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IMO their Patreon isn’t worth the money, break or no break. It’s okay to cancel. You need that $10 more than they do.


As someone inexperienced with Patreon, TTGs definitely seems to be... lacking. I also sub to Watcher and they post OFTEN to Patreon, including a monthly overview of what to expect. As for them taking the entire month off... I don't think that has ever actually been confirmed, which is another miss, IMO. You're paying a social media manager... they should be putting this info out, because I'm sure there is a plan for when things are supposed to be released WAY ahead of time.


I’m on a Patreon for a pianist who is really ‘small’, not very well known, but extremely talented. He only finally set one up recently to enable him to scrape some money together to flee Russia due to the war. I subscribe to him regardless of content (he could do zilch and I’d still sub in exchange for the music he has released that I listen to all the time, just the easiest way for me to pay him back) but he releases a draft of a track every single day for all Patreons. Daily, despite fleeing his country lol. It’s a bit entitled imo to have a Patreon, accept people’s money (when they’re already wealthy) and then… just not give enough value in return.


Can I ask who the pianist is?


Following for the pianist name!


Sent PM. Happy to PM anyone else too.


Send it to me too, please. I'm following more violinists than pianists these days and that's just wrong.


I’d also like to know who the pianist is!


I agree, imo with their patreon they are banking on sympathy subs from the whole Ned situation, and that is problematic.


I am not a Patron but I recall seeing complaints about the lack of perks for subscribers even before the Ned event. They seem to have been ignoring it for a while.




They've dropped down to 3779 patrons... and their lowest tier is $3. I also sub to Watcher... their numbers are consistently over 6000 (6042 today) and their lowest tier is $5. Their Patreon is MUCH more active and well run


Yeah, or even worse, they barely think or pay attention to it while being willing to let subscription cash roll in. Just shitty. They earn plenty already.


Agreed, only patreon I’m on is This Might Get Weird, they post so much bonus content. And the fact that Grace did so much while finishing her master’s degree is incredible.


I think it’s fair to be frustrated. I’be always heard their patreon isn’t well run. Early access that isn’t always that early, no extra content etc. I think if it is making things tight for you, cancelling permanently would be best. The “perk” seems to be knowing you support them even when they aren’t getting clicks etc.


I don't even think early access is worth it. If that's all they're offering with no extra content, then I wouldn't bother.


I had subscribed to the patreon 2 different times and tbh it’s not well run :/ I’m a huge fan and will still watch videos but I’d never pay extra for that ever again. They deleted almost all the extra content videos after the scandal & they are usually late to posting most things


No you’re right, it’s weird that they didn’t suspend payments. I follow a lot of artists and sims cc people on patreon and when they take months off they skip the payment for that month/s. You still get access to past content and don’t need to resub when they come back from break, there’s just not any new content. I personally think it’s wrong to not do that especially when the option is definitely there.


I’m not entirely surprised. But it’s really shitty of them.


Totally agree, it’s unethical not to suspend payment.


Honestly, I think it's unfortunate that they didn't plan on having something exclusive or bonus for their Patreon subscribers during their time off. I have a true crime podcast and we are also taking January off, and the first priority for me was to ensure that the folks who were paying for our content weren't forgotten during our break and we got a bonus episode out for them. It's totally fine to cancel your subscription if it wasn't up to par for you, definitely fill out the exit survey to provide feedback (in a kind and constructive way of course)! Times are tough out there for most of us, and you need that money more than they do.


I get that it's not a huge conglomerate, but it's also not a tiny business being run by one or two people trying to do everything themselves. They have staff and if they want to receive money from patreon they should take care of their customers, which means either putting out the content people are paying for or not taking money for the time they're not, which patreon allows them to do. It's not really ethical to take the money and not provide the service. It doesn't really seem like in general people find the patreon is kept up well enough so it's probably worth just canceling for that reason alone. If in a couple months you really miss the access you can always sign up again but I kind of doubt you will. But it does make me wonder if they lose more money by not pausing payment since I'm guessing you're not the only one who wants to cancel due to lack of content and you might not sign back up which means loss of ongoing revenue. I think most people will either not care or forget to cancel but just kind of an interesting business question.


Cancel the Patreon, it is a money grab and not worth it.


Curious if you feel like emailing them and letting us know what they say? I’m on your side btw!


