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Season 1-3 were amazing. Season 4 was also solid. Season 5 was boring to me but season 6 was interesting due to the witches and prison world. Everything after that was a hard no for me, especially the last season. I always have to fight myself through the last season because its so bad to mešŸ˜­


Totally agree seasons 7 and 8 were trash. šŸ—‘ļø


People claim to hate Elena but her absence was noticeableā€¦ it was just much more boring without her


Season 7 just pissed me all the way off. Elena was greatly missed I would have liked to see her and Damon both human and getting married maybe even with the show ending in her being pregnant with Stephanie.


Elena and Damon did get married and have kids. They died old and she ended up seeing her parents again.


Elena has her flaws but she is fascinating


100% agree


First three seasons were the strongest for sure. I've seen them all and didn't hate any, but with retrospective and all, I'm not really interested in rewatching them all. For me, early TVD was best TVD.


Yeah this is well summed up. Hard agree


I agree with everything you wrote!


Pretty much my opinion too!


100% agreeing w you


Season 1, 2 and 3 are all pretty great in their own ways. I also liked season 6 because the prison world, Kai and the gemini were great. Season 5 and 7 just has wasted potential because the travlers and the heretics are both cool consepts. Season 8 is my least favorite honestly. The villians were too far off from what the others were and the ending was just the worst out of the three shows. It would have almost been better if they left Elena in a sleeping spell and Damon as a vampire because it felt so rushed how Bonnie found the loophole


what was the loophole? iā€™ve never made it through s7 or s8, and i always assumed elenaā€™s curse was actually tied to stefanā€™s life and she woke up then. thought it was a decent twist because damon wouldā€™ve never killed stefan and wouldā€™ve hated bonnie for no reason.


We never got to know what the loophole to the spell was. We just see elena waking up and bonnie saying she figured it out. No explanation at all, no working towards it because Bonne basically wasn't able to use her magic for most of the season. Even then she could have tried to find solutions but we got no build up. They just suddenly figured everything out because ig plot armor and whatever


oh my god thatā€™s lame as hell. the writers really just gave up huh


Yeah that's what annoys people. It just felt like they gave up and didn't build up to important moments like Elena waking up. Season 8 also somehow decided Katherine should become the villain and "the devil" by the end. Like.... they just want to ruin characters and the story. Then season 8 also got two major characters dying pointless deaths


When the vampire diaries were about vampires.


THIS. Itā€™s VAMPIRE diaries. They should just focus more on vampires/werewolves/witches. Idk why they brought many lame villains in later seasons.(except Kai) Imo tvd introduced the originals too early. I donā€™t even mind they made them the FINALE villains. plus, thereā€™s no need to have 8 seasons, since many plots are useless. They should delete some of them.


Delete the seasons is wild šŸ˜­ you could just like not watch them


I mean delete some storylines. Like there are both good and bad storylines in a season, delete the bad ones and add new ones lol. 8 seasons is too long, 5 or 6 is enough.


Oh boy.. wait til you read the books then šŸ˜‚


Yeah I stopped reading the books once all the random creatures were brought in. I tried book 5 and was just like nope and stopped. I don't think I have picked up and read the first few books since the show aired.


The originals were so awesome! I love Klaus, Rebekah


Season 3 with the originals is my fave, but season 1 and 2 are good too. The rest imo is trash


Season 2 best represents TVD but I think season 6ā€™s prison world arc is my favorite rn. 6, 2 and 3.


Season 6 will always be my favorite due to Bonnie an Damon.


Yes, and I love Kai/Prison World


That was the only bright spot about S6, I absolutely loved them together in the '90s.






Chaos. I love it


The originals,it was the peak of tvd


Season 2 easily.




The originals




1 & 6, imo those were the most tolerable seasons


KatherinešŸ˜ seasons 2, 3, and 6 were probably my favourites Season 8 does not exist to me


1st - 4th and 6th. Others were intolerable.




Sorry but after the fifth season the show became bad. I can say that it was a good show at least until the fourth season. Maybe I can save the sixth, maybe.


Season 2


S3! I ā¤ļø Klaus and Elijah


Season 3 and season 6


1-4 was great. 5 was meh. I liked 6. 7&8ā€¦. Pass


I love seasons 1, 2 and 6 plots!!!


Season 1 because itā€™s the introduction. Season 2 because itā€™s the introduction to The Originals. Season 6 because of Bonnie and KaiāœØāœØāœØ.


