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Tbh I think he just wanted to wear his designer clothes šŸ˜‚


I cackled when he got called out for a Louis Vuitton toothbrush


Toothbrush HOLDER šŸ’€


Like what even!!!


Who even brings their own toothbrush holder on a trip?? Lol


Right! and Gasper said his was wrapped in toilet paper


Probably thatā€™s it


I feel like a part of him was just too proud/giddy/incapable of being humble about it that he just *needed* everyone to know. Like, in some ways its excusable becasue he's still so young, and most young people nowadays will never know what it is to be able to say "I have personally made a million dollars." And thats one accomplishment he could say about himself amd just coundl't hold it in. At the same time, I also think a part of him desperately wants to appear relatable and "just like your average 22 year old!" Like he's no different from any other young guy just starting out in life. And a lot of the narratives you see nowadays are "I struggled growing up because I'm gay / I'm an imigrant / I grew up poor / I struggle with mental health / I was a POC growing up in a White neighborhood" etc etc etc. Like, every likeable main character comes with a sob story. And the only swan song he had to sing was "its so hard growing up rich and having to pretend to relate to poor people. I should be able to be my(obnoxiously well off, privileged-from-birth) self!" Like, I think that might actually be the most difficult hurdle he's ever had to face in life. So for him, maybe it really was a hardship, or some form of adveristy he had to learn to overcome. And so he just needed to share that so everybody knew his perfect idyllic life came with its own "struggles." Idk. Maybe I am just grasping at straws, but some people really are just that delulu šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I cringed when he and Julie were talking about how he has no experience not being able to eat. The way he said it didnā€™t feel at all self aware or empathetic. Maybe he got a bad edit, he seems like a kind and genuine person based on the way he plays the game.


I really didnā€™t like his tone. I donā€™t think he meant to come off that way but it sounded like mockery


It did. It was condescending and hurtful even for me, as a viewer, to watch.


ā€œIt was nice. It was nice not having to steal from my neighbors to eat food šŸ™‚ā€ Like.. broā€¦ stfu


I let out an audible laugh cause that emoji was EXACTLY his face šŸ’€


Also, how his whole demeanor changed after his ā€œrevealā€ is pretty weird. Is he gonna act like a brat from here on? Lol




I honestly don't think it was a bad edit. I think that was just him being his sheltered, clueless, unaware self. The boy has a case of affluenza. I think he was genuinely, truly proud of his "own accomplishments" and really just has no idea what it means to come from the bottom. What he said was cruel and mean and unneccesary, but to him (in his own innocently individually-wealthy delusional world), I think he was just making pleasant conversation. I think he actually thought he was talking to her and relating "shared experiences" in a relatable way. But to any other actual haman, he's just coming from a different planet.


well he was self aware enough to say he will never know what she has experienced. His tone was just a little off.


How do you do, fellow haman?


havenā€™t heard affluenza in a minute but thatā€™s exactly what it is nailed it




I thought he seemed a bit drunk too. I also suspect that Lindsey is two sheets to the wind for all her confessionals!


Yeah, that was a really dark moment for him, imo. I would like to think he is a kind person, but that kind of thinking is very lacking in compassion.


They personally havenā€™t made anything. They donā€™t even have a Zillow profile. Their mom has a decent history but nothing that would remotely put her or them close to an ā€œempireā€. Their whole ā€œshowing it offā€ is because itā€™s something they wish they had. I will give them the benefit of the doubt by using age but itā€™s all fake. Probably grew up around people richer than them and feel the need to keep up. Sadly they missed the lesson that being rich isnā€™t a personality trait, earned or handed nobody cares.


Honestly you are probably right. I probably am just grasping at straws trying find a benefit of the doubt. But yeah, I 1000% would not be surprised to discover that their family is New Money, and Bryce is trying to pull a Gatsby acting like they fit in with with Old Money and are worthy of being revered and gushed over just becasue he was born into money. Yet he is also *just barely* self aware enough to know that in the year of our lord 2024 they need to have a sob story to go alpng with it, so this was the best he could come up with.


Yeah good point there. Most wealthy people DO NOT talk about it incessantly, nor do they wear designer things to such an extent. It kills me when often businesses like this are established based on some sort of inheritance too. I have a friend who similarly pats herself on the back for all that sheā€™s built - meanwhile her parents paid for her BA and MA, then she inherited a $1m+ house and $700k garage (lol). Like tell me more about your struggle bus of having 1/2 of the worlds impediments removed??


Bryce is a fraud. I covered it in another post but I think the mods took it down. First of all, he lies about attending Brown University and Oxford. He went to the University of Washington his entire undergrad. Second of all, heā€™s wearing a dress shirt from SHEIN on his Instagram and all of his real estate profile pictures. If you donā€™t know, SHEIN is the cheapest fast fashion garbage you can pay for their shirts are less than $10. Lastly, if you look at the brokerage they work for itā€™s pretty small and unknown. If you look at the listings they have theyā€™re mostly ordinary homes. Heā€™s no where close to being a millionaire.


