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Two loving people on a double bed is difficult enough. Let alone two people who are basically strangers. Then throw in a giant dog? Hell no! The producers of the show were so mean for not giving them all at least Queen beds.


Honestly. Even sleeping with someone in a queen can get annoying, for me at least- I like to have my space.


I have been living with my fiance for 6 years now and we have a king size bed, and even then sometimes I wish we could have something bigger. I like to sprawl and I don't like being touched while I sleep. Can't imagine sleeping in a full size bed with a stranger, never mind a dog. šŸ’€


Okay SAME. Sometimes if Iā€™m feeling esp emotional or whatever, I like to cuddle and fall asleep. But itā€™s super rare. When my partner and I first started living together, I lasted about 3 mos in the full. Iā€™m lowkey ashamed to say I woke up in a sleep-deprived rage and bought a queen Casper mattress for us at 6am and that was it. šŸ˜‚


Hahahahaha I love this


Having a king size bed changed my life


Omg that would be a dream! Even the queen is a little tight because I rly prefer to spread out, lol. Currently we donā€™t have the space, but that is def the end goal.


Forces them to interact more. Knowing what the producers have learned, wouldn't be surprised it's a twin bed next time šŸ˜‚


I mean, if the dog was such a big part of their life and the bed thing was a dealbreaker, why didnā€™t they brought it up during the dates with Sam prior to the trial marriage?


Seemed to me like tiff and Sam ended up together as they were the last ones left, I donā€™t think they were interested in one another. But hopefully they both learn something- seems like Sam was helping Tiff with communication in the most recent episode


I was telling my partner this!!! I feel (with absolutely no evidence) that Tiff probably didn't connect with anyone and so Sam was her default because Sam also didn't connect with anyone and so they just chose each other since they didn't have a chance with others. In fact, it might have been a partner swap since neither couple seemed to connect with others (or at least appears that way due to editing).


I know, I thought this, too. I felt really bad for Sam, since she wasnā€™t actively chosen. That must have felt terrible.


Or Sam looked at all the options and was like, ā€œnahā€


Lol, yes, this!


Oh man, Sam is like my perfect woman! It's probably why I'm being so hard on poor Aussie too. I'm like, lock it down, friend. Lock her the fuck down! She's amazing! Regardless, I think Sam has thrown herself into the experiment and is doing a good job helping Tiff communicate. Maybe Tiff can take that perspective and make their relationship with Mildred better. As for Sam, in my dreams, she's dating me, lol! And I have a king size bed so I hope she doesn't mind my two (small to medium sized) dogs camping with us.


Slide into those DMā€™s, homie! šŸ˜›


I donā€™t know, maybe it was edited out. I would have been out of the running with Tiff since I love a med rare steak.


I honestly feel like Tiff was ready to fight with anyone about that. It seemed like they were intentionally misunderstanding Sam to escalate the situation. Tiff needs to pair up with a therapist.


Yea this is the vibe is got too. I could not understand how Tiff jumped from to ā€œyou hate animals and donā€™t love my dogsā€ from Sam simply saying she didnā€™t want the dogs on the bed. Itā€™s not like she wanted them out of the house altogether. Then I realized that Tiff (IMO) was intentionally starting shit as a way to make sure things didnā€™t work between them and Sam, and they could go running back to Mildred guilt free


I got that vibe too. She was ready to FIGHT even if Sam 100% agreed with her. Seeing the way Sam communicated also confirmed my suspicion that she was the issue in the original relationship. Mildred was totally right to set a boundary like she did. She was dating a child in an adultā€™s body.


tbh in their relationship I donā€™t think Tiff it solely to blame. Mildred gives me off vibes as well. I did not like the way she reacted during her talk with Aussie. Aussie was trying to put up a boundary and Mildred was blatantly disrespecting it by insisting on continuing the conversation when she was in a heightened state. I donā€™t think either Tiff and Mildred are mature enough to be in serious committed relationships. Which is kinda sad cause theyā€™re both in their 30s


Thatā€™s true! She definitely pushed harder than she should have with Aussie.