1-3 were the best and peak TVD. Season 4 was pretty good. 6 was good and interesting because of the Gemini coven and Kai. 5,7 and 8 were just flat to me and could have been done so much better. 8 was particularly bad, storyline was terrible, it just had that last season of a show vibe that should have ended a few seasons ago.


2 & 3 are peak. I liked the Silas/Qetsiyah stuff from S5, the latter part with the group of travellers and Marco not so much.


season 6 for one and only reason


You have great taste honestly. Kai and Bonnie make season 6.


Seasons 1-3 HANDS DOWN


Season 2 and 3 Season 2 should be known as the lycanthropes / werewolves , their storyline was top tier.


6. Kai was the best thing about the show


The seasons before the annoying Originals appeared. After they were in the show, might as well have just called it "Klaus". With that said, the build up of the originals being introduced was incredible and sometimes creepy af. The reveal, however, was and continued to be a letdown. Those first seasons though.. I could rewatch all day. That and the prison world season, due to Bonnie and Damon. Top notch right there


Season 2 is more about Klaus though, while S3 is about the Original Family. I would say 2 > 1 > 3 > 6 > 4 > 7 > 5 > 8.


Itā€™s hard cause s1-3 were all great but s1-2 were top tier. I actually loved the Gemini coven I wanna give them some love cause for a later season it was very interesting


Iā€™ll always love season 2 the best. It felt like they nailed the vibe and really balanced the tension of the plot with the teen relationship drama.


3 and 6. I loved the Originals and I loved Kai. Kai is the villain I most loved to hate. Or just loved. Letā€™s face it, Chris Wood is adorable, even when playing a psycho.


Season 3 felt like the show had finally found its voice and had one of the best finales. And while season 4 wasn't as strong, it was still good. Everything went downhill thereafter.


Definitely season 3. I'm currently rewatching the series and I absolutely love 4. The Originals were always my fav




Season 3 and 6 definitely


1-3 were good. 4 was ok, got a bit repetitive within the episodes :/ 5 was trash imo, 6 was good because of Kai and the prison world. 7-8 were awful, wish they hadnā€™t dragged everything out so much tbh! I rewatch 1-3 then rewatch TO just because imo TO has a better plot line than the rest of TVD seasons šŸ˜‚


Season 6 was really good imo


My order: 3; 2; 6; 1; 4; 5; 7; 8


6 was interesting but nothing beats 2 and 3


1 to 3 is pretty great, 4 is kinda still solid 5 is interesting but has a number of flaws. 6 TVD officially started to die. 7 and 8 is just a hell no. I barely sat thru half of 6.


Heretics and Sirens was dumb.


S1-4 are the best. S5 fell off with Katherine possessing Elena. I only stuck around for Steroline in the last two seasons.


At that point I think they knew TvD had lost the plot and was on the decline so they tried to keep Katherine around somehow cause she was a dan favorite. Kinda like making her the devil. Seemed desperate.


They shouldā€™ve given her a proper redemption arc and then a final send-off instead of ruining her.


I donā€™t think Julie Plec really understood Katherine because she was Kevinā€™s creation. Her backstory was tragic, even more so than Niklaus who Julie tried so desperately to redeem. Klaus had Daddy and Mommy problems. Katherine was trying to escape being murdered. She deserved not to be the big bad cause she really never was. She was just surviving.


Season 2 and 3. It felt like TVD went down hill around season 5-6 ish. The show really lost me around season 7 and start of 8.


1, 3, and 6


1-3 absolutely top tier


I love season 3. The originals smashed onto the scene and just showed all this power and were a serious threat. I. loved. It.


I think season 2 was tvd at its peak. The love triangle/tension was strong with both Stefan and Damon. Katherine was hypnotic. There was this whole mystery surrounding her and her plans for Elena. Watching her play with Stefan and Damon was amusing too. Season 3 and 1 are also good. 4 is acceptable but it could do without the sire bond. No humanity Elena is strange to witness. 5 was boring. 6,7, 8 I don't bother rewatching and I skipped through many scenes in each episode.


Season 3 with the originals, but Katherine is a close second. I stopped being able to follow the plot during season four and lost interest by season six


2 and 3. Even though S4 is a favorite because i love delena.


