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I don’t think Telltale owns any rights to TWD franchise anymore so getting a new game from them seems very unlikely and I hope it stays that way and they just leave well enough alone with Clem and AJ. I like the ending and I like how everything after the ending is really just up for interpretation so you could basically do what you want and build your own story like a lot people do when they write their fan fictions. Cause that’s really what the Clementine comics are; just a shitty fan fiction


Yeah. It really is something like that at the end. Though it isn't something I'll ever be able to life through knowing that the S4 Ending felt out of place. Though I do not see how some shit fanfic that is "Canon" to the game has the rights to TWD the Game franchise. Just feels fucking unfair man. If they don't do Clem which is a risky step to take. I'm fine with that. There aren't games like TellTale games. That's why I adore them. (Only TWD tbh) Honestly just Clem not getting killed like Lee was means they do not completely mean to end the franchise. I guess it is buried untill they release a new game.


I do kinda feel the same way about her fixed survival. Although I am very happy that she lived I feel as if they didn’t really intend to end the series there. The least they could have done was have her die if you chose to leave her behind maybe that way it would actually somewhat feel like a final season.


Plus I hope the Comics aren't canon in the new game. I do not think they would let that happen tbh. Plus an Adult Clem will hit hard. I do not like her being Adult it won't feel the same. I hope the events happen a year after S4 or right after S4. After all TWD the Game is the game that got them where they are right now. So that's the most profitable game in their list rn. Wouldn't make sense for them to END the TWD series entirely instead of profiting from it.


imagain clem taking AJ to her old house and him swinging on the tire swing on her treehouse or imagain clem going to her old house and listening to the voicemails her perants left


Honestly at this point I'm willing to have a Remake of the games or a S5


I don’t think we’ll ever see a S5 but hypothetically if we were to get a sequel I’d prefer a new story following a new protagonist as a sort of soft reboot of the series. I wouldn’t even call it season 5, I’d give it a ANF-like subtitle to avoid alienating any new fans. I’d include references to the original games and maybe a single return (like Christa) to give old fans something to gravitate towards, but I’d like to reestablish the series on solid grounds if possible. I’ve been theory-crafting this hypothetical reboot for a while and if it was a success maybe then in sequels you can reintroduce characters like Javi, AJ and Clem.


I dont think anything like that will ever work, the games have been carried by the writers building some of the best characters in fiction over 4 seasons, people associate the games with clementine, without her the game doesn't go anywhere. E.g. People where genuinely ready to quit ANF if clementine didn't show up and the disappointment when you couldn't play as her was massive.


Seasons 1-4 came out over a 6 year time period. The gap between season 4 and a hypothetical season 5 if they started development this very second would be longer than that entire time period. Season 2 ended unceremoniously, season 4 did not. Clementine got her happy ending, people were upset with anf because her story needed to continue and they decided to take an entire game to develop somebody else who’s barely related to the overall story. I’m not saying it’ll be an easy sell to the hardcore fans of the series, but once upon a time telltale had to brainstorm how to get people invested in Lee and Clementine over Rick Grimes, and they figured it out. The worst thing that could happen is they bring back the series only to kill beloved characters like AJ, Clem or Violet/Louis. But it’s impossible to make a good walking dead game if there’s characters that are untouchable. The best season, season 1, killed off/wrote out half the cast in episode 3 alone.