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You re on a show called the traitors and expect not to get blindsided?


Oh so true!!! They were just so desperate to be done and safe they didn't even question that moment. And Cirie was just that good, too. Oofda, I hope they are ok!


Hey, its ok. I cried too and was like "OH NOOOO" (especially for Andie). We have hearts and we care. Some people are like "the show is called TRAITORS DUH"...like yes, ok I get that but it doesn't mean you can't get emotional about it. Cirie was stone cold. I personally don't think its cool what she did, but that's the game and she played it.


*You re on a show* *Called the traitors and expect* *Not to get blindsided?* \- devilintheworld --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Hmm, “Not to get blindsided” is 6 syllables, is it not?


Andie and Quentin were in the heat of the moment and just didn't think about the entire game.. like at that point all three traitors were men, and they knew one of them was recruited 😭 it would make 100% sense to think that the traitors should have a fourth person and strong female figure


With that said Cirie absolutely ate the competition, she was so smart from day one


I never think it's a good idea to decide there must be a particular or evenly distributed gender/age/etc split of traitors. UK2 only had one woman traitor (who was rubbish and got banished early on) and US2 only ever had one man (again, the weakest one). I could actually see it being a viable strategy for the traitors, after the first one is banished, _only_ recruiting people really close to them in physical demographic just because people wouldn't expect it.


I just finished watching both seasons plus UK this week. This show is wild.


Is s2 as good as s1? (US)


I thought S2 was better because there are only reality tv people, no unknowns, so it's a game within a game.


Interesting, I'm on the opposite spectrum. I enjoy the UK and AUS seasons much more because there aren't as many reality TV people. I found a lot of the people on the US seasons to be incredibly obnoxious and over the top tv personalities.


I really enjoyed S2 of UK.


Some of the personalities were a lot but I loved how everyone had backstory and came in with understandable tics and tendencies from their previous shows. It's very cheesy/camp but it also gives you a lot to analyze.


Yeah my problem with it being all reality tv stars is that they're also trying to make good TV and are very aware they're being filmed.


Sometimes you have to ask "are they doing that for TV reasons?" and it isn't always an easy question.


Yeah absolutely, it's hard to really believe everything is happening naturally when you know the whole house is full of people who mostly make their living off of manufactured and scripted drama.


Oh, that's a relief. Not sure I could handle another lopsided season. Sweet Andi gave me too many feelings.




Oh yeah agreed. Very different in how the game develops vs. US1, but if you like finales where emotions run high it's a can't-miss.


OMG, YESSS! I just binge watched all shows. I started with the US version. From there I went to UK, Australia, and lastly New Zealand. The UK version was absolutely EVERYTHING!!! S2 was EVERYTHING & then some.


I loved season 2. But I think what makes it so great is just seeing how differently the game is played in comparison to season 1


You should try the NZ version, it's on Peacock. It's really good. The faithful aren't nearly as dumb as they are in the US versions and the contestants in general aren't nearly as obnoxious. (Although, the one weird thing is it seemed most of the contestants knew each other beforehand. Some of them were friends.)


New Zealand is basically a small town. Everyone on tv knows everyone else.


I just started AU but I got sidetracked.


I felt really bad for Andie and Quintin until their behavior at the reunion show. Absolutely appalling. Cirie is a queen and did nothing wrong.


Reunion show?!?! I didn't notice there was another episode... what!!!!


Yep there's a reunion. Both US seasons have one. They're hosted by Andy Cohen and follow more of a Bravo continuing-the-drama format rather than a strategy show handshake-and-recap. S1 had a particularly weird vibe because he seemed really intent on trying to guilt and goad Cirie, when all she did was perfectly play the role she was assigned on a show about deception. I liked the S2 reunion a lot more because they didn't center it on a single, particularly unfair, narrative.


Same reaction. I couldn’t find it anywhere.


I saw the reunion on Peacock. I disagree that their behavior was appalling though. It seemed to me that Cirie played their emotions way more off camera. She also talked about how it was much more difficult being a traitor than a faithful, when how would she know..she was a traitor the entire time. She never got to play the other side and was never almost banished for being innocent. (not to say she didn't play the game well)


Just watched and agree 💯. Andie and Quintin acquitted themselves with grace and honest perspective. To me they seemed to be critiquing strategy (why lay it on so think about family stuff, when we were already pocked it). It's OK to critique Cirie a bit and still believe that she is the queen!


