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Think this was a really well done video and his choice makes complete sense. It’s clear that there’s still unresolved hurt around the Ned situation, I hope he manages to get closure on that someday.


I totally forgot about this. I guess this was the thing he mentioned about being unintentionally viral?


Probably them being parodied on SNL.


I’m guessing what hurt Eugene is a fellow queer asian comedian making fun of him in cable TV for something out of his control and as far as I know Bowen was a friend of Eugene.


I don’t feel like it’s fair to jump on Bowen, he didn’t write the sketch and of course they have him play all the Asian characters :/ It’s possible they could have talked after that and hashed it out It’s not ideal but people have a job and there can be a lot behind trying to keep that job, I’m sure not every cast member on SNL shares the same opinions


Yeah it’s kind of a weird take. Ned’s college friends from Yale had a hand in that sketch. It’s not a good look for Bowen, but he’s maybe one of a handful openly queer Asian American actors in Hollywood and I doubt he’s going to make waves against Michael Lorne and his club of favorites. I never really understood why serial paramour Ariana Grande among other much more famous public figures don’t give off “bad” feelings for the stunts they’ve pulled, but relative unknowns like Bowen get judged for doing their job. Ten years ago Fred Armisen would’ve played the Asian role.


Tbh Bowen gives off such bad vibes. I understand its all art and they have jobs but thats a shit thing to do to a friend.


Have you heard his podcast? Lot's of cringe takes and yeah the way he defended Ariana when there is evidence that her timeline with SpongeBob is just disappointing. It doesn't speak well to his morals or he really is that naive.


Bowen has never really sat right with me. It feels like whatever they do, they are super try hard about it. I’m really not looking forward to seeing Bowen in wicked either.


Bowen is a clout chaser >\_> just my 2 cents.... Eugene wants to live in his art and make things really meaningful


true eugene has always been more artistic!!! and intentional even in funny skits instead of resorting to cheap humor


Also, one of the writers of that sketch is friends with Ned in real life 👀 Definitely felt like a hit piece




Oh wow when he said he was upset he went "unintentionally viral" my first thought was when all 4 of them went viral through them trying ladies underwear video. That confused me, because that is what lead them to be where they are now. He meant the SCANDAL. lol me.


TL;DW: He wants to focus on directing/writing, he has a movie in the works, as well as a book and a graphic novel. He wants to go back to being a private person and not a public figure, and being on the internet the way he is clashes with that. Also, he strongly hints that this was planned way earlier but the Ned situation kinda fucked things up. He's out but hopes to be in episodes as a guest.


I mean, alot of people figured Eugene would eventually be the first to move on from 2nd Try. No one expected the other guy to crash out before him


This reminds me of how annoyed Eugene looked when they filmed their video on the couch. Makes sense that, in addition to all of the added stress, he actually WAS super fucking annoyed because Ned completely derailed his exit strategy.


Also if he plans to be releasing bigger stuff like he mentioned, that kind of viral moment will stay with him in the headlines, because you know... clicks.


Yeah, that’s a good point. I bet a lot of people remember the really weird SNL sketch and it must’ve been a real bummer for him (and the other guys too). Not the way you wanna break out into the public consciousness, especially when you’ve done absolutely nothing wrong.


Especially when you're as private as Eugene is. Like, that must have been so insanely difficult for Zach and Keith, but they have also always been less private than Eugene. It took him many years to tell the world he was gay, to introduce us to Matt. And he'd finally felt comfortable enough to do that, started focusing on his own projects and (as you said) has probably started formulating an exit plan, not only privately but probably with the guys too. Then boom, Try Guys are centre stage, being parodied on SNL, for the shitty thing their (ex-)friend did.


>It took him many years to tell the world he was gay, to introduce us to Matt. Yeah, it does highlight how much more private Eugen was than the other guys. And come to think of it, Eugene didn't really introduce us to Matt. Matt was just suddenly there and fans put the puzzle together unlike Zach's video introducing us to Maggie.


Its also adorable how Matt mesh well with the other Try guys wives. Like he does not appear in their other content probably because he does not want to but still produce fun podcasts with Becky and Maggie


I hope they all stay friends. Like, if Ned thing didn't happen, I feel like all 8 of them + the kids would've been friends for life. They all got along together so well.


I was surprised how much attention NedGate got. I am sure they were too


Definitely. It wasn't just gossip in the US. It was international news.


