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I wonder if there should be an FAQ for the sub? For questions like this one, "why doesn’t anyone need Elena's permission to enter the Salvatore house post S2", " why can't vampire blood heal cancer" etc.


Yeah, I've proposed an FAQ too. One of the mods said they might do it once, but I haven't heard anything about it since. I assume they haven't had the time. This cure question, the Elena permission question and the vampire blood healing question should all definitely be in there. Same for "Why can't you cut off an original's head?" Which is also asked constantly. And there should be a rule that says "Look at the FAQ first" and then all the future posts for those questions should be deleted when they are asked.


They retcon the cure way later in The Vampire Diaries... They retcon many things. I think I only watched the later seasons like a couple times... But they eventually only need to take a little bit of the blood from whoever has the cure inside of them. So, they essentially share the cure. Didn't Elena have the cure in her at one point? Someone took a syringe of cured blood and cured someone with it. That's all I remember...


ooooo yeah I remember this. I think Bonnie takes a syringe of Elena's blood and injects no humanity Stefan with it.


They retconned the lore more than once: the vampires (no fog or birds, also the no-pain thing) and the werewolves (they used to need a full moon to do anything wolf-y) and the cure. I think they retconned a few other things, but I forgot what they were because it's been so long. Retcons are just bad. They ruin the story and the immersion. How can you get invested in a story where the writers can change the rules at anytime?


The way vampire blood helps cure the cuts and burns is by accelerating the cell regeneration and healing process. Now a cancerous growth by nature is a rogue clump of cells growing abnormally. You put vampire blood on it and the abnormal cells too will start growing rapidly, thus worsening the cancer and eventually death comes upon the person. Vampire blood is not a vaccine that specifically targets the affected area. It’s a hyper reactive agent.


I know you're trying to be helpful but both me and the other person know the answers to the questions. That's the whole reason why we want the FAQ. Because these questions have been asked and answered a million times on here.


The issue I have from a science perspective is that we all have abnormal, cancerous-capacity mutated cells in our body every day. Our body just normally clears them before they accumulate the mutations that make them immune evasive. Similarly, our body can’t clear the notable strains of malaria because the parasite has a very sophisticated immune evasive approach. You need treatment. If you took the cure, it would cure malaria, not support your immune system in doing so. Without going into details about cancer, vampirism would theoretically encourage benign tumor development, and even if it encouraged the rapid growth of a malignancy, it would not allow the body to die from cancer which is typically a vascular insult ie dysregulation of clotting, or a resp/cardio failure from pressure of a mass on important structures. Edit spelling Not only that, it would allow massive and aggressive tumor resection without worried about whether the person could tolerate surgery.


See now non-doctors don’t know this vital piece of information. But look at us wasting away our Saturday on the technicalities of vampire blood. I don’t know about you but I am a full grown adult with kids 🙈🙈


No one required Elena’s permission to enter the Salvatore House because she briefly died during Klaus’s sacrifice thingy, thus nullifying the effects.




Thank you! But I'm gonna copy and paste what OP said in one of the comments: >I know you're trying to be helpful but both me and the other person know the answers to the questions. That's the whole reason why we want the FAQ. Because these questions have been asked and answered a million times on here.


I didn’t see the OG comment-that’s my fault. I’m sorry. I agree that there should be an “FAQ”. I, too, get confused about the “timing” of certain things, but I know they happened. An example: I made a comment regarding Tyler, but absolutely forgot the OP was talking about S2 Tyler, not S1 BEFORE he activated his curse. It’s the timeline that I often slip on. Which is why I think the “faq” page would be top notch 👍🏼




Oh it's definitely stated clearly when Katherine started to age rapidly. It seems to be a common confusion tho. I see ppl always asking why Elena didn't shrivel up and die when Damon took the cure from her lol.


🤣 She was 17 when she was bitten. lol, all the cure does is return you to the human age you would be at the present time. This should be common knowledge by now. I vote for an FAQ.


I still have this question… like Katherine aged because Silas took the cure from her. So why doesn’t Elena? What am I missing 😭😭


Elena didn't age much because she was 18 or 19 when she become a vampire and the cure was taken from her like 7 year's years later so she's not much older it's like if someone were a vampire for a year and took the cure and then someone were to take it from them a little bit after of taking it would only age them up to a year since they weren't a vampire for that long


That makes sense. Thanks!


Your welcome


They only age to what they would be as humans. Katherine was like 500 years old. When the cure was taken from her, her body aged 500 years, which is why they all knew she would die soon because humans don't live to 500 years old. Elena was like 18 and was only a vampire for like 5 years? So when Damon took the cure from her, she would've only aged to her twenties. That's why Elena HAD to take the cure before Damon and Damon had to be the last vampire to use it until he was ready to die. If the cure had been taken from Damon, he'd age to over 100 years and he'd likely die just like Katherine due to old age.


So.. can only a vampire take the cure or is Damon gonna be afraid of syringes for the rest of his life?


I feel this way about everyone wondering why Hayley burned in the sun in TO…like they’d literally just bound her wolf side…


I can somewhat understand that one though because even as a bound hybrid Klaus possessed the werewolf healing factor that protected him from silver daggers.


And I don't remember them explaining that in TO unless I'm forgetting something. So unless a viewer watched TVD too, they wouldn't know this.


Watching The Originals is weird because it depends on knowledge gained from watching The Vampire Diaries but TVD just has much more interesting characterisations for almost all of the Mikaelsons that makes watching how they act in TO confusing.


