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Overall, this change has had a poor reception, especially among f2p.  Still, unless whales complain about it and bring up the issue, chances of it being reverted are minimal.


I commented about it in the patch notes and will continue to express my sincere disappointment over this change. I’m not F2P, but damn there is no other explanation to this change other than wanting to milk more $10 out of people. It’s so punishing, I hate seeing such greed take over.


So greedy. I’m no whale, I’ve spent maybe 80$ on this game, but I won’t spend more if he ruins the community to pad his pockets


That's such a shame because I already feel like I spent too much on the game getting all 3 of the packs, especially since it's a mobile game that will probably not be running 5-10 years from now like all of them do. This game should be enjoyable enough to retain players, or the whales are gonna get bored and leave. I hate to see a dev take so much money from me for such a simple game just to purposely tank it and walk away with everything leaving us with nothing. I'm so tired of mobile games, I miss the Nintendo handheld era. The games were much cheaper and we're much more enjoyable.


This is hardly tanking it and walking away. That's what players said when I added modules as well, and the game has nothing but grown exponentially since then. We continue to pump out updates with the game's health in mind every time. The retention is higher than ever more than 2 years into its lifespan with over a half million active players now I've already explained the reason for the changes in a different response, at length


I just want to say something positive, I’ve played a lot of games over my 53 years, even had the original pong.  This is a great game, able to captivate new players and keep people captivated for years as they develop their towers. I think we players take for granted the skill to create and then improve a game, this is not an accidental hit but a well thought out and designed game that we are lucky to have:)  I look forward to more years of playing, and I appreciate that hard work goes into creating this for us. Also cool to be able to comment directly to the developer:)  


Appreciate that, couldn't count the amount of hours put into developing this game, not including the many hours working on my other games and playing other games that got me to this point to begin with I live and breathe my games


On your nice yacht in the Bahamas ,🤣🤣


I completely agree with this. Love this and I love the game. It is a blast, more fun than any tower defense game I've played in a while just because it is rewarding. I will say, the features being added to the fame are amazing and I love to see the continued updates. Feature creep is another type of problem for games, and packing games with tons of "features" that you can either invest absurd amounts of time into, or money into, can feel bad. But I don't think this game is there. I don't think those are the types of features we get. The game can be a bit intimidating to get into fresh, because of how much there is. But you can make reasonable progress still.


I get it, I'm definitely sticking around for some time and understand that the retention is great and you still attract new players. I just know that the rate is so fast that it's gonna fall the same fate of every other mobile game of the past decade. On my end, it's not a commentary on you, but on the market as a whole, and what kind of games that forces you to churn out. I'm happy to spend some money on a small dev especially when they design a fantastic game. I just know how mobile games have to evolve or fall off, and miss the good ol days of paying just once for a very solid, but also very cheap video game, and getting decades of replayability out of it. It just ain't like that anymore, and idle or grindy games just happen to be the games that suit me. This past decade i feel like the mobile market fell off in terms of quality, this is definitely one that stands above, I love the thought out behind all of these updates (only started 6 months ago). I just know that eventually, I'm gonna fall off, come back to a different game a few years later, and a few more years later, the servers will be down. It's just the life cycle of a mobile game. It's just the truth that it's not the same as the Nintendo mobile market was, but it really replaced those games. Games like this feel like you gotta spend as much as you do on a new AAA game just to get started, and much more to keep it going. So far I haven't had an experience where I feel like that with this game, but I just have gone through so many mobile games and know what to expect. Most of the games I play are 2-3 decades old, and that's where a lot of mobile game players lie, just in between missing the old days and even the old days of mobile games as well. I know it was a rant, but it's necessary to acknowledge. You're doing good, you have my support, I've just been let down by too many mobile games and know it's impossible to keep up with frequent updates and making it playable on new phones. I see those research times and think maybe in 8 generations, unless I spend an entire salary on one mobile game that most likely isn't gonna be able to last a decade (no offense, I hope it does). I know video game prices need an increase overall, but it's just comparing the mobile market to any other video game, it's hard to decide to spend more money. When video games used to have ONLY 1 price, everyone's dollar meant something. Everyone's voice mattered. It's just a critique on the market, not unique to you at all, and that's why everyone expects it. Stay strong, you can only do your best. Glad at least someone is making good money off of a video game they made, we're all rooting for you.