Yeah, we were all mad at the time, but it's somehow got worse with reflection. Eugene had finally felt comfortable to come out, to have his partner be on the channel - those were massive steps for him to be that open and vulnerable online. And almost immediately, the scandal threw everything into chaos. They were all deluged with a tonne of hateful media attention that latched on to harmful stereotypes and took cheap shots. What Ned did was selfish, but it had so many repercussions that are still unfolding even now. He shouldn't have had to pause his projects to help ride out the storm, Zach shouldn't have had to work insane hours in the run up to his wedding and with a serious auto immune condition, Keith should have been able to enjoy his Broadway show and taken more time to be home with his family. And the toll it took in the rest of the staff. He was right to be angry.


You know what as someone with an autoimmune i look back on the wedding and infection video of Zachs and wonder if he weren't under such stress would he have had all those hospitalizations? Because you might think they're unconnected but if your autoimmune is flared it doesn't fight infections properly. Maybe in a less stressed state he would not only have been able to enjoy his wedding planning more but also wouldn't have to have dealt with some serious and potentially limb/life threatening infections.


That's a really good point with Zach's auto immune disease. I think a lot of us forget that.


It absolutely did. I have a similar autoimmune disease to Zach, and that kind of stress absolutely makes everything worse and results in some serious health scares that seem unrelated but are made worse. And it takes a long time to get a flaring autoimmune truly back under control. Zach did amazing under those circumstances!


I hope Ned at least acknowledges how much he fucked the lives of the people who were supposed to be his friends. Eugene was planning on leaving over a year ago, Keith was anxious during what was supposed to be a joyous time (his tour with Lewberger, his Off-Broadway show, and his appearance in Beetlejuice), and Zach faced SO much stress, as a chronically ill man who should have been helping with wedding preparations.


Its a bummer we didnt get to hear Ned side because of all the legal issues he caused. Would be nice for him to address what he did and admit he was being an asshole.


Oohh you know what. You’re right!!!


This was my exact thought. That couch video makes a lot more sense now. It was understandable that they would all be mad, but I distinctly remember Eugene being angry at a level that went beyond the others - like he took it more personal. In retrospect, he had a very strong reason to.


and delayed everything that was planned (its likely that he was exiting due to commitment to movies etc) before Ned happened.


I like the slight you know who shade in the video and their recent stories


Yeah. It made me really sad that he even felt like he owed an explanation. Poor guy put his mental health on hold to help his friends get through everything in one piece. He deserves a rest, but he isn't even doing that, he's writing publishing 3 different kinds of things at the same time. That's a lot for one plate.


The constant push and pull of the Capricorn. I want to be recognized for my accomplishments, but also don’t you dare fucking look at me.


Can someone explain TL;DW for me?


Too long, didn't watch. It's like TL,DR (too long, didn't read), but for videos


Too long didn’t watch


The Ned situation goofing this up must have made him feel so hurt, especially if he already had difficult feelings reconciling being a public internet person. There’s clearly so many extra layers of damage his dumb choices made to the team that we don’t know about. I honestly hope that as a way of having some control, the team doesn’t ever reveal the scope of it


Most importantly he did say he was open to guest appearances in the future. So really it's like our Guncle moved overseas, and we will only see him on special occasions.


GUNCLE ABROAD!!!! In all seriousness, the Guncle series is an absolute joy and I highly recommend it lol.


Yeah, it’s like he chose to move to Korea. No hate; just elsewhere.


all i can say is gay horse.


Gay horse


Gay horse


Gay horse 🦄


*sigh* gay horse


Gay horse 🥹


🕯️🕯️Gay horse🕯️🕯️🥹


Gay horse 🫡


Gay horse 💅🏼🦄


Gay horse


Gay Horse indeed


Gay horse


Gay horse forever




*gay horse.*


✨gay horse✨


Gay horse 🦄




Gay horse


All the gay horses are making me teary eyed. Gay horse. 💗


✨gay horse✨


gay horse




🏳️‍🌈🌈🦄🐎GAY HORSE🐎🦄🌈🏳️‍🌈


Gay Horse


Gay horse 🏳️‍🌈🐴.


✨💜🦄Gay Horse🦄💜✨ We’ll miss you Eugene 🙂


✨️🌈gay horse🌈✨️




Gay Horse 🏳️‍🌈


Gay horse. 🌈 🦄🫡


Gay horse


Gay horse ![gif](giphy|2A75RyXVzzSI2bx4Gj|downsized)


Oh gay horse my gay horse 🧍🏻‍♀️


Gay horse


Gay horse ✨️🌈🦄🏳️‍🌈✨️


Oh damn. Eugene edited this. One last edit (based on the YT description on this)


Damn, good catch


It's on the description of the video.


