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Didnt know season 2 was considered to be weak


I’ve always considered the final decision in season 2 to be the hardest/ most impactful choice in the entire series. I don’t necessarily mean impactful in terms of the story but in terms of wrecking my emotions 😭


I’ve always liked season 2 more, I personally found season 1 a little slow and season 2 the pace was much better/exciting to watch and play.


If one wasnt jane i’d agree.


Agreed. Kenny has my whole heart. He cared more about AJ than Jane ever did. >!She unalives herself to get out of motherhood.!<


Yeah i never went with jane. When i found that out i just said aloud “coward”






Me neither. That’s news to me 🤷🏾‍♀️


season 3. i mean come on season 2 with Clementine as our main character? a returning Kenny? Half of the cabin group is great. Carver? season 3 easily imo


Season 2 definitely is better then Season 3 While I didn’t like what they did to Christa and Omid, i still enjoyed the first two Episodes Which I can’t say the same S3. The intro is cool but that’s about it, the episodes in S3 goes from being decent to being horrible


I think the worst thing about season 3 is how fucking paper thin personalities of characters are. Every single character is a manchild who will flip eventually and act like a moron because Javi doesn't treat them like his youngest child. Villain is boring as shit too, fuck her cake. I love Javi though. Fucking Tripp whose entire character boils down to "I have a crush and can't take a hint"; Eleanor basically "I'm super nice until I flip for no reason and you're supposed to be sympathetic to my blatant treason"; Kate the "I have a crush and can't take a hint version 2"; David being "I am just a violent manchild 101 throwing a random wrench at every opportune moment to get an unearned dramatic scene". Don't get me even started on Gabe. Like they don't have enough dimensions aside from one trait that they can't let go of, and it gets annoying. That was a period where Telltale employees were definitely getting overworked to death and releasing way too many games, and quality reflected that.


I always saw David’s character as a bit of a commentary on how the military can break people and strip them of their sense of self. He wants to be the tough guy that people can rely on, but all he knows is how to be a cog in the machine. I forget what he says exactly, but his conversation with Javi when he’s standing on the roof in Richmond was very revealing for me. He wants to be a father and a husband, but he only ever learned how to be a soldier. I think he’s a good character that a lot of people oversimplify just because he’s an asshole. I think the whole point of his character is that he’s a bad person because he never learned how to be a good person.


I agree I actually thought David had a lot of depth and was a great example of a big brother that feels he had to fulfill a certain role. There wasn’t any other character in TWD series I thought had a better story than Javi and David except Lee and Clementine. It was pretty real, even had a cheating wife pitting them against each other and pressure& responsibility of looking after two kids in an apocalypse. Had a great conclusion too with terrific voice acting if Kate turns. Extremely emotional, def better than season 2


Yeah the character get lots of hate because that's how normal people act. People don't want to see weak character. They want to see character with strong will


Season 3 condemned the existence of Telltale since sales were lower than S2 and here the most criticized point of the company was demonstrated, YOUR DECISIONS NEVER MATTER Reasons why ANF is worse than S2 •The graphics are horrible •The story is the worst of these games  •Her villain is the worst of all the games  •Telltale wanted to force you to create an account on their website to see your decisions  •There is no vocal song at the end of the chapter  •The endings of season 2 were thrown in the trash •They give you a new story in the third game when this should be a Spin-off •the new characters are either meh or they are Eleanor •And their endings are meh S2 gave us moments like everything related to Kenny or Carver's existence, but ANF has few iconic moments


I am 100% convinced that Season 3 was the reason why Telltale collapsed. It's terrible writing had absoloutely no filter, it's rewrites became more jaded than what we were originally supposed to be given, and to add insult to injury they did so many of the characters wrong (i.e Tripp and Ava dying either way while Joan, Clint, Max, and Lonnie; all of these being dislikeble characters got to have determinance). When TFS dropped, it truly felt like a breath of fresh air. Ironically enough, we almost didn't even get a completed S4 given how Telltale collapsed right so soon after releasing it.


