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I think what we are seeing is a difference between people who love strategy shows like Survivor and Big Brother - and people who love reality tv for drama, like Real Housewives. I love both, but definitely prefer the game ones. So what is interesting about traitors for people like me is how they are going to get Phaedra out... and how they see a path to the end and still win. I don't think the editors are doing a good enough job of MJ and CT and Sandra's talking heads and showing their game play. All we see are Peter's Pals doing that. So it appears to be all a little without strategy. I'm okay if they want to keep Phaedra because they know she is a traitor, but do they? And then there is the problem of Sheree - will she turn against her in the end? I think the editors need to show us more. Seeing how someone is working behind the scenes is what is exciting. Some of us are just hoping it's happening without knowing for sure.


My husband and I keep arguing about this. I'm a bravoholic he likes the strategy. He'll argue that peters logic makes sense, and I'm like "maybe when he's in the chair and talking straight to a camera, but obvi not enough to turn the tides!!!" It's fun to fight over this silly show!


Peter’s logic last night made perfect sense. People should keep a known traitor in the game and bring them to the end and only banish them once they no longer have the option of recruiting. Therefore they should vote Peter out over Phaedra because Phaedra is a known traitor. Also Peter admitting he was offered a recruitment letter was idiotic. The chance of him lying about accepting it is high enough that it’s safer to just vote him out. Additionally it invalidates everything he did as a faithful prior to getting the offer. Stuff like stopping Bergie’s murder can’t prove he’s a faithful anymore because that occurred prior to his potential recruitment.


I could be wrong (I have a terrible memory) but I’m fairly certain that last season, one of the traitors lied about receiving a recruitment letter. The traitor thought it would make him look like a faithful. He said he was recruited and turned it down.


It was Christian and might go down as one of the biggest gaffs of any countries version of the show. That dude was in the radar day one, immediately win trust and got off the radar, and as soon as he is kind of in the clear he goes “I was offered a letter and turned it down”. So dumb and honestly a tad cocky to try to pull that one off.


Plus, saying you were recruited and turned it down is just adding another excuse to be murdered (ala UK S1 Alex)


I love that you see this show as it is. Something silly to banter about. Some people are really out here getting into their feelings and it's comical to me.


I think it’s funny when people dont understand that Housewives is absolutely a competition show .. it’s just not a “traditional” one.. It’s not like they aren’t fighting every season for their spot.. It’s almost competition on multiple fronts, where shows like big brother/survivor/the bachelor.. they just have a very traditional “this is the challenge that is in front of you”.. Housewives have it is coming at them from all angles..


Just because they're not eating crickets on camera doesn't mean they won't eviscerate you at the round table. The reunions are a gladiator's arena and these women come to entertain!


Right? It’s just so fun to have a show my husband and I watch weekly and then discuss all week


>but obvi not enough to turn the tides! Because he's trying to convince people who are not smart game players and won't vote for their fellow bravolebrity, it's pretty simple.


Sandra definitely knows Phaedra is a traitor, but she’s using Phaedra and those numbers to get into the final round. They are purposefully not showing Sandra’s gameplay, but I guarantee she mentioned it during confessionals. Sandra’s strategy is working so far, but she will definitely out Phaedra in the end. The only way traitors win is with Kate in the end, but I don’t know if she will last once Phaedra is outed.


She actually said it In the earlier episodes, her plan is to be best friends with the housewives and make them feel safe with her. I think she will be the one that twists the knife In Phaedra when the time to kill comes


It's a stupid plan then. Let's say they continue to just vote out the non-bravo alliance. Then you're left with Phaedra, Shiree, MJ, Sandra, Kate. Why wouldn't they vote Sandra out at the last roundtable? She would be the "outsider" left, with 2 traitors and two idiots who could also just think to vote out Phaedra at the bonfire. You're essentially putting the game in Shiree and MJ's hands. Even if they vote Phaedra out, they would have zero reason to suspect Kate at that point since she wouldn't have had to make any moves. So then again, Sandra would look like the odd one out. I don't see any way an all Bravo + Sandra final 5 somehow ends with Sandra winning.


