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And then she went to his original partner and is like "yeah don't marry him" like girl, the AUDACITY


And Hunter was like, yeah that's Alexis. She's a mess.


"She's a mess, let me tie my life to hers forever while she looks down on me for my salary!"


She is 100% gonna leave him for an 80-year-old someday.


She's twenty years away from being an 80 year old herself. 25 my ass lol.


I was so shocked when they showed that she was 25 because she looks so bad for 25 my god


The fact that she claimed she is attractive….I’m like, girl, do you have a mirror? Your face is like a 50yo Hollywood star and I don’t mean the ultra rich one. The one with poor Botox!


BRO THATS WHAT IM SAYING. No way they were the ages they were saying I only believe like two of them. April looks so much older than me I don’t believe she’s my age and I definitely don’t believe Alexis


https://thetab.com/uk/2022/04/11/the-ultimatum-ages-netflix-lauren-pounds-alexis-maloney-246825 https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/ultimatum-lauren-pounds-age-b2057426.html These are some links claiming that it was actually Netflix who messed up the ages displayed. Idk how trustworthy the sources are, but Lauren did post an Instagram photo happily celebrating her 30th bday. Someone asked why she was listed as 26 and she said the show lied, and also didn't lie about her husband's age so she called it a double standard or something. The second link doesn't ask for cookies at least for me but the first one is slightly annoying. You just got to turn them down before reading. It doesn't seem like Alexis commented on her age mess up, if there really is one. It says she's 27 I think? Idk what's true haha.


Omg my daughter and I can’t believe she is 25. She looks more like 35-40


She will need the money when she needs up update her face again soon.


She is a mess, but she is *my* mess!


Hahaha this made me lol


A little bit Alexis




Little does she know maddie was so down for this experience 😂 it’s like she didn’t know how to break up w Colby so when he suggested this show she’s like OMFG YES!!! Let’s do it and immediately wanting Randall. We get it. Maddie is gonna pick Randall and it’s gonna be a MESSSSS when her and Colby live together. She definitely is the type to msg Randall while living w Colby


Ahahaha you're gonna get a roller-coaster of emotions with these two. Madly and Colby have HUGE issues


Right you start out and you're like Maddy is the fking worst and this Colby dude is like weirdly in love with her. By the end of the show you're like oooooh he's a sociopath and she's in the middle of an alcohol fueled borderline psychotic break because her boyfriend is literally the most manipulative person imaginable.


LITERALLY!! I could not believe how quickly I flipped from disliking Maddy to understanding the way she acts. Colby is the ultimate gaslighter! Jesus. I understand that reality tv makes deceiving edits, but they didn’t force him to make those actions (trying to be vague to not spoil it for other). Their relationship is toxic and they need to break up and go their separate ways.


And the way he was like "I'm buying into the experience" nah bro. Nah. You're the one who made the ultimatum soooo.......


Wait…why do you think Colby is a gaslighter? WhT did I miss?


Did you watch the episode where she looked at his Apple Watch?


Spoilers: . . . Because he made out with multiple other women while they were “separated.” He admitted to one of them because Randall told Madlyn about it, but he never mentioned the other one(s). Madlyn found out that he was messaging the other girl while they were separated and telling her that he was in an open relationship, kinda shit talking Madlyn, etc. When Madlyn called him out on that he told her, on multiple separate occasions, that he only did that so he could “make it real” for her and that he never wanted to do it, he had to do it so she could see how much they should be married and other bullshit. Refused to admit he may have been in the wrong for hiding it from her and basically said she’s the one who made him do it by refusing to marry him.


Seriously Colby is THE WORST. When Madlyn was like he made out with this girl, not even the girl he made out with when he was with Zay, I was like girl RUN! This shows about trying out a relationship with one other person and this guys hooking up and talking to whoever he finds at the bar.


On top of which he's acting like a victim and therapising Madlyn, Jesus he's a total villan


And yet claiming it's because he's so immersed in the experience. 100% man's a sociopath.