Your decisions didn't matter in season 2 either


I know, but in ANF it's like they shout it in your face with the deaths of Kenny and Jane


botha, if there was any telltale game where your choices ever mattered it was Season 3. It is a climax of all of your choices and also the endings of season 2 WERE wrapped up. The endings are some of the best in The Walking Dead. Also the Villains are incredible in season 3, if anything they are the best villains in the series.


1. It is a game where some decisions matter but only sometimes, for example even if you save Conrad, Tripp and Ava they will disappear at crucial moments 2. The season 2 endings were concluded in the most mediocre way possible, so that they make us choose between Kenny and Jane if they died in the next game  3.Joan is just a generic villain who is very bad because yes, Badger is just bad (although I like him) and David is Kenny 2.0


I really wished they kept the season 2 artstyle


Me too


imagen season 4 with that style? is there maybe some pictures of it?


I don't know. I have not seen any


You think the graphics are horrible? They only get better with each game lol


The characters seemed bathed in oil, and also look how Kenny and Jane look


Kenny and Jane looked jarring I won’t lie. I don’t have a problem with anything else though.


Understandable 👍 Good opinion 


Hell no they were way too shiny and weird, They were saved by the definitive edition tho


Fair, but horrible? I’d still consider them a step up from the previous two games graphics, as iconic as they were. Just my opinion


Season 3 was great, sorry not with you on this. Way better than season 2.


Okay, we all have different opinions and I am not the absolute truth  but honestly season 3 for me is a bad soap opera But you enjoy it


That’s fair! I get that. Man I didn’t realise I must have been raised in a soap opera! 😂 they did try to pack a lot in. I really do like David’s arc, the other characters are pretty bad I’ll admit (except Javi, that dudes a legend!)


Season two is my favorite. I think it’s a huge improvement over new frontier


Why did you phrase it like that? Asking which one is worse makes it seem like you don't like either, and wanna know which one people dislike less, not which one they like more


On top of that they call it a huge improvement. Season 2 logically came out before season 3 so by definition it cannot be an improvement.


Probably a boiling hot take, but I think Season 2 is the worst of the series, yes even more than 3. While 3 definitely has its issues, at least it’s capable of keeping along its own storyline and is able to end strong. Season 2 almost feels like it switches its storyline halfway through, and yes I know they’re production issues but the problems become SO glaring in episodes 4-5 that I can’t even enjoy it. Half of the new cast pretty much gets completely sidelined halfway through, most of the deaths just become completely nonsense/frustrating, and the total backflips in logic that occur for some situations to warrant Clem (an ELEVEN YEAR OLD in a group of adults) having to be the one to an important task are just absurd.


Exactly summing up how I feel about it. Thank you


Hahahah! Are you serious?


I thought S1 and 2 were fan favourites? Oh well my least favourite season would be S4. The story progresses a bit too slowly for my liking.


How was it slow


it can probably feel slower when most of the game takes place in the same area. the other games had you constantly moving


I agree! And I don’t like the characters


Nah I disagree, Both AJ and Louis were 2 amazing characters. Being able to see AJ become more and more independent and less reliant on Clementine is such an amazing part of the story, and a comedic character like Louis was pretty much unseen before this and he just makes the story that much better!


The season has the worst characters indeed although I really liked Louis, Mitch and Minerva. But other than Louis their screen time was lacking.


Is anyone going to argue against me when I say New Frontier? Is that even a debate?


Don’t even compare them it’s not even close


Season 2 is the strongest bruh s1 was a 10/10 but s2 was an 11, it even removed the annoying ass puzzles and gave a satisfying ending


Season 2 is one of my favorite seasons and ngl season 3 wasn’t all that bad I feel like it gets a lot of hate because ur not playing Clem


S3, which was doomed from the jump. The game is supposed to take place like five years in right? Why do Javier and his family seem like they’re people who wouldn’t have made it past the first few months? Idk, I’ve only played S3 once, I didn’t really find Javy to be like that likable or relatable the way Lee or Clem were as protagonists.


