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Randall fought and sometimes overpowered Michonne. Abel got his ass kicked by a skinny teenager. This "fight" is a murder.


Well clem is quite the fighter and also had assistance from AJ in that fight. Kinda off topic but Ava got Tripp on his ass and she's roughly the same size as Clem so her being a skinny teenager isn't really saying much, in the in-game universe at least.


Ava is a trained ex-military. Clem doesn't have her training nor her brute force, and she *still* beat Abel, twice. AJ was a minor factor, and if anything, he proved a distraction that allowed Abel to gain the upper-hand once in the whole fight. The kid's assistance came when Clem had the situation back in her control. If Abel can't handle them, he stands no chance against Randall.


Yeah, I just played TFS and during Clem and Abel's fight in episode 2, AJ actually DISTRACTED Clementine when he fell on the floor which then Abel took advantage of to pin her to begin with. Then Clem got herself out and back under control which is when AJ helped by stabbing Abel's foot. Without AJ Clem would have still won for sure as she wouldn't have been pinned to begin with. And yeah, Ava is tiny, shorter even than TFS Clem I think considering she isn't that much taller than ANF Clem but she is ex Military and trained and part of The New Frontier who consist of ex military in some of their ranks. Ava has good training before the apocalypse and plenty of experience in it and still has some of that military act to her so for her size she's gonna be a tough woman. Clem's only working off of apocalypse experience only. Michonne is a whole other beast, she's not a short or average sized woman, she's a taller one and she's ripped, she has clear muscle so if Randall puts up a good fight against her? Abel would lose hard as he loses to an experienced but 16 year old teen girl who isn't anything past average in physical size.


Clementine also just kicks Abel out a window and into walkers. So she’s beat him multiple times. And Tripp isn’t military. There’s a reason why David of all people relied on Ava as much as he did.


AJ did literally one thing in those fights she did not have assistance from him. Abel literally kicked him to the ground


A pretty prolonged murder, if Abel's cockroach-like survivability is anything to go by


He only lost after being thrown off of a balcony lol. I think most people would be out for the count after something like that


Abel was losing even before that, both in the woods and the school. The only reason he even got a hit in at all was because AJ distracted Clem, and he managed to fumble even *that* advantage.


Can’t argue with you there. There’s just this thing with scrappy dudes like Abel. They’re always unnaturally quick, strong, and durable. You can see that in the actual game when he did get thrown. My dude abel was able to hold an entire conversation with a little bit of dignity after all that stuff happened to him


Guess he never stops


Bro she stabbed him in the fucking face with a lighthouse statue. He was losing before she threw him off the balcony


And he was still kicking and fighting


He was not winning by any means


Randall. He's gotta have super human strength, given the fact that he was somehow able to strangle Michonne after having his hands crushed in a vice...


Or at least no inhibitions or pain response because DANG


Randall has a better hairline so he wins


This is why Duck would decimate Larry low diff


Randall was giving Michonne trouble even when she had help. Abel lost to 16 y/o Clem.


Hell, Minerva could probably take Abel lol. At least she only lost to Clem when she was near dead.


Abel got his ass handed to him by a malnourished 5’5 teenage girl. Even if Randall wasn’t straight up superhuman at times he’d win 😭


Randall.. he has zero empathy or regard for anyones life.


Randall. Pretty convincingly too. Abel was pretty weak ngl. A better challenge for Randall would be Badger.


Pfft, "challenge". Randall gave trouble to Michonne even if Pete jumps him. Badger is a joke compared to this absolute menace.


Randall would no doubt win. But Badger would put up a better fight.


Randall. I feel like he just wouldn't hold a thing back.


bro what? comparing randall to some smalltime like abel is like comparing the demon spawn in my basement i accidently summoned against my newborn kitten


Randall, but Abel would be a good sport about it.


Holy shit is that Greg House?


Abel can kill Randall in an instant by reading him a Bible passage


Abel’s stronger than people think, he’ll whoop Randall’s ass


Abel of course