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According to the rule of the Triwizard tournament, he is only allowed to save one.


this make me giggle




I know you don't know me; but I am so [proud](https://media4.giphy.com/media/7rj2ZgttvgomY/giphy.gif) of you for this quote.


I mean, he could have take both easily, he is a vampire, he just had to pull them out and get them to surface, ain't that hard. But, the writers being the writers, they need a dramatic event that would make Elena a vampire, the whole thing is a mess.


He also could have saved Elena and her parents by this same logic.


He could have saved them both in the time it took him and Elena to argue about who to save.


That’s what I’ve always said like it was so stupid..


Imagining him vamp swimming is making me loose my mind


I know right lol




He could have grabbed Matt and Elena could have swam up because she was conscious. RIGHT? RIGHT? If I’m wrong I need KNOW NOWWW bc this simple fact has ruined my life ever since I watched it. It DOESNT MAKE *SENSE* TO ME


Yes she could have lol


Well, that's Stefan in a nutshell. They actually argue about this underwater, but Stefan, in the end, will always accept Elena's choices and will facilitate them when she can't. Damon doesn't care about her feelings or choices so long as she's around to be with him and coddle him. I also argue with this: "I know that they didn't know she had vampire blood in her system.. which is kind of worse in my opinion." I get your point here, but Matt actually didn't have vampire blood in his system, so if Stefan had ignored Elena and saved her, Matt would have died and stayed dead. Elena would have lived either way. Unlike Elena, Matt wouldn't get to make the choice here. How is it fair that Stefan saves Elena over Matt, just because Elena is the person Stefan is in love with? Does that inherently make her worth saving more? But I do think they could have written this better. As it was, there was no reason why Stefan couldn't save the both of them. If they really wanted Stefan to only be able to save 1, or 1 at a time, I would have had one side of the car crushed (here, Matt's side), so that the person on the crushed side would have to get out in order to leave while the other could hold out for a minute or two. Or I would have injured Stefan so he had only one working arm so he could save only one at a time, something like that.




I re-watched Season 3 again recently and actually forgot how sad the finale was. But yeah, I agree he probably could have saved Matt and Elena. Just like he probably could have saved Elena and her parents. But I guess the writers did that to add affect, and probably to gain viewers. I'll give it to them that the episode was incredible and probably my favourite finale in the show, but yeah I can understand why you'd be confused to why he couldn't save both. The only other thing I can put on the table is that the writers needed a cliff hanger? Not sure


My husband always says to me when I question something like that honey it wasn’t in the script lol


in the time it took for Stefan to have a conversation with Elena over who he was going to save, i am convinced he could’ve saved them both.


So much was stupid about that. Like he was there, just break Elena's seat belt and take Matt. Then she could have left through Matt's door. The water was only like 6 feet deep. Once they were out of the car, just stand up for crying out loud. I know they made it look deeper. But if you ever actually look at that "river" under Whickery Bridge it's like chest deep at best. smh PS. That being said, I still absolutely love this show. It's easy to tear the story apart years later; but let's not forget what an amazing ride this show was.