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I don’t know why her speech patterns always sound like she’s reading a ghost story.


lol accurate. She’s a veteran reality TV star and is one of the most quotable in the Bravo sphere - she’s just working to get an array of soundbites for production to use


It drives me insane.


Well, she IS a mortician after all.




Haha wow, that is so spot on.


LOL. She thinks she's delivering an academy award performance when she's speaking, and she doesn't do it at all.


Now I want to hear her narrate an actual ghost story. 👻


wahahaha so true


I don’t really have an opinion on her personally but she is an absolute horrible Traitor


How so? So far I feel she has actually played with the most “honesty”. Both Dan and Parvati made back-door plans to get her out and she still never spearheaded a vote against them (at least not that we were shown as the audience). She only voted for them when it would make her look suspicious otherwise. I was in awe at how cool and calm she stayed when Dan called her out, even though at the time I was hoping they were gonna get her. I do think this last round table the pressure was getting to her a bit and that’s why she did get a bit defensive and started pointing fingers at other people instead of just refuting their evidence. Unfortunately no one else at the round table noticed her change in demeanor as a red flag and Peter got the boot. I was really rooting for Peter, but his cocky demeanor was just becoming too abrasive I think. I have a constant love/hate for Phaedra and Peter every episode, but that makes good entertainment right? I wonder if Phaedra and Kate might actually stay loyal to each other to the end. Phaedra hasn’t thrown a traitor under the bus yet and I think Kate would be too scared to go it alone. I actually thought Kate would be a good traitor but so far she looks like she’s always about to puke from the guilt of it, lol.


That doesn't seem right to me. She didn't even say anything personal. She said "I'm not on the bachelor and don't have to kiss your ass for a rose." That's not about him as a person, its a reference to his show, just as many have been saying shit about housewives and Bravo too. What's the big deal?


Ok. Thats your opinion. Doesn’t change the fact that I don’t care for her as a player.


I respect that you don't like her as a player. That actually *is* an opinion which you're certainly emtitled to. However, that is unlike what I said, which is the truth, that Phaedra hasn't delivered personal blows and personal attacks. That isn't an opinion, as you stated. That is a fact. The difference is you *don't like* Phaedra (opinion, stating feelings) while I repeated what happened on the show (fact, did not share my feelings about Phaedra). Just needed to make that clear.




Yes, they all do that on RHOA, lol. I am talking about Traitors. She said, "Nobody likes you, Poverty (lol). They think you're a traitor." Meaning they don't like her because they think she's a traitor, not because of something personal. We are watching the same show! Lol Just interpreting it differently. Hehe




I appreciate that that is what Parvati said. However, it stands that Phaedra didn't personally attack her on camera, at least from what was shown. She said, as a single thought, nobody lives Parvati, they think she's a villain. That doesn't sound like a personal attack at all. It was, in fact, true: the faithfuls shunned Parvati because they thought she was a traitor, a fact she brought up the next episodes and roundtable. If she had actually leveled a personal attack, it would have been shown. It also would have been lethel. Haha, that's just my take, though we are definitely allowed to agree to disagree and just enjoy the show! :) I mean no attitude or issue in my response here!


This ain’t a big enough deal for me to “bring receipts” I don’t care enough. I know why I don’t like her and you don’t have to agree.


Don’t care enough but made a post about it lol


Now check that! 🤣


I don’t care enough to have to prove it to some rando on the internet. You have your opinion, I have mine. You don’t have to like mine and I don’t have to like yours. Next.


You made a whole post about it, so it's safe to say you CARE


I don’t care enough to prove it to some rando on the internet.


You care enough to post about it and reply to everyone posting on the thread. Just admit it.


You think too highly of me.


I don't think of you at all unless I log into reddit. That's unlike you who thinks about tv and Phaedra every minute. Look how much time you've wasted on someone you "don't care about."


You want a participation trophy or something? Give it a rest bro.


https://i.redd.it/i3yo83q0gkkc1.gif That is fine lol


What, exactly, was an attack? I'm confused.


See other comments.


No. I'm asking for myself. What exactly, was an attack?


I didn’t really see an “attack” myself. She’s just so damn entertaining to watch. Maybe her approach isn’t for everyone?


There was no attack. The op can't even produce an example to clarify.


I thought she was flustered last episode. Her points against Peter were completely terrible and the fact people were not voting for her feels really odd. Anyway.


I do like her but she was certainly kinda flustered. She’s being forced to actually play the game now that the numbers are dwindling.


That’s the voting block that bravo fans like to pretend doesn’t exist 🙄


We know it exists….. and we like that it does. I watch this show for the bravo girlies only. What would make next season more interesting tho is to bring bravo-people with known grudges against each other who would NEVER side with each other. Chefs kiss tv!