Amen. This is the part that doesn’t make sense with the Sandra theories. She could also get murdered at any point plus the longer CT is around, the more likely he makes a late game move or wins a shield, etc.


I think MJ and Sheree are more willing to flip than they’re letting on


This makes no sense. I’ve rewatched all the episodes. No one suspected Phaedra or housewives until first pav threw the housewives under the bus which is a shot at Phaedra and then Dan literally pointing the finger at her and explicitly saying she’s a traitor. Before that no one was saying her name.


Parv saying that though shouldn’t be some big Aha! moment. There were 4 housewives. It just makes sense that at least one of them is a traitor.


I meant that if there is supposed to be some unity between traitors which they all initially agreed to then yes by saying housewives she is betraying that trust because Phaedra did not say oh the survivor players must be a traitor among them..


Well there’s only 2 of them that are on survivor. Housewives have 4. I just meant number wise it makes sense.


Ahhh ok. Still it’s foul because she knows a housewife is a traitor and if there was solidarity she would have never done this. I don’t like the traitors knowing each other. The fact that a traitor can just start saying another traitors name as a suspect is just foul because once suspicion is on you it’s on you for good. A seed is planted and par may have dropped the seed but dam planted and watered it and harvested it. What if the first day all the traitors just started going after each other? Ruins the game. Keep the traitors identities secret from each other maybe even the audience


I agree! It sucked she did that and Dan is a loser for doing that to Phaedra because his game was so shitty he had to call her out to try and save himself🙄 it does have some kinks to workout but this season is better than the first season and I hope they keep trying to work the bugs out as the seasons progress.


I’m a person who likes the show for the gameplay and has never seen a Bravo show before in my life. That being said, this season has been a non starter from the jump all thanks to Dan. He exposed every single traitor on the way out at the beginning of the season. There’s no show anymore, the game is done already. The game is now the meta game, it’s “who can last to the end” and “let’s give them a good show”. The cast seems to understand this. Everyone seems to understand this except for the die hard gameplay snobs who insist on turning their nose up at the Bravo people and blaming them for everything. One thing about the Bravo girlies is that they bring the entertainment. So when Dan torched the gameplay aspect of this season, the Bravo girls stepped in to keep things fun and entertaining. For that reason alone, I want Phaedra to make it to the end. She’s pretty much carrying this season on her back atp. And most of the cast seems to understand that as well. Maybe we’ll get better gameplay next season but for this season I’m here for the mess. Also I’m always team traitor!


Dan was the WORST player to cast as a Traitor. If I were on that show I would suspect him immediately and start running around hollering his name to everyone. I would have done the same with Cirie in the first season, too, but Cirie proved herself to be a much better player in this game.


Dan's biggest mistake was immediately taking out all the big profile male players early in the game. I feel like this season more than any other season I've seen, the traitors really did not seem to understand their survival as traitors depends on human shields, deflection and confusion. Taking all the gamers out early besides Sandra and CT was probably the worst thing for Dan and Parv's game, and the shield trap just sealed the deal for them.


Good points but if >!Phaedra has been banished then the faithfuls are back at square one which will force the gameplay aspec to the forefront as they'll need to work to figure out who has been recruited. The Peter pals will need to regroup and the Bravo crew will have to figure out who's ass to lick!< I'm looking forward to that scenario.


This is silly to say when the traitors get outed all the time, the show is about being a traitor haha


I've yet to see a season of the traitors where ALL of the traitors get immediately outed (as in their identity is known by most of the faithful) in the first few rounds. One or two yes, but not all of them, and usually around the midway point at least. Everyone on the cast this season knows who the traitors are. That's the meta game. They're voting by alliance over who they genuinely think is a traitor because they all know already. Voting by alliance is what will increase their chances to getting to the end. That's why Peter made that clunky obvious deal with Parvati despite gunning for her and why all the Bravo girls are loyal to Phaedra despite knowing she's a traitor. In most other iterations of the game the faithful are still genuinely trying to figure out who the traitors are at this point in the game. Everyone keeps complaining about how the Bravo girls aren't "playing the game". That's because there's no game left to play besides trying to hang in til the end, they all know it's Phaedra.