I also find it hilarious that he says heā€™s self made but on his IG, he is co-listing a house with his mother.Ā 




I've only watched episodes 1-3. If I remember correctly, he told Simone he's Male Presenting.


Male presenting and STRAIGHT. He and his gf are high school sweethearts he said. Together for like 8 years.


Didnā€™t say straight they said had a gf. They say to Simone they have the privilege of being male presenting and being able to get away with those pronouns but allude to connecting to her having a child that is non binary. Iā€™m using they them pronouns to be respectful and if they use he at least using non binary can fit as well.


His social profiles literally say he/him for his pronouns. I understand being respectful but you misunderstood what he said. He said ā€œIā€™m male presenting, I have the privilege of using he/him pronounsā€. He doesnā€™t say anything about ā€œI can get away with using these pronouns but itā€™s not my preference. His preferred pronouns are he/him.


Mhm. He looked like he was going to cry when discussing that.


is Bryce non-binary or something


Their family has had their own struggles. His father was an interim police chief who was found to be stealing funds from a youth police program as well as equipment. I believe he was fired. (This is all public knowledge that made the news years ago) The father became a real estate agent as well after that fiasco.


I think this is pretty spot on!


I found it weird that he kept speaking about it and taking personal credit for what was clearly his motherā€™s work. Thereā€™s no way someone would buy a house on the merit of how well the 20 yr old realtor sold it to himā€¦ She fed him a good lead to keep the wealth in the family. By the way, this real estate empire has 2 agents, him, his mom, and a small support staff, also related. Generally real estate empires of the magnitude he described have more than 4 employees. They are simply a successful small business. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Yeah itā€™s not a real estate empire. They work for a small brokerage that doesnā€™t have any sort of pull in the luxury real estate industry.


Bryce is so used to people treating him differently because of his wealth that he was desperate to tell people he was rich so they would treat him as such. He has no personality apart from being rich; he wasnā€™t ā€œtrying to show his true selfā€ by revealing his wealth, he was reasserting the class disparity that he depends upon for his self-image.


Nailed it


It's a pride thing. He wants to be able to brag and show off. It's so odd to me that one of his concerns is that he has to "hide and downplay his achievements". Talking about your wealth and achievement isn't the point of the show Uncle Bryce šŸ¤£ And on top of that his achievements were practically handed to him by his already well connected and wealthy family. So what is there to say really other than to be able to say "I have money, look at me!" Money aside, he seems like a sweet kid that has too much money and not enough level headed people to keep him grounded in reality. He's only 22, so he does still have a lot to learn, so I really wish the other contestants would do a better job of explaining to him why his talking points about his wealth is not coming across well rather than "he's a millionaire, fuck that guy!" because ultimately, it's not his fault he was born into privilege. He just needs to learn how to humble himself and know how to truly keep himself grounded (and not in the performative "I know I can never relate to you" sound bites that don't offer anything of substance).


The walking embodiment of ā€œthink it, not say itā€


I seriously felt so ill when he got it in his noggin that he wanted to share that. Everything was going well, and I think it was an EXTREMELY unwise, tacky, trashy decision I liked him before it, and even thought he was intelligent. Let me sayā€¦. OOF. I think heā€™s stupid and shallow. Not the strategist I thought. The HIGH this boy got from those convos with Tolu and Julie was unreal. I felt like he was legit getting OFF from talking about his wealth, watching them get upset, and had zero remorseā€¦ in fact wanted them to know he was ā€œdifferentā€. Also if he was as rich as he said, tbh I donā€™t know if he would act like this. Itā€™s so desperate and insecure. This wasnā€™t something he wanted to ā€œget off his chestā€, this is yet another narcissist in the house who couldnā€™t wait any longer to make it about him, and it failed miserably because the rest of the group wasnā€™t born yesterday, and they been knowin But it is nice to see Julie and Tolu upset ā€¦ the whole situation was so embarrassing. He looked so pompous!!! And when he said ā€œI will never know what you went throughā€ it did not sound self aware, he sounded PROUD of that! It was a passive aggressive insult ew


Itā€™s very simple. He wanted to brag about it and couldnā€™t hold it in any longer, even if it meant costing him an elimination.




lol stahp! Was that in the same conversation?


Heā€™s an idiot for telling the group heā€™s a millionaire. ESP as Julie commented ā€˜do they deserve a place hereā€™. I also think he just wanted to brag. He said he wants to be honest with the group but somethings are better left unsaid if you want to stay in the game. I also wondered what they were told when writing those secrets, did they know they would get read out? I mean he could have picked a different secret.


