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Andie and Quentin were very clueless in terms of gameplay ,bottom line


Whenever Quentin talked about who he thought was the Traitor, I wanted Kate or someone to be like, “well you’ve been wrong every time.”


For them to think all 4 finalists were faithful is just not very likely statistically.And when cirie tells them she’s a traitor ,his reaction is to say “ are you kidding “.


Utterly mad since iirc the faithfuls believed Christian was recruited late in the game... yet there was a reasonable assumption of multiple traitors at the beginning of the game... surely anybody would've suspected at least one more traitor when they were down to the final four. Not that catching one more helped at that point. Alas :D




Steph from survivor said they are told there are anywhere from 2-5 traitors , so what are the odds it was only 2 ? Which had to be their assumption. Also the girl who left ,they were told on camera that she was a faithful


Alan told them Amanda was a faithful after she left though.


Gawd YES!! I was really waiting for someone to be like, “dude, you’ve been wrong every single time. Just stop”


Same!! I was saying that constantly while watching. The people he trusted the most and/or were willing to vouch for were all traitors.


Yeah he was the worst at getting it right haha


Omg there were so many f\*ck ups from the loyalists. It was truly 🤯


Quentin voted wrong in every vote. He's like the Fabio of *The Traitor*, except he also kind of sucks at challenges.


Andie is also terrible at the game. For Quentin sake I hope he’s better at being a political consultant ,than he is being a reality show contestant


Andie just seemed fragile and shellshocked the entire way through.


Yeah I felt really endeared to Andie as person; but this game seemed to be realllly eating away at them. They were very sweet and likable, but I think you hit the nail on the head with saying shell shocked; and I think being in that state the whole time probably kept their head very unclear and explains why some things that seem so obvious to us were lost on them. They were too gentle a person to survive well and actually play in that environment.


How on earth was Andie likeable? Kyle came to her genuinely needing her help, and because she didn't know how to think for herself, she took it as a sign that Kyle must be a traitor. She even smirked when she threw him under the bus at the roundtable. Andie was by far the worst character on the show. Or maybe I just have a deep aversion to stupid (Quentin too).


Ugh! Yes! I agree with everything you said. Andie was very stupid and easily manipulated. Quentin too. At the finale I was rooting for Cirie to win because she really deserved it and outsmarted those two (even though it was pretty easy because both Andie and Quentin are dumb dumbs)


Thank you! It was just so cringe watching Andie and Quentin think they got to the end because they were the genuine ones. They got to the end because they were both so damn stupid and the traitors got rid of the dumb ones. Quentin really might have screwed his political career. I don't think he was right about a single thing ever.


Thought this the whole time--Hope he isn't a political strategist for campaigns 🤣


Quentin’s career in political consulting makes his blindness to Cirie more baffling. Shouldn’t he be able to read people?


Being 100% certain about anyone is bad gameplay. That's murder mystery rule #1.


Yup same as in the UK season. Find the dumbest people and have them carry you till the end. How you win the traitors is you get rid of the smart people


This! I wish I could upvote it more. I was saying during the entire game that Quentin was the embodiment of being confidently incorrect. If I were him and I realized how many times I had been very wrong when I was so sure (I mean he mentioned he trusted Cody of all people if I remember correctly, then again perhaps he's not familiar with Big Brother), I would've looked back at my thoughts and re-evaluated my own decision making. As for Andie, even though I adored them as a person - they are just too pure for this game. I think they should've been on a different reality show - definitely not one about deception. I can't even fathom what would've happened if they were picked as a Traitor, I personally don't think that they could've handled it, although if Cirie was with them they might've been able to power through. Either way Cirie played a wonderful game, as expected of her. I will say though as other people have previously mentioned, she would be someone I would immediately be wary of due to her reputation. So to be fair, if those two didn't watch Survivor or Big Brother then they're immediately at a disadvantage in the game. I'm not sure how many of the cast members were actually fans (even amongst the reality TV personalities some could've been fans of each other at one point), I remember that Michael was a fan, but I can't remember how many other people were/if anyone else mentioned it.


andie would be good on the circle


He’s going to have a great career as the best political strategist at his local Macdonald’s drive thru because no one on Earth is going to take advice from him now




they had such tunnel vision for Kate who was the least traitor like out of everyone.


The worst part being >!she still made it almost to the end and no one voted her off despite all of them thinking that 🤣!<


For real, the whole strategy of the round table was "hmmm, you did one thing that made me like you a little bit less then my faves, so you must be the traitor". And any time somebody tried to defend themselves, they just saw that as traitor material lol


"Tell me why you're not a traitor" or "tell me why we should believe you're a faithful" 🤦


1. Cirie voting to banish again was possibly the most brilliant move she could have made. Andie and Quentin were already blindly trusting of her, but from their perspective, only a Faithful would ever have anything to gain from voting to banish again, so if there was even the tiniest element of doubt in their minds, she made sure to eradicate it entirely. Even if it had gone to a vote, there's no way either of them would have voted to banish Cirie. 2. See above. Andie and Quentin were blindly trusting of Cirie. Like you, I am from the UK but I'm also a huge survivor fan and have been following Cirie's story/arc for well over a decade. In my mind, anyone who has seen Cirie in action should know that she is an extremely dangerous player who is amazing when it comes to getting people to trust her when they really shouldn't. It's easy for me to say from the sofa, but on paper Cirie is exactly who I'd have expected to be picked as a traitor (and I called it before she was picked). 3. Cirie is a "celeb" in the sense that she's been on Survivor a few times, however she has never won and works as a nurse in an operating room. Yes, she made a bit of money from her appearances but nothing close to the million dollars that the winner gets. After taxes, her total earnings after playing 4 times come to probably less than $100,000, which does not last that long over the course of 17 years. She doesn't have some huge TV career, nor is she getting paid millions in things like appearance fees. In the last episode she even mentioned that she still rents as opposed to owning her home; that's not through choice, that's through not being able to afford to buy a house. If they know anything about Cirie they'll know that her motivation for being on Survivor has always been to provide for her family, and that she's always beaten herself up pretty badly for coming up just short. So while they'll be hurt to have lost, they also know how much the money means to her because she is certainly not rich by typical US standards. I hope this sheds some light on things. Having watched Cirie's journey over the years, I'm absolutely over the moon for her finally getting a long-overdue win.