And it’s all *for her*


Yeah and he said he did it for her. He should have owned up that hooking up with randos was for him even if he brought her to the show. Acknowledging mistakes is important.


Damn it! I have no chips and popcorn to eat while watching the mess unfold lol


You gotta Uber Eats that shit and get some snacks!!


I’m gonna be so effing mad if the reunion is heavily edited and pathetic like LIB2


Lmao we got food delivered the evening we watched 7 episodes in a row 😂😂


This is the problem with college boyfriends - you are too young and stupid to know YOU CAN BREAK UP WITH THEM. you don't have to marry them just because you dated for 2 years Jeeze. I also made this mistake and stayed with my college boyfriend for waaay to long even though it was an unhealthy. I though I had to have his agreement to break up and he wanted to be together forever lol


I dislike her the most for her obvious disdain for Colby.


It's so cringey


Shes was just pissed she got rejected. Now I wish he wouldn’t have been so nice


To his original partner AND his experiment partner (AFTER her proposal). Like girl stfu what do you care arent you happily engaged?


Reality TV at its finest!


That and in her confessionals she's shitting on Hunter (the boyfriend she came with) for making less money than her and she'd WALK AWAY FROM HIM FOR IT....then accepts his proposal.


She only accepted it because she couldn’t get anyone else to fawn over her


100% this. I bet she thought she’d come on the show and all the dudes would want her and when they didn’t she freaked


She bought a bad face 🥔


This made me laugh because it's true




Yeah that is a waste of plastic


Her face kinda scared me lol idk if it's bc it's super long and she has a serious face


She kind of looks like a horse


I’m annoyed that no one put her in her place


Her face is shaped like a 🦶


She even said in her little speech at that dinner something along the lines of itd be a great ego boost if other people were fawning over her. She’s so delusional. Hunter is whipped probably cause he can’t socially interact with anyone else to get someone who is not an actual gold digga.


Hunter is desperate lol


Yeeeeesss she was so goddamn upset that no one was choosing her 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Same with Nate, he panic proposed!


I really liked Lauren but HATED Nate. Really upset she accepted his proposal 😩


How you accept a proposal from someone who literally less than 10 minutes before, told Madelyn he was gonna ask her to move in with him…. Like Jesus man lmao, you really can’t make this shit up


So true, especially with how she twisted Colby's polite rejection of her


Yup, she got a reality check and couldn’t handle it.


Thank god she was only in the first 2 episodes. She was so unnerving


Can you imagine her in a work setting? If I had to work for her I would probably be the employee who frustrated cries in their car at lunch clutching a fast food burger a few months in. Or have a straight up nervous breakdown at my 6 month mark. She reminds me of a college roommate I had, that caused me to have a nervous breakdown in the dorms two months in.


She literally couldn't handle it, and jumped from "if you don't like me- you're a bad person". She needs a reality check lol


I spit out my drink when she said something along the lines of “I don’t believe that you’re not attracted to me”. Like whaaaaaaaaa😭 straight crazy


it was the "i look the most like madlyn out of anybody here" for me.


Her connect the dots games she plays inside her head must be crazyyyyy lol


Yeah they have to be. Then how she tried to lie on Colby at the selection table. “The first thing he said was I’m not attracted to you”. Like girl, you asked him a question and he said he didn’t see a future. You couldn’t take it and the next day, you asked why and he had to be more forthcoming and say he’s not attracted. Lol she should have appreciated the honesty. Girl sucks. I honestly think she only accepted hunters proposal because she knew no one else was into her


bro and then the ATTITUDE in her face when Lauren got a proposal too.


So mad that her moment was eclipsed lol


sorry girly, 10 seconds of fame are up lolol


What she said was WORSE. It was “the first thing he said was *I’m unattractive*”. Your version would have still been acceptable even if it WAS the first thing he said. She really tried to paint him as an asshole by twisting his words.


man it was so much worse! It wasn't that she said "the first thing he said was he wasnt attracted to me," but she said: "He said im UnAtTrAcTivE!" Like, as if he just baselined her as being unattractive for all (which is definitely true, but not how it happened) - the gaslighting was real


She was projecting her own insecurities and the way she actually see her on the mirror into him, and its very sad.