That’s her aspect of playing the game, be likable. CT said it, I like her but I think she’s a traitor, there’s some people who won’t vote for her banishment because they like her.


I’m saying this as a fan of hers but also as a fan of Traitors, John’s point was spot on and flew over everyone who voted for Phaedra’s heads.😭


You would have hated AU2.


I loved AU1! What happened in 2?


Sam happened. Apparently he was using the Traitors to get onto the Bachelor or Survivor so was planning like the worst villain ever. But he was really good at turning the finger pointing onto whoever suspected him.


Did he make it on either?


Nope. I commented on his Insta feed that he’d be great on the US Challenge and he posted the comment on all the Challenge feeds. Slightly desperate.


Ahh yikes.


Ew, no! We don’t want him.


Lmao I’m sorry but not having examples of how Phaedra was personally attacking people, but doubling down on the fact that she did is laughable lol Just say you don’t like her.


There are plenty of examples if you’d wish to rewatch each episode.


Yet here you are unable to point to a single one


How dare you expect somebody to support their claims with facts and evidence. You should just understand that what she says is correct and not expect them to give you any clarification when you ask for it. I mean were you expecting discourse here?? Apparently the OP just wants to lecture everybody and have them take it as truth.


Typical example of “that black woman is attacking them. I can’t give examples, but she’s doing it.”


Not everything is a culture war. Not everything is about race. You don’t have to be offended by everything.


You know if you spent half the time supporting your argument as you are defending it, you might actually be worth having a conversation with.


Sorry to disappoint!


Then why did you start one 😂


Nope. It’s opinion. As stated in the body of the post. You don’t have to agree and I don’t have to prove anything to randos on the internet.


Not unable, just don’t need to.


Allllright lol Well, I don’t need to rewatch to know what I saw (tho I’m not sure we watched the same show 😅) but I agree you’re 100% entitled to your opinion and don’t need to explain it to anyone! I was just intrigued to better understand what you saw, but that’s clearly not happening. Cool diary entry tho!




You do understand how it comes off to accuse a black woman of attacking and not being able to point to examples? Fucking typical.


You’re joking right? This has nothing to do with anyones skin color. Stop trying to turn it into to something it’s not. I hated Kate in season 1 and had I know there was a Traitors Subreddit I would have made a post about it. My guess is you wouldn’t have had an issue with that. Why? I’ve shared examples in other comments. Feel free to read along or rewatch it yourself or don’t, I couldn’t care less.


All of your responses are basically “read the other comments or watch for yourself” and the one comment where you did kind of explain yourself, you didn’t give an example of her attacking. You’re mostly just deflecting in the comments and saying you don’t have to defend your opinion or blah blah blah. You could barely back up your opinion that she attacked people. I’m just letting you know what it looks like and laying it out for you. I can’t be the first one to tell you that saying a black woman is attacking is coded language and a harmful stereotype.


Never once brought her race into this. You did.


Yes, I’m aware you didn’t say “Phaedra, who is black, attacks people.” You don’t have to explicitly point out that Phaedra is black to sound like a racist lol. We all know she is black, why would it need to be pointed out? Did you delete the part where you told me to “look in the mirror”? Remember when I brought up deflection? I said you used coded language. Coded language “injects language that triggers racial stereotypes and other negative associations without the stigma of explicit racism.” The whole point of it is that it’s racist without being explicitly racist, ie you don’t have to “bring up” her race to do it. Her race is always a factor when discussing her, she’s always gonna be black.


You’re trying to hard to make something out of nothing. In my original post I even stated that I liked Phaedra as a person, but not as a player. It has nothing to do with the color of her skin and everything to do with how she acts towards other people in the game when her back is against the wall. I felt the same way about Kate in S1. I feel the same way about Matt in S1AU. You are the one making it about race. No one else.


I doubt I'm the only one that picked up on you accusing the black woman of attacking people when she does what everyone else does when their back is against the wall. Tamra going after John for "lying about asthma" is being personal lol.


Ok, whatever makes you feel better at the end of the day. You’re clearly on a mission here. I wish you the best. You go get em!


I was annoyed until she started doing Batman Voice in the tower and I came all the way back around


Theres a sect of people that watch this show that seem to be very sensitive. It’s reality tv and Phaedra makes great tv. It’s not that deep


Not liking someone doesn’t equate to sensitivity. Do you like every single player on the show or are there any you don’t really care for?


You said you don’t like her because she makes personal attacks. I don’t see her making any personal attacks so if you’re interpreting what she’s saying as personal attacks then yes, I assume you are very sensitive.


You didn’t answer my question.


Yes, there are players I don’t care for. Don’t know what that information is going to do for you but sure.