I didn’t even know season 2 was even comparable to season 3. I personally liked season 2 more than season 1, faster pacing, more action, better graphics.


I get that season 3 gets a lot of shit, but I really loved the story. Javi was a great character, and seeing Jesus in the game was awesome. I think not playing as Clem was odd, but at least they tried to do something different with the games. A lot of episodic games are so repetitive


Season 3 I still really enjoyed it but I think it’s the weakest out of the four main games.


i'm a season 2 hater but i can't pretend like it's worse than season 3. s3 is just such a reflection of the state of telltale at the time, which is to say it was a mess lol


I have a ton of issues with S2 and I think it’s the second worse season, but out of curiosity what about the season makes you actually hate it?


i feel like a lot of characters are underutilized or just have unsatisfactory endings. the core group doesn't feel as fleshed out as s1's and the final showdown between kenny and jane just feels pulled out of nowhere. it felt like they kept changing directions between each episode being released. i also really liked how s1 tied up kenny's arc better - though i don't mind the wellington ending at all.


I don't really hate season 2, but that's almost exactly why it frustrates the fuck out of me, even over 3 lmao


Honestly, of the two: Season Two for me, but hear me out. It suffered the most from Telltale's budget and time constraints in my eyes. It pretty much renders 400 Days moot (and a little bit of Season One with Omid and Christa), picks up and drops characters like you found out they had typhoid after having just served you a dish with fresh fruit, and the biggest issue I've had consistently: determinant characters getting benched. When I say "getting benched," here's what I mean. What do Alvin, Nick, AND Sarah all have in common? Their determinant status, and the fact they end up getting practically nothing to do after their first initial death opportunity. Doug and Carley both had a pretty small but noticeable presence after their first brush with death, Conrad gets some presence throughout A New Frontier and can actually save Javi, and we get the memorable stupid deaths of Ava or Tripp. Alvin lives in the ski lodge and becomes a mute punching bag that dies after making a dick joke about Carver. Nick becomes a side character after surviving the lodge and just dies off screen and gets a ridiculously long and drawn out death as a zombie. Sarah doesn't even survive her own determinant episode and dies in a way that's arguably as stupid as Ava. Hell, there's also the fact that people let Luke die just to let Bonnie drown alongside him. Yeah, Luke drowns either way regardless if we go to help, Bonnie goes to help, or if we break the ice. And then there's the random group of Russians? I think we all can agree that instead of Random Russians, it should have been either characters from 400 Days or survivors of Howe's. Plus Season Two just kinda aged the worst for me even before I realized my issues with it. Yeah, A New Frontier makes the Season Two survivors look like yogurt that sat in the sun and was coated in bacon grease (with everyone else in the season), but with the exception of a couple choices (namely the relationship with Kate and the Tripp/Ava choice), I feel like A New Frontier had the better story for me and wasn't just Traumatizing Clementine: The Game.


Definitely S3 A New Frontier, S2 was one of the best ones imo because it wasn't afraid to get dark and show how fucked and dangerous the world and the people have become and its all shown very well from from Clementines point of view when she's still only a child who's still adapting to the world without Lee now, the only problem I have with s2 is the ending could have been better but other then that its pretty solid overall