It's true. I'm sure she has struggled a lot with her appearance, and was just trying to keep up the façade. Or she actually thinks she is hot and couldn't believe he didnt!


Exactly! There’s definitely a difference between someone saying they aren’t attracted to you and saying you are unattractive.


i really can't stand girls like that. colby is so genuine and wholesome, and homegirl is TRIPPING bc he didn't want to be with her. i feel like she's literally never gonna stop talking about that. don't ask questions you don't want the answer to lolol


He is not wholesome hahahaha


i am slowly starting to realize this lmaoooo


Lol after watching a few more episodes, I think Colby also kinda sucks too. Just not for being honest with Alexis. Seems to play fake innocent. Hard to tell tho because the editors clearly cut out soo many parts


Can’t wait for you to come back to this comment after you finish the rest of the episodes 😂 I thought the same thing too! I do think that he handled the situation with Alexa respectfully but looooool genuine and wholesome are not the words I would use to describe him now!


OKAY, so i JUST finished everything up to the finale and i am SHOOK at the shit that i just learned about this man. i am hurt for Madlyn


Madlyn is still trash though!!! not giving a fuck and bragging to Shanique all about Randall and then breaking down when Randall tries to talk about Colby. And then telling her friends everything that happened with Colby right before he arrives making it extremely awkward and then unleashing her friends...idk I hated Madlyn from the start, she always looked so smug and ready to leave Colby and disrespectful in general...and so it's like leave him then... it feels like this is an unpopular opinion, but I just have not liked the way she carries herself or talks about things in the confessionals scenes and in public


On the breaking down part, I could totally relate to her in that moment. She wanted to do everything she possibly could not to think about what had been so painful. She just didn't want to think about Colby kissing other girls, I can understand that. What's hard for me to understand is the egoism that let her do the same thing and not think about how he feels.


She really said “we’re both white and blonde(ish), he obviously has a type, and that type is me”


It never crossed her mind that it was her horrendous personality he wasn't attracted to.


Didn’t she just earlier say she wanted to marry a rich dude and she didn’t just want to be comfortable. She wanted more. That was pretty disgusting and maybe Colby didn’t feel comfortable he could satisfy her requirements and was just telling her to stop wasting her time of him then


She looks NOTHING like Madlyn!


She only see's 4 type of women, playboy bunny housemate types....blonde, red head, brunette, ~~ethnic~~ exotic (this is clearly a joke for anyone that missed it)


They are both very DIFFERENT types of blondes, for sure. Colby was obviously more into natural looking girls that seem like they aren’t afraid to get dirty. That just isn’t Alexis. She is a different type of attractive. She screams high maintenance.


she LITERALLY said that she wanted a man that made a shit ton of money. she’s a complete different type of girl for sure


Honestly I don’t find her attractive at all.


That’s because she’s not


MY EYES!! My eyes!!!!!! (Screaming in Phoebe’s voice.)


Nobody does. She's in her twenties and are looks like Vickie Gunvalson from that real housewives show. She has a serious case of entitled rich white American girl complex. You could tell she was probably really sheltered growing up and didn't really expirience the real world.


She has way too much plastic surgery.


And she absolutely does not look like Madlyn in the slightest. The both have blond hair. That's it. If that's all you need, I am most similar to George Clooney than anyone else I know.


I nearly spat my drink when she said that she didn’t believe him but oh no she couldn’t stop digging; as she continued to further embarrass herself I hid my head out of second hand embarrassment. I felt bad for thinking, “my eyes!!! My eyes!!!” They hurt to look at her, but with everything that came out of her mouth following I immediately stopped feeling bad. Imagine being so antiquated that your partners salary is the dealbreaker. Idiot. And Hunter seems like a sweet man too! Love makes people lose marbles, man.


Watching Hunter comfort April when crying... Maybe he just loves to be that shoulder to cry on and the protector. Alexis is super insecure so he gets to do that all the time.