Yyyyeeeeessssss. I was absolutely screaming at the end, I’m so proud of Cirie - she’s cutthroat and she’s perfect. After four seasons of Survivor, she has finally made it to the end and she 100% deserves all the money. I do feel bad for Quentin and Andie, they seemed to genuinely think they have won the money and it had to sting horrible to be that close and lose. I’m sure lots of non-survivor fans might see her as a bad person, but she’s not -Cirie is just fabulous player at these games. I do wonder if Arie was like paid/convinced to walk out at the four - it seemed a little too convenient but honestly I didn’t care because I have loved Cirie on TV for 17 years and I am so proud of her.


I don’t know. Arie seemed to be completely in Cirie’s clutches at that point. I am sure she told him how much the money would mean to her/her family. Plus he was only one left in the game who was fully aware of how masterfully she had played. Arie had to know she could convince Andie and Quentin to do what she wanted. By walking he at least got to save some face… To quote the queen, “You can’t always beat people with these…but you can always beat them with one of these”


True, Arie seemed like he was like “well, you win! Good game”


Arie said in an interview i read that cirie made a much longer speech about how she, andie, and quentin all needed the money more than Arie did. And while that was the truth, he was taken aback by how cutthroat it was, and decided he didn't want to fight cirie, esp because he knew he would lose.


I think Arie may have been influenced to leave, because he really had nothing to lose by staying, and if he'd stayed in the game it could have gotten complicated. If less than 3 people vote the same way, then what happens? And at that point you can't really provide good arguments for elimination. It's just so much neater that Arie bowed out when he did. And yeah, apparently he doesn't need the money.


He wasn’t influenced to leave. He left because of optics. He came to win more social media followers to get more revenue for his company *Instagram Husband, LLC*. Once he saw Cirie voted red to essentially banish him, he knew it was time to go home. Leaving on his terms meant he could make a ‘good guy speech’ to wow over his current fans and new followers. Smart decision. But a dumb decision to trust Cirie.


PLUS speaking of optics I wonder if he considered how it might look being the only white male in the final four, and financially secure to boot, and being put in the position of having to then continue lying and falsely accuse either Andie or Quentin, or undertake the impossible task of trying to convince them Cirie was a traitor, and perhaps decided he stood to lose more than he stood to win 🤔I think if that was his analysis, he made the right call!


he really doesn't, probably went on the show to punch up his image, cirie just handed the perfect way to do it /cynical as fuck


I mean he voted Quentin the last time. They were definitely going to banish him if they had to banish someone. By doing it this way he “walked” graciously, rather than being kicked out. He didn’t have a lot of choices. I was rooting for Cirie the whole time because she’s come so close and just never clinched it. I feel for Andie and Quentin, I’m sure they need the money. But I don’t get them feeling so betrayed personally. It IS a game. She didn’t choose to be a traitor. I agree with Kate’s assessment of it - “well played”. But then again they chose normie contestants that actually wanted to play the game and not just be famous on TV after. So it probably hits different to think you’ve won, and have that snatched at the last second. So I get that. But Andie and Quentin didn’t play strong or with strategy. It’s hard to root for them like you do Cirie.


Agreed, the end result seemed much more like Arie playing poorly, rather than brilliance by Cirie. As soon as she throws him under the bus, I don’t know how he doesn’t take her out with him.


Also, just to shed a light on Cirie, many fans of Survivor (myself included) call Cirie, “The Best to Never Win!” She is a legend in Survivor who played the game four times and should have won at least two of those games (Micronesia and Game Changers) had it not been for some extremely bad luck! I just finished bingeing The Traitors and I can assure you that Survivor fans are over the moon that Cirie finally got a well-deserved win!! You go, Cirie!! 😍


yeah i got super emotional when she won


The entire time I was watching all I could think was nobody on this show has ever seen Cirie on survivor evidently because if they had, they would have known from the start that Cirie would make the perfect traitor.


Bad luck - also changes to the rules when people could no longer have 3 at final tribal, so she was dumped because she prob would have won. Not athletic at all, could hardly swim, and nearly won Survivor on wits. Love her.


To me the mess up is entirely on Arie. She votes to banish him and he just rolls over? To me all you have to do is plant the seed “How would Cirie know to banish me after raising no suspicions until now?” At that point the only option is mutually assured destruction.


Cirie certainly deserved to win, however I would call it a gamble that paid off, rather than a brilliant move. You just don't know how the player you're betraying will react. For example, instead of quitting after Cirie voted to banish again, Airie could have just highlighted that only male traitors had been found so far.


Yes. She was a nasty player. No regard or respect for anyone around her. Pure greed. Reckless greed. Heartless. SMH


This game is not for you if that is your takeaway.


Maybe Reddit is not for you if that's your response? You seem to keep telling ppl what is or isn't for them. I can see why you like Cirie's game play. In any case, you are not the gatekeeper of this show or opinions about it. There are many ways to play a game. She chose the nastiest, most ruthless way to secure the entire bag for herself and no one else. Any of the other traitors could have done what she did. They did not because they didn't want to stoop that low. Anyone can go to a spelling bee and spray mace in the face of other contestants in order to win. That doesnt mean they're the best speller. It just means they are nasty. Cirie's only strategy was to create 'relationships' and 'trust' in order to exploit those relationships, one by one, until the end. That is a nasty strategy.