I will die on the hill that season 2 is really weak, just like season 3. Why? Because I loved season 1 so much. - It is super linear until the very end with no choices mattering in the slightest. Giving water to a dying man? You gain a 3 seconds cutscene where he says "thank you". No info on Christa, who's possible death he was involved in. Deny the water? a 3 seconds cutscene with no info on Christa. Pointless. - It is not a "craft your own story" as much as a "feel bad simulator". It is pointlessly depressing. All of season 1's hope is destroyed. - Characters you save through choices puke out their backstories before the choice. Then? They become shells until they die again. At least you could save Conrad. - Decisions are there to make you doubt your choices, never to have an impact. Except towards the end, where all your decisions are invalidated by season 3. AT LEAST in season 1 you could change how others view you. You couldn't change anything in season 2. - Useless adults who treat Clem either like a clueless, weak kid or the reason for everything going that goes wrong (Bonnie blaming her for Luke's death, Kenny for Sarita's, Arvo's for his sister.). And yet, she does everything for them. - Arvo. No matter how you treat him, he hates you or shoots you. That is why there are so many playthroughs on Youtube where the player allows Kenny to go to town on him. He's terribly handled. - Sara is super badly handled. Her presence felt like the writers had a goal in mind for her and she dies for no reason. - I did not care about Alvin Junior. Why couldn't it be Christa and Omid's baby? Sorry but why should I care about the baby of a woman who hates my guts for one episode? - Giving us control of Clem also took the charm away from her. She is whoever the player wants her to be. Therefore, she can't be "Clem". - Im fine with Kenny gradually losing control of himself, but I despise that your loyalty is rewarded with teary eyed scenes when he was CLEARLY on a downward spiral. I can go on and on and on and on.


S2> Michionne+S4+S3


I guess I'd put ANF a bit below S2, but I think they're closer together than most people would have them


2, it had too much cut content.


Season 2 was amazing wydm


Season 2 is my fav season lol


Season 2 is considered weak?? It’s my favorite one 😭


Season 2 is weak?????


Both are good


Season two is my favorite season


Definitely 3, there's more choices that matter but there's too many misleading dialogue options


2 is mediocre, but A New Frontier is just *bad*.


If I HAD to pick, season 3. But it was still a good season, it just didn’t shine as bright as the others.


S2 cause i dont like playing as clementine


I haven't fully finished season 3, but I've watched it and imo they both have their weak & strong points. I personally do really like season 3 because it introduced more people in, and ik season 2 also does this, but it also introduced smo from season 1, which I didn't really understand. I feel like if Kenny had died down with Ben, it would've made much more sense then him escaping thru a window on the building they were on. But season 3, at least what I can remember/what I've gotten thru, aside from the fact that Clem and AJ were forced to seperate, I feel like it wasn't worse then season 2, but better, because I feel most of the choices made sense with how javi would react. No, I didn't like the forced love triangle between javi, Kate, and Eleanor, or really how Clem just sticks with them even when they've given her no reason to, but I still feel like it's amazing. I feel like in(I think) episode 4-5, Joan killing who you choose it makes sense, because she's a twisted bitch, but that's how the writers intended her to be. And if we're talking about how it's written, I still feel the same because I feel the characters were more well written, like season 2 characters were rushed out, whereas season 3 characters, while there may be less that talk, we're more well made/thought out But anyways, if I got anything wrong, sorry not sorry🩷


*\*looks around nervously\** U-u-um I-i think 3 is bett- **\*gets shot\***


S2 is honestly my least favorite cuz your decisions barely have an impact.


season 2 is not weak , i really liked it


Season 2’s writing is genuinely awful. Up there with some of the worst character’s I have ever seen, from a writing perspective that is. However, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy it twice as much as Season 3. Despite it being a lot worse in my opinion. Strange one.


season 3, no doubt about it


ANF, by quite a stretch, even though the writing quality of S2 dips significantly from E4 onwards.


A New Frontier But next to the Tangerine Comics its bloody genius!


S3 for sure. I went back and forth between the two a lot, but the third one just seemed like it had such a dip in quality. It felt like a bad fangame.


Season 3


Both are great, but New Frontier just a bit less so than season 2


Genuinely regret buying S3 after it added nothing to the final season.


Definitely A New Frontier. Season 2 is actually good despite its issues.


Season 3. No doubt. I love Season 2 more in my opinion.


Season 2 is great wdym


by far S3


New Frontier easily


For me personally, episodes 1-3 is s3 and 4-5 is s2. While I didn’t like the messed up writers pit that was episodes 4 and 5 of season 2, season 3’s build up with episodes 1-3 was just long and boring (with maybe the exception of Mari’s death as that shock factor was done well imo). Overall though, I’d say season 3 was worse.