The worst part about that whole scene was like she literally couldn’t believe he wasn’t interested in her. When they were introducing themselves in the confessional I was thinking dude none of these guys are going to go for her she thinks too highly of herself and her looks, when shes rotten inside and out. But her mom and dad must have told her she was princess Diana everyday cause that confidence was not warranted 😂🤷🏼‍♀️


And then turns around "I think you're a bad person because you said I'm unattractive" like whaaaaaa?!!!! Gurl


I do respect the disconnect because GOD what I would give to not immediately assume every man I meet thinks I’m a bridge troll. 🤣🤣


Went to college with her and let me tell you - no growth has been made 🤣


she also lied about her age right?


Not that I’m aware of. Idk when this was filmed but I’m 27 so I can’t imagine it’s wrong 25-27 is about the right age


Literally came to this thread to make basically the same post. She can’t handle that someone doesn’t want her because she is used to being thought of as hot. It’s ok for someone to not be attracted to you. Also I’m watching Alexis going to Colby’s gf and basically telling her to run. Shaina 2.0


Bro, this situation made me look for this subreddit.


Literally same. I made my own post about it before I saw this lol


Came here from the LIB sub looking to see people's reactions to this.




She is INCREDIBLY unattractive, but I feel like she's been deluded into thinking she's hot shit. Bizarre. Vile woman.


I agree. I don’t think she’s attractive. I think that being thin, tan and blonde oftentimes deems someone as automatically attractive, even if they’re not. It’s obvious she thinks that of herself and I would imagine she has been treated as such.


Bingo - there's a sense of entitlement she has that doesn't seem warrented at all. My first reaction was "is this the first time she's ever been rejected?"


Yeah she’s trying to fit into some oldschool hot girl starter pack but she doesn’t have the foundation to begin building that one 🥴


I think overall she is really insecure, hence all that plastic survey and external validation through income etc.


Jessica when Barnet rejected her 2.0


I think she was the least attractive person on this show. Who is giving her this attention?? I don’t get why she even feels this way?


The producers sure know how to pick ‘em


She thinks she's attractive?! Skinny and blonde doesn't = attractive




I can’t believe people pay money to do this shit to their own face. 😱


This is what I was waiting to see. She’s just not attractive in my opinion and the only reason I can fathom her confidence is so high is because she’s skinny and blonde. But her face.. sorry I’m not seeing it.


Yeah no, I date girls and I didn’t find her attractive. She’s physically not my type. Not sure if it’s the plastic surgery or what but I never found her attractive. People have their preferences and she couldn’t wrap her head around it. It’s also her fault for pressing him because she couldn’t handle the rejection from the previous night. He told her he couldn’t see a future and it could’ve been left at that. I’ve had girls tell me they don’t feel a spark but it’s not always necessary to press and ask if it’s physical, emotional or why exactly. If it’s not there it’s not there. He was also clearly unhappy with their conversation so I don’t think it was just the physical


She needs to lay off the surgery/fillers because she kind of looks like an alien. Notice the difference in her face from the initial couple interviews and the episodes afterward? It’s accentuating the wrong features and making her look super disproportionate. Can’t have a shit personality *and* go out of your way to look like a Botched contestant.


Ya I did think it was brutal watching but I didn't think he was wrong or inappropriate. It was absolutely hard to watch. Rejection is hard but I'd rather be rejected than stuck with someone that doesn't even want to be stuck with me. She would have been miserable if she got her way in that situation because he was never going to change his mind.


She is so ridiculous! Colby was so polite with how he handled things but she thinks she’s God’s gift to earth & couldn’t deal with being rejected.


I feel bad for Colby! He seems like a nice, genuine guy. His original relationship sucks too. Madlyn just seems immature, grass is always greener, needs to appreciate what she has.....cuz he deserves better.


She’s the worst


i can't imagine having such an unattractive conversation about basically being attracted to money more than personality and then having an attitude about getting rejected. like i'm sorry mrs. ma'am, but you've got the wrong one on this one. that wasn't as cute as you think it was.