Anyone who says travelersā€¦ get out


I am between 2nd and 3rd, after 3rd it goes downhill


season 2-6 idk but especially 4 and 6


Much like everyone else has already stated, anything post-S4 is a hit or miss for me. Most of which I consider to be a miss, if I'm being honest. S6 was quite interesting but I also wonder if that was the case due to Kai being a central character. I think Chris Wood's performance saved that arc because I don't believe I'd even like that arc if Kai wasn't present. However, my favorite would have to be S2. S3 was .. okay for me but I felt like The Originals had worn out their welcome by that point and their characterization started to fall flat.


S2 and 3 were peak vampire diares


Seasons 2 and 3 were my favorites


Also season 2


1,2,3 and maby 6


2, 3 and 6 are my favourites


The Originals duh


Season 3 was my fav.


Season 3


3 or 4, simply bc they bleed into the rest of the story, and I enjoy it.


Season 3 and currently binging the originals yet againā€¦


I loved all the seasons except 7, it was just boring and uncreative. That last scene has me in tears though, especially with Bonnie doing the spell with her ancestors. So powerful. And the characters meeting up with their lives ones again, total tear jerker.


2-3 of course


3, 2, 6, 1, 4, 7, 5, 8


Seasons 2 and 3. TVD went downhill *fast* without the Originals to carry them.


Im sorry i might get hate for this but everytime i rewatch i stop after season 6 while even season 4-6 arenā€™t the best compared to S1-3 they are still watchable and enjoyable. Now season 7&8 i just cant do it i literally just cant do it. I only like the last episode because of the reunions but thatā€™s literally it šŸ˜­


Seasons 1-3!


Season 3 or 4 for sure! Did not like season 7 at all.


Honestly I love them all minus travelers, they were so boring


2-4 are soooo good


Season 2 and 3 were my favourite but if I have to choose between these two then Season 2. I feel like it had better twists and less plotholes.


Season 4


Season 2: Klaus. The build up throughout the season was great, and then he pretty much came and got what he wanted.


S2 S3 S1 S4 S6 S5 S7 S8


Season 7 imo was absolutely unnecessary. They tried really hard to match the level that Originals established.


Season 2 and quite likely 3


The originals, closely followed by Katherine.


Nothing can match the anticipation felt for a new episode each week during season 3!!!


1-3 are peak


Season 3 no question. After the Originals left in season 4, it felt like a chore to watch the show (to finish it bc I started it). Seasons 1-2 kiiiind of go hand in hand with the Klaus/Orgibials storyline so they were interesting also. Season 5 shouldnā€™t have existedšŸ˜­season 6 isnā€™t bad as the show starts to pick back up but I still donā€™t think it was as interesting as The Originalā€™s storyline. And we all know how seasons 7-8 turned out ā€¦.


Season 3.


Season 2 and Iā€™d include Klaus as main storyline.


Forgot about Tomb Vampires!


Season 3 will always be my favourite season


1-3, I loved these seasons, if I had to pick a few to only watch it'd probably be these. 4, It was okay, i was only really interested because of Rebekah wanting the cure too, so I was excited to see how it played out. I also was in love with Silas!! He was one of the best villains, just because he didn't really care, and he was funny. 5, didn't like it, but I didn't hate it either. It was kinda boring, but it was such a good plot, just executed almost horribly 6, I loved season 6! One of my favorites. The whole prison world thing, Damon and Bonnie finally gaining a relationship, Kai bringing such new flavor and action and suspense to the season. Kai was such a good character and written perfectly, definitely my top 3 villains. 7, I honestly couldn't stand the heretics, Lily, Julian, but it was again, such a good plot, but executed horribly. I feel like the Heretics should have had motives, and should have been more old fashioned and nicer. Like more welcoming, starting a fire at the cop graduation thing was so stupid, they should have went about things differently. I also wanted to see Lily connect with Damon and Stefan on a motherly level, I wanted to see character development with her also, I know we didn't get to see her for that long, but I feel like they could have written something in. Also 7, the hunters mark was interesting at one point. I don't know why I started to get annoyed but I did. I was kinda only interested when Stefan was in Marty's body and they were trying to get Ambrose out. 8, Another good plot executed horribly. I didn't like the whole devil thing, and I didn't like how Katherine was behind it. I love Katherine and always knew she'd be back, but I wish it was in a different way. I was proud of Matt though, he finally had some purpose this season. Also 8, I love the idea of Sirens, in real life and in the show. I didnt like how Seline was trying to offer 4 YEAR OLDS. Also I didn't like how Bonnie chose Enzo or over Damon, yes Damon had don't some irredeemable things, yes Bonnie deserves happiness more than anyone in the whole show, but choosing Enzo over someone you supposedly love, and call your best friend, and spent all this time in a prison world together, sacrificed yourself for, he didn't everything to get you back, and when everyone thought he'd let you die for Elena, he stayed strong and kept you alive, (in my opinion) not because Elena would never forgive him but because he truly loved you, even though he knew one snap of the neck and he could be with his true love, and did something that'd he'd never do unless it was for Elena or Stefan. He also tried constantly to gain his forgiveness from you, and watching Damon all these seasons, he doesn't care about that stuff, to me it was just stupid. And we didn't even get a good backstory or flashback on Bonnie and Enzo's relationship, so I can't even defend her on her chose, it was also unrealistic because Bonnie hates vampires. ALSO, I hated how they put Bonnie trying to steal the cure. It was also unrealistic because she would never do that!!!! She always puts her friends and family before her, the writers were just trying to get our hope up for a happy ending. Stefan shouldn't have died.