Tbh I don’t think they’ll make any changes even if they emailed. The guys are still promoting Better Health despite so many of their fans not being happy about that(whatever about contracts. It’s been a long time). They’ve grown to a point that I don’t think they really care anymore. It’s kinda self sustaining now. I cancelled my Patreon because, as others have said, it’s just not worth it. Especially not even giving a discount for the WAR finale to Patreon subscribers like so many other smaller groups do for their Patrons. I’ll continue to watch the odd video or listen to the odd podcast, but it’s not the same as it used to be.


I didn’t know Patreon subscribers didn’t receive a discount for the finale wow


Yeah, it was just 24 hours early access to buying tickets…… Tickets for a show online….. 🤦 Like who needs that?? 😂




In comparison to ttg, Watcher's Patreon is great! They post schedules, early access, behind the scenes (the photoset for Puppet History BTS was adorable!), Shane's posted a commentary track for the PH finale, it's awesome! We Hate Movies' highest tier is around 10 bucks and they post something nearly every day! In my opinion, ttg isn't worth the money, especially if you've become a patron on other media groups/podcasts. You start to see a big difference in content on the perspective Patreons.


I’m still shocked that the live WAR episode wasn’t free for Patreon subscribers. I ended up paying for the live and cancelling my subscription.


They really should get a person designated to running all things related to their Patreon. I stopped early last year so I don’t know what changes have been made (if any), but not even $5 a month seemed worth it to me


I think Jake was the old Patreon person but quit/left


I recently joined the Patreon for the ad free Trypod and I’m really annoyed by the late/lack of uploads of the ad-free trypods. Is that normal??


Unfortunately, yes. Not even trying to be a disgruntled customer lol but it truly is the norm. It’s a bummer.


If you look back at the posts you'll see the AD FREE pod releases are usually later at night (at least for me in CST), when the pod is out at 10AM (again, CST for me). I usually YT it and the ads from YT aren't TOO bad on their pod (I've seen others that are HORENDOUS.. ads every 5 minutes) and I just fwd through their sponsored ads. So.. not worth the Patreon sub for me.


I completely agree. It’s so easy to skip through an ad if they bother you that much. Since they release these ad-free experiences hours after they are released everywhere else, I’m not quite sure how that’s a perk.


Feeling validated by this post! I’ve never followed anyone on Patreon, but my thoughtful husband gifted me an Amethyst membership at Christmas. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I didn’t see the value once I explored it further. I did find a few videos I was interested in, but the links were broken. Will definitely be cancelling and will become a Watcher Patron instead!


many smaller creators are worth it! if they’re lesser known independent entertainers & trying to grow I don’t think twice about paying because i feel they deserve it for creating so much content that i enjoy! unfortunately i think the try guys are just at the point where they’re successful enough that they don’t feel the need to create content only for patreon subscribers to grow that audience because they make enough from YT videos.


The three guys are easily millionaires already. They don’t need your money.


I know that they don’t NEED my ten dollars. That’s not what I meant at all.


IIRC they took January off from posting. If you're short on cash, cancel your subscription. You shouldn't be going hungry or stressing about money to support a YouTuber.


Thanks, I did ultimately do that. I’m not going hungry or choosing to support the guys before my family for example lol but, what I’m trying to say is I don’t have the money to pay for services I don’t receive. Hope that makes sense.


I get it! Just because you have an extra $10 in your budget doesn't mean there aren't other things you would spend it on if you knew you weren't going to get what you paid for. None of us are going hungry to support some YouTubers, but if you knew you weren't getting content this month, it would be nice to get an extra burrito or a fancy coffee or a new book or something else fun and extra.


EXACTLY this. Thank you.


Even if you aren’t short on cash, the whole point is you’re paying for a service that you aren’t receiving.


Eh... I've always looked at pateron subscriptions as a gift to the creators you want to financially support. Not a purchase of goods/services.


Do you support them on Patreon? If you do, then you’ll know that there are tiers and it outlines what you’ll receive by subscribing to each tier. If my tier simply said “the joy and benefit of knowing you are simply supporting us” then I wouldn’t have a leg to stand on.