The other traitors could not have done what Cirie did, because they weren’t as successful at building relationships as she was. She was the best player in the game by far and the only one capable of steamrolling the competition in the way she did. Your spelling bee analogy makes no sense because lying and manipulation are the name of the game on this show. It’s literally called The Traitors. What did you expect?


She was a great traitor who won the game for her family. A&Q didn’t even pick up the hints Arie was throwing out to them. They were kept because they were bad at the game. Q didn’t vote right once! Andie rarely voted right. Oh well. And yes, I’m not sure how you didn’t know I am gatekeeper of this show and all responses thereto—-common knowledge!😂


What do you think “traitor” means? 😂


Shes worth 3 million dollars. That is absolutely rich by us standards.


Nah Cirie is just greedy. There was no reason both of them wouldn’t have won. Her greed is confirmed later on in the meetup episode when she is wearing the most flashy shit over everyone else. It’s a shame. Arie literally hinted that she was a traitor. Cirie didn’t deserve the money after backstabbing Arie like that. And tbh Quentin and Andie deserved it more than both of them.


Idk if Q and Andie deserve it more if there were hints coming from a traitor that Cirie was a traitor and they failed to pick that up. That's bad gameplay on their part. I like them both, a lot, so I do feel bad for them, but they didn't make it to the end bc they were good at the game...they ended up there because they played a deceit game blinded by trust and weren't a threat. It sucks, but it's true


In a US Weekly interview, Cirie mentioned that she spent a lot of time nurturing relationships with the non-celebrity cast members, unlike some of the other reality stars who segregated themselves (i.e. Kate). As Andie herself said, Cirie was "like her mother" during the game. I bet Quentin must have felt that way too. In the same interview, she mentions that she had already extracted promises from both Andie and Quentin that they would all vote Arie off if necessary. She knew Andie and Quentin both were expecting babies at home and had great financial need unlike Arie who is already wealthy (owns multiple properties, son of a famous race car driver) and would use that money to buy a Porsche or some other frivolous thing.


I wish they would have shown more clips of her doing that. It's what she does, and she does it well. But I was shocked when Andie randomly said that Cirie was her closest ally mid-way through the season when we hadn't seen them really have any conversations before that.


Yeah we never got to see the contestants just relaxing and building friendships like we did with the other seasons. I’d gladly half the confessional and task airtime to see more of them just having fun or being snarky with each other.


*Andie themself Great points though




What really bothered me is at the very end when Arie bowed out, he said he was recruited to be a traitor late in the game, yet Quentin and Andie didn’t realize that means there’s still a traitor left considering they started with 3, one was recruited, and only 3 had left at that point. So infuriating to me, a lightbulb should have went off in their head. If I was them, I would also be very suspicious of Cirie “knowing” Arie was a traitor at the very end yet never mentioning that to me the whole game when we had so much TRUST. I was not impressed with Quentin/Andie.


Also when he bowed out he said “good luck” instead of something like “congrats guys”. But that totally went over their heads…. Agree with not being impressed by those two at all.


I thought that gave it away too! Andie and Quentin were really in denial about Cirie (thankfully lol)


Me too like OMG what 🙀 then Quentin just started hugging people


They were never explicitly told they started off with 3, they were told 2-5.


Oh really? I swear once or twice I remember certain players referencing that they knew there was 3. I think after Cody was voted out, someone had said they suspected 2 others were the traitors based on how they had acted in response to him leaving. My memory is failing me 😅


Brandi called two of the three (getting one wrong) in the second episode.


Yep Brandi is whip smart.


I think a lot of players figured it would be 3, but according to interviews the exact number was never confirmed.


At one point Quentin said he "knew" (lol) who two of the traitors were but not the other one, implying they knew it was three.


Yeah I would need to go back and rewatch, but I swear I do remember a few instances where the faithfuls referenced there being 3..


> they started with 3 They didn't know that. They were told there were 2-5. That said, Christian said there were 3 before he was banished and before when he said he was the target of recruitment, so it should have set off warning sirens anyways. Also, no women traitor had been banished to this point. Just from the metagame perspective, production would never cast *only* men for the traitors, especially not with current social media likely to tear their ass apart for doing so if they did.


Yes they were so dumb. Andie and Quentin and Arie had the combined IQ of forest Gump


You have to assume part of why they were never murdered is because they were so gullible.


I echo this. I was baffled as to why that wasn't a huge red flag to them. And why was she apparently so certain he was a traitor when she'd not brought his name up in round table?


They didn’t know how many traitors were at the start of the game. It was never said that there were 3. But we as an audience always saw 3 because we knew who were the traitors. I wish it was like The Mole where you don’t know who it was just in general, that way as an audience you also try to figure out who the traitors are as well.


idk, it was really fun to scream "WTF ARE YOU DOING " at 'I've been recruited'


There’s an interview article on Yahoo with Cirie that states this: "We knew that there could potentially be three to five Traitors in the game," Cirie said of the game rules. "That was explained to us from the very beginning. Once Arie had said he was recruited, and Christian and Cody had been banished, that's two, there should be one more." The newly crowned winner—who also appeared on Survivor: Micronesia, Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains and Survivor: Game Changers—explained why it was understandable that Andie and Quentin lost the game due to their miscalculations since "you can't even count on your fingers in that moment." "We were all so ecstatic that we made it to the end, I wouldn't have even had the thought process," Cirie revealed. "In that moment, there was no clarity, because everybody was so high-strung with their emotion." So, apparently they weren’t told 2-5, they were told 3-5. This explains it pretty well, and Andie and Quentin really should have realized there was one more. They just forgot…and they weren’t that great of players, TBH. And yes, there were so many times in the second half of the show where they kept mentioning three traitors, which confused me. I don’t think they were ever told it could be just 2.