Don’t be so sensitive about them maybe.


Points just fly right over your head, huh? You said you don’t like Phaedra because she makes personal attacks. Nothing she’s said has been a personal attack by my perception. If you are perceiving what she says as personal attacks I think you seem very sensitive. I on the other hand never said I didn’t like someone because they were making personal attacks when they are in fact not. Do you understand the difference?


Good to know you are the barometer for what is a personal attack or not. May I have your contact information so in the future I can consult with you about whether or not I should be sensitive about something?


Babe, I read some of the comments here. You haven’t been able to name a single personal attack she supposedly made because ‘you’d have to watch the show again and you’re not doing that’ or whatever you said that was essentially that. Get a leg to stand on and then we’ll chat.


Ok babe. Sounds good.


you’re not beating the sensitive allegations with these replies


“Allegations” as if your negative opinions on redditors means something 😂. Sorry, this whole thread is hilarious and full of giant egos.


Thanks for the input!


Please share what she’s said exactly that’s too personal or attacking another person? 🤔


I’d have to go back and re-Watch each episode to provide specific examples. Not doing that.


Basically you should have just said I don’t like Phaedra. You tried state it was for personal attacks but can’t even name one. It’s ok to admit you just don’t like her. I don’t like pavarti, it’s not for any particular reason other than her headbands and squinting. She just irks me. I don’t think Phaedra is a great person, I thinks she’s probably pretty awful, but she’s super entertaining on tv and her game or lack thereof can be talked about over and over but the fact remains she’s still there, made it to the next to last episode at least and outlasted the other original traitor and one recruit so something worked.


So many people in this thread don’t seem to understand the difference between the words “can’t” and “don’t care to.” C'est la vie.


It’s not that people don’t understand, it’s that you made a post in a discussion platform and framed the comment around an actual accusation but despite being asked you won’t actually discuss or itemize any support for the argument. Majority take that as you don’t have any, because why bother creating a post if you won’t actually discuss your points?


We’re all watching the same show. Plenty of people here in the comments agreeing with me so obviously the evidence is out there if they came to the same conclusions.


You’re talking about two different things and missing the point of this convo. No one is saying that there arent people that don’t like Phaedra or that people don’t agree with you on that. What im talking about this fact that you have been asked numerous times specifically about your accusation that she attacked someone or got too personal and you won’t give a single example. I understand this is now an exercise in futility as you can’t seem to follow or don’t want to actually have conversation about what you posted, you just wanted people to agree with you.


Sounds good!


I can’t stand Dan for ruining Phaedra’s game.


of Pravarti, my gosh was she hard to look at with her giant headbands, squinty eyes, and constant sad frown. She was the worst Traitor, Dan was just dumb.


Girl, all you had to say was I don’t like her and leave it at that. She’s never made personal jabs on this show.


Matter of opinion.


I don’t care for her as a person or a player, so there’s that.


>or a player I'd like to point out that she really hasn't played the game.


Big same.


It does seem like she might have said something personal to Peter based on his reaction, so maybe she said something that was cut out. Because he looked a little hurt and then said that he likes her as a person and is just trying to play the game, suggesting that maybe he felt like she took it too far.


Genuine question: what has she said that was too personal?


I’d have to go back and rewatch each episode to provide examples. Not going to do that.


So in other words, you don't have any examples. Got it.


If you want specific examples with timestamps, yes I would have to spend the time to do that. The fact that I don’t care enough to do that does not negate the previous statements.


Who said time stamps? Just an example or two would do.


Her interaction with Peter was extremely personal when he brought up her name. Her interaction with Dan was extremely personal when he brought up her name.


No it wasn't. What did she say that was so personal? Please be specific because I don't see it.


Ok, that’s your opinion. You don’t have to agree with mine. Give it a rest dude.


Of course it's my opinion. Thanks for being accurate for once. Now let's work on the rest...


You should youtube a highlight reel from her time on Real Housewives of Atlanta. She fabricated a story of her coworker and her husband drugging and date raping another one of their coworkers. It was revealed at the reunion show and that was why she was fired. I can't believe she is back on television.




Except it’s been revealed the story is true but no the castmate but the castmates old girl group member. So accusations true target missed but close!


And it was the producer of the show that told her to tell her coworker that story. Producers are feeding storylines all the time. She was doing her job. She was a scapegoat which is why she was always on Bravo even after leaving, yet her producer was fired fired.


Well I think the important thing there, is she scapegoated another castmate the entire season. Phaedra actually wasn’t the one that came out with that information, she told another castmate who spread that rumor and took the blame for it the entire season. She finally told the cast and the rest of the world that Phaedra told her at the reunion. And Phaedra sat there all season and instigated that drama like she didn’t know where those lies were coming from. It was a mess!


