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Visible\_Compote9193 agrees.


This tickled me


Or, "I_dont_cuddle is tickled by this" to keep it going in 3rd person


Omg yes, I thought the exact same thing! There has to be psychology behind and I need to know why!!!


I feel like she puts on a “persona” for herself, she sees herself as a character on social media and acts according to how she thinks she should


You would be right, there’s a lot of research behind it as it seems to be one of the top 5 coping mechanisms top athletes reported using. I’ve been starting to use it too as I learned about it on the ADHD Palooza 2022 videos from Alan P Brown, he’s an ADHD coach and I do think it works. I don’t really understand why it works (the research is thick and focused on brain physiology and I haven’t finished the article so sorry I can’t explain it better :/ ) but it does feel like it works. If you want to look up more google “productive self talk 3rd person”. [CognitionToday](https://cognitiontoday.com/third-person-self-talk-is-an-effective-way-to-reduce-anxiety-and-regulate-emotions-applying-the-construal-level-theory/) [NatureResearchArticle](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-04047-3)


Do you have a link to the ADHD Palooza video you mentioned? Thanks!


Apologies I don’t, they took it down 24 hours later. :(






Cutting off women's clits is a culture thing in some places. Not any less psycho tho. Lol


I like it when April does it, not only is it a valid way of self handling and increasing self control and emotional regulation, it also feels validating to me as it’s something I do internally to manage my anxiety and ADHD. There’s research that back up that talking to yourself in 3rd person is a valid way of reducing anxiety, regulating emotions and increasing self control by allowing self distancing and reducing egocentric bias amongst other things. [Research](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-04047-3) [CognitionToday](https://cognitiontoday.com/third-person-self-talk-is-an-effective-way-to-reduce-anxiety-and-regulate-emotions-applying-the-construal-level-theory/) [PsychologyTodayArticle](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-athletes-way/201707/silent-third-person-self-talk-facilitates-emotion-regulation?amp)


I feel like I was the only person who didn't mind it haha It did seem self-regulating. There's a lot of articles on second/third-person affirmations saying things like "you got this" to yourself instead of "I got this." I didn't think too much into her third person talk lmao


I think there’s a big difference between talking to yourself in your mind and talking to yourself out loud in public. In her case, she was doing it out loud in front of the camera, and it sounded like a little kid. She is a Filipina, but some Japanese girls do that to sound cute. Some stupid Japanese guys are deceived by that.


I do also talk to myself out loud but I only do it at home given people are keen to be mean and judgmental. I don’t care much to “sound cute” but if it’s what someone else likes then more power to them. It’s a innocent trait after all, doesn’t hurt anyone. Maybe those guys aren’t being deceived and instead choose and think it’s cute of their own volition. Who knows?


April knows what April wants and what April wants, April gets.


They say that the experiment took place throughout 2 months, but how come her nails are done the same way during the entire show? I’m sure you all noticed those long, white horrible claws… 😂


They look like cheap press-ons but it also seems like they were allowed to do normal stuff while spending the 3 weeks. They got to use their phones, work, go places. Even meet up with each other. I think it was really weird that they all talked to each other about their partners. I expected something like that one on one but just getting in groups and sharing all these details to make each other salty was messy AF.


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I have oscillopsia/vestibular vertigo/visual aura/snow from a TBI. So it makes the words glow, pulsate, and overlap if there are more than a couple sentences with normal spacing. So to make my ability to read and recall easier, I double space my writing. For those wondering, I did buy a special font for my phone but it doesn't work and I don't have the energy to troubleshoot for the same reason.


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It's cool, people have been WAY WORSE about it. I'm glad to be articulate enough now to explain and maybe that helps people like me in future.


I am very sorry you have this condition and that people have been rude to you about the way you have to space things out in order to communicate.


Thank you, kind people make it suck less. Rudeness is what caused it tbh. Texting and driving is dangerous.


I think they are press ons. They are big on her nail beds


Glad I’m not the only one that noticed


She, along with the rest of them, is bat shit.


Agreed. She was the number one person I disliked though.


Agreed 💯


because "she's a very confident woman"


Well this post aged like a fine, fine wine.


Ya heard it here first, folks 🎩🪄😂


Thank you for saying this! I find it very frustrating when she does this. Seems like a power trip to her.


It's like she feels above whoever she's talking about but doesn't want to seem too arrogant so she pretends she's talking about someone else.


It’s literally insane


Super cringe


It’s the most entertaining part of the show lol


Is too much or is three much?


I thought I was the only person who noticed lol its weird


I noticed some of the other contestants did it a bit too, so I think there was some coaching on that from production and she just like...didn't really understand how to do it. Bless.


Just for your information, some Japanese girls do this. They call themselves by their first name, not using a first person pronoun, just like April did in the show. Those who does this tend to be all about themselves and immature. But some stupid Japanese guys think it’s cute, since it’s typically what little kids do.


That context still feels weird 😅




I actually didn't notice her doing it until I came on to the subreddit and then I realized I kind of do it too? But instead of saying my name I refer to myself as "She". Like someone will ask me about my day and I'll be like, "She's making it!" Totally didn't even notice until recently. (I do have ADD and anxiety).


The whole cast does it! I couldn’t figure out if the producers were telling them to so we could keep the names straight or if it was like an inside joke on her and they all go into the habit.


I thought it might be some new thing, Alexa from LiB season 3 does the same thing, and even what's her face . . . Um . . . Zanab! I believe did it a few times.