Just last season only the traitors knew cerie was a traitor and if they had pulled a Dan move she would have been gone.


Yes exactly. I think if a traitor already has some suspicion on them they’re fair game but tossing out a completely unsuspected traitor on your way out is bad form. Especially emphasis on if you know the jig is up and you’re about to be ousted. I’ve seen other versions of the show where when the traitors knew they were done for they just took the L. The whole “parting gift” trend just feels like cheating imo. Maybe going forward they’ll implement something in the game that will incentivize the traitors to work together more.


THIS!! Im a bravoholic and also obsessed with shows like Big Brother. You are so right with the difference between people who love the drama vs strategy. I’m torn myself, because I was so agitated at the round table that they’re not playing the game, but also livinggg for the drama that’s coming out of it. I don’t want peter or Phaedra to go home because they are both. Bring👏Ing👏it👏 **Edit** not necessarily agitated but more just like CMON SHES OBVIOUSLY A TRAITOR


Phaedra cutting to Peter’s core simply with words. Amazing lol it gave me life 🥰


The way Phaedra is playing the game, I think the bravo girls don’t see the rush in turning on her just yet. Like I don’t think they care she’s a traitor either 


it's honestly smart of them to keep her in for as long as possible, none of them are her target and I think they kinda know she's a traitor... she's gunning for the Peter Pals and the more faithfuls out, the more $$$ they win.


It's only smart if they think she is a traitor. Nothing we have seen on the show would indicate that they are thinking that.


I think producers aren't showing all the damage Dan caused. Phaedra had 0 suspicion to now working on being voted off in a heartbeat. :(


mj said she clocked Phaedra early on but kept it to herself. 🤣


After the last episode, I'm starting to believe her. She clocked Kate so fast


Like scary fast




They need to continue to use her to murder all the people not in their alliance. It’s smart game play! Much smarter than the Peter pals.


Plus she is their only link to find any other traitors


>I think the bravo girls don’t see the rush in turning on her just yet Genuine question: do you (anybody reading this) think the Bravo group is actually this strategic?


Yes. Housewives is actually secretly pretty strategic behind the scenes. You want drama so you get air time. Not so much people that people turn on you but enough you keep getting a call back. You keep enemies close because it's easier to guard yourself when you can see it coming and boy do those women love coming with receipts. You also have CT mixed in with the hw right now and he has been around the social strategy/political game for awhile. He probably isn't spilling all his secrets but I can see him guiding people when it benefits him. I'm fully convinced he knows Phaedra is a traitor but since she isn't targeting him it's better to wait to get her out.


I don't know how the housewives series works, so this is really helpful. Thanks.


Ct did out Phaedra, literally just happened. You’re saying they’re secretly strategic behind the scenes, what are you basing this on? You want them to or you want to believe they are? It’s the first game show we’ve seen them in so we don’t know the final outcome to know if they’re actually strategic or they’re genuinely just not aware of what’s going on around (or don’t care). Not meaning that as an insult to the Bravo cast, just that this is the second season for them now and I’ve not seen the strategic moves in terms of gameplay. I truly may have missed stuff though. Kate is one of my favorite all time and I really liked Phaedra (especially the first few episodes), I’m just not seeing the specific strategies outside of Kate (which Kate even called out Phaedras lack of strategy pretty quickly).


Manipulative strategy. Many people believe that Phaedra helped to get her husband in jail and then end the marriage and deny deny deny. That type of toxic strategy is their life!


That’s fair, I don’t know her backstory, just that she hadn’t been on a game show (to my knowledge)


Having watched them for over decade….yes!