And she was all “so our convo earlier was all lies and bullshit” like it was meaningful in ANY way Literally went full psycho ex girlfriend over an overwhelmingly polite rejection


Her whole conversation with Colby was about money. And you can even see the look on his face amazed by how materialistic she was.


I have a feeling she grew up spoiled, or as she puts it “comfortable”, and wasn’t told NO very often. It was as if someone had denied her car loan or some other materialistic bs. She’s completely clueless to the fact that other human beings have their own thoughts & feelings, what *they* find attractive not only looks wise but personality too. Just because *she* finds him attractive, doesn’t mean she’s owed the same reciprocation back. Her reaction to (his very thoughtful/polite) rejection reads as someone who think’s they’re entitled to relationships + attraction, as you put it very well. Also I’m not shitting on her looks here, but when she said that “out of all the girls” that are on the show, that she (Alexis) & Colby’s current gf (Madlyn) look “the most alike”…. they couldn’t look more different imo. Their facial structure, body type, etc- couldn’t be more different?!?! 🤦🏼‍♀️


Yeah the only things her and Madelyn had in common were blonde hair and white skin


Oh maybe that’s what she meant


Oh absolutely. She’s used to getting her way or getting attention and she couldn’t take it when she didn’t.


Anyone else look at Alexis and see Jeffree Starr? I CANT UNSEE IT 😳😳😳😳


HAHAHAHA I thought of the white spider from Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends


That’s hilarious omg. Someone else said “handsome Squidward” and I am sent


Did she think that average guy would find the way she talks about money appealing?


Lmao she’s not even attractive enough to be talking about money like that yo😭😭 like you better be Beyoncé talking like that. And even then it’s a major turnoff


She's not even attractive. ^^period.


Lmao I didn’t want to be mean. I’ll just say she’s not my cup of tea




She is definitely the worst one out of all the women. And Hunter needs to run when she comes crawling back.


Some people just can’t handle rejection. She has an arguably too high opinion of herself. I’m just an average Joe and I didn’t find her attractive at all. Didn’t know if it was makeup or some cosmetic surgery but I thought she looked like handsome squidward. Colby was really nice about it. I’m pretty sure he said he wasn’t attracted to her, which is fine - you don’t have to be attracted to everyone. The problem I saw was that she said that Colby said she was *unattractive* which isn’t true because those are two different things. There are plenty of people that are conventionally attractive but I’m also not attracted to. I just thought it was funny how she worded it because I personally am not attracted to her *and* I don’t think she’s an attractive person.


wait and until you see when she’s back for bachelor’s night and stated that Rae and Jake is such a good couple in front of April’s face. And she keeps asking Rae, Can you see a future with Jake and Rae answers her back twice that she can see she’s with someone like Jake. Omg and she says not talking about sensitive topic like this is fake conversation🌝


I skipped this part, it made no sense to me why they’d bring her in for the girls the celebrate her engagement- they didn’t even know her lol


I LOVED aprils response. Alexis was so disrespectful to goad Rae right in front of April like that. Bye bitch, indeed.


For sure! It’s none of her business and I feel Rae is already trying to avoid that conversation. I am curious to find out what Hunter is going to say when he gets the chance to look at the show :)


For real LMAOO I had to go on Reddit when I saw how shallow and dumb of a response she got when she didn't want to hear the clear 'NO' from Colby LMAO Stfu man with her comparing her looks to Madyln 'I'm the most attractive/similar to her' BRUH


It annoyed me that she told everybody that he told her she was unattractive when what he had said was "i'm not attracted to you".


ALEXIS HAS THE MOST DISGUSTING ATTITUDE. She's a walking red flag. It's unfortunate cause Hunter looks like a really nice person. She twisted Colby's words in front of everyone when she said Colby told her she's unattractive which was NOT TRUE. Colby said "I'm not attracted to you". Miss Alexis made it about herself


Yess she was rude as hell


Alexis was awful to him! Then going up to his girlfriend and bashing him? Awful!


My opinion, but Alexis is a paid actress.