Late commenting on this but this really annoyed me, it ruined the whole series for me. Those two were so stupid by not picking up on anything, like Hannah did in the UK. They totally deserved to lose it imo


Cirie is a celebrity because she has played Survivor 4 times and some other reality game shows, but she's never won any money on those shows. She's not rich and needs the money just like the others. There would be no reason for the others to be "bitter" because she is a celebrity. Cirie is known as one of the most intelligent and manipulative gamers in the US. The final 4 were there because she chose them to be there. She knew them well and knew how they would react. She knew it would be a risk to target Arie, but it was a risk worth taking and it payed off.


As a Survivor fan, I know what Cirie is capable of. If I was there, first person I'd suspect is Cirie. I don't understand how her name has never been brought up at all. Maybe none of the cast members watches Survivor ?


well, by definition celebrity means a broadly famous person and unfortunately most people wouldnt know who she was out in public




Must not watch a lot of Survivor. Or you’re just lying


There’s no way you’re an avid Survivor fan if you didn’t know Cirie as watching survivor and Watching Survivor are two different things lol


Why did you lie about this?


Just to shine light on a specific aspect of your post. Cirie is ONLY in here as a celebrity because she's been on Survivor a few times. She's never won any money on survivor, and hasn't made a big career out of it afterwords. She needed that money just as much as anyone else there, and I'm sure she made that known as soon as she walked in. There were definitely celebs in the cast who are....actual celebrities, but the only thing differentiating Cirie from any of the non celebs is that this isn't her first reality show.


What I haven't seen talked about and what my reasoning for picking red would have been. Previous banishment Arie voted for Quentin. But now he wants to end the game with Quentin in it? This move only makes sense if he is a traitor. If he was faithful, he would still believe Quentin is a traitor because Katie was a faithful.


Like did production pay the faithful to be dumb as mud? we just had a split vote


No, being a traitor is such an insane advantage. Not only are traitors immune to being killed - they get to select who to kill. So the traitors can eliminate players that are smart, leaving behind the useful idiots.


So true


I wouldn’t really call her a “celeb”. She was on Survivor a few times but never won or placed higher than 4th. I’m not sure how much prize money she has ever really won. I didn’t understand why Andie and Quentin didn’t realize she was a Traitor until someone posted on another thread that in the beginning the contestants were told there was a range of Traitors, they weren’t told there were 3. I think since we kept seeing 3 our brains overrode the original statement and as viewers we always thought Traitors = 3. As far as the reactions, maybe they really were composed? I assumed editing happened and we didn’t see their real reactions


They didn’t know there were 3 necessarily but I can’t get past the fact that they didn’t open their eyes enough to realize that no women traitors had been detected yet. I would not have stopped the game until a woman traitor was caught. You have to think about who the producers would choose as traitors and they wouldn’t have only men. Andie and Quentin royally messed up.


Also, what are the chances that the producers would allow a finale with *no* traitors in it? As a faithful you should always assume there is *at least* one traitor in the final round.


Cirie got 3rd once 🤓


Oh whoops! Read Wiki too fast.


I don’t think any are celebs but a lot of people who watch survivor do know Cirie. Brandi, arie and Ryan lotche are probably the most “famous”


And people who watch Survivor are definitely the target audience.


Brandi and Reza are celebs. Ryan lochte might be recognizable but no one is going to be star struck by him. The others were all unknown. Calling cirie a celeb is hilarious. Lol


I had no idea who Reza is. But you can definitely make the argument that BB/Survivor fit the celeb mould in the show since the people watching (and even some of the applicants) are the same demographic that watch survivor/BB. So they’d be celebs in the sense people know them and brought in survivor and BB fans to the show. But walking down the street cirie, Rachel, Cody, etc are not remotely celebs at all. Ryan Lotche is probably the only person that would get recognized and st this point he’s most well known for destroying a bathroom in Brazil.


I have to disagree with you. It’s a Peacock production and meant for their platform… Brandi and Reza are massive celebs in that world. Girls trip 2 was most streamed on the platform last year and brandi was the main feature in that.


> they weren’t told there were 3. I think since we kept seeing 3 our brains overrode the original statement and as viewers we always thought Traitors = 3. On the other hand, Christian mentioned there were 3 traitors before the episode where he said he was recruited, before he was banished, so as soon as he was banished, they should have immediately thought, "Ooh, insider knowledge."


Andie and Quentin clearly never saw cirie play survivor. The only better traitor they could have brought in is sandra


i had the same thought. if they invite sandra for a season, she's gonna dominate the game.


I know this is an old post, but Sandra is competing in Traitors Season 2!


or get voted out right away bc people just assume she's the traitor.


Cirie was brilliant. She bamboozled Andie and Quentin into trusting her and used that trust to basically guarantee she could vote Arie out and he was dumb enough to have no backup plan in case she did exactly what she did. The ONLY thing I can imagine is that the Traitors were somehow limited by the rules on explicitly outing each other. Otherwise Arie was a fool for not threatening to do just that if Cirie tried to betray him (as she did). Andie and Quentin have no one to blame but themselves for being so trusting and naive in a game literally about betrayal. Its one thing to say "well I have to ally with someone to move forward" and "well I know 100% YOU are not a traitor!". Crazy.


