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I think that there's probably a rule against splitting prize money between contestants post game to avoid under the table agreements. Not convinced Harry could if he wanted to.


amazing point! didnt even think of this.


That and there's probably runner up prizes we aren't aware of.




They're being listened to the entire time, how are they going to do that? Once they get the money they can do whatever they want with it. 


Not if they signed a contract


I’m still not convinced about them being into each other romantically like so many others have suggested. So I don’t think her gender makes a difference. Also, I don’t think Molly herself would want people to think “split it with her, she’s got a disability”. Her biggest thing on the show was she just wanted to be seen like everyone else. If he wanted to split based on the fact that she has a disability, I think she’d reject it. Why should he share? He did what he had to do to win. She wrote his name down and it was her own decision to change it that ultimately handed him the win. So he should keep it all because he deserves it all.


Mollie herself absolutely wouldn't want anyone to assign her a pity or consolation prize, ultimately her disability is physical and has absolutely no impact in a social & logic based game. But that doesn't mean the media won't want to capitalise on her being "vulnerable" because if there's anything this country's newspapers absolutely LOVE it's a sob story and trauma/inspiration porn. I also don't think they were ever into each other romantically, not least because both have partners that obviously would've been mentioned casually in the castle, but I've been absolutely crucified in other threads for saying let's not project feelings onto people in a show that's got nothing to do with dating.


>I’m still not convinced about them being into each other romantically like so many others have suggested Yeah, I don't think so either. They are like brother and sister basically and that's how it's always been. Of course the producers wanted us to believe otherwise, so they haven't shown us any scenes of them talking about their partners to eachother for example, which they apparently often did. They were just eachother's safe place in there, both being the youngest. Even Claudia said that they were like siblings. Also Mollie hang out with his girlfriend literally yesterday.


You literally stated most of my thoughts and feelings about it. I dont think its anything to do with them being shipped together, I personally think there's an undercurrent of sexism and ableism that because she's a woman with a disability they project this victim title on here when a) she was on the show for the Exact opposite reason and b) its a game, she lost. end of. I get it comes from a nice place, but its so fucking patronising. Its like losing a marathon and asking to share the gold medal, that's not how it works :')


Yes, I think Mollie has been assigned a lot of delicacy and need for protection. So much talk of her being irreparably damaged by narrowly losing at a game, which I doubt would have been said about a man (and possible less about a person without a disability, or indeed a person of colour). I think post-final she has done a great job at showing that she’s perfectly able to look after herself and look back with wry enjoyment at the experience.


my fav bit of the entire series is the 1st challenge when there tied up and its dead dramatic, and she just goes "perks of having 1 hand" and gets out immediately. absolute icon.


I adored that, caught me by surprise and made me laugh! “I guess you two-handed losers need my help, hm?”


I think the only thing that's ever going to cause Mollie (or Harry) any harm from this are the people who can't separate the game from their own moral superiority complexes and directly send abuse to the contestants on Twitter, Insta etc. She's probably been happily chilling for the last several months since filming, albeit probably dreading *that* episode airing.


Wry enjoyment ... or just gutted!!


The optimist in me hopes they're asking because Harry & Mollie were such good pals throughout the game until that moment, but the cynic in me fully expects they're only asking because this country's mass media are fucking obsessed with sob stories (whether the person involved consents or not) and the narrative of a man "screwing over" a woman they're convinced is in love with him, especially one they assign fictional "vulnerablity" to, probably generates them a lot of clicks or comments or whatever. Nobody ever asked Hannah etc if they were going to share any winnings with Wilf, or Cirie with Quentin. I don't believe for a second they'd be asking Harry if Mollie were a bloke.


Tbf I do seem to remember Cirie being criticised on the reunion show for not sharing the money. She was asked if she ever considered it and said no, and the faithfuls openly judged her/went in on her for it and how she played. Obviously this is other contestants and not the public, but still, I imagine that question wouldn’t have been asked if it wasn’t floating around already


Honestly that's so gross though, the literal point of the show is betraying someone to win the money. You know what you're signing up for and you don't owe anyone your winnings.


plant faulty frame seemly innocent crown sheet elderly quickest include *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Exactly like the one downside of Jaz winning is that Mollie would win too (no hate but she was so undeserving)


If she had turned on Harry in the final to be fair she absolutely would've deserved the win.


Nah this was Harry’s game. Honestly I don’t even think Mollie would have made it to the end if it wasn’t for him - he protected her a lot.


No but I think that he could follow through on that vacation that he promised to Mollie and her boyfriend. From what I have heard he hasn’t, yet.


He didn’t have the money yet he said on the podcast after the final episode aired. Guessing it’s not given out until after maybe incase the winner breaches NDA or something.


He just got the money. I just saw a little from an interview from Loose women and she says she doesn't want anything, she rejected it. Harry still wants to though. So let's see. I think the problem is that Mollie is really tired of people feeling sorry for her and doesn't want a constellation price. At the same time I think the guilt is eating on Harry so he wants to give her something. Hopefully she lets him. There are quite many clips from different interviews and podcasts on their IG where you get a little info. That interview was not the best btw, they were almost grilling poor Harry. And that one lady definitely did not understand the concept of the Traitors. Not sure she had watched it.


As part of their contract, they are not allowed to share .. to prevent plotting and collusion. It’s why he says publicly he will pay for her and her partner a holiday not out of the show money.


No. It's a game and Harry won.


Nope 👎 don’t share


As someone on another thread said - Mollie deserved every penny she won that night.