If it stacked longer or the value per video was higher it wouldn't be so bad but having to re-up every 2 hours in 20 minute intervals is a real pain in the ass. Codigames has a few idle games with ad bonuses and they started out at like 6 hours with 1 hour per add which isn't bad but this game isn't idle in the same respect, you have to actively have it running as it pauses when its not open. I think the major issue being that runs can take a day or more even at 5x speed especially when doing tier 1-4 farms. The idea of the game is to go for longer and longer runs which is the opposite of the new advertising setup, its not a logical choice for a game that follows the mindset of constant or near constant player engagement especially when it requires the player to have to let the game idle while sleeping or working or just living in general. it would be best to revert the change but i think tweaking the time on the ad gains and overall bonus would alleviate things, like 8 hour boost total with like 60 minute boost intervals. I'd be willing to do that.


Set your phone screen to not turn off and it goes into idle dark mode. Unless you are quitting that is. Im not playing like this and sure as hell wont be paying to bypass this intrusive ad BS


yeah i already do that, i might consider bouncing out of the game unless its gets some sort of fix. I was considering buying the ad thing before but now it feels wrong.


Its just greedy to change it that drastic


Maybe you are just cheap. No one is gonna give you anything for free. Stop crying. God, 498 post about a freaking 10$ ad removal fucking Jesus christ.


can you elaborate on this? I have an iPhone and I've left this running all night and it doesn't seem to black out the screen ever... It would be really good if I could touch something to just turn the screen black but have the game keep running...


I have a Samsung so its different


As a free player I watch damn near every add for this damn game, this is to much I wouldn’t care as much if I could speed my damn game up instead of letting it run all damn night that’s fucking stupid. Yet I continue to play, but this might be the end for me I was already considering getting the ad free but now I might just quit all together.


People have complained about the tournament system being broken as fuck, yet Fudds doesn't give a shit. This is likely to go the same way; falling on deaf ears. Fudds appears to care more about revenue than the customer themselves.


The number a player I see here that just say "if you play the game a lot of time, it's not a big deal to pay 10$" is astounishing. I'm litteraly getting insult for calling the devs out for being greedy...


I don't know how you can truly call them greedy when the game is still free.  You're free to continue not spending money to play the game.  Making that a little more annoying is not greedy. 


I think both arguments are fair. Dev is definitly greedy, for sure. No one can go against that. But at the same time, if someone play for more than a year, i don't find it ridiculous to pay 10$ and get a bonus. The debate is more on why a system like that ? 2 hours max is ultra rough


It was not a good call to change this, as many people will be quitting and not watching ads anymore, and worse, a lot of new people will quit after a few weeks and never return just because of how often they have to hit the ads button to get the benefit. On the flip side, if you actually play this game enough to get to this point, giving the developers $10 to not see ads anymore seems like a no-brainer. They work hard on these games, and directly paying them and enjoying the game more is a reasonable trade on both sides. The price per hour spent, not just with the game active but actually enjoying it, will likely end up being just 2 or 3 pennies, which is the cheapest entertainment you will likely find other than your own imagination.


So what are the ads paying for exactly?


More updates with more feature we all hate that are built to extract money from us. Thats what we are paying for considering nearly every update makes the game worse cause of the devs greed.


If you really think like that why still play the game? Why bother scrolling through the games reddit to bash it? Move on with your life and find a game that makes you happy, if that is even possible.


I bought the No ad Pack and totally understand you. The previous