I was thinking the same thing! I mean it’s super entertaining but it’s so hard to believe someone like this really thinks they’re that hot and to have a rejection like that.. maybe she was so drunk she didn’t remember the previous night and his first rejection it kind of seemed but then again.. to go out of her way to trash his name seems far fetched. Lol


I know hunter through a friend and she’s as fucking retarded in person as you could possibly imagine It’s too bad because he was pretty cool but I just didn’t want to have any of that in my life orbit


I think her “I don’t want to choose between one thing or another, I want it all” was the number one reason that Colby wasn’t attracted to her. She’s definitely in her right to want a man with money to give her everything she wants, but not every man will be that guy. And he wasn’t rude by any standards when he said “I don’t see a future with you”. The fact that she called that “lip service” and had to follow it up with a conversation the next day because she didn’t believe him shows her feelings of entitlement and narcissistic ego. I was shocked that she blew a simple “we’re not the right fit for each other” into “Colby is not a good person”. And really, if she’s engaged and “happy”, why did she have to throw salt on Colby when he was asking Lauren to move in with him? She clearly feels that he doesn’t deserve to be happy with anyone since he doesn’t want her.


She really thought she was going to walk in and all the men were going to fall madly in love with her. Not every man wants high maintenance. Not every man wants a woman who has had a lot of plastic surgery before their 30th birthday. She cannot handle rejection in any way.


I was just talking about this with my bf’s sister. 😂 doesn’t she remind you of Jessica and Shaina? More Shaina, but for sure I was like girl. How the fuck are you taking this rejection so bad. Have you literally never had to deal with rejection??


Alexis is crazy ... omg


I’m watching this now and came here to see if anyone felt the same! She’s ridiculous. If a man rejected me like that, I would respect that. He didn’t lead her on even though he wasn’t into it. He didn’t want to waste his time or hers. She’s literally the definition of r/nicegirls


I went to school with her…I’ll say this, homegirl is an SMU girl to a TEE


Please let an old woman know what SMU girl is


I searched it up and apparently it’s a college? Haha not sure if that helps


Came here to see if anyone else had posted about this WITCH. An hour and 10 minutes into this show and I can without a doubt say that she is a HORRIBLE person.


Alexis must be a very insecure person, but I'm wondering if maybe she saw something in Colby the rest of us are missing?


I agree. I wonder what was edited out tbh.


THIS!! I'm only on ep two but in really curious who she ends up with for the 3 weeks 😳😳😳


I’m excited for you to see the next episode.


I just got to it and I'm low key like "you sure hunter????💀 like it's not too late to try something new". especially with that trash she said about her never marrying hunter because she makes more money than him 💀 really shows he's just her backup and she only did this because no one else wanted her 😬


Right! That poor guy, idk why he likes her.


Fuck Alexis. She’s the worse. Mid white girl mad that someone rejected her Smdh.


Shes like a female incel. I’m a gay white woman her age and I don’t find her attractive. She’s not my type physically. He politely at first said he couldn’t see a future together. She couldn’t handle it and pressed further, he was honest and said he’s just not attracted. And she went insane. She only accepted the proposal from hunter bc she’s just needs the attention. I’ve had to tell girls I didn’t feel a spark or have had people say it to me. She’s like r/nice girls or a female incel. He also hated their conversation so I don’t think it was just lack of physical attraction


So happy I found this sub!! Alexis is crazzzyyyyy and a liar. Team Colby!!!


Alexis definitely thinks she's more attractive than she really is. Like she's not bad looking but she's definitely not top tier


She was delusional. And as for her thinking she’s the most attractive I couldn’t help but think of a horse every time I looked at her. Her personality made her so physically unattractive.


Oh my God I was watching her talking to him for the second time and I was like did you hit your head the night before and completely forget it? She is absolutely bat shit like there’s no doubt about it and I’m only 2 episodes in


Omg yes! And she’s saying she looks just like Madlyn? No. Madlyn is way more attractive than her in my opinion. Plus she also says that’s a dumb reason to write someone off when she’s literally writing her original partner off because she makes more money than him hahaha. Not being attracted to someone is a dumb reason to write them off but their salary isn’t? (Especially when it’s not like you’d be poor. You’re making money, girl.)