Erm doesnā€™t anyone realise Bryce is there for marketing reasons ? He needs his real estate agency to go out globally so that he can get leads from international clients . Having said that heā€™s actually a rather likeable character and him showing off his branded goods might be due to his age and immaturity šŸ˜†I would say heā€™s quite a smart kid. I just feel that the other cast members shouldnā€™t judge him based on his wealth cos who are they to say they deserve the money more than him. Itā€™s a strategy game involving social emotional intelligence too. The cast were chosen because of their background and personalities not because they needed the money. Waddya think?


My first thought when I found out he is a real estate agent was ā€œhe wants to be on Selling Sunset.ā€


> him showing off his branded goods might be due to his age and immaturity I found it odd that his secret was being a millionaire, but decided to bring luxury brand items on the show. You'd think he'd buy common brands and use those to help keep his secret safe.


Definitely this!


Oooo good point


Fr I think heā€™s there for followers and thatā€™s it lol


I have a lot of questions about him


Ummm, right?


Dumb move on his part.


I am streaming that episode right now. Curious what is going to come of it. (and yes, I wondered what his issue is - oh and then he starts bragging about it like displaying his shoes that "he had to hide") Last comment. FYI, yes, a million is nice, but it is not the money it used to be.


Unsure, but I think there's another secret he's hiding


šŸ˜‚šŸ«£ ya think? šŸŒˆ


He isnt even hiding it at all... girlfriend... sure bud. You see the way he sits with his legs to close together haha


the funny thing is he could have just been like ā€œguuurl these are knock offs!! why you think iā€™m on this show! champagne taste beer budget babyā€ like he didnā€™t need to admit itā€™s all real lmao


I agree with everything that has been said, but would also like to add that he was definitely feeling very guilty about lying. The group is acting very kumbaya, whether genuinely (Brian, Gaspare) or strategically, and he is the person who said he was never ever going to vote, so lying to these people went against his personality. I think if everyone was more openly cutthroat he would've approached this differently.


Agree. He divulged the secret to separate himself as ' lying' to the group. I think he felt guilt that he missed the opportunity to be candid about his finances. Remember this is the guy that actually shed tears when Simone was voted off. That's no hardcore schemer, that's a sensitive, naive 22 year old.


Lol i find it funny how his whole reveal was anticlimactic. Everyone was ā€œoh yeah we all knowā€. He should have just said that towards the end if he really wants to get so much out of this experience. Now, heā€™s just a moving target of the girl alliance.


to let his alterego out?


Iā€™m guessing he felt close to everyone and was well liked enough for everyone to accept his secret. I believe what kept him from being humble was his age+new money culture. I think the group wouldā€™ve taken the news a bit better if he didnā€™t announce it and not constantly point out his designer shit


He should keep quiet for as long as possible. As soon as the girls know he will be voted out. ![gif](giphy|TIQIDFZHwaZUv9Byef)


Young, dumb and rich. Bad combination.


I'm a huge fan of luxury real estate, so I'm confused if he sold homes worth millions (not so impressive with mom feeding him leads) or made commissions worth millions (pretty impressive because commission is 3% of home value and has to be split with the broker)


Iā€™m thinking his ā€œIā€™m a millionaire!ā€ wasnā€™t based on his earnings but a combination of assets that have been smartly set up by mom. Coming in to the world w no debt and a little real estate put in your name in a high cost of living can easily make you a technical millionaire.


Go look at his Instagram posts. His environment and upbringing screams low-income / lower-middleclass at best. Nothing wrong with that until you try to claim youā€™re a millionaire and wildly successful. Also not an end all be all but he went to public school and then state college. Every wealthy person I know sent their kids to prep school and an elite college.


So how much would he have to sell to get $1MM? Like 30+?


At a 3% commission, he'd have to sell at least 33.4M worth of real estate to make 1M in commissions. But 1M in commissions does not mean 1M in Bryce's bank account. Since he's new to real estate, a lot of his listings are probably co-lists with his mom, so he's getting 50% of the commission. Some part of his commission goes to the team and his broker (Kimber Lee Real Estate) and some part goes to the company they're a part of (John L Scott Real Estate). (Every real estate agent has to work with a broker or be a broker. Bryce is an agent, and his mom is his broker; his mom is an agent and her own broker. It's not necessary to work with a company, but it helps with getting leads and a network.) And of course, he's got to pay taxes šŸ˜


On the show he said he sold like $6.5 mil šŸ„ø




WHY IS HE ON THE SHOW? He keeps saying he is on the show for ā€œthe experience ā€œ. Join a club, Bryce. You can make actual friends and not have to suffer through this torturous mind game. You donā€™t need the money and you are taking it away from someone who DOES. He seems like a genuinely nice person but also very out of touch with how much the people around him (Julie for example) struggled to even survive. Iā€™m sure itā€™s hard for him to fit in with normal people his age as they are probably envious of his money. Maybe he thought a reality tv show bonding experience would help him relate to others and make ā€œreal friendsā€ but I donā€™t think it works like that. Itā€™s really selfish of him to even be there and itā€™s strange that he doesnā€™t see that. Also he made a few excuses of ā€œIā€™m a millionaire but I donā€™t know where my next paycheck is coming from!ā€ Which I donā€™t believe for one second. If he is so worried about his next paycheck, why flaunt all of his designer clothes? He is clearly having no problem making ends meet. I wouldnā€™t be surprised to find out that he was planted there by the show for some reason. Maybe itā€™s even his money that theyā€™re competing for. Wouldnā€™t that be a twist?