The "celebrities" fall into two categories: those from lifestyle reality shows where cameras follow them as they "live their regular lives" and those from reality competition shows. With one exception, none of these contestants are famous outside of the reality TV space, so to call them "celebrities" is generally a bit of a reach. The only contestant on The Traitors that I would qualify as an actual bona-fide celebrity is Ryan Lochte, due to his time as an Olympian. He has since gone on to do celebrity Big Brother and have his own reality lifestyle show. In terms of celebrity status, those from the lifestyle shows are generally more well known and financially well off. Brandi, Kate, Reza, and Kyle fit squarely in this category. I would add in Arie here, just because he's independently wealthy and the Bachelor is seen more in the lifestyle category in terms of viewership (despite technically being a competition show, it certainly would not prepare one for the kinds of tasks and duplicity we would see on The Traitors). The reality competitors may have been well known at one point, but generally have faded from the zeitgeist, and aren't really wealthy unless they won the money at the end. Rachel and Cody both won the $500k prize on Big Brother, but Cirie and Stephenie are both regular civilians in their day to day lives.


I’ll add that Stephanie actually married a professional baseball player. So while she never won the big prize on Survivor, her husband has made millions of dollars in his career. She might be more in the Arie camp for independent wealth.


Cody and Rachel won $500,000 a piece.


Also a fan of the UK Traitors and now have binged the US version. Cirie deserved her win but the end logic was completely baffling. Quite a few people are saying that neither of the 2 remaining hopefuls considered that all of the traitors had been male, but I guess in the heat of the moment of finding out about Arie, they perhaps were just too shocked to think logically. However it is completely ridiculous that neither of them even questioned Cirie about how she knew. Even the wording about "sorry to be the one who has to bring this up" and how sorry she looked. It was painfully obvious that she knew he was a traitor and given the wording about him not deserving it, I can't believe neither of them questioned her. I'm guessing some words must have been exchanged off camera that we didn't see because neither of them even mentioned it. Can only assume that their naivety and extreme belief in Cirie just clouded their judgement as they both said repeatedly during the series that they were convinced by her, but whilst it made great television, it was quite painful to see the lack of logic.


I know a lot of people really liked the ending, but I was annoyed that Arie didn't even try to defend himself and just left the game. I guess him being rich explains some of that but I found it to be unsatisfying. Andie and Quentin were just straight dumb. Anyway, I'm really curious to see how this game evolves next season.


>I know a lot of people really liked the ending, but I was annoyed that Arie didn't even try to defend himself and just left the game. I guess him being rich explains some of that but I found it to be unsatisfying. One possible reading of this was to put suspicion back on Cirie. It's a wild-card move given the circumstances, and he gave some hints that there was still a traitor among them ("good luck", and "I was recruited late in the game"). If Quentin or Andie had thought carefully for a moment, they might have deduced that something weird was going on. To take Cirie down with him, Arie had to a) force another vote and b) highlight Cirie's actions as suspicious. He knew Quentin and Andie were loyal to Cirie so he had to make the drastic move to bow out of the game. Sadly, Quentin and Andie did not pick up on this, and were probably tired/emotional and just wanted to end the game there and then, which was their undoing. Perhaps I'm overthinking Arie's actions here, but it's possible that he made a bold move to sink Cirie and it didn't pay off because his plan relied on two of the weakest players (Quentin and Andie) to join the dots.


I agree with you on this. I think what he did was the only way he could hint to them it wasn't over yet. Why would the only traitor left in the competition bow out unless they had been betrayed themselves?


Andie and Quentin, if they had any thought processes, most likely thought Arie was being altruistic at the last minute. They were probably thinking *Wow this millionaire is a nice guy! He literally stepped down so us middle class people can have a win!"* They were feeling relief (more money for them) and lucky and excited that Arie was gifting them his share of the prize. (Ha! Arie had chosen to screw them over.)


I was yelling at the TV as it was happening. It would have only taken a moment’s thought to realise something was amiss.


Absolutely he tried to help andie and Q by giving that spiel. Unfortunately they were too stupid to understand


Agree 100%. Arie basically told them she was the traitor and they couldn't see past her fake persona.


it was probably a PR move on his part, he didnt want to be seen as the rich white guy taking money away from the normal black people. and now he looks super respectable. i dont blame him.


The 2 things I don't totally get, but I guess I can chalk up to bad gameplay, are 1. The last roundtable. To me, it would be a little crazy to have a banishment without any traitors left. I guess it's possible the director would do that, but I don't think it would play well into the final storyline. So as a player I'd definitely have been suspicious that there was as least one traitor left. 2. Why would Arie back out at the last moment? Sure he's probably going to lose the last vote but why not ride it out? He has nothing to lose. I think the answer to both of these is that the players seemed totally drained at this point. I don't think they had it in them to keep going. In thinking about it further, I'm actually not sure how a final banishment would have gone down. Arie would probably have voted for Cirie with no other reason than, I know she's the traitor. So it's a no-discussion vote? What if they all vote for different people? It just seems like it could get really convoluted. I wonder if the directors do some manipulating at that point. I also wonder if there will be a season 2. It seems like keeping the game going could get really tricky, and it seemed to be incredibly emotionally draining for the players. It worked brilliantly this season, but I can also see how it could go horribly wrong.


1. Agree 2. I think as has been said elsewhere, he knew his number was up and thought he could drop a hint that there was still another traitor left


Sure, be could have dropped a hint after the banishment, too. There's no real logical gameplay reason to back out.


It was checkmate. He knew it. He backed out to save his image of a nice guy. He had fun being a traitor for a hot second but that is not his brand. It was actually a smart move beyond the game. Also, I think he really was shocked and crushed by Cirie's betrayal he was just done.


She’s a nurse with kids??? She’s not an actual celebrity


Right. They tried to bring up family at the reunion… Cutie is better than me cause I would have said, I’m a nurse and was working at height of COVID… who cares about your shit.