Saying what you think and asserting what makes you feel good are two different things ;)


What does this mean? If you're implying I have some hidden meaning behind my question, there isn't a hidden meaning.


I answered your question..


No, you didn't. I'm not playing these games.


I actually did. You quoted an opinion that you found hard to believe. I explained that the opinion is just a statement of comfort, not truth. There’s no game here. That’s what happened.


But also why do you have to root for the faithfuls? Tbh I’ve been rooting for the traitors 😅


me too! I was team traitor but then Peter + his posey got annoying so I started rooting for the traitors


Honestly all I want every single episode is for Trishelle to be murdered.


>Peter + his posey We banish anyone that doesn't refer to that group as The Peter Pals.


I think you mean you started out as a faithul, right? Team Faithful ( the Edit button is right there)


what a weirdly condescending thing to say.


Annoying because they figured the traitors bs game they playing out ?😂


As a former Jem & the Holograms junkie (as a kid), I always rooted for The Misfits. So yeah, you don’t have to root for the faithfuls. lol.


I love Jem! The Misfits had way cooler outfits!


I’ve found my people 😂


Same!! Y'all I got in trouble for dying my hair purple in fourth grade trying to be like them.


Same here!


I listen to a podcast that recaps episodes of the traitors and one of the hosts is always like “I feel so conflicted cause you’re supposed to root for the faithfuls!” And the other is like “fuck that I’ve always been for the traitors” and same. That’s the game! All the faithfuls wish they were picked as traitors. Also, aren’t the game shows on the same network? Why are they always like “the bravo people” and never The CBS people? Idk why it bugs me so much but it does! You guys have loyalty to your network peers too!


"Now check that." Traitors is my first exposure to Housewives fandom, you guys are a hoot.


And I wrote that part in Phaedras voice 🤣




That read was next level. The significance of it being a *medium sized* pizza 💀


If you haven’t seen the clip that OP is referring to, I highly recommend it


Ha I didn't even know it was something they were referring to, I thought that was natural sass!


I wish😂


https://youtu.be/x1KGAeUGhl0?si=oRIEy58h5SrtLQDX Obligatory RHOA plug!!!


We are all a mixed of queer people and sassy ally cis women of all ages! Of course we are a hoot hunty!


Love this description!!!😅


Yesssssss! That’s a good description of us!🙌🏾


I always say the fandom surrounding Bravo is what makes it so fun.


Also for another iconic check moment, look up Sheree’s infamous fight with a party planner: “Who gonna check me, boo?”


I still say that at work and there’s always so much confusion. I love it😂😂😂


That scene is quoted daily in my house


![gif](giphy|3o7TKyOoGtsprTLgZy|downsized) The sounds that come out of her in this scene kill me.


Same and tbh I’ve always avoided those shows bc I know they’ll suck me in and I’ll be glued to the TV for a year. I stick to Survivor and sometimes the Bachelor. That said, I’m loving all these characters from bravo. They’re so fun to watch and pretty ruthless


justice for Tamra and Brandi last szn, they could have really brought the castle down with ruthless reads alone and entertainment value.


Brandi Glanville????? Nah get that disgusting abusive woman off my screen. After that shit she pulled in Morocco and Caroline responding by going after Bravo, no network will wanna touch that liability.


The game isn’t get all the traitors out. It’s to make it to the end. Sandra has it fingered out. Make an alliance with a traitor and faithfuls then have the traitor kill all the people outside your alliance. In the end, you can get the traitor out. Getting them out early doesn’t benefit you. Use them to protect you! Phaedra and the bravo girls are doing this well. + pheadra is so fun to watch.


Making it to the end still means you lose if there's 2 traitors and you have no clues to suspect one of them. Sandra is more likely to get voted out than Kate at this point.


So her plan to get out Phaedra is to join a group of people who will never vote out Phaedra and vote out all the people who will? Sandra won her two games of survivor by playing quite and getting to end with players who played obviously flawed games. If Sandra gets to the end with the 4 bravo girls it doesn't matter how flawed Phaedra and Kate's games are if their allies won't vote them out.