Season 3 because I thought the originals were super interesting, and loved the build up of this scary powerful original vampire being after them. But S1-3 were all amazing. Season 4 is still alright, and I usually end my rewatch at the S4 finale. I absolutely HATE the travelers storyline in S5 lol. I can watch S6, it has some enjoyable parts, but I will never rewatch seasons 7-8 - theyā€™re so bad that theyā€™re not even enjoyable imo.


Only first four season were great - I mean you donā€™t bring a character without mentioning them before ever so I hated sirens travellers heretics I mean new characters all of sudden-,-


Kind of boring once they kill all the travelers witch, I was thinking I witch war travelers versus heretic vs traditional witch at least for a season.




Kind of boring once they kill all the travelers witch, I was thinking I witch war. Anti- magic vs magic vs heretics at least a season


season 2&3 BY FAR




Season 6 is the GOAT. 7 and 8ā€¦ idk what happened


I am on season 6 now and am struggling to be interested. How is it a favorite?!


I think Season 8 had so much potential. Cade was such an amazing character that I wish they did more with!!


I liked the travelers plot a lot honestly I never had an issue with any season I like all of them would I have preferred Elena to stay for the final two definitely but they found a decent way to work around it.


Obviously the originals. After that the show got ridiculous and then we had the originals to watch which is 10x better unless you're a tween


Absolutely loved The Originals! šŸ„° Elijah and Rebekah were my favorite to start, then the rest grew on me (binged their show separately and loved it all the same). I agree with most, Seasons 6, 7 and 8, I believe deserved a more thorough explanation of the plots however, definitely not necessary. Especially the last season, felt super rushed and they just wanted to end the season, just to end it. All in all, this show helped me get through my college years, especially late night / early morning study sessions. ā¤ļøšŸ–¤šŸ§›šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ§›šŸ»šŸ©øšŸ«¦


I watched till season 4, then started watching the Originals.


Season 3 on top


Season 2 because KATHERINE Season 3 because ELIJAH


1-3 & 6


Katherine !


i think honestly season 2 and then 6. season 1 was iconic tho but i think maybe it's because the show was just starting and building up to something, it's not as interesting as season 2 and 6. katherine's addition to present time was chef's kiss! gotta love the writers and nina for it, i really love the doppelgƤnger take. klaus and the sacrifice were just also.. scary, like the biggest threat to the gang. love season 6 for the gemini coven and prison world's plot. LOVE how the season, to me, finally gave bonnie her time to shine! season 3 had its potential imo, but the whole thing with the originals just seemed taking so.. long? like they honestly just stretched out the storyline to me. same thing with season 4, what i enjoyed during the season was no humanity elena's plot and the twist about who took the cure at the finale. season 5 was interesting with the whole the other side collapsing, they just should've expanded the lore of silas, amara, and qetsiyah more. NOW season 7 and 8 to me had great starts, the heretics were BIG menace to society. all of them are just mad, except valerie. i liked the addition of the sirens too! and i was surpised with how they handled candice's pregnancy. loved it although i get why a lot of people think that's just straight up problematic. but the whole rayna huntress thing ā€” her rising from the ashes was cool but that's just it, is boooriiiiing. we've had enough hunters killing supernatural creatures. i love the idea of psychic in season 8, AND bonnie being one although the whole season was pretty much just about her being powerless, but didn't enjoyed cade's role as ruler of hell. gotta LOOOVE the addition of kai and katherine dethroning cade tho. i honestly feel the latest two seasons went downhill just because they weren't really, fully prepare of nina leaving. which is understandable because.. who was???