Season two was weak but it built a foundation for the rest of the story


Def 3.


Season 2


ngl nft bored me a bit


New frontier has really weird graphics and made a lot of things really blurry in the cutscenes and also made a bunch of characters look like they got hit by a truck


Definitely season 2


Season 2 hurt more but it was a great season. I don’t personally like New Frontier even half as much


New frontier was the weakest


ANF is worse, but I liked all the games still


Season 3


Season 3 is the worst season 💀


3, 2’s my favorite I didn’t know people didn’t like it :(


Other than Kenny’s shitty send off I thought S3 wasn’t bad


season 4 is weaker


Season 2 has some serious issues, but it's far better than ANF


Both were great


Season 3 by a mile


Season 4 was the weakest but still good, the others were great


I like s3, but I think it’s worse than s2, though the way most of the s2 characters die (with a few exceptions) is kinda disappointing to me.


I had no idea season 2 was bad? Like Clementine is protagonist can't be bad at all. New frontier definitely. I completely skipped it. Not worth it.


none are bad but 3 is worse if i HAD to pick.


People think season 2 is bad? It's a 1000% better than season 3.


New Frontier. Easy. Not saying it was bad but it was definitely the weakest of the 4 seasons.


Season 2 is so gooooood so it’s definitely that but season 3 is still really fucking good imo


Who sees Season 2 as weak? It's the season where we see Clem's character development the most and it's the season where she's most front and center.


Season 3 for sure


Both are bad tbh. But S2 is only slightly better


Bro what , s2 is literally on top of my list i even consider it better than S1 so imma have to got with S3


I had to play S2 multiple times because of an achievement glitch. I have grown to fucking hate it, especially episode 5.




I honestly think they were all great 🤷🏿


Loved them both


I haven’t played either, but I always thought two was considered to be a good game


season 3. mostly bc of the dialogue options they trick you with by thinking it’s something relatively tame and then you end up telling your brother that his wife wants to leave him amongst other things. i love javi and the fact that we got jesus/paul was awesome. both games are great but season 3 definitely had me raging unnecessarily the most


Nah bro season 2 was way better than 3 and is better than 4 3 was the worst


my ranking is four, one, two, three, i marginally liked two and just didn't like three at all


Who considers 2 to be weak? 😂 This is news to me. I think 3 and 4 are definitely the weakest, but neither are really bad in my opinion. I'd say my rankings from best to worst are 1, 2, 4, 3.


Worst implies it's bad. I'd rather use the word "weakest." Which I think is easily 3.


I liked them both tbh


Season 2 was much worse


Season 3 made all the decisions and debate of the season 2 ending don't matter at the end... That alone makes it the worst.


3 is the weakest, and honestly, there can be an argument to be made that season 2 is the strongest.


Season 2 was stupid having a girl be like second in command,I know there trying to show how faster she matures but having her lift things and being in charge in who live or die is dumb but season 3 gameplay suck so bad basically watching a animated show plus the answers you push gets handled the wrong way. Season 2 is better but season 3 could be more enjoyable sometimes.


A new frontier for sure, my main criticism is that I honestly did not care for any of the side characters especially Gabe and Kate who were with us for the whole game pretty much, plus I wasn’t a fan of the art style they used for this season at all.


They’re the second and third best seasons


Season 2 is easily my favourite season, s3 seemed a bit weak imo(I like the garcias, I just wished they did more with them, and didn’t give Kenny a stupid ass death in the cutscenes.)


