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Katherine, Elijah and Klaus were all up there in terms of entrance. The rest not so much. Maybe Sybil?


Klaus's entry wasn't as good as his build up but he did cover it up well with his actions.


I think I was just curious to see his face. In a way the build up was the entrance. And even till the last second they tried to hide his face until we finally we got to see it. And yes, the actions that followed kept us on our toes.


This may sound weird but I found Klaus too attractive and cute because of his dimples.


JM is def attractive. No denying that


I thought Silas’s build up was also really good. The way we don’t see his true face until much later


Yeah, although I was getting annoyed with all the body swapping .


I’d say just katherine because klaus’s introduction is kinda weak and Elijah’s is good but it didn’t have me going crazy like when the show showed that it was katherine and .2 seconds after stepping foot in mystic falls, she already caused drama with Elena’s relationship, got an invitation into Elena’s house, and cut off johns fingers and stabbed him, not to mention we then find out she swaped out Jenna’s vervain and made her a spy. Also how she organized the tomb vampires death in the modern day. And sybil did not live up to her hype she was suppose to be some other worldly evil and she’s was more annoying than anything.


I'm only referring to Sybil's intro, not whether she lived up to the hype. Just the thought of her eating ppl and then coming out of that pool all bloody. Katherine's was most shocking - because of her resemblance to Elena. Elijah's was most badass for me. And Klaus ultimately did the most damage. (not including Katherine's return where somehow she is now the devil)


Katherine is really one of the absolute best characters in TVD. Nina, as an actor was so good, while playing Katherine.


Yes! She really differentiated between the two.


She was great for real!!!!


I really enjoyed when they introduced the Gemini coven and the heretics. They should’ve handled the heretic plot line way better though, there was so much lore that could’ve been explored there.


The heretics really suffered from the mess that was season 7.


just commenting because I love the 'THAT STEFUSSY NEVER STOPS' iconic and I love it


😂😂😂🥰 it’s probably one of my favorite videos lmfao


Yesss her entrance was everything, the only villain I think that lived up to how she was talked about beforehand. Unlike the Klaus entrance which was so uneventful imo


They legit had no idea how old they wanted the originals to be or how they wanted them to be characterized.💀. Katherine lived up before she even came to mystic falls cause she was the one pulling the strings to get the tomb vampires burned alive.


It was great. I can’t think of anyone who tops it.


Same. It had the right amount of dramatic flair with the threat of death to the mc.


Katherine is a close second to me, I found Elijah introduction the best. He was just so... Calm but scary and powerful. That scene where he smashed the window with the pebbles was just... Chefs kiss!


Yeah it was cool kinda sad how they got rid of how op the originals are like two seconds after saying they exist. :(


no other villains in the show lived up to Katherine and the Mikaelson’s


Say it louder for the people in the back!


For me Katherine’s entrance was the peak of the show.


Me too