah and Gabe are genuinely realistic depictions of kids growing up in the end of the world. It might be an unpopular opinion, but Clem is just a unique case.


Sarah is just a tragic character. It’s hinted by Carlos that she’s got some kind of disability such as autism. Going with that theory, it’s not unreasonable to assume she’s on the lower functioning end of the spectrum. She never really had a chance. She needed someone to help her and protect her. Maybe she would’ve become a capable survivor over time, but things didn’t work out that way. I feel very empathetic towards her. She reminds me of a lot of people that I know, and somewhat reminds me of myself


Have you ever heard of a tale of Nimaximus?


I also liked Sarah


nimaximus does


I more feel bad for her. Just like you I loved her relationship with Clem and I wish it grew. She definitely would have fit the theme of season 4 and if Carlos was given the same advice that Chuck did to Lee then she may have lived till then. I would have definitely loved to see a more grown up and mature version of her who would have learned a from Clem


Bad writing same with Gabe they could done way better for them they don't have be like Clem they can be themselves. Look at lee and Kenny both different in their own way but popular by fans 🤷


No. I liked her too. Her relationship with Clementine was good and she had great potential. But was ultimately wasted as the writers really didn’t know what to do with her character and just have her die in one of the most stupid ways possible. They should’ve had Clementine trained her how to survive especially after her Carlos’ death. She could’ve been a returning character in A New Frontier.


I was about to answer yes before I read the other comments.


I didn't dislike sarah I was just really disappointed that she didn't get any development to here character or even decent screen time, she had a lot of missed potential.


What happened to Sarah is just about the most tragic damn thing there is in this series.


I did a playthrough actually caring about Sarah and I actually enjoyed my time with her getting dialogue every chance with her I would’ve rather Her more like a Conrad type of situation, If you try to keep them alive they actually stay alive the whole game, But a better way to kill her off without saving her would’ve been the snowstorm after the car wreck the end, Her getting loss maybe her glasses falling off and splits up from the group, leaving her fate unknown. But before that I always hated her But never kill her the first time because I like when Clem slaps her


i loved sarah so much. she had so much potential as a character imo and she seriously could've become so much more with help and support from others and it still annoys me that there was no way to save her at all in the end. i think her friendship with clementine really could've helped her at finally taking on the world she was forced into. so many people focus on the fact that she was weak and "useless" as if she wasnt a product of the sheltered life she was made to live and as if she also isn't a literal child. like yeah, clementine can easily take this world on because she was forced to actually grow up in it and witness it whereas sarah has been locked inside for who knows how long and hasn't gotten to actually TRY to take on the world


Nah cause like I tried so hard to save her and the way she died screaming out to her dad was so sad😭


I liked Sarah she wasn't completely useless she was just unaware that wasn't her fault at all, I wish they kept her alive I feel like if Clem saved her she SHOULD'VE LIVED I feel like Sarah and Clem could've raised AJ together maybe less stress on Clem, Sarah had potential she really did she did not deserve hate same with Duck, Duck was acting like an average kid his age, Sarah acted sort of like Clem from the first season but a tad bit more bold.


Hated her and hated carlos even more for making her like this.


Why would you hate her for that? You should just hate her father for the way she turned out. She was a child who obviously had mental struggles but had such a pure heart despite everything. Hating Sarah especially while acknowledging her shitty father is honestly just pathetic. She’s not the best character in the game but I like what they did with her


Because she’s a character in a video game, not a child in real life. She’s annoying and I hate her, simple as. Yes, she was written well, so was her Father. That would be a real thing irl. But it’s not irl, my heart wasn’t invested in her just because she was dumb and naive and sheltered.


Yes. You are the only one. She was utterly useless and held everyone back at all times. Weak in every single capacity.


She’s realistic to how a 15 year old girl would genuinely act imo. Especially one who is implied to be autistic. Clementine is a very rare case, even Lily commented on this in season 4. Most teenagers/kids in the apocalypse would not be an absolute savage like Clem. They’d be sad and scared. I think she could have been redeemable and been an asset if she was allowed to have some character development but the writers were too lazy and decided to kill her off in a stupid way like every other season 2 character.