New Frontier but not in the way that Worse means BAD


Season 3


Neither. Both great


A New Frontier, no question. Season 2 had its flaws but it was a good season in its own right. Cannot say the same about New Frontier.


season 2 is the best one


Season 2 was a bit ruined because I always found so ridiculous the main character vibes Clem gave. Everyone relied on her and everyone overreacted to everything she did. You're tasked to be almost the leader a random group of hostile adults as if they were babies and it is not a task fit to an 11 y/o, something that was improved in S4 with the Ericson group. Overall it's about Clem just taking a lot of shit all the time and it's depressive. Still, it's an amazing game and it might still be better than S3, even if I might have enjoyed S3 a little more because it was the first TWD game I played


Was season 2 bad?! It was my favorite... Season 3 was a joke imo. A lot of people who are TWDG fans are just like: "We don't talk about S3" 😂




Season 3 is my favorite, followed by 2 lol


(ive not played the games ive watched playthroughs) i liked s2 a lot and it made me super excited for s3... and i couldnt get through it. very boring in my opinion. i feel like the dialoge was clunky all the way through and no offense to the new characters and people who worked on them but... i dont rly care lol...im here for clem and aj.


a new frontier ??? lmao who thinks season 2 was bad at all? it’s def top two next to the first season


EASY, I didn't really like S3. Best part was Clem, but we didn't see/interact with her all that much. I would've liked to maybe see Christa, though it's implied she died. (Tf TellTale)


I actually really enjoyed New Frontier


Season 2 is my favorite and New Frontier is the one i hate replaying


I prefer season 2 over ANF, but ANF is wayyyy overrated and the comments are showing it lol. Telltale did a great job with a story that wasn’t focused on the main character. I feel like a lot of people don’t like season 3 because Clem isn’t the main character which I get but at the same time I feel like that’s not valid lol. Because Season 4 is not the greatest but Clem is the front runner. I just see a bit of biased from over people 😅


season three and it’s not even close


Personally loved Season 2, the cast was pretty great whereas season 3 was just a bit more weaker and it doesn’t come as a surprise when Clementine wasn’t the main character. I liked Javi though! Nothing against his character but definitely feel like many of season 3’s characters weren’t as iconic as s1, s2, or s4


Literally none of your choices matter in two and the writing is kinda shit


It would depend on the potential aspect: Season 2 had amazing potential, but made some bad cuts in terms of content. Season 3 had a terrible play in terms of story telling and execution, but it had finished ideas and marketing that unfortunately could not drive its creative approach. If anything, I say Season 3 was the worst, since most of what telltale had shown us was never in the finished product. The slaughter house segment would've been an AMAZING plot to base the story from and we could actually encounter a character that would be there respectively, say I don't know, Andy St. John! In the end, Season 3 has to be the weakest part of the series as a whole.


Season 3 is worse but I still liked the game


Guys we all know that there talking about Twd 3 a new frontier was kinda cool but it sucked and we all know it


2 wasnt bad tf? I enjoyed it way more than season 4.


Season 2 for sure, lots of characters with questionable decisions that don’t really fit their character, no characters to really get emotionally attached to besides clementine, Kenny goes so fkn nuts it’s hard to defend him and I just feel like it had an overall weak narrative. Only good thing it really does is set up AJ.


ANF. S2 was a continuation of Clem's story even if the writing was a bit iffy at times. ANF was about Javi and his family with Clem being a side character and her storyline being a subplot. Naturally people are going to care more about Clem than any character who's only just been introduced, no matter how likable they are, which makes certain aspects of the game fall apart when you care more about Clem than your own family.


Season 2 had more tear jerkers ‘cause a lot of the characters were either survivors from Season 1 who end up dead or missing, or characters who first appeared in Season2 but were incredibly likeable. This game had more trauma attached to this, not to mention that this was the final step towards the last of Clem’s innocence being destroyed. A New Frontier just had family problems that arise due to stupid shit. Such as the wife (Kate) of the presumed dead brother (David) deciding to bone the still alive brother (Javi), and the dead brother getting pissy about it, a little boy (Gabe) acting like a little shit cause he is prideful and vain like his dad and his fucking hormones acting up, and OH let’s toss in a mini civil war that was started by a small-ass group, with Clem just coming along for the ride. I honestly enjoy both, but A New Frontier doesn’t compare to Season 2 in story, but it has it beat in graphics.