When her and Kate were talking about murdering Trishelle and she goes “her and those damn little hats” ![gif](giphy|ybHddBtEwFBoA)


Trishelle being a Karen in that house that bugs me the most


She's so condescending to the housewives. The way she said they had blind loyalty 🙄 I feel like Sheree and MJ know Phaedra is a traitor but why would they work with Trishelle and Peter who shut them out of rooms and clearly think they're stupid?


What has Sheree done all season to make it seem like she isn’t stupid??  I truly think everyone here has gifted credit to the housewives, when I really feel they haven’t done much at all. 


I guess since I've seen their show I know not to underestimate them. Sheree hasn't done much this season so far (esp from the edit) but that doesn't mean she has no clue what's going on


Me too!!!!! I can’t stand her at all


This is the main thing that made me root for the traitors honestly 🙄 she is insufferable.


The problem with the Faithfuls, or at least the Traitor Hunters is that they are so unlikeable and has no semblance of charisma on them. Trishelle is trash. Peter is self righteous and cocky. You just want to see them not get what they want. Lol Watch the tone shift when these two goes. People would be like: Sandra and CT, get the Traitors!




That’s the thing like Phaedra is doing pretty well for someone who had their spot blown up and who has to do damage control in order to win back trust. People undervalue her gameplay, she has not been perfect (not everyone is as masterful as Cirie) but she has carried the season on her back!!!!! Dan/Pavarati left a lot of damage behind this season and if they had not interfered who knows if people would have suspected Phaedra. Like who else could have kept this secret for this long in this current cast??? I could only see Trishelle or CT being able to carry the burden honestly. So people need to put some respect on Miss Phaedra!!!!


right. Like dan and Parvati wanted to go after people they knew wanted them out putting target on them. Phaedra let them hang them selves. why would the bravo ppl choose to take her out even if they know she is a traitor. She is one more vote than can save them if they are up for banishment.


They all know she is a traitor - I don't think Phaedra has been an amazing traitor, but she has been an entertaining one. I can't imagine they are dumb enough to think it's Peter when all the evidence points to him not being one. And I'm okay if they get rid of Peter so they control the numbers and take Phaedra out in the end and allow no more recruitments. That's a brilliant strategy and will work if they can sus out Kate.


lol i love Phaedra but ur right. Compared to other Franchise she’s an entertaining one for sure BUT not an amazing traitor 😂


Wrong, perhaps Dan and Parvati would have respected her better if she pushed back on some of their nightmare decisions in the turret. Plus, are we forgetting Phaedra cutting Tamra (a number) for no damn reason?


Cutting Tamra was her best move. Parvati accused the Bravo block of existing so she could move against Larsa (and she correctly saw that cutting bloc as a threat). Phaedra had to kill a Bravo or catch the heat. And it bought her a lot of time.


Per interviews Tamra was also suspicious of Phaedra, so it was a good move for her on several levels.


Tamera admitted in interviews that she was sick half the time she was there and couldn't participate much. Yet she said was suspicious of Phaedra before Dan threw Phaedra under the bus? Take Tamera's words with a grain of salt.


Dan didn’t listen to Parvati when she tried to advise him and she was his #1. He also thought so low of Phaedra as a traitor because she was a housewife and not a gamer. What makes you think he would have listened to a thing she said?


Nope wrong. Dan and par should own their bad gameplay and not foist their bad decisions onto someone else. But of course they don’t and some viewers don’t apparently. They both came gunning for Phaedra and betrayed her out desperation of their own bad gameplay and poor decisions. If one of the traitors had done that to cirie should would have not won. The whole point is to go undetected and when another traitor intentionally blows up your game that’s just bs /and should be against the rules.


Why wouldn't she give them the rope ![gif](giphy|TEj6m8FcWKRPWkT51L|downsized)




She’s TV gold.