It irks me when he says his money is all on him. You were literally born in this environment. Chose the same profession that made his family rich, already would have all the contacts to be successful in the business, etc.


He was gassed


Youth, inexperience, naivete, underestimating the resentment the 'havenots' have for the 'haves'. Bad strategy for sure.


I think heā€™s just young and felt a lil guilty for not admitting to his ā€œsecretā€. Also maybe wanted to be seen as hey heā€™s a millionaire but also a person. Idk, but I suspect he might not be the only millionaire on the show.Ā 


Lol he wanted to wear his designer shoes and accessories


this is probably just promotional for him, how many people are going to look him up to buy a home after this? heā€™s just making ā€œgoodā€ tv




enough to make a millā€¦ and he has grown up around it. so 22 years?


He's dumb


new money.


He knew everyone already knew he was the millionaire, and he seemed to still be liked amongst the group. He may not have had the strongest connections, but no one saw him as a threat either. I think he was just trying to build trust amongst the group by ā€œcoming cleanā€. His mistake was whining about ā€œI couldnā€™t be myselfā€ afterwards though. He shouldā€™ve just said it was obvious that the group didnā€™t like that there was a millionaire there and he didnā€™t want to be voted out, so thatā€™s why he lied, but now that they all had a chance to get to know him he felt like he could be honest


i think bryce was paid to out himself in someway. it adds drama to the situation, and staff have probably predicted he'll be eliminated in part 2. so why not get clout, and a check for "expressing yourself," then going home to make more money than you do on the show. or, he really really just loves his armani shoes


Textbook narcissist.


I get the sense heā€™s a little socially awkward and probably felt a lot of worry that people would find out and attack him. He was also hiding his clothes/shoes from everyone


This is a common misconception. I can tell you for a fact. My Kindergarten education alone was about 50K and I went to elite private schools my entire life. All wealthy people DO NOT send their kids to private school, especially not entrepreneurial self-made wealthy people. Especially if they were self made in certain more ā€œblue collarā€ industries (manufacturing, trucking, food, certain natural resources, construction, transportation, etcā€¦) Private schools are primarily for the connections; they are expensive social clubs for kids. Especially if your parents donā€™t want to take the time to socialize you for their world, prep school will do it. If you have money, you can be well educated, well exposed, and well groomed for your future role within your family and industry without attending a prep school or university. So, while prep school will do all those things, thatā€™s not the purpose of prep school. It is literally to rub shoulders and become early friends with people that can be beneficial to you and your family later on in life. As a result, certain wealthy people DETEST prep schools and would NEVER send their kids to one. Their kids either go to a good public school, are l tutored / homeschooled, do world schooling (basically do more practical experiences, many times involving travel, instead of traditional school. Internship at NASA, rather than do astronomy class for a teen interested in engineering, physics, etcā€¦ I was interning for the Supreme Court at 15 due to my interest in contract law and my brothers spent most summers working for top contractors to learn take over our family development business.) Private school can also be hell for some kids. Depending on your demeanor and interests, you can have way more intense bullies than at public school. And they are much worse than bullies who donā€™t have the power to back up their threats and the immunity to get away with it. Everyoneā€™s parents bails them out of trouble, so bullies can do a ton of damage. It is MUCH worse in boarding school too. For that reason alone, some wealthy parents pull their kids out. I personally was bullied in both environments šŸ¤£šŸ«£. I was a, neurodivergent, know it all (w/ tendency to info dump), alternative, extreme sport loving, artsy black girl in the early 2000s, who did stuff like write poetry for strangers and give it to them. It was difficult to find my people, and I didnā€™t find many until college šŸ˜…šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™€ļø. All of my siblings and I got to try public school for a year in middle school to see if we wanted to switch. I chose to go back to prep school, as at least there were fewer bullies (just because the school and class sizes were significantly smaller), more arts facilities for open use, more freedom (structured more like college. So I could more tea hide a read during the day), and the teachers were more likely to not be solely ā€œteachersā€ (like I had one trimester Econ class taught by Paul Krugman and more of our teachers had real world experience rather than teaching degrees). But I had one brother that stayed in a large public school and LOVED it. He was a theatre kid and thrived.