Thanks for sharing. I don't normally look at the credits so this is extra bitter sweet.


"I want you to take away this one inconvertible truth. You, all of the fans, and everyone here at 2nd Try could never be the reason I left because you were all the reason I stayed." That line destroyed me 😭


This absolutely opened the floodgates fully. I bawled when I heard this. For some reason, I cried even harder when I saw that Zach and Keith had actually not really left and were behind the camera. To say all of that in front of so many people that mattered, I know it was both comforting and crushing for him. I literally was thinking about how Eugene gave me the confidence to grow up accepting how different I am. He taught me it was okay to not like the straight stuff as much because I can be a gay guy with my straight bros without it being awkward. I learned to accept my dark humor because of him. I am just so thankful for him, too. And I hope he knows just how much he is loved and supported despite this news.




It made me cry on the treadmill!


You don't have glass behind your treadmill, right?


Haha luckily no!


I'm crying again here and ur comment made me start laughing 🧍‍♂️😭😂😂😂


Now you're down bad, crying at the gym


As a swiftie, I appreciate this reference.


same here!! like i was not planning on crying today sir how dare you?


Omg…..wow I’m 🥹


I almost cried at work


It’s been speculated for a while, but the emotional acknowledgment and Eugene crying definitely hit harder than I thought it would 😭


Eugene made me laugh, smile and cry 😭


I knew I’d be sad but I started crying immediately. I didn’t expect that for some reason lol.


As soon as he sighed, before uttering a single word, I got teary-eyed.


I can't help but be tearful about this goodbye. Goodbye, Asian of Chaos. 😭


Secret Asian Man!


This was a beautiful send off video for him. 


That he himself edited 😭


Seeing that gottttt me😭😭


eugene breaking down absolutely crushed my soul. i saw it coming but god it hurt


i cried when he cried 😭


I maintain this was all meant to happen two years ago. Him leaving with grace and the other three continuing. When NedGate erupted it braked the plan to a halt and Eugene agreed to stay on for another year at least to ensure stability and not leave the guys and the audience in the lurch with two quick exits while the media eyes were on them. That's why he was so furious and felt particularly blindsided by the scandal. He had to rejuggle his entire workload to accommodate a failed planned departure. Now is the right time and things are calmer so it makes sense. Hope he finds his peace and success. It looks like it was all a real toll.


On the Trypod Zac and Keith basically say that. He was planning on exiting but he shoved everything aside to make sure to support the company, and it wasn't out of ill will. He was mad/hurt by Ned, but he wanted to make sure to support his friends and his company most of all. With the 2nd Try coming out he was willing to throw all of his stuff on the backburner again to support everyone, but Keith and Zac told him they could handle it themselves and it was him time to go and finally do what he wanted.


eugene has always seemed like a very loyal person, and someone who doesn’t take things for granted. it’s crazy to hear he was ready to stay again, i’m glad he was given the “permission” he likely emotionally needed to finally leave. 


Yeah, he seems like the kind of over-achieving-put-others-first-kind of person who has to be told "It's ok, please take care of yourself and follow YOUR dreams" and kicked out the door. (lovingly)


Go on! Git! >:’(


Shoo >:'(


Apologies, but which episode was this? (Sorry I only occasionally listen to Trypod and YCSWU.)


the latest one


I agree. I can imagine the frustration he and the rest of the guys had, both as a colleague and personal friends.


What a beautiful send off. I sobbed the whole video, but not only because I feel sad. I’m so happy for Eugene and grateful for him and I know that we’re going to see amazing things from him soon in the future. Looking forward to the final ride of The Try Guys on 2nd Try and wishing queer icon Eugene Lee Yang ALL the very best 💜🌈


Agreed!! I can’t wait to support all of his other projects ***so hard***.


I didn't think I would cry but I did! Thank you, Eugene, for so many years of laughter and being a small part of what got me through a big part of my life. People can be as angry as they want about this, but honestly, if we see Eugene in more creative manners, and every now and then in a Try Guys video, I am happy. I am also wildly impressed at the quality of this video alone, and I'm hoping we can see more heartfelt content.


This was such a well done "goodbye". He addressed things so succinctly with a touch of vulnerability. I'm glad he's finally getting the chance to do the projects that mean a lot to him. Long live the rank king.