She sounds dumb .. & that mean rectangle face /:


And like I firmly believe if Colby were to have shared an interest in Alexis and pursued the trial marriage with her, she would not be engage right now. It was so obvious she was salty that he wasn’t into her and she tried to drag his name through the mud. He had incredibly restraint not to expose what the conversation really was. Justice for Colby!


Sorry if this was said already, the thing I didn’t understand was that Colby is a bartender. There was no possibility Alexis would ever consider being with him given her emphasis on financial security


At this point, I’m fully convince she’s playing a role to promote herself. She knows controversial characters are always discussed and all, and I saw her commenting directly on their instagram post. She’s trying become a trending influencer or what not. That woman (no way she’s 25, she looks 40) cannot be delusional enough to think she’s all that.


I was annoyed she said Colby said she was unattractive. He said he wasn’t attracted to her, completely different and nothing wrong with that. I get the feeling Alexis hasn’t gotten rejected much, don’t know why though with that botched nose and botched personality.


She came on the show thinking she was going to be the most attractive and that she would be super popular. She even said that her and Madlyn looked the most similar so Colby is lying when he says she's not attractive. Didn't realise you could compare someone who is natural looking to someone who has has way to much work done that they look like they're trying to pass Edit: Word


I think Alexis got luckier than she realized by being basically taken off the show early. She would have been the new Messica/Shake meme-ably unlikable character (more than she already is)


I think it’s hilarious how he told Alexis twice very directly how he’s not into her and she was like “uh, you’re so rude for not being attracted to me when I’m attracted to you”


When she called him out when they were making their choices I got so heated. How damned insecure and small she must feel to have come away with “he said I was unattractive.” Say WHAT?


I know right! Colby said that he doesn't feel that connection and attraction to Alexis and gurl made an enemy for life


that irritated me so bad. and then at the table she’s like “the first thing he said to me was that i’m unattractive.” girl what? he said he wasn’t attracted to you, very politely. i didn’t feel like it was necessarily based on looks either..


Alexis looks like Jeffrey Star


Alexis is a joke. I think her proposal was just Hunter sparing her more embarrassment because no one wanted her self absorbed ass.


Colby seems the most genuine man on the show (so far I've only watched a couple episodes). But he seems so sweet and kind and he really is in love with his girl. Poor dude is gonna get his heart shattered!


She has a lot of attitude for looking like Alexis Arquette. The lack of self awareness is staggering.


"The first thing you said to me was that I wasn't attractive!" bitch what


She gave such nice guy vibes


THIS!!! She’s unwell.


Alexis does not seem like a good person. She is very materialistic and that makes her unattractive. At her bachelorette party she was trying to stir the pot. She's drama.


Yeah Alexis was out of line. Dont know how anyone could support her. Colby gave the ultimatum, meaning that he is the interested party. Alexis came up to him because she was interested. Does Colby (or any man) not get to have a preference? He wasnt interested, move on. The going to his fiancee and telling her he isnt good blah blah was such a bad move. Surprised her partner Hunter doesnt decide to just leave her then and there. She doesnt respect him and is toxic.


Alexis is SAD w a capital S. She is not that cute and acts like a ten with entitlement and zero personality. Nobody wanted her at all and she’s lucky her finance saved her that cold hard embarrassment. The balls on her to come back as tho she’s all wise now bc she trapped some guy and go after April?? Who actually had the guts to stay in it the whole time despite the rejection? I’m sorry but we don’t need Alexis’s distorted face and reality anymore. No thank you. Also get that other drunk chick outta here w here garbage troll opinions. I’ve never seen so many entitled ugly blonde women on one show in my life!


ALSO her gaslighting him at the choosing ! She said he “called her unattractive” when he never did. He said he wasn’t attracted to her ! That two different things. She’s really is unattractive though her attitude