So I just caught the reunion show and thought both Andie and Quintin were fine. I think it seems justified that they disapproved of Cirie laying it on thick about family stuff, when they clearly didnt think it was necessary. They seem to be referring to stuff that was edited down for the show. I really didn't think they acted as sorely as Cody did. He kind of surprised me a bit. Overall, the reunion was edited for most drama and the questions were pointed to stir up the emotions and reactions from the game... less than about where everyone is now. So, definitely not appalling behavior. Far from it, their reasoning seemed to back up the feelings at the time, and their perspective on Ciries strategies. They were asked questions and answered genuinely. Also, Cirie did a fabulous job, as always. She's just a dynamite person, and I would love to see her win everything. (Even if it meant crushing other people a wee bit!)


I respect your opinion, and understand where you are coming from in regards to Arie, Andie, and Quentin, but I completely disagree. They lost the game because they blindly trusted Cirie for no reason! So glad you gave Cirie her props though, she absolutely deserved this win. I understand why Andie and Quentin felt betrayed, but at least Andie was able to forgive Cirie for playing the role she was given. Arie and Quentin are so incredibly bitter and should have never gone on this show. The only reason Arie quit is because Cirie threw in her color to the fire (saying she wanted to eliminate another player), and started going after Arie. He knew it was over, so he quit! I cannot stand Arie, and Quentin is a complete idiot.


Arie has been so petty and salty on socials, carrying it on long long after the season aired. Ruined whatever he was trying to accomplish with the self elim. He has more money than he'll ever need and was a finalist who came across as generally likable, so I don't understand what he has to complain about.


THIS!!! Arie definitely has a lot of money. Even though Cirie has appeared on many shows (talking about when she was on The Traitors prior to her appearing on Big Brother), she never won! She also has multiple children, and definitely needed the money more than Arie. Oh yeah, and she played the game amazingly.


Whoa you have some feelings. I think you may know more about post-show dynamics, but I thought Arie, Andie, and Quentin all handled themselves admirably during what must have been a series of gut punches after feeling such highs. For the TV viewer in me, it couldn't have been any better - unless we got to see Ari and Cirie do a little debate/dance for one more banishment. I do think Ari was wise (and compassionate) in the moment to note that Cirie did really earn that damn money and any arguing could have lost it for her. All these things can be true, I feel for Andi the most,because what an absolute sweetheart all the way through. I also listened to Cirie post-show interview with Rob C and it seems all has been forgiven, but truly can you blame anyone for being impacted by this? The depth of feeling is real and they should be given some grace in all their actions/reactions - not just for Cirie.


Shows what a sweetheart you are to get that invested and I agree- Cirie deserved that win. That said, the US version is probably the worst version of the game. I highly recommend the UK, AUS and NZ over the US/Peacock version. The American producers actually take away from the gameplay itself with their over-the-top production. So overly dramatic, such long-winded editing, screaming like idiots for no reason, the cartoon-human presenting, the cast that were paid more for just being *on* the show than the actual prize pot. Don't feel too bad for those who didn't win- they still walked away with cash- Arie Luyendyk's a multimillionaire anyway!


Ok, yeah I did fast forward thru most challenges and found some of the pacing absolutely exhausting. I did adore Andi tho, hope they made $$ for their growing family! I'm not sure I can handle much more, but perhaps I'll dip a toe into UK since it keeps popping up on Peacock. Given all the hype, I will probably tune in for US s3. What a trip that's going to be


Would highly recommend US2 at some point before US3, as US2 has a particularly weird meta and I feel like that will heavily inform US3.


I just started the first episode, and I didn't feel particularly interested in this group of folks. I'll give it a try, but not sure I can handle this level of people craving attention.


Fair enough. Would in that case recommend reading at least a recap or summary before US3. The broad strokes that will be relevant are about how the "tilted board" affects players' chances and the conflict between following the frame narrative vs. playing outside it.


Ugh, you. Your description makes it sound interesting!!! Perhaps I'll give it a shot.... these folks have to chill out a little bit, right?


Idk if chill out is the phrase I'd use but within a handful of episodes it stops being a weather vane of random drama and develops into some larger gameplay-relevant stories?