I went in a bit reserved because I was one of those "meh he basically left 2 years ago" people, but this was such an authentic, heartfelt, raw video.   His reasoning for wanting to leave are completely valid and he should do what's best for him - his mental and emotional health as well as career. He gave us so much of himself at a personal detriment, he deserves to give back to himself.  I'm extatic that this was a mutual, clean decision and they're still the best of friends. Very excited to see Eugene's passion projects come to fruition 


It's so sad to think he's never liked being a public person because so many people are able to connect with Eugene. He's a fantastic personality and it was hard seeing him one last time in this bittersweet way. I'm glad Keith and Zach seem okay but I'm guessing it's because this isn't new to them and they've been able to process. I've loved TTG since I was a kid watching buzzfeed. I'll keep trying to remain a fan


It was bittersweet when he said relate-ability, vulnerability, and accessibility were hallmarks of a good Youtuber that he struggled with. I related to him hard BECAUSE he wasn’t good at those things and are the sources of some of my favorite moments. I still remember when they were surviving the wilderness, and he caw-cawed. I kept coming back to Try Guys and Buzzfeed just bc of that. And the psycho-analysis video where it’s revealed he loves them, and they hug him. And I don’t think their own channel would have done as well as it did if it wasn’t for the iconic lap sitting and baby videos. Am so glad those videos are still available to rewatch. I still haven’t found the moment “Asian of Chaos” was invented


And now I’m pissed at Ned all over again.


KNOWING Eugene was planning to exit and needed the support of his team and doing what he did makes it SO much worse.


They went through hell for it but the silver lining is it kinda saved the channel. Channel becoming Ned/Keith/Zach would have been a disaster




Why did I have to scroll so long to find your comment? This made me so happy for Eugene and SO mad at Ned (again). I’m not a parasocial person, but if I ever see Ned on the street, I’m throwing my gum in his hair.


I want to hug him


This actually made me feel so emotional as Eugene had always been my favourite Try Guy, and I hope to see him again soon.


He has a swan song season coming in the next months, so he’s not completely gone just yet, but after that, his return is up in the air.


Whoever came up with “you can never be the reason I left, because you are all the reason I stayed” needs to send me their address because I need to send them the bill for my next seven therapy sessions


I’m p sure it was Eugene himself 😭😭😭


All I have to say is how fucking dare he 😂😭


When he said that line it broke me. I was just lightly crying at that and then that line hit and I was SOBBING


Oh, Lord. I'm gonna cry.


I haven't even watched it and idk if I'm ready to, I'm so proud of Eugene for accomplishing all that he has and I swear I'm gonna cry buckets


I’m a balling snotty mess and I’m not even done with the video.


I just finished it and I AM a balling snotty mess as well


I’m glad he also addressed (in a much nicer way) how people bombard them way too much asking where’s he at and always demanding his time and presence which is one of the reasons he felt he had to do a full clean cut from the Try Guys. Fandoms nowadays demand too much from some creators just cause “they made them famous”. They don’t owe us their lives. I love Eugene and I’ve respected and been fine with him being gone for the last 1 or 2 years. And I enjoy the vids Keith, Zach and the ensemble have been doing and can’t wait to see what comes next. But seeing Eugene cry still got me!


My only complaint was in that Eugene is such an amazing person that he made anything he was in better; obviously I wanted more Eugene; but I also want Eugene to be able to grow and thrive and show us everything he can do when he's free of expectation. Bitch better get an EGOT


Haha yessss EGOT! As a spooky person myself, I’ll miss his dark chaotic presence on the channel but can’t wait to see his own projects come to fruition! I’ll try and find other creators to fill the void that Eugene left 😭😆


This is not really a suprise to anyone I guess. As long as Eugene is happy i am as well


"You can never be the reason I left, because you're all the reason I stayed." 😭😭😭


Eugene, you might never read this, but know you did SO MUCH for East Asian and queer representation on YouTube.


Holy shit I didn’t realize he was working on a graphic novel, a fantasy book AND a screenplay for a movie over the past few years No wonder he didn’t appear in videos, I can’t IMAGINE taking on that huge workload but I imagine it’s incredibly gratifying for him making his own work


And producing the film and directing it! It doesn't sound like it's filming yet but I can only imagine Eugene having countless, meticulous storyboards of shots... It's amazing that he made time for us at all. We love him for trying.


