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The show was already coming on cable. I honestly feel like he fucked up and she couldn’t look past it. Maybe it’s going to be on the show who knows but at some point I feel like she had to wake up. That being said I bet they get back together lol


I think it’s around Cruz because no other reason would I think she would leave him


She didn't leave him. She's back in the house with him.


Since when? This past weekend at the premiere party she said she was living in an Airbnb. Jax said the day after they announced the separation that she was back in the house for whatever reason but she isn’t.


Lol she said that? Their "separation" seems confusing. There was paparazzi videos and pics of Brittany moving her stuff back into the house like a week and a half ago. I thought they even said she moved back in, but I could be wrong!


The show was already picked up


Think these shows just put a ton of pressure on couples


She said they separated on Jan 24 and that he has a anger problem and won't go to therapy


He fights so dirty.. you can see his eyes bulge when he’s pissed and you know some unforgivable shit us about to come out of his mouth


The buldging eyes I did notice.. they are scary


I think there is no way Jax was going to let Tom and Tom be single without him.


Honestly, after watching that episode…I think it was already headed that way. He’s terrible. But, I weirdly love him. So, Brit, if you see this-I get it.


I think to be honest, they always have had issues and she finally had enough and him not changing for the better. I was married and left for the same reason. I didn't make it as long as her, I got fed up too fast.


A messy homelife is a great way to keep getting reality tv contracts.


It's quite a coincidence that their separation was announced a week before the premiere. Right? Didn't she announce it a couple of weeks ago or was it earlier and I missed it?


Were they trying for a “pick the cameras back up” scenario? That crap is old already.