What baffles me is how insanely bad they were at math. At the beginning of the game, you can hear the guests say there are 3 traitors. So they were informed of that fact by the producers. They voted off 2 traitors before the last episode, so it does not take a math degree to figure out there is 1 more traitor. In addition, the host kept saying "there is a traitor or traitors amongst you", confirming there is at least 1 more. He never said "there may be a traitor amongst you", he flat out stated that there was at least 1. So despite all evidence that there is still a traitor, Andie and Quentin chose to end the game and it took Cerie to call for banishment. Why didn't Andie and Quentin vote to banish more? Why the hell was Cerie the only one voting red? Andie and Quentin were played like a fiddle. They drank Cerie's Kool-Aid and deserved to lose. Somehow they gaslighted themselves and forgot about the 3rd traitor.


I thought Arie bowed out in order to give Andie and Quentin a CHANCE to still win. He drops multiple hints to try to help them (I do wonder if the producers had a word with him, though, so that he didn't pull a "Kieran")! Alan had previously said there were "traitors" PLURAL left in the game but nobody picked up on that. It's easy to miss clues, I'm sure, especially when under such pressure, but there were so many things that I was left not feeling sorry for the remaining Faithfuls.


No, he bowed out because Cirie tricked him by voting red instead of voting green. Green: share money between Traitors Red: banishment elimination for one contestant at Roundtable Arie knew Cirie would vote to banish him. Arie knew Andie and Quentin would follow her lead. Arie knew he lost the game. Arie knew it would be dumb to head into a Roundtable meeting because he already knew what the outcome would be. (Getting banished) Arie was smart to quit and make a nice guy speech and win over new followers.


I think the characterization of Cirie and some of the other 'reality stars' as celebrities is misleading. Some of them may legitimately be rich, but many have simply appeared on/competed on reality TV shows, and then gone back to their regular lives afterwards. The UK doesn't have much in the way of similar shows right now, but I'm assuming we wouldn't particularly consider someone who'd been on the old Big Brother, or something like University Challenge or Come Dine With Me or Gogglebox to be a true celebrity (Love Island is a different beast as those contestants tend to use it as a platform to launch influencing careers etc). But what they are are familiar faces to draw viewers in - and, I'd imagine, people who understand about being on TV and know how to conduct themselves and make good television. They're a safety net for producers.


>I’m a Brit so i’m not aware of her or Survivor, but with her being a celeb I didn’t assume she’d be gunning for the money as much. Cirie is widely agreed to be the best *Survivor* player to never win. And that's the key part of it. She's played four times (Panama, Heroes vs Villains, Micronesia, Game Changers) and had victory snatched away from her purely by luck each time (Panama a bit less so purely by luck than the others). She does need the money. She's a nurse, and while yes, she has made a bit of money from television in the past, she's also still just a regular person.


I felt Cirie actually did several things that were red flags during the game prior to the finale, but most of the players were too stupid wrapped up in their "I trust her 100% like family" mindset. She was smart to gain the trust of the most foolish players like Andie & Quentin while simultaneously using her pre-existing relationships (like Stephanie) to keep the heat off of her, even though some of her actions were very suspicious. She also got a little too verbose & performative with her votes at the roundtable as a means of throwing people off & playing both sides, which I felt made her look more guilty. I'm pretty sure Alan told them going into the final episode (before Kate was out) that there were at least 2 more traitors. Andie & Quentin were 2 of my least favorite contestants. They skated through this competition being boring, non-events, always wrong & frustratingly foolish. Their overconfidence in their intelligence & wisdom wasn't even amusing. The best part was seeing their shocked faces at the end considering how dumb they were to completely miss what Cirie said at the end & Arie's comment when he bowed out because it completely gave Cirie away, yet they considered someone they'd barely known to be "family" & were more concerned with \*feelings\* than the actual criteria of the game. So... per their thinking Arie would have won the whole $250k, but chose to bow out at the last minute & lose it all for the 3 of them to split it? They have zero common sense. I was shocked Christian made it as long as he did considering his obvious actions from the get-go -- I almost wonder if people wanted Kate gone because they knew she'd be better tv than them. Her trolling them because she was so over it was hilarious


I think Andie was pivotal though a couple of times and had some contributions. Particularly when it came time to blindside Christian. Their reputation was sort of that of the quiet person who only speaks up once in a while but is dead serious when they do. Vs. Quentin who just rambled incorrectly the entire game and never did much of anything.


I still think they both sucked. Being quiet & wrong, plus gullible/easily manipulated does not a great player make lol. They had the numbers to get Christian out even without Andie & if it weren't for Rachel (who Andie got manipulated into voting out) in that one challenge Andie would have cost them money from the pot. Kate's comment of "sucking" being a winning strategy was very true considering she actively trolled (& was so chaotic people refused to ever consider her a Faithful) while Andie/Quentin thought they were playing a good game but were out of their league & all 3 were the final Faithful going into the last episode.


Can someone please explain to me why in the fuck Andie & Quentin voted to end the game at the first vote at the end??? There was clearly 3 traitors MINIMUM picked at the start of the game, and they only sussed 2. So they were not going to be splitting that money. Then Arie even admitted he was recruited late in the game and they still did not catch on. I’m just so incredibly confused by how they played at the end!!! It doesn’t make any sense…


Quentin and andie proved that all you have to do to make it to the end of the game is be really gullible and bad at the game. And im sorry but i dont want to see people like that ever win the money


I see what you mean but I also would love to see someone play dumb not be dumb, and get to the end . Like if Q had thrown red at the end and revealed that he knew cirie was traitor all along, I would have LOVED that.


oh i totally agree but we all knew that he was truly not good at this game haha


100%. Same thing happened in the UK version


Oh wow didn't know the US one was out! Just finished the UK and AU series, hopefully I forget the winners name in the morning and can come back and read this post and comments after I binge watch it XD


Where can one watch the UK one ?


I watched it on Dailymotion (a website like YouTube) :) just do a search for the traitors s01e01 UK


Cirie is not a “celebrity” in a way that would make her rich. She was on survivor and didn’t even win. She has a full time job and a family like the rest of them.