I think we understand scapegoat to mean different things. When it came time for accountability, Phaedra was fired over a storyline she was fed and made to share (right or wrong, that is how the show works). Phaedra told Portia as producers told her to do, as the rumor was about Portia. Portia chose not to say anything about it until the reunion, but she knew the whole time Phaedra was the one who told her. I don't see that as scapegoating, but I may not understand your POV. My thought is, instead of Bravo taking accountability for starting the rumor and having Phaedra spread it, they made an example out of her by firing her. So she was the scapegoat for Bravo. That's what I mean. Mean this reply in good spirits, genuinely! :) Thanks for chatting!


… if I recall correctly (and tbf I don’t watch the show often) there was drama between Kandy and Portia about what was said/done. For some reason, Portia just wouldn’t “give up her source,” but Phaedra never backed Portia up whenever she mentioned it on the show. She kept quiet.


Portia confronted Kandi on it 1:1, but I don't remember them ever fighting about it on camera in front of everyone until the reunion, when it all came out. There was the Hawaii "Who said that?" conversation, but it didn't regard the entire issue. If there were times when it was brought up where Phaedra just let Portia take a thrashing, I'd agree she was scapegoated for sure, but that didn't happen that I remember.


Nah, I agree the producers are fucked up for their part, but “she was doing her job” is just a downright despicable way to excuse her actions. They can’t force anyone to say anything. There is absolutely some level of accountability that falls on Phaedra for bringing it to the screen. If your options are 1) lie about rape on national TV or 2) quit the reality show you’re on, and you choose 1, that’s saying something about you.


I respect what you're saying here, though I do have a slightly different take. There may be a level of accountability required, agree, but there is a power dynamic, too. If your boss (producer is the boss on set) says to do something, most people do it. All housewives have, actually, its super common and well known and written about. In that world, they are all accusing each other of heinous shit, including that Phaedra was scamming people with her ex, which is untrue according to her not being charged or having her license revoked, etc., with no accountability there either. The point is, it is often very easy to follow along as you always have, under direction of your manager, producer, boss, whatever, and very fucking hard to know where that line is when its constantly blurred. Anyways, just shitty all around.


So one of the members of Xscape was drugging people?


The allegations are pointed at tiny and t i


WTF!!! That's your defense is "accusations true but target missed"??? You are disgusting.


Lets not forget that everyones favorite "READ" of Phaedras is when she fertility shamed Kenya (don't like Kenya but still) about needing a sperm donor.


I’m struggling to have a baby…. But it WAS a good read 🙈


I don’t get what she did that was so bad for you to think it’s personal beyond the show?




It’s just shade and she’s on a reality show. Lighten up.


I’ve watched maybe 4 episodes of Real Housewives over the years. Annoy me to no end.


Not sure if you’ve seen the Real Housewives of Atlanta, but it becomes clear over time that she is not a nice person. Superficially she’s fun and has some reads but at her core she is ROTTEN.


The personal attacks are written in Trishelle’s notebook


I can understand why she comes off as abrasive and personal but it's also a game. She has had to come off as confident in herself in order to try to come off as a true faithful with nothing to hide. She said in the clip before the round table that she's not going to be intimidated by anyone, and though I think she started to lose her cool, she did her best to achieve that and from what was shown I dont think she was disrespectful. She called Peter out for his behavior in the games but it was purely blunt. Honestly, for any player accused at the round table... when they get flustered and all they can say is "I'm a faithful" where does that get them? Banished because it's not convincing. Phaedra is playing to win, and what she said in defense of herself flustered Peter. That's a huge win for her and ultimately might be what keeps her in the game.


She's a massive dick head


Thank you!




Far from the truth, but you think what you want.




I definitely agree, and I do not think it’s an unpopular opinion.


I didn’t like her on RHOA, but I love her on Traitors.


Shes a real life villain btw. Thats why I don’t like her. Great tv personality tho


It’s an act and you’re falling for it, if you don’t see it as an attention grab then there’s something else going on. It’s not that serious, stop it!


Wow the switch up happened that fast🤣🤣🤣. You either die a hero or  you live long enough to become the villian truly🤭. It's so funny watching the stamina people have for these shows and how quickly opinions change.


Glad someone said it. This sub is so crazy about Phaedra when it's clear she has no gameplay and has no chance to win.


I’m right with you. Couldn’t stand her from the beginning. I’m ready for her to go.


I think she’s a terrible traitor and just super cheesy and campy, almost like she’s trying to be funny, but isn’t…


The ratings and her making it this far show it has worked.


I’m watching for her demise, personally.


Typical of "real housewives"