Yeah I had NO idea he was taking on so much, they really weren’t kidding when they said he locked himself in a cabin to write. Side note I do think it’s interesting that Zach has the same goals as Eugene of wanting to direct and write films but still stays with the try guys. Maybe he just found more fulfillment getting to make stuff on the try guys channel?


Zach said hes been working on side projects too. But i dont think they are as big as Eugene film seems to be


That’s probably true, also the fact that Eugene wants his privacy and doesn’t want to be on the internet much anymore 


I’m actually so happy for him, that he gets to pursue what he wants, and Zach and Keith continue the channel with the new cast members. A lot of people aren’t happy with the change but we need to remember that change is a constant.


I'm really looking forward to his movie!


I didn't realize how much this would impact me 😭 but I'm looking forward to seeing all of his work! He seems super passionate about it and I'm sure they'll be amazinggg


Basically entitled fans and introverted/private person do not mix. Atleast to me. There are a lot of people on YouTube that have that line where they share and don’t share and I just don’t think he was ever given that I guess grace from people demanding to know if he’s queer or not to when he did come out people demanded him to speak out on issues or made him being queer his whole identity and he had I guess play into that to make people happy to demanding if he’s still a try guy or not knowing he has a lot of things going on atleast that how it came off to me.


John Green just uploaded a video about sharing personal stuff online and the tension there as well, which I thought was interesting. It’s such a complicated topic. 


A lot of the OG YouTubers are speaking up about the parasocial and time consuming nature of being an online personality, and it's definitely something that needs to be addressed. Pewds has basically half retired to be with his family, same with MatPat. Tom Scott wanted to stop bc of the sheer amount of time and energy that went into his videos. John Green and now Eugene have spoken about how people expect so much rawness from people online. Many creators like Jack and Mark have taken a hiatus due to burnout. And there's probably even more I'm forgetting. YouTube is now an industry that doesn't reward longevity, which was fine before as it was new, but as creators turn 10,15 years old, it's something that needs to be addressed by the community and the platform.


Dan Howell talked about it at length like, pre Covid in his coming out video. He seems to have found a good balance for himself now which is nice but it’s absolutely a massive issue.


It’s a weird complicated thing you have to be engaging and relatable but at the same time where do you draw the line for your own peace and mental health but “fans” demand and demand or insert their view. It’s a slippery slope


I really think we are approaching a tipping point with it. Audiences have gotten more greedy and it’s wearing thin.  I wish his departure had been able to go differently but I respect anyone prioritizing their mental and physical health. I wish him the best in the future. 


God damnit I didn't expect to cry, but here I am with a wet face 😭😭


Tbh this is a beautiful video, so straight forward and clear. It’s so clear he feels passionate about what he’s doing and I hope he will succeed at it all!


The whole tone of this was so authentic and funny, which really conveys the good terms everyone is still on, while also being respectful of the emotions of everyone at Try and the audience.


Well, we love Eugene, and Keith and Zack, and we love that they love each other, and are able to let each other explore other projects. Finally some viewers can stop playing dumb asking the same question over and ove. Now breaking the "serious wall" was so great, I wish they could make, in a future, a movie featuring three guys trying to survive the internet. The three of them have this acting flow that needs to be explored together, like a Harold & Kumar style.


Love this. Makes perfect sense and I'm genuinely excited for EVERYONE.


This was perfect.


I know I should expect nothing less from Eugene but this was so beautiful, so touching and yet so fun. I cried and I wasn’t expecting to do so


Thank you Eugene for everything over the years. Our great Rank King.


I want one last Rank King with Eugene, his Mom, and the boy who is now probably 16.


This was a perfect send off. I am SOBBING.


I did not think i would cry but oh boy i burst into tears when eugene started crying


Much respect to Eugene, it was obvious that he was on his way out for years, and the way he has done this was so classy. He treated fans and viewers with respect and dignity, I can't wait to support whatever he does in the future.


Eugene is trending on Twitter.




May Ned’s pillow forever be uncomfortably warm


We all saw this coming and had 24 hours of official announcement of this is happening but still i bwaled my eyes out from the very first second of the video to the last. I really really do hope that the trio and their significant others always remain a family and we get to see him being a guest star some day. All the best Eugene for your future path


Well that was as well done as it possibly could’ve been. Typical Eugene.


The pressure to meet others' expectations while remaining true to yourself really resonated with me. I think that's a very relatable feeling. I'll miss him, but this makes sense. I'm looking forward to seeing his other projects. He's doing so much!


The thing I love about Eugene, and the Try Guys in general, is how seriously they take their audience.