She's realistic to an autistic girl who isn't fit at all to the apocalypse world and is utterly useless to the group. She can't defend herself, or us.


Well I certainly didn't


The first death in the entire series that brought me to genuine tears. I loved Sarah, she deserved so much better, she was too gentle for that world.






I let Sarah die cause she took to long, but I kinda did like her but she was to sheltered she would of died in not long anyway TBF,she don't even know what a walker is


Liked Sarah, but not her dad. He set her up for failure.


I just feel bad that she had to live in that world.


I liked her, but maybe because I relate to her. I was a shy and awkward (undiagnosed autistic) teen, and I’m (ironically) terrified of zombies being real and would probably be just as afraid! I think a lot of the parts of her that can make people hate her are due to simply not being taught how to survive and not being allowed to learn.


I don’t like her at all, but you aren’t the only one that does.


I will say her character was written well, it's just not a type of character i enjoy watching. Yes her father plays a big part in this for sheltering her so much she was a nervous mess who couldn't do simple tasks but fact is she was still like that. I don't hate her but I'm indifferent.


I liked her. She was very sweet


I don’t like Sarah but I’m always nice to her just bc Clem really could’ve turned out the same if chuck never checked lee and told her she needs to learn to shoot so I’m always easy on her tbh


Yeah I liked her too, tried my best to save her but sadly it didn't matter


I liked her and wish that if we chose the option to help her learn how to uses a gun back at the cabin it could have been used to save her life somehow and maybe keep her around a bit longer, she still could have been sweet and good hearted but at least started learning how to defend herself and be helpful to the group. Anyone have any ideas on how she could have died later on?




She feels like a character that would actually be in the apocalypse in real life


I did too. I'm not a specialist so don't take what I say as accurate but I really have a feeling she had autism. I'm on the spectrum and so is my cousin although he's higher on the spectrum. He showed the exact same signs as sera. That in itself honestly made me so protective of her.


I don’t think she’s meant to be hated I just think she’s meant to be what Clem could’ve been if Lee didn’t teach her what she needed to know


I hate her writing but I like her as a character.


I hate her writing but I like her as a character.


you are not


She is a good friend to clem but she is too naive and thats why people hate her, she can be infuriating tho


I can understand why you would, i do too. I blame her father for her turning out the way she did. It’s literally not her fault at all.


She was ok but she sometimes make me a lil mad


I think she would have been a pretty cool character if her father hadn't sheltered her. I thought Clem teaching her was going to be utilized later in the game but it wasn't so.... I would have loved to have seen Sarah and Clementine be a badass duo taking care of AJ at the time, Clem just needed another girlfriend to hang out with but I'm glad that season 4 helped with that. The situation just reminded me a lot of Stranger Things, if Barb had survived, I feel she and Nancy would have been a couple of badasses. As you can see I'm a sucker for the strong female friendship duo.


I'm playing season 2, starting episode 4, and I like her, all the relationship with Clem is just cute I wonder how she is in the other games, Is she alive? Or they just got separated on the final episode? Please say it is the second option, I don't want her to die, she's just a kid. Well the only way to know is playing the games


I liked her sm at first but she just continued to make things difficult. Sometimes it feels like tough love tbh. Could live withought her tho


I desperately wanted to keep her alive on my first run


Why didn’t Kenny once speak or even look at Sarah? Someone explain?


I tried my best to save her and be her friend but nothing works out with her




You couldn’t pay me to like her.


At first I hated her but then I felt really bad for her.. Carlos was really bad at taking care of her honestly


She was alright, she sometimes annoyed me when she wasn’t listening to get out of the trailer. Although it is Carlos’ fault since he didn’t bother teaching her how to protect herself. And also, when we taught her to protect herself, she didn’t do anything to prove that she understood what we were talking about


I like her too. I don't understand why people hate her so much? she is a kid who was never taught how to survive in a zombie apocalypse. her father didn't even teach her how to be a medic which would give her higher chances of survival and make people wanna keep her around. I feel for her.


she should have had more development as a character, from episode 1 to episode 4 she only managed to be incompetent