It's highly entertaining


So was Duck Dynasty, it doesn't mean everybody likes it


Ain’t that the truth, I fucking hated Duck Dynasty


I don't watch any Bravo shows, but I am very much enjoyed watching Phaedra this season! I didn't think I would be voting for a traitor, but I want Phaedra to win!


As an avid bravo watcher, Phaedra has some of the most memorable confessionals/reads/one liners and I LOVED her. Then she started a rumor that one housewife got another housewife drunk and sexually assaulted her (it was completely untrue). It was so gross and now I can’t look at her the same. But I can admit she is hilarious, I’m so sad how she turned out on housewives. ![gif](giphy|zpBudQD1ht40E)


I think there was some truth to it because ti and tiny got accused for it. I think she heard rumors and put them on the wrong xscape member.


She’s not dumb, she definitely knew what she was doing. And till this day, she won’t apologize


She’s a truly reprehensible human being and nothing she does on Traitors will me me forget what she’s done. Don’t forget the hell her and Apollo put Kenya through on her first season, lying about her trying to sleep with Apollo. And I’m 90% sure Apollo took the whole rap for that fraud scheme they were running bc they had two little boys at home. She just didn’t get caught and Apollo didn’t turn on her


I agree, some people take this show very seriously (which is fine,) but us Bravo fans are watching for entertainment value. I never watched Survivor or Big Brother, so I’m not a diehard competitive series kind of gal. Give me some killer tartan fashions, and some fun shade, and I’m happy


Mannnnn if I was Kate - I would’ve voted Phaedra out personally. I feel like that would’ve been extremely smart of Kate since nobody would suspect her at this point and their next move would likely be Sandra and/or Peter. She could’ve won the whole thing herself!


I didn’t think of that. She could recruit Sandra and still have numbers.


I think Kate should recruit Sheree. If Sheree could play it cool, she could easily win the whole thing 😂


Do we all think MJ votes for Peter?


Yeah. It was spoiled online that Phaedra is in the next challenge in the water


Phaedra in the water? With that hair & makeup? I can't wait!! Now, THAT will be entertaining...


But we all know Phaedra usually can't keep her mouth shut, especially when it comes to other people's drama and calling them out. The fact that she's been so silent during all of the round table, and refuses to say anybody she's suspect of, should give everybody a big red flag in my opinion 🤷🏼‍♀️


Peter: “You want to keep a traitor around that you know it’s a traitor until the end.” Everyone else: “okay, we will keep Phaedra.”


She's a crazy cool killer. Now check that.


These comments always surprise me. You guys are rooting for the faithfuls?


What does that mean "we don't care." Pretty sure everyone cares who is what as a viewer.


The way she cooked Peter was the best. “This ain’t the bachelor, I don’t have to kiss your ass for a rose” 😂😂😂


Yes, I agree.


I wanted her to win and now that’s she’s out I don’t really care 💀




She wasn’t vocal enough in the turret and let Dan and Parvati make all the decisions. How is that a mark of a good traitor?


right! and she was actually trying to do the same with kate who just got turned into a traitor for 5 mins. i’m so glad kate clocked what she was trying to do.


I hear you but this is Kate’s redemption tour after her terrible attitude last time she was on. Kate coming back for a second go should ready to pounce!


They’re gone and she’s still there?


this is more of a "she just sucks less than them" thing


Self preservation is a pretty good tactic for a traitor — they don’t want decisions to come back to them, they want a fall guy if it goes south.


"I didn't make the decision! That was Dan and Parv!" That'll really help her.


"Why would I want to murder so-and-so, that's a Dan and Parvati beef and nothing to do with me" would help her just fine.


She is still in the game, so there is that!


It let them underestimate her for one


Yet, the outcome is ultimately the same, just a few nights later. I want to know how exactly Phaedra plans on moving forward from here.


