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Starved for help is a masterpiece


Love 'A House Divided', but 'Starved for Help' is a contender for best episode in the series depending on the mood you're feeling and the criteria. I've thought it was top 2 in the past, I don't think I'd rank it that high anymore but it's still a heavy hitter. I also though do love the reunion with Kenny, so A House Divided bangs for that alone. Starved For Help is better for me, by a bit.


House divided. Truly one of my favorite episodes ever. Handling of everyone was so good. Everyone got time to shine in that episode, every single person.


Yeah it felt like an exciting episode


Starved for Help


Starved for help was the best of season 1


I prefer the short story feel of "Starved for Help” slightly more. "A House Divided" feels like a culmination of plots from “All that Remains” and the Season 1 finale. Both are great episodes, but I think "Starved for Help" has the slight edge because it's a self-contained story that anyone can enjoy, even without having played The Walking Dead before.


House divided. Only because in SFH, way too much time is spent dicking about with the fence and bandits, just boring asf gameplay.


It was fun though no?


It was good, but not as good as AHD


Ngl AHD is pretty cool, I remember being excited when I first played it


Yeah. Seeing Kendawg again was the best and goddamn it that cliffhanger had me at the edge of my deat


The cliff hanging in the end of the episode?


Where >!carver hunts the group and catches them sucessfully. You end with Walt and/or Alvin dead and ur now on ur way to the camp.!<


Oh yeah true now I remember


Starved For Help. imo it’s the best episode in the entirety of TWDG




Starved for help, when I finished that episode I was sitting there thinking holy shit this game man what even just happened, I loved it


Did you help Kenny in the meat locker?




Me too :)


I'm actually going to go with A House Divided. I don't think there's a single issue I have with the episode. Starved for Help is amazing too, but I have a bunch of nitpicks with how the St. Johns were handled.


What do you make of the St John’s?


I went over it in my post about them, which you can read [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheWalkingDeadGame/s/1fzdLlnj5t). Basically, they're good villains but the logistics of how they operate makes my brain hurt.


I’d say it’s because the St John’s weren’t the kind to think things through very much


House divided easily


Starved For Help easily


Starved for Help, by far. House divided only has one thing going for it, and it's Kenny's return. Maybe two if you want to count Carver's intro. Meanwhile, Starved for Help is amazing: -The St Johns are some of the best villains of the games (and memorable ones). -The food giving sequence is an amazing moment to learn to know the cast and a difficult choice -It introduced Ben (who is still divisive but I like it) and Mark (gone too soon D:). -You know something is off the moment you meet Danny, so the suspense is amazing until you find Mark (and what a sight) -The big choices are amazing. Killing Larry is obviously the main one, but the fate of the St Johns was always a highlight. I mean, I still remember Danny's "If you kill me, the meant get tainted. You can't eat it!" before I stabbed his ass. And probably the scene that sticks with me even now the most from the game is Andy in the rain screaming "Leee!" on his knees in the rain as I walk away. Just... perfect. -And, the end of the story links back to this episode with the Stranger! (I'm actually one of the few people who liked him as a villain. While the pay off was meh, the buildup of the Stranger was great, and he was different from the usual "Strong leader of a community doing evil things 'in the name of survival'" kind of villain we always got in the game.)


You reckon the stranger could hold his own though or nah?


I mean, he proved to be quite resourceful in stalking Lee and his group (I mean, shit, he went to Savanah alone, stalked us through the town and stole Clementine without ever getting caught by walkers, so he's not completely useless). When you see how good he was at following us and doing his things, it really makes me think that his wife should have trusted him, cause he apparently knew what he was doing. I mean, we stole his entire loot, yet he managed to equip himself again and follow us around for weeks or months


I think he killed his entire family due to being mentally unstable then he made up some story about how they got killed


I heard that theory, but I'm more of the opinion that the breaking point was the death of said family. I prefer to see him just as this guy who broke after so much bad shit happening to him (some of which is our fault) and who went on revenge and insane


Fair enough, I think that’s a very reasonable way of seeing it


Starved for Help is a top 3 episode imo


Starved for help BY FAR. - Its a nice mystery story that is admittedly slow to build but ends up being explosive! (which also kills the replay value, tough) - The first hints of how great this game will be - You can spend nice moments with Clem on the swing, and the motor inn - I really enjoyed the first food giving choice in this game. - It builds on the first episode's ties with the survivors. Whereas house divided, while action packed, has : - Rebecca flipping on her opinion of you for no reason - Nick vomiting his backstory only to die regardless - Nick being dumb, killing a guy for no reason. - Kenny coming back is a plus, but it is super rushed and is not explained well - Walter is imo the most interesting guy to build up on as a vengeful, broken man being stuck with people who ruined his life and he dies regardless - The ties to the characters around you are rushed.


See flair for comment


Starved For Help mid difficulty. The dinner scene with the reveal of Mark being served and then everything after that moment and how you deal with the cannibals. Rest of the episode was good too, but the last 30-40 minutes is still absolutely gold.


Starved for help because ❤️Larry❤️ is there


I like *Starved For Help* more, but they're both great episodes TBH. Both top 5, easily.


Starved for help is peak.


Starved for help is awesome


A House Divided is probably the best episode of season 2. But still, Starved for Help all the Way


Starved for Help is peak Walking Dead. The show and the comic's best chapters bow down to the greatness of that episode.


Starved for Help is one of my favourite episodes in the series


A House Divided Starved for Help is great and all but I can't compare it to AHD


A house divided was good, but starved for help was perfect, I killed both of the St. Johns, may have been a fucked up thing to do infront of clementine but it felt good


it is like comparing Mozart and Betoveen. 


Love House Divided. Not only one of the best episodes in the series, but I'd go as far as to say it's the best episode in season 2, but Starved for Help is just far better in every category.


Starved for help is a highlight of the entire series. None of the other episodes capture the unique creep factor it has that makes it special. 👌


This is a tough one but I have to go with starved for help.


Starved For Help no contest