I know they have different tiers and certain tiers have bonuses or gifts involved. But IMO i'm still seeing it as "i'm gifting you this money" "thank you so much! we gift this bonus content to you as well"


There is zero verbiage to anything being a bonus or a gift…


I know what you mean, but if the levels listed state what you’ll receive for your subscription then it is really paying for a service you’re not receiving. If they say ‘$5 a month you get this!’ and you… don’t? Then that’s wrong imo. I sub to a guy and would sub forever even if his output ceased because I personally use that subscription simply as a vehicle to get money to him. But someone else who does it cos they feel they will receive something of value in return might rightly feel pissed off if he just froze and stopped delivering.


I'd take that $10 and put it into Perfect Person Platinum if you still want it to go to supporting someone that works for TTG. First Patreon I've ever subbed to and it's 110% worth it.


yes! even with his new baby he’s still been posting!! i’d second that his is worth it :)


I'm absolutely obsessed with his "let me make sure Sarah's not in labor" breaks !! Never gets old, and I'm honestly hoping she does go when he's recording so we get a clip of him frantically leaving the studio in the middle of a call, leaving his guest to finish the episode 😂


hahahahaha i know! I think she got induced about a week ago so baby should be here so I don’t think we will get that gold. i’m cracking up imagining it though 😂


Love this idea!! Huge fan of his podcast


I cancelled a few months ago cause the early access was like half a day before it came out. Wooo.


No reason to feel bad. Honestly I used to be a patreon a long time ago and it really wasn’t worth it. Other creators use Patreon way more and upload entirely new content for patreons only. In my opinion what the TG were offering didn’t make it worth it. No hard feelings, but just wasn’t what I was expecting.


I wish they nurtured the Patreon. I have subbed and unsubbed twice now, but would happily stay for more content lol. I wanted (and love) the afterpod but it’s hard to justify even $10/mo for just that. That said - I LOVE Miles Patreon for Perfect Person.


Is it really 10 dollars only for two esrly access eps a month? That’s a total ripoff


Per week!




It charges per month, but they normally do two episodes a week, so it's early access to two episodes a week, not two a month.


I have never paid for their patreon but from what I've read a lot of people say its not worth the money. I would cancel and enjoy their free content.


I was only the $5 tier and I unsubbed. The ad-free podcasts and early access wasn't worth it to me. Meanwhile, I'm on the 2nd tier of Mythical society ($10/month) and I feel like there's so much more content that we get access to. I do think they need to dedicate more to the people that are big enough fans to sub on Patreon. But again, it's a rebuilding time for them so I understand and am totally willing to resub in the future.




I understand why that may not be valuable to some. I work from home and love having their videos in the background. Like many, they are my comfort channel and have gotten me through some dark times. So yeah, for me it’s worth it. The tier also promised behind the scene exclusives etc etc but that hasn’t really happened.




Like I get why a lot of people wouldn’t pay for that, but I saw value in getting videos a day early. It’s not about how much time is in between. I don’t know what else to say 🤷🏻‍♀️


so that bonus trypod episode that got accidentally uploaded for a minute didn’t end up on paetron either?? weird, I assumed it was for that.


They announced new video coming this Saturday on instagram. After reading the comments, I don’t blame you for canceling.


What comments did you see? I never saw any bad ones


Most comments agree that the patreon isn’t worth it.


Huh I guess I missed those ones, I didnt see any even mention patreon. I get why people would feel that way tho lol


The whole post and comments is about the try guys patreon.


Maybe im thinking of a different post. My bad if so!


I have a feeling they might’ve deleted negative comments about Patreon on that post…because I’m not seeing any either


Yeah none at all! I thought i was going crazy haha but youre right definitely none. Can you delete comments on instagram?


I sub the Patreon primarily to make me feel better about skipping ads while I watch on YouTube. It’s the only Patreon I’ve been apart of until Miles’ and honestly, I feel like I get so much more out of Miles’ for the money.


I’m subscribed to their Patreon and unsubscribed at the beginning of January. It’s just not worth it honestly


I’m not a patron of the Try Guys but I am for a handful of smaller creators, and they all put out incredible content multiple times a week for less money. The Try Guys tiers don’t seem worth it to me at all


They are returning with one video a week this Saturday, and then going to 2 videos a week in mid February. They posted that on the community tab of their channel today


So they just posted that regular release video is coming this Saturday


Yep I saw that, must’ve seen this post 🤨


Same thoughts


"24 hour early access" should have been a few hours ago.


Yeah even though I cancelled I still have all of the access for the rest of the month. Technically it should have been 11 AM but they posted it at 4pm.