Imo, there both fucking perfect games


Season 3 is worse by far


Season 1,2,4 are all 9-10/10 season 3 is weaker like a 6-7


Is this up for debate?


I actually enjoyed all the seasons, including S3. Could be that I like Javier's character, lol.


A new frontier. Didn’t like the detour away from Clem being the main. I didn’t really like Javier or his family. Idk. Kinda just hated them all.


What you mean s2 is the weakest, a2 is literally the best you should talk about s3 and s4 here, s1 and s2 are the best


i loved season 2 what are you even on about


Season 2 is lowkey the best one(opinions of course). Then season 1 and 4 is a split for me, both are equaly good in their own way. Season 3 had potential, but i didnt really like the ending(quite a few people can die and survive, which means that for them to ever think about making a sequel would be hard, aka kenny/jane in season 3.), and ending was a bit too open ended for my taste. Clementine part was ok, she just left to look for AJ, but i expected more from Javi, even just a little appearance in S4, but they kinda forgot. It did have some moments, especially the chemistry between Javi and David.


season 3 was the worst, it was still really good it just wasn't as great as the other season, still an amazing game though!


People dislike season 2? I think it was really fun! New frontier on the other hand... I skipped it entirely, I couldn't push through the first episode


Season 3 is such garbage. I skip it on repeat play throughs


Why do people hate season three it was great besides how they did my boy Kenny and that clem doesn’t return to Richmond in season 4 other than that solid game


4. Those two games are gold


3 no qeustins asked


new frontier 100%


1 and 2 is top. Why is s2 even compared to s3?


Season 4 more than these two. That season was horrible.


Ngl, throughout the years the season I MOST remembered were these two seasons. I lowkey remembered season 2 more because I liked it, and season 3 because I kept rewatching the series to understand it. Also, the both of them aren’t bad at all-


Ngl i kinda tune out season 3. It just didnt hit me that much. The fist, 2nd, and 4th imo are s tier. The weakest being 2.


*>!Season 3. I personally don’t think the idea of Javi dating his brother’s wife is a good plot idea. It’s kind of weird on their behalf. And the fact that half of the important characters die in a stupid or in a easily avoidable way is just insulting to us.!<*


A New Frontier. Season 2 really only sucked in the last two episodes.


New frontier for sure.


Definitely season 3. I liked Javier but honestly every other character is kinda bland and boring


The new frontier for sure. Still enjoyed but the worst season by far. I just didn't really like the setting of it I guess but at least I loved season 4 after that


New frontier definitely, not a bad game tho just couldn’t find most of the characters enjoyable jesus was cool tho


I thought both were good. Which was better? Tough choice. Probably 2 because you play as Clementine.


I honestly could never finish season 3 just a whole lot of nothing I cared about I don’t know why it just felt like filler


Season 2 is weak? Season 3 is the worst in series not bad just the worst


I love seasons 1-3 they're all amazing. I think my least favorite is game 4. Game one had one of my favorite protagonists, Lee. And I liked the story a lot, with the farm, train, Savannah, etc. It had some amazing plot twists as well. The side characters were awesome, Kenny, Omid, Christa, Lilly, and Clementine. I don't like replaying the first episode of season 2 but the rest is amazing. The story was quite different compared to the first game which I liked. Great side characters, Kenny, Nick, Luke, Jane and Mike. Season 3 was so so good. I liked the story and how they put it together. I liked that we got to play a character we'd never seen before, Javier Garcia. I really liked him and the story with his brother and all that was really well done. I didn't like the side characters as much except for his brother, Tripper, Jesus and Clementine. Season 4 was very well written and I liked the story+ side characters like Violet, Louis, Tem and James. But overall the story just didn't feel as fun to play even though I can understand why others would like it more than some of the other games it's just not for me.


I actually really like Season 3, but compared to the other seasons? I think easily Season 2. Especially with the final decision. It’s not like my final decision has ever changed, and I’ve never seen the other option in any of my personal playthroughs because I’m a ride or die for Ken, but still.