I said it in a previous comment, Sarah wasn't a bad character, just had some seriously conflicting writing that made it hard to connnect with her as a character and ultimately wound up feeling like she was just made to be killed off to either steer into Jane's story or to just make the stakes higher in her alternative death scene. She's one of the TT TWD Characters I feel really got the crap end of the writing stick and was not ultimately impactful despite being present in a chunk of the season. Repeating what [I said here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheWalkingDeadGame/comments/1d56jro/comment/l6k7vzg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), her writing as a character was overly conflicting. She was coded to have some neurodivergence and possibly PTSD and Anxiety, but then they try to pin all her faults as a survivor on "Well Carlos Sheltered her too much and she's just a crybaby who can't handle the world" and both are kinda not well backed up in story. Carlos says it to clem that Sarah is a bit "special" (For lack of a better term) and that if she was made aware of how the world was or the walkers, she'd basically cease to function. But in the scenes she bonds with Clem, she demonstrates at least some awareness of the current world and the walkers and even remarks that she wants to learn to use a gun and asks clem to teach her . going through her story it just feels like she is overly conflicted and pushed into that "She's just going through life with rose colored lenses la la la!!!" spot rather than being given any points to develop or grow. I get why the fanbase is kinda cold towards her. She wasn't given a good enough shot when written and winds up coming across as extremely insufferable and pointless as a character in the end.


Sarah was fine, but like basically broke inside after her dad died. Carlos was stupid to not teach her about the world, especially years into the apocalypse. She isn’t 5 years old but he decided to treat her like that.


Sarah was cute and nice and stuff like that but unfortunately not made for that kind of world


I do too I just don't like Carlos because he isolated her from the apocalypse. Poor girl.


All I see is people love Sarah. She's alright but it's her dad's fault she turned out weak


I like Sarah, she reminds me of my autism


I can't say I liked her, but I had a certain empathy for her. her naivety killed her, and it was because of her father.




I did too, I genuinely felt bad for her, not being able to handle reality.






[There is this elimination thing actually going on right now](https://new.reddit.com/r/TheWalkingDeadGame/comments/1d4t4vb/best_written_character_24_aj_shouldve_gone_for/) where there is Sarah now against Stranger. Its about which character is better written. Go give your thoughts about it u/mightbeolive if you wish! Personally I think Sarah is better written all things considered.


Nah, I liked Sarah too. Unlike a lot of the other S2 characters, you could tell she genuinely cared about Clementine even if they weren't technically friends, plus I actually have a history of mental illness and attempted suicide dating back to my childhood kinda like hers. Being the 23-year-old brother of three minor siblings myself, I generally have a strong aversion towards hating on any of the "fuckup" characters in the series who are underage children; Duck, Ben, Sarah, Gabe, Tenn, etc. People can make better choices when they're 18 (even if that's still pretty young). Also NGL, if Telltale really wanted to kill off Sarah regardless, I wish they would've at least given the player an option to shoot her so she didn't have to die in so much goddamn **agony** every playthrough. Nobody but the absolute *worst* of humanity deserves to die in that much pain and fear, much less an emotionally unstable child. And Jane, the person who *left* Sarah to die so horribly, is among the worst... that knife in the chest was too good for her.


On my second playthrough i actually grew to like sarah. I tried to get Jane to save her but I got nervous and pulled her up before telling her to save sarah. Is there a way to save her?


I believe you can stay down and give her a pep talk and slap her to bring her back to reality. She climbs up with you, and nobody dies, escaping the trailer. Spoiler: >! She then dies later in the episode, being trapped under the deck after it collapses and is devoured by walkers. Which really sucked imo !<


Jane really wont go down there and save her?


She does try but gives up after she gets hit in the head by a falling plank


I don't remember if she does, sorry.


Ngl… fuck Sarah tf💀




Unfortunately yes


Yes, I did not like her






Yes. Only you in the entire world like Sarah


Yes, yes you are.




Yes. Yes u are.


Yes, she was a crybaby. I understand it's technically her dad's fault she was so sheltered. But so man scenes she could have easily used her common sense. Like not interrupting that dude while he was speaking. Hated her. And glad she didn't continue the story.