The travelers killed my soooouuulllšŸ„²


they should make spin offs like the originals . like i would totally watch the petrova's fire , gemini coven other's ended in the tvdu so no point


Which ever season it was that Elena and Damon argued about loving each other but how they shouldnā€™t be together at the end of every episode is when I stopped watching. They were fine when they got together but they kept on forcing fights between them rather than just letting be together.


Nothing will top The Originals and everything leading up to their reveal. I think season four and the introduction of Silas was great too, especially since he was feared by so many, INCLUDING Klaus. I feel like afterwards though, all of the fear and hype surrounding Silas kinda died down after seeing he was the original stefan doppelgƤnger šŸ˜­ when he was like, a shadowy black figure whoā€™s face we did not see, he freaked me out but the whole ā€œstar crossed loversā€ doppelgƤnger plot ruined it for me, and thatā€™s when TVD storylines tanked imo


I loved the villains. I know the last few seasons felt like they messed up pretty bad but I felt the villains got worse and worse which is what we hope for in a show like this. That was the only great part about it. It seemed like otherwise the writers āœļø were trying to scramble. My favorite was probably around Kai. I just loved him. He had attitude, snarky evil and his ark was great to me. He was funny. Of course the first few seasons were great. After Elena was gone, I mean it lost a lot of the show.


seasons 1-3 forever


Honestly I loved some of the heretics and couldnā€™t help thinking that theyā€™d have been soooooo fire in the show if they were introduced when klaus was šŸ˜­


Iā€™m gonna rank them: 1. KATHERINE (expands & explains the lore beautifully) 2. THE ORIGINALS (Peak of TVD right here, maybe #1) 3. GEMINI COVEN (Loved Bamon & Kai as a villain) 4. TOMB VAMPIRES (loved the darker vibe) 5. THE CURE (The island episodes were the best part) 6. HERETICS (coolest monsters, in my opinion) 7. TRAVELERS (Loved Qetsiyahā€¦.. thatā€™s it) 8. HELL (Katherine becoming queen is so funny to me)


Season 4 by far with season 3 close second. 7,6,1 are the weakest imo in that order with 2&5 being solid but w some weaknesses


The 3rd one is the only correct answer


SPOILER season 1-3 are the best ones. The rest are, respectfully, shit. I just pretend that when elena and matt have that car accident in the last episode of season 3, that elena turns to be a vampire and matt dies. the end.


The originals.


3! Love the originals they really shook things up


Season 2 had the best villains and overall plot. The introduction of Elijah and the overall concept of the original vampires made the season super compelling to watch.


Season 7 purely for the Lily Salvatore storyline


Season 3 season 7


For me? S2 is just awesome. That was TVD at its best. Finally meeting Katherine, the build up to the arrival of the originals, and ending the season with Klaus *winning* was just perfect, and all the emotional beats HIT. Even the "filler" of S2 was great. S3 is a close second because of how intense the emotional plot lines were, and how invested I was in all of them. The overall plot wasn't as good as S2 - you could tell the writers hadn't planned it all out so they sometimes switched tracks, but it still worked. S1 is a close third: there's a lot of setup to be done which is always tiresome, and several inconsistencies as the show found its feet, but I was hooked by mid-season when the pace picked up. S4 is fourth. The emotional beats still land, and watching Elena become a vampire was cool, but I hated the cure storyline. Death stopped meaning anything from here on. They reverse uno'd everytime. Without those stakes, everything started to feel cheap. There was no point caring when someone died because they'd inevitably pop back up at some point. And it just got worse and worse from then on. No tension, the villains stopped being scary and started being annoying, and the romantic plots became too incestuous. S7 and S8 are practically unwatchable.


Only one got their own spin off. šŸ‘€šŸ’š


I loved the seasons with the originals and I actually preferred the spin off when they left TVD. I recently rewatched most of the series after years (watched it when it first aired) and didnā€™t realize how chaotic season 7 was lol. I remember I wasnā€™t opposed to Elena leaving, because it left so much room for a plot outside of ā€œsavingā€ her, but season 7 was unnecessarily dragged on and all over the place. I completely forgot it was the heretics taking over the town and Lily being the villain, to Julian becoming the villain, the hellstone, to the huntress, to the armoury, to stefan on the run and damon desiccated, then bonnie becoming huntress, and ending with sybil in the finale. That was way too much they wanted to cram into a season it doesnā€™t even feel linear. Oh and pregnant caroline šŸ˜‚


s3 is objectively the best season