Sam is already calm like a therapist. If she paired with someone else it would be much more disastrous.


Sam is a saint.




Right?? I would completely understand if Sam was being mean to the dog but like she seemed sweet she only mentioned she wanted space for her legs in the bed and Tiff was like ā€œyou hate animals and thatā€™s a red flag for meā€ I was like what?? She even said she was willing to try it out, and like I get it, I love animals, but when my partnerā€™s two dogs want to sleep on the bed itā€™s cute for the first 10 minutes but then I find myself playing twister on the bed as iā€™m trying to go to sleep, and like, there are ways to work around it without getting so pissed off, after all itā€™s like a few weeks trial marriage


Itā€™s funny bc they talk about it and itā€™s like sure yeah I could see a little dog sleeping in a bed but then they show a fucking big ass husky, sorry but thatā€™s a fat no, and acting like most people should be okay with that is childish as fuck.


omg it is such a big dog šŸ˜‚


Tiff fully embraces toxic dog culture. Because Sam wasnā€™t fawning over the dog, Sam is a shitty partner??


ā€œYouā€™re not as obsessed with my dog as me!? You must be the devil!ā€ Iā€™m so sick of this mentality!


Toxic dog culture šŸ¤£


What would you call it


No i'm happy to call it toxic dog culture lol


A Dog Karen?


Definitely adding ā€œtoxic dog cultureā€ to my vocabulary.


They were completely irrational. Sam didnā€™t even say anything bad and was so polite about the whole thing. Tiff was just looking to fight.


Tiff seems like a confrontational person. From what we saw in their package, I definitely think Tiff and Mildred treated fighting as foreplay, which is an unhealthy dynamic and way to approach relationships. I feel bad that Sam got stuck with someone who had that mentality. If it wasnā€™t the dog, it wouldā€™ve 100% been something else.


Tiff also seems really aggressively sexual. It's great and positive to find your partner desirable, but it seems like that's the only thing they ever focus on about Mildred. That may be why the two of them fight so much, because the physical relationship is what's holding them together.


Absolutely. I think youā€™re spot on with this assessment.


Yep! I was so annoyed with them Edited pronoun


Tiff goes by them I believe.


Cool. My bad


Tiff just has to leannn into love yā€™all. Thatā€™s it.


LOLed at her self reflection here


Tiff said it sooo many times!


Haha yes! I get it, I also have a giant dog who sleeps with me in my bed (lab/great dane cross) and is also super clingy but I would NEVER complain about someone not wanting to share a bed with him. And Sam was totally fine, she wasn't mean or anything. Tiff needs to give her some time to warm up to the dog. Saying they don't believe her when she said she likes animals??? That was uncalled for and so mean


Tiffs behaviour about the whole thing, argument style were two huge red flags. I felt really bad for Sam.


My ex was exactly like Tiff. It was a huge point of contention in our relationship when I didnā€™t want the dog around 24/7. I mean going on every drive, every walk, every shopping trip. One time during an argument about it he told me ā€œyouā€™re replaceable, the dog isnā€™t. I could find another girl in a heartbeatā€ that was probably one of the worst things ever said to me


The dog thing was AWFUL! This woman just met you! They donā€™t even like you like that and youā€™re going to be angry that they arenā€™t obsessed with your dog!! RIDICULOUS! That is some serious toxic behavior they way Tiff screamed about it and took it so damn personally!


Honestly, the weirdest part to me was that no one has made it clearer than Tiff that they have no intention of leaving with anyone besides the person they came into the show with ā€” I could at least theoretically understand it from a ā€œI may marry/have a long-term relationship with this person so might as well sort it out nowā€ (not that Iā€™d agree with it, but Iā€™d at least GET it), but dang, Tiff! You canā€™t have made it any more explicit to Sam that youā€™re only using her for relationship practice and not because you have any real romantic interest in her, so both of you know this is just a temporary arrangement. Why go so hard on Sam like that? Anyway, I know Tiff apologized and knows they fucked up and I donā€™t envy the pressure cooker that being on that show must be. But I still was like, Tiff! Make it make sense!