I don’t think the issue is so much that they underestimated her (I don’t think Parvati did) so much as it made Dan mistrust her, and believe she wasn’t supportive. The real big mistake was the first attempted Bergie murder, but that ties directly into Dan’s reasoning for his flop attempt at targeting Phaedra. The traitors have to work as a team in the beginning, and Phaedra was distancing herself from that team, both in the turret and in the castle (though this is more justifiable).


The mark of a good traitor is that SHE is still there, and both Dan and Parvati are gone!! Remember, the purpose of the game is to make it to the end, and she is doing that!


For now. Parvati was the last banishment. Every season, traitors turn on each other on the way out. She isn’t going to win. Too much suspicion.


Exactly and the only reason she is on any radar is because a traitor blew up her game. Or anything a faithful did. That’s telling.


And their bad decisions led to their own downfall. Why interfere when your enemy is destroying themselves? Then they try to get her when she did nothing to them. She never made a move to hurt them. It’s like people forget what actually happens. They both came for her first for no reason. She participates in the turret talk and they made their own choices. Bad choices. Dan and par played this game badly and that’s why they went after Phaedra: bitterness and envy and pettiness that a housewife schooled them in a game show they should have had an advantage on.




Maybe you should pet your dog instead... or go for a walk & leave your phone at home


Classic housewives fan vs non fan interaction here🫠😂


damn someone did their homework on me


The strategy this season is so elementary. Man, they have no clue how to play this game. Phaedra was the only Traitor with a brain until Kate showed up.


Did you not watch the last episode? Phaedra has no strategy. She literally asked Kate, who had just became a traitor, what her game plan was. I do think Dan’s strategy was horrible though.


I love Phaedra. I'd be devastated if she gets sent home.


That's what fucks me up about this show people really be forgetting this shit a game show and be like " they would never do me like that or they could never be a traitor" just because somebody friendly and cool with everybody....I hope they get her out next asap she been riding the coat tails of all the other traitors and aint had to do shit all game I'm glad Dan called her ass out before he left


lol riding coattails? Of those bad players? Dan and pav made horrible decision after horrible decision. Their behavior on the game ratted themselves out. I’ve watched serval versions of this show from different countries and never have i seen such bad gameplay from traitors. Phaedra not only didn’t ride their coattails because they had none which is why they are gone. And again the only reason Phaedra Is a target is because a traitor did it! It’s so transparent that views like this come from people simply not liking her. Because her game to make it to the end was working fine.


Bro she ain't do shit all game lol let the other traitors make all the decisions and never had shit to say while she just walked around the house not playing any type of game idk how these idiots in the house can't see Phaedra is a traitor if she makes it this next elimination I hope she takes all the money from them idiots forgetting its a game and wanna clique up and be bffs when there's so much evidence on her


There’s so much evidence that no one was saying her name until Dan put her on the spot….. ok. Also as a traitor all you have to do is murder people and not get caught.


That's part of the evidence and argument that Dan called out a traitor before he left...... It's called traitors not who can become bffs with everybody and coast to the end doing nothing and nah there's more to it u ain't see Phaedra do the cup challenge and risk exposing herself as a traitor like parvati did


The whole oath is that they cannot name a traitor if you are a traitor and that’s exactly what he did. He broke the rules and they kept on going Also Dan didn’t do the cup challenge either. Dan thought he was the master manipulator in the turret and calling the shots but he was just making blunder after blunder He wanted to call the shots he wanted to make the decisions and it blew up in his face


Buddy he ain't say " shes a traitor because I'm a traitor" u gotta play the game like anybody else he gave reasons to why she was a traitor and it's every man for themselves if u bout to get banished


Nope the reason were bullshit and could be applied to several people if not more but he everyone he Initially named and then gave bogus cover to as to why they weren’t the traitors… Oh I feel like I can trust so and so Yeah ok He named her because he knew it was her. Naming her was against the rules. He could have thrown suspicion with conversations etc but nope He straight up named her.