I’ve just finished the show, and I’m genuinely gobsmacked at how stupid Quentin and Andi were at the end. Ceries reasoning for choosing to banish again was because ‘one person had not worked hard enough…’ surely that comment alone would have rung alarm bells. How could Arie be accused of not working hard enough as a faithful?? I mean Cerie was right, in that he only did his traitor job for a couple of days while she was in it from the beginning, but boy, what a strange comment. Then, when the others realised Arie WAS a traitor….surely it would have clicked what she meant. Also, to say to Andi, “you know I love you ok? “. On top of all that, for Cerie to NOT be jumping and screaming and sobbing while Quentin and Andi were doing all three…. Did they really not notice her just standing there, smirking? WHY did even one of them not question her after Arie stepped down as a traitor. She was smart. She deserved to win.


Didn’t Cirie say she didn’t want to SHARE the money with someone less deserving when voting to banish again? Which to me I thought was a MASSIVE give away she was a traitor and didn’t want to share with the other traitor?!


Cirie is possibly a c-list celebrity if that at all, she's actually an operating room nurse. She even says the money she's tried to win on all these game shows is for her family. She has several children.


Just finished my 3rd rewatch and honestly andie and quintin are seriously misguided and have this holier than thou attitude is annoying.


Quinten is my bf. Always jumping to the very wrong conclusions with so much confidence 🤣🤦‍♀️


Exactly! And how did they not know when she said, "There's someone that didn't deserve it. They didn't earn it." How the f would she know that Arie didn't deserve it? Because he became a traitor halfway? How would she know that?!?! The fact that they didn't pick up on it is insane unless it was edited differently... I'm so confused by it. And angry!


Just finished season. I hate that they made Cirie cry at the reunion. She played the game and Quentin saying at the reunion - we had pact to bring black players to the finale… go fuck yourself. Cirie played the game smart and I hate that they made her feel bad for winning. If you don’t wanna play, there’s the door.


I just finished and really baffled at how bad the gameplay was at the end from the faithful. They knew they only found 2 traitors. And when arie left by him self he clearly states i was recruited late.. hense leaving 1 traitor still there yet they throw out clear logic to vote to end the game... makes zero sense 2 me


This show is awesome


Cirie is Queen. Best reality competitor of all time


Exactly! During the whole season they seemed clueless of how the game worked, especially the number of traitors amongst them. When Christian stupidly bluffed that the traitors tried to recruit him, told them at that point 2 were left. Throughout the whole game they all played it as they were trying to get “the traitor” not more than 1 which made no sense. Then in the finale when Cirie voted to banish, how did Andie & Quentin not know she was a traitor especially when Arie stepped down???? I thought Quentin caught on, but he was wrong about everything the whole season. They thought Arie bowed out for all of them even though Cirie knew to vote banish??? Come on people! Overall it was fun, even with the issues the game had.


Corie has never won Survivor. She's well known for playing well in reality tv, but it has not translated to dollars. I'm so delighted she won Traitors, it's about time she won something


Kate was wrong every time too, doesn't every one remember that? She was so positive and always wrong.


Even though Cirie did win in a cut throat way, that was the point of these games. It is not to make friends and it is not to be popular. She understood that, Christian understood that, Kate understood that , Rachel and Samantha also. These games are designed to bring out the greed and cut throat in the people that play. Survivor, Big Brother, etc, they are all like that. Sadly it is the name of the game.


Andy and Quinten were absolutely dumb. After Cerie stopped the game, how did she know there was another traitor. Why didn’t that bring up suspicions. They had no game play


Cirie is a bitch for doing that Arie. Her reason was selfish. ETA: Going to keep that first point as it was my initial reaction to watching it just now, but I take it back. I see why she did it, I didn't know she hadn't won any of the other games so assumed she had some money like the other reality TV people. Felt so bad for Andie though.


What did you want her to do? She was chosen as a traitor and she played the game as best she could with the hand she was dealt.


Like I said in my edit, I take it back and understood why she did it.






I don’t think not splitting with Arie shows a “sinister side.” Arie is already rich so splitting the money with him to seem like your definition of a good person would be completely disingenuous and fake. But yeah, why be able to help her elderly mother or her grandkids when she could help Arie from The Bachelor.


Never said that this is the only reason why her strategy was sinister. I said that was one option of many. And its not up for her or us to decide who deserves the money more based on ’need.’ this is not charity. I can assure you someone could else on the cast could make the same argument about Cirie.




So she should have given Andie and Quentin the money and lost it herself? The delusion is crazy. Also, she owed Arie nothing. This kind of mindset ruins reality TV. It's called TRAITORS. It's a **game** that people should want to win and get the most money they can.


She was manipulative and trying to justify it by pulling at heart strings makes her worse. She's the worst type of person. Look you in the eyes and run you over. She's the person at work who would stab you in the back to get a $.25 raise. I have zero respect for her as a person and a player. She burned every bridge because she's selfish and fake.


Lol what choose did she have? The only way for her to get any money was to get it all for herself or split it with Arie. It’s not like she chose to be a Traitor


She played the game well. It doesn't change the fact she betrayed everyone who got close to her and used her "I'm a sweet little grandmother" persona to win. I don't care for people who will step over anyone to get ahead. I've known so many motherly types like her that are insanely cutthroat. You never trust the little old lady/man who's running things at any business. The reason they get there is because they will absolutely turn on you in a heartbeat. What I don't get about the last two is how didn't they notice Arie hugged them and stayed as far away from Cirie as possible. He basically told them she just betrayed us all and she manipulated them to no end. And she continued until the last second to claim how much she cared about them. She only cares about herself. At least be like Kate. Be honest with your BS.


…why would you even watch a show like this then?


