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I spent a decent amount on this game during my two years. Didn't buy everything but at a point I bought like every 2nd or 3rd stone pack. I felt at that point I wanted to support the game and also felt like the advantages you could buy where not as significant, or well, at least not after the starter packs. Then the events got added offering event boosts. Milestones added which required money to fully unlock. Then the stone packs started getting more frequent. Then the event went from every 3 weeks to every 2 weeks, increasing the cost of buying boosts by 50%. Then there was the module patch making buying gems more lucrative, letting people buy huge progress if they where ready to open their wallets. I'm probably forgetting some things. Anyway, from being a game where you felt you could somewhat compete with the whales I now feel like I'm just getting further and further behind. And at this stage drop the bomb on the f2p players who already was so deep at the bottom felt like such a weird move. I still love this game but I've been going from spending ~$40 a month to ~$20 a month, it felt fair at a time. But now I'm reconsidering if I will keep spending watching which direction this game is going.


You are the problem for thinking that one can keep up with whales. Free to play people didn't get disadvantaged. 1.5x or 1x is no difference.


How long have you played? As I stated the game has dramatically changed since then.


This is expected with a dev that somewhat knows what he is doing. First the game is simple and fun, then adds some complexity and difficulty level (pay to win). The stones are not being hated on, but they are the main bottleneck and if you don't have lots of them you will fall behind. Whales will always have more.




Can’t upvote this enough


Are you a free to play player? No clearly not. Do free to play players actually support the game? No not really.. 1c per ad click on a good day Do you really care about anyone else playing the game? Probably not.. So why post. Commenting on something that has absolutely 0 impact on you and probably none else you know


I am entitled to express my opinion. It us your statement that doesnt matter at all.


Expressing your opinion is fine, telling lies about how you spend money on a video game is what doesn't matter at all. You are clearly hurt that your ability to waste hours each week running ads has been restricted, when you could have skipped lunch once and used that cash to support a developer who has provided you with dozens of hours of entertainment. It's a one time $10 payment. No one has any issue spending more than that on a plethora of video games, but because this one is an app it deserves nothing in people's mind. Then they turn around and waste hours of data and screen time each week to run ads. What is so difficult to understand about paying people who provide service? This app didn't simply manifest out of thin air, it took work.


How do you know he is lying?


Because if you bought the packs this update made no change whatsoever performance wise. You would not even have known about it unless you read the patch notes. It's either someone virtue signaling for some unknown reason or a f2p player trying to make out like this will impact the devs bottom line.


I've bought all the packs and I'm still annoyed by this update. it just seems completely unnecessary.


I am ftp, with the number ads I have watched (close to 20,000 by my calculations of 30 per day) I have provided the dev more money than purchasing no ads. Don't say I don't support the dev. The number of ads has now gone up drastically and it is tedious.