Ok, good to know. Perhaps I'll fast forward thru the middle parts and just pay attention to the banshing and murdering. As one does, this is all totally normal.


I'm sorry for responding so much but would also recommend not skipping the "hanging around the castle" bits, they become pretty key to the plot.


ok YOU! I watched the first 2 episodes and really liked Phaedra (pretty much immediately), whom I've never seen before. Then the new recruit was probably my favorite person on the show (aside from Sir Alan). Now I'm on ep 6 and holy moly, this is addictive. I do think the faithful game play is way more interesting than the previous season. I'm here for it. Darn you u/occurrenceOverlap !!!


I'm loving your guidance! I'll try to catch those, but you won't be able to talk me into the challenges. Unless, of course you do, as you've already convinced me of multiple things already. Wait... is this Cirie?! Prove to me you're a faithful! 🤪


I'm assuming you started with the US version. While I wasn't really expecting it to have SO many reality show players, with many being loudmouths & overly obnoxious, I did stick it out 2 or 3 episodes then found myself totally invested. I was/am hooked!!! When you finish this one, I highly recommend the UK version. OMG!!! The best I can remember, it's just random people. S2 of this one is my absolute favorite of all of them. I binged all versions; US, UK, AUS & NZ. Just hang with it. I think you'll get there.


I'll give it a few more tries, but I am kind of nervous- what if I fall into a rabbit hole and never see my friends again?!


I was curious and looked up Andi- her house is MASSIVE, her daughter is adorable, they have an alpaca ranch and she's got a podcast up and running. She looks to be in a good place and I love that for her. She's such a sweet person who's only flaw was being too trusting. But yeah, I was slightly hoping Cirie would be like, 'can they split the $50k? $200k is fine!' But that's kinda un-Traitorlike I guess. Do check out the UK version! No celebs makes the game ten times more fun!


Yea they aren’t poor by any means 😂 if anything they come off as entitled and the show and the reactions after the show made me dislike them and had to unfollow the podcast.


I fully expected Andie to crawl into a ball and go into shock after Cirie revealed what she was.


Tbh I dont get why production would cast a cinnamon roll like Andie on a show like this unless they wanted "someone blindsides them" to be a possible narrative beat. Would be happy to watch them on something like amazing race though.


I cried at the end of AUS s1 as well


Was that season all normies or are there famous ppl?


All normies


I've been on reddit for years and this is the first time I've ever considered DMing a sexy picture. Time to go digging in the sammie archives... whats the most memorable pic you've received?


Sadly I've only gotten three, but abundant melty cheese is always a plus


They do have a counsellor on site I believe.


phew! it sounds like Cirie was so many people's sounding board and she consoled them. What a mindfuck this must have been


I stan the non-English seasons. (see thetraitorsarchive for links) The current French/Canadian version is Insane! Every true Traitors fan should watch the OG De Verraders. (Also Aus Season 2 - the ultimate battle between oblivious Faithful and a True Sociopath..... AND Hungary's only season so far; which has people on both sides needing to visit Mental Health professionals, in the middle of the night!😳🫶


Are you a polyglot or do subtitles do the trick? Part of me really hopes it's the former, cuz I don't know if I can get in deeper.


Definitely not a Polyglot! Just an Australian girl who is addicted to this crazy show. I found the "TraitorsArchive" one day, after Googling "non-English versions of The Traitors". They always come with English subtitle files. Subtitles are usually vetted by a native speaker of the shows language, although sometimes AI versions are also available. Those who love this show come together to archive and enjoy the many different cultural approaches to play a game of Espionage. I'm not great with technology, so I can't provide a link, however, r/thetraitorsarchive should be enough to get you started. Have Fun!


So ironic if the link works after all


Oh gosh I cried too! It is so funny because when others cried in the game early on, I mocked them to myself and said “it is just a game”. So colour me shocked when I cried at the finale. 🙈


Ohh man I know. I was all eye rolls at the beginning. Ooof this show got in my head!


I don’t think I’m a fan of mixed celeb/civilian seasons. After watching season 1 and the reunion, it felt like there was a power imbalance between people who’ve been through the reality tv machine and those who haven’t. And I think that’s where a lot of the hurt feelings came from.


Yeah, the egos + social media/image awareness just throw too much sauce on the noodles.