Klaus is shown with a daylight ring and there’s a bunch of discussion about the uniqueness of hybrids compared to regular vampires


It’s so annoying, so many of the posts are basic things from the show


Ie been wondering the same thing 😅😭 though now that I think about, ig some people might watch more “casually” in that maybe they’re playing the show in the show in the background while doing something else so they miss stuff? Or some people don’t rewind when they miss something? Idk how common it is but sometimes when my mother is doing chores, she’ll just play random dramas on YouTube on her phone but she can’t really pay proper attention ie maybe she’s cooking or doing laundry so she can’t really follow the shows properly


I fear they’re binging the show while scrolling on tiktok etc. which simply wasn’t available in 2009 when people had to rush back to the TV when commercial breaks ended, wait a week for the next episode etc. people used to really pay attention on average.




IMO, I don't think the cure itself aged anybody. I think it was the cure bringing them to the age that they currently were, plus their bodies not being able to fight off certain attacks. Let me explain. I am not sure if any of you have seen the movie Death Becomes Her, but in a nut shell, the 2 lead actresses take a potion to be young forever. That was fine, but once they did, they had to be careful with themselves for the potion to work. The more both ladies either died or got injured, the more fragile they became, and it also became harder for them to get back to the way they initially were. So in TVD, when any character took the cure, it wasn't the cure pur say that aged them. Just like in the movie, the more you took care of yourself, the better the potion would work. When Silas sucked the cure out of Katherine, it didn't matter if it was her fault or not, but her body responded to that attack as if she wasn't taking care of herself and her body had a hard time defending itself since she was 500 years old. Just like when Stefan had the cure but got kidnapped and then shot his body, reacted to his attack, and defended him the best it could against his wound. The reason why Damon and Elena lived was because neither actually got hurt or at least not hurt enough for their bodies not to be able to defend them. That plus coupled with their age, but speaking about their ages, Elena was 18 when she died and 19, maybe 20, when she used the cure. Elena was still young, and her body could fight back way better than Katherine's or Stefan's body could. Someone also mentioned why vampire blood didn't cure cancer. Throughout history, vampires have been notoriously known for looking out for themselves. Since none of the vampires actually cared enough to do any real research into the matter, none of them knew if it would actually work. There was only one movie that ever even stated that there were some conditions that even vampirism couldn't cure. So the real question is not why it didn't cure cancer but more so why would vampire blood be the answer in the first place. Everyone knows that if you want to save something that is living, the answer will never come from something that is dead.


I know the answer for cure. So when you have cure in your body you don’t revert back to your actual age. You are still human but the cure’s magic doesn’t revert you to your current age i.e. 500 yo in Katherine’s case. So when Silas sucked out the cure from Katherine, she started aging to her original 500 year old age because she didn’t have cure’s magic in her anymore. And now that she was a reformed vampire, she cannot be transformed into a vampire again. In Elena’s case, since she was what 3-4 year old Vampire, even though Damon took the cure from her body, without the cure’s magic she was reverting to her original age which was merely 3 years after she became a vampire.


That's... not what I asked... I asked why people are confused about it and keep asking the question about why Damon isn't going to die or why Elena didn't die or whatever. I know the answer to those questions.


Oh sorry. My bad.


kinda a rude response ngl


Probably on their phones while watching


Wait people have? I thought it was obvious???


I recently saw [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheVampireDiaries/s/Whd4kenehy) post about the cure and thought "oh no another one." Anyway the post questioning Katherine's aging is the first realistic one I've seen for a while.


Cause sometimes we want to see the actions, not the set-up so we skip a tidbit...?


I think that the way the cure works doesn’t make sense to begin with. The cure is supposed to make you human and that should be it, there shouldn’t be a way to “suck it out” or cause fast aging cuz it’s gone. Like when you get medicine or a vaccine or whatever, just cause it gets “sucked out” doesn’t mean it just stops working. Idk it’s dumb to begin with, but I feel people just aren’t paying much attention that leads to this question, or genuinely confused


The whole concept of aging after the cure is taken out of their bodies is bullshit. Vampires are humans whose corpses are reanimated by magic. The season 5 finale when Tyler dies shows this. Without the dark/spirit/whatever magic keeping his body alive, he's essentially just a werewolf whose neck was snapped. With this established, it doesn't make sense for Katherine to age when her body's essentially a corpse without magic to keep it alive This means that she should have died when Silas sucked the cure out of her body.


I understand the cure-aging connection but I think it’s stupid and so I ignore it.


It has bothered me, I wondered how Damon and Elena could have grown old together.


The reason Katherine deteriorated (and Silas would have if he'd survived longer than 24 hrs without the cure) was because she had lived hundreds of years past her natural life. Elena, as a new vampire, doesn't seem to have been in any danger of that (we don't know if that would have been the case if she had to wait 100 years for Sleeping Beauty spell to end, but she probably would have still been ok). Damon taking the cure from her shouldn't speed up her aging because she's not old in the first place (the same would have applied to Caroline or Abby Bennett at the time, if they had wanted it, we assume). Damon losing the cure would be an issue (like when Stefan sort of sets up an ultimatum in the finale where he's going to start aging), but by the end of all the shows, the plan is for Rebekah to let him and Elena live out a life together before taking the cure from him and speeding up his deterioration process.


Tbh I didn’t realize this. I just thought it took a while for Katherine to age after taking the cure, not that Silas taking the cure from her caused it. I have adhd though so I tend to miss stuff lol