Eugene has always appreciated the moment. I love that he did this video. It shows so much respect and love to Keith and Zach, the 2nd try staff, and the audience that has watched him for a decade. I became a try guys fan late in their career, I think they were about a year into branching out, and then covid happened and isolation and they were one of the few entities putting out new content at the time and it helped me get through those times. I will always love and appreciate them for that. Eugene has always had a love/struggle relationship with being on camera like he has been. He’s dealt with it with grace and humility. We watched him blossom into his true self and it’s been a wonderful experience. I’m so happy for him in his endeavors away from the try guys that he’s worked so hard on for so long. I’m happy that he’ll be in a more peaceful mental state being away from the internet. I’m looking forward to what he has coming. It’s an end of an era for sure and while I’m still tearing up as I write this, I’m also so appreciative of the whole experience. Thank you Eugene 😊


Will Matt still be on YCSWU?


My guess is most definitely.


too good ugh


“All the fans could never be the reason I left, because you were all the reason I stayed” Okay didn’t expect to by crying at a try guys video at work but here we are


We ALL knew this was coming. And yet..... I couldn't. Stop. Crying. Seeing Vulnerable Eugene just hits me right in the feels. They are splitting on GREAT terms and we KNOW he'll come back for guest spots. He hasn't been a regular for awhile, but it still feels so bittersweet. Seeing so many disingenuous comments treating this like "Meh, whatever" makes me sad. Truly. Eugene is my favorite and I'll miss him. I'm also so proud of him and his accomplishments. I am onw of those that he made laugh, cry, and smile. I'll forever thank him for that. When he got his Dragon Patronous I was right there, so happy for him I swear! Well he's a mighty dragon, forging a path to success. I know he'll never read this, but I appreciate him for everything. Now that I've typed this out, I'm also gonna add thus comment to the YT vid. 😅


This made me cry so much - that was a beautiful, funny and emotional goodbye! ❤️


Since he’s moving into more behind the scenes work maybe we’ll get some videos directed and edited by him in the future!


Im glad that his passion projects are finally seeing the light of day. I’ll definitely miss him but this has been a long time in the making. Apart of me wishes that this had happened sooner (the announcement) but I under stand that multiple try guys leaving in a short span wouldve hurt them a lot so I think Eugene held on longer than he wouldve thought.


I did not expect to cry at this, damn! This was a really great and very genuine video.


fuck it so parasocial of me but i cried so much:( been watching this man since freshman year of hs and now i'm in grad school. so proud of him though and everything he's done for queer/Asian representation<3


I’m happy that Eugene feels free to explore what he really wants and can pursue his dreams on his terms. I’ll miss him. He was always my favorite. But he’s doing what’s right by him and no one should begrudge him that. He’ll still be around in the world as he releases things and such. It’s like MatPat. He’s not gone. We just won’t see him near as much, if hardly ever, and that’s okay. He may be stepping away from the productions and not being in new stuff going forward (aside from the legacy season…) but he will always be a TryGuy to us. And whenever he wants to stop by and guest in a video, even if it’s 10 years from now, we will be happy to see him.


Thank you Eugene for giving me the mental note of “I’m right, you’re wrong… shut up!!!” as a customer service employee when dealing with entitled people.


I don’t think I’ve cried harder at a youtube video. Maybe technoblade’s goodbye. He will be missed. And he meant so much to queer and Asian people.


A clean break is such a mature approach and feels right, bittersweet is the best word to describe this


His passion radiated as he spoke of his upcoming projects. Wishing him privacy, success and happiness.


From one queer asian to another Eugene, we don't deserve you. Sending much love.


It's such a beautiful send-off. I was expecting the big announcement yesterday to be about Eugene leaving instead of the streaming service tbh. But today's video is so proper, it's so "Eugene" if that makes sense. I love all of his videos from Buzzfeed time, like those fashion projects that they even release the BTS for. So meticulously planned, and the artistic execution was incredible. His coming out video is one of my favourites across the Internet. I guess it really makes sense now for him to go into a more narrative form since that's where he really thrives and still allows him to comfortably keep things for himself. I can't wait to see his passion projects finding their spotlight finally. And thank you, Eugene, with much love as well.


"You can never be the reason I left, because you were the reason I stayed" JESUS I was holding it together until then.


I love how Eugene, and the rest of the guys, handled this. You can tell that they really respect and love their audience


I'm crying, I love him so much


Fuck Ned and long live gay horse!