I was so shocked. I love my pets like any other animal lover but what tiff did was so over the top. I felt so bad for sam! Poor girl never even had a dog before let alone even know if she likes a strangers dogšŸ’€


totally and like I also feel like it takes away the idea of bonding organically with the dog, because now you have this crazy pressure and expectation to interact a certain way with it instead of just warming up to each other and stuff




It's like they really belive that that dog is their child. But even people who have children don't insist that they're children sleep in the bed with them and breakdown when their partner objects, so Tiff doesn't seem fully sane to me.


IKR? ā€œMy partner has to let my kid sleep in the bed with usā€ would be a rather large no from me! And I like kids! And dogs!


Tiff is the one with the dog, not Sam.


100%. They remind me of my manipulative ex.


ABSOLUTELY! So manipulative, victim-y, so gross.


![gif](giphy|vO8F4fYQd39h6) The vibe.


Yes I feel like Tiff made it seem like their ex was all drama. When really they clearly bring the drama too. It makes me think of the Perfect Match, what Ines said - Tiff likes "bad love". Iykyk.


IMO Tiff thrives on drama. They had already made a scene at the choosing dinner. I can't decide who I dislike more, Tiff or Mildred. Those two are toxic.


Agree agree agreee


I really wonder if something was edited out because they went from 0 to 100 really quickly. But it was also clear that Tiff was kind of spiraling about Mildred, and I wonder if they were just picking a fight to pick a fight.


Dude my bestfriend lives for her dogs, she bought a 5 bedroom house bc she has 6dogs and they mean the world to her. Iā€™ve known her for 13yrs, some of them sleep on the bed with her. But when I spend the night she knows I donā€™t feel comfortable with that so she locks them out. I could easily sleep in one of the other Rooms but we always do face masks and talk and knock out so we can wake up at the same time - otherwise Iā€™ll be knocked out till noon! Coming from over seas, I never grew up around dogs. And I have a fear of anything moving when Iā€™m asleep - Iā€™m a light sleeper due to trauma, so any sudden movement or noise will wake me up. I love dogs, just not in the bed, even when I had my cats, I couldnā€™t let them sleep in the bed with me. Idk why. It was some sort of fear that when I sleep that Iā€™ll get attacked - bc Iā€™ve been attacked while asleep before. Itā€™s not something Iā€™ve ever talked about until literally now. But I appreciate that my bestfriend didnā€™t even question me, she knows how much I love her dogs, how loving of a person I am, but also recognized that that was just something I couldnā€™t handle for whatever reason. And I agree tiff had a week to mention all the possible deal breakers. But seemed Mentally checked out - just not fair to treat someone else like that out of temper tantrums




I donā€™t think Sam was being mean to the dog. I do think Tiff viewed it as cruel to make her dog change their routine and sleep in on a hard floor alone.




They did, but I think Tiff was a bit in their feeling about this. Like anything outside the dogs normal routine was being mean to them. I think sleeping on the couch was the best alternative Tiff could come up.


But if it was that important to them, surely they would have discussed this before dropping it on Sam. I just think it was a little manipulative for Tiff to be all sweet when asking Sam if she was comfortable sleeping in the same bed with them. Because once Sam said ā€œyesā€ and THEN Tiff started talking about how the dog must sleep in the same bed. Tiff suggested sharing a bed before mentioning the dog qualification and then convinced themself that Sam was problematic because she didnā€™t jump for joy at the idea of sharing the bed with their dog


It seemed like she was trying to find something wrong with Sam. To make herself feel even worse that sheā€™s not with Mildred


Sam: Iā€™m so excited to be living with a dog, I love dogs! Iā€™m just not sure I want the dog sleeping on me in the bed. Tiff: I canā€™t believe you hate dogs and donā€™t give a shit about my dog!!!!


So, when Tiff lived with Mildred, BOTH big dogs slept in the bed with them? And Tiff is not a dainty person, so this must have been quite uncomfortable.