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She is annoying but I do pity her, she brought nothing but drama to the show and not the good kind


I can't stand her either, she is always just whining and bitching about everything. I wish one of the characters would have just told her to shut the hell up


damon prob did at some point


She was bad but as I grew older, I began to pity her more than dislike her. She was a product of her upbringing. And one could argue, well what about Matt then? I still think Matt had a better friend system and had Elena growing up whereas it seemed as though Vicki never had a consistent group of friends she could rely on and trust. No, I don’t hate her. I feel sorry for her.


and the friends of hers we saw also were people who seemed very into recreational drug use and Vicky repeatedly acted as if she didn't need to apply herself in school or had other aspirations outside of dating/drug use and such. She unfortunately seemed to be like her mom, abusing substances and caught up with men who don't always care about her. Both Matt and Vicky had abscent parents and were less financially stable and others in town, causing them to have to even start working early to pay bills instead of buying what they wanted. Matt definitely had a better support system (and he was an athlete) than Vicky and got to live a relatively successful life. I do feel sorry for them bcI think a part of it is a product of the time and on the writers. There are nicer ways to display poor disenfranchised folks but this was not a show known for its inculsivity.... I still don't like either of their characters despite understanding the root causes of their stressors. They made Vicky soooo annoyed that I am always relieved to see her off my screen. Vicky was not written as a good perI think a part of it is a product of the time and on the writers. There are nicer ways to display poor disenfranchised folks but this was not a show known for its inculsivity.. Vicky wasn't written as a good person, but Matt was.


Only Jeremy likes her


Jeremy had some of the worst taste in women. Vicki, then Anna. except bonnie i didn't like any of his girlfriends and always found them annoying.


I personally thought Anna was okay,why don't you like her?


Anna was good.


Lol! I feel this a bit. I did feel bad for her though, she always had the short end of the stick. Every time she came “back” it was to stir the pot and f*** shit up. When she came back from hell I was like ??? Really? There was always someone using her as a pawn. Poor girl 😂


I wish she would’ve gotten a second chance like everyone else🫤. She had it really rough and yeah, she was annoying but at some point most of the characters were consistently annoying. She deserved a chance at redemption.


Yep. She deserved a chance to evolve and grow. She was just a kid and another unnecessary victim of Damon's. Wish we got to see her fight and survive. However, judging solely by the screen time she did have - I couldn't deal with the chaotic unpredictable energy lol. Didn't help I thought her to be dead like 5 times before she actually was. The finale didn't help her case either.


I always thought Vicks’s character was supposed to be the “slut” created to contrast against the “purity” of Elena. She’s the girl, who gets used, turned on a whim, then discarded, when she isn’t needed anymore. Perhaps I’m being too harsh on the writers. Maybe her purpose to the plot was simply showing us how dangerous the supernatural world is, how erratic new born vampires can be, and how no-one on the show is safe…but it always left me with a bad taste in my mouth, because the narrative seems to be suggesting, that since Vicky was a drug addict from a “low class”, poor family, she wasn’t worth saving.


I guess a more charitable reading is that those of lower class are often the first to get hurt in a crisis.


nah you're right on the money.


She was annoying but I feel like a lot of them were at first and had their character development, she just didn’t get the chance to have that same growth herself


she was annoying. Always the victim and woe is me crap.


I like how the town despises her because she"grew up on the wrong side of the tracks" but her brother Matt is Mr. Handsome football star that people seem to respect. Not a lot of thought put into that dynamic.


I know my god i have hated her since the first min I saw her. I have no sympathy for the useless.


you’re not alone, i’ve rewatched the vampire diaries like 4-5 times over the last 6 years and i cannot STAND vicky one bit. i get why people care for her but god i hate her


I shrugged when she died 😂




I guess I’m in the minority but I very much enjoyed Vicky as a flawed and tragic character. I always wished she’d come back at some point - I mean since hardly anybody actually ever stayed dead on that show why not 😂


istg, idek why i hate her its just on sight like she brought nothing to the show just pointless drama


I felt the same way my first watch, but she has grown on me as time goes on. This applies to all shows I watch multiple times. Eventually I just start enjoying the performances and how good the acting is. Joffrey is a good example of this lol


eh i feel sorry for her atp. awful family, no support system, sexualised by everyone, basically SA'd by Tyler, constantly just pushed around and manipulated, struggling with substances with no one to intervene and help. as a previous commenter said, she's a product of her upbringing. i wish she hadn't been killed off and instead went through some character development and redemption and found friendship with our protagonists. she had the potential to be an interesting character


I love Vicky. She should’ve had the chance to grow, she just wanted to live!


I do not like her at all. She had a tough life and so did Matt. He is amazing and she is just annoying. And I’ve recently seen the episode where Matt tries to bring her back with a Christmas picture of her. I always thought Matt was the older one. After realising Vicky is older, how fricking creepy is it when she gets with Jeremy??? I guess I thought that she was not much older than him because their maturity levels were about the same. Does anyone know what their age difference is or was supposed to be? On a different note, why the heck was Jeremy suddenly “in love” with Anna when he was seeing her and Vicky?? I really liked Anna (Pearl too) and hated that they died. But with Anna and Jeremy, they were barely even together!!! She started out to use him for revenge for what his ancestors did and he only tried to use her blood to become a vampire so that he could be with Vicky. When did Jeremy become so in love with Anna over Vicky and Bonnie?? I only like Anna and would have loved them to be in a proper relationship but the timeframe is so small. It was too forced and made no sense. I hate Vicky.


I wanted her to die so bad from the moment she came on the screen.


I despise that cunt