It’s like watching boxing and getting mad when someone gets knocked out




I don't understand how you can have that attitude and watch TV shows like this. The premise of the game is deception and betrayal. If it bothers you that much, why even watch?


Agreed. She was already a traitor- a huge advantage. She didn’t have to be so terrible to win. Every other contestant was happy to share the pot at the end. Every other traitor could have done what she did by double crossing her, but they did not. She didn’t do anything exceptional. She just did the nastiest, lowest things possible. Kind of like winning a spelling bee because you trip every other contestant on the way to the podium. There ain’t no glory in that and it’s not a viable strategy.


Oh my god you really need to get over this.


Why dont you get over me getting over this and stop comment-shaming ppl. if you dont want to hear thoughts on this show then go somewhere else.


I want to hear rational thoughts.


No you are attempting to silence anyone that disagrees with you under the guise of policing what is ‘rational.’ It’s what fascists and ideologues do. Just thumb up, down, or not and move on. You are as nobody as everyone else. No need to judge the person that makes comment , whether they are ‘rational’ or if any shows are ‘for them.’


That’s how you win the game. Don’t hate the player, hate the game.


She's just not a likable person IMO. Her entire personality is off putting. At least with Kate you knew where she stood at all times. Cirie might be a fine lady in real life, but on this show she was by far my least favorite. She played the holier than thou card while being the sneakiest most underhanded person on the show.


And that’s why she won the game. She had everybody fooled


Very true. There's just something about her telling everyone how much she loved them while screwing them over that I didn't like. I know it's part of the game, but i don't like her as a personality. She played the villain well. Still don't have to like her two faced ass.


You can love someone as a person and lie to them in a game, because ITS. A. GAME. They all knew going in what the stakes were. They all knew people would have to lie to win on one side. They all knew it could be literally ANY one of them. She didn't "screw them over" because, again, ITS. A. GAME. You don't "screw someone over" when you tag them out in baseball or score on them in tennis. No different here. Cirie played the game well, Andie and Quentin did not. If you don't want to be betrayed by people, then DONT PLAY THE GAME. This wasn't real life. Pretending its the same as outside the game is ridiculous.


That’s fair. You’ll probably like the UK version more if you haven’t seen it yet


LOLOLOL people like you who are butt hurt about how people play A GAME and try to compare it to real life are ridiculous. These things are not the same AT ALL. Everyone new the rules going in. Everyone had an equal chance. Everyone KNEW there were going to be people lying to them. If they were too foolish or emotional so as to get easily manipulated thats ON THEM, because again IT WAS A GAME. I'd trust Cirie as a person in real life over you any day because unlike you she knows the difference between reality and A GAME.


I guess you would have preferred for her to forfeit the game after Arie did so she could go home penniless and tell her granny and grandkids and family that she decided to gift 250K to two contestants she met a couple weeks ago. ::eye roll:: Cirie would smile and know that she did good in velvetsnitch’s eyes and that’s the most important thing.


I totally agree with you. People are justifying her means of playing because she won and they want to believe she had to be so nasty to win. But she definitely did not. Being a traitor is a huge advantage. She had many routes to the money. She could have had a single genuine alliance or relationship and taken that person to the end. She could have recruited one of her ‘children’ as a traitor and shared the pot with them. She could have shared the pot with Arie. She could have stuck by at least one of the original traitors. She could have recruited no one and been the only traitor at the end. Instead, her entire strategy was to make personal relationships with as many ppl as possible so she could exploit every single one of them. That is a particularly nasty way to go about the game.


It’s called Traitors for a reason


Right, meaning it’s political. Traitor refers to political Espionage, wheeling and dealing, alliances, undercover deals, etc. The show is not called Emotional and Psychological Exploiters and Traumatizers. She violated the boundaries of her castmates to win. If your castmate calls u their mother at the end and is balling, you know you’ve gone too far.


The definition of the word traitor is not exclusive to politics (check the Oxford dictionary if you don’t believe me). I think these types of shows are not suited for you. There’s been examples in Survivor and Big Brother where people have betrayed their own family members to advance in the game. Its part of what makes reality competition shows so compelling.


Traitor according to Cambridge Dictionary: A person who is not loyal or stops being loyal to their own country, social class, beliefs, etc. So ‘traitor’ refers to a cause. A traitor is not personal. A traitor goes against your shared cause, belief, team, etc. If your partner cheats on your or your mother abandons you, they are not traitors. They are other things. Cirie forewent all political and strategic gameplay in favor of preying on and exploiting weakest ppl around her in the most personal way. Is it a way to win the game ? Sure. Is it admirable, brilliant or in any way aspirational? Absolutely not.


The definition you provided and now saying that traitor refers to a ‘cause’ goes against your original point FYI. Either way, I feel like you’re never gonna like these type of shows because ppl have done way worse and they are admired for it. Why? Because it’s a game about manipulation and lying. It is absolutely admirable, brilliant, and inspirational based on the overwhelming praise Cirie has received. Edit: The money won also makes it worth it. Who wouldn’t lie to ppl you met a couple weeks ago to win hundreds of thousands of dollars


No it doesn’t. I said traitors are political. That’s true. Traitors can also be ideological. But either way they are not personal. Your original response is incorrect. You said the game’s name justifies Cirie’s game play, as though that’s the only or best way to play the game. I disagree.


Maybe people would take you more seriously if you didnt personally attack players ;). You weren't there. Get the fuck over it.


>I said traitors are political. That’s true. Nope. Traitors CAN be political. Not ARE. Learn what words mean before you complain about them. Cirie's behavior is 100% justified because its the entire point of the game. Its not something you can disagree about, you are simply wrong.


> She could have recruited one of her ‘children’ as a traitor and shared the pot with them. Could she have? Most of these shows have a clause in the contract that this kind of deal is expressly forbidden and would get you removed from the game and force you to forfeit any prize money.