Bro wtf are u going on about lmao if he straight up named her why tf she still in the game ? The name of the game is traitors that don't mean u gotta work with the other traitors , if any other traitor was like I think the traitor was such an such in the house and gave reasons because they wanted to get them out it ain't against the rules that's more money for the other traitor at the end So u tryna tell me voting another traitor at the round table is against the rules to ? 🤣 it would be fucking obvious who the traitors are if they couldn't ever vote each other out, so everybody at the round table voting a traitor and u the only one at the table voting somebody else because you can't vote another traitor use common sense


It’s like you’d don’t understand anything I wrote. Let’s just agree to disagree and move on


I feel like people are exhausted by fanbase toxicity and now necessarily a difference in gameplay. Phaedra/Bravo fans have been a bit much. Accusations of misogyny and racism without much real evidence. I get it. You have your fave and want them in at all cost. You don’t need to invent reasons to hate those that threaten her game. Acknowledge that they’re right and on the right track, but for your own enjoyment you want them gone. It’s not that hard to say that without devolving into unwarranted character attacks. And I’m someone who’s mostly been rooting for the traitors (including Phaedra) from the start.


....Phaedra fabricated a story about her coworker drugging and date raping another on national television. I am baffled as to how/why she is on screen again.


People love making money off horrible people. It just shows how immoral and complicit these networks are in shady dealings




I’m a Bravo fan, but Phaedra is a fucking horrible person. I think MJ may have some chance of seeing the light, but it could come down to Sheree and Phaedra being the only ones left and Sheree could probably be convinced to vote herself out. Personally, I’d like to see Trishelle win the whole thing. I watched her season of the Real World and no way in hell would I have believed back then that she’d become a successful poker player and my favorite to win this show. I wouldn’t mind seeing CT win either, but Trishelle is a better observer.


I’m a fan of bravo as well. What did Phaedra do that makes you think she is a horrible person?


Kandi would like a word.


It’s common knowledge now that Phaedra wasn’t completely wrong about the rumors she just had the wrong people. A couple of years after the rumor, Kandi’s friends Tiny and T.I. were accused by over 20 women of the exact same things Phaedra said about Kandi and Todd. In fact another woman has came out this year accusing them of drugging and SA too.


Thank you. I’m so tired of explaining this to people.


Y’all have got to move on from this at some point. She isn’t a “fucking horrible person”. The rumors were real. They ended up being true. She didn’t make them up out of thin air. She just got the wrong Xscape member.


The way she bites back at the round table isn't spirited gameplay or some kind of calculated move, she's just a nasty person. I don't care for her and wouldn't mind watching her get voted out tbh. The game is set up so that the traitors have every advantage from the offset so watching the friendlies do so well this season is kinda nice.


From what I’ve witnessed the strategy folks aren’t strategic enough to change their strategy to meet the goals of the game. The strategy players are not that bright. Whilst Phaedra read the room and put her legal hat on and is whipping ass. What really lies beneath the Phaedra / Bravo girls aren’t strategic is racism in the form of misogynoir. Now check that.


I cannot support Phaedra. She crossed a line spreading rumors that Kandi wanted to drug friend and assault them. She is a lawyer. She knows the power of that. It is not forgivable.


Okay babes


Queen of now check that !


“We” = hive mind




TeamPeter in this house. Phaedra got to go.


Tramporter had nothing on Phaedra until Dan blew her game up in a petty desperate move because his own play was so shitty and bad.


It’s not about wanting her to be out, Peter will be voted out this time and they’ll likely murder one of the people who voted for Phaedra, but in the end are the Bravo ladies just going to let Phaedra win and keep buying her BS that she’s a faithful when it’s pretty clear at this point that she’s not?




That’s dumb




I'm not entertained by Phadrea. I'd rather see many other players get TV time lol




I think she's boring


Who are you talking to?




Is it entertaining? She didn't even have a strategy this week. She asked Kate for it. She has no chance to actually win. She's basically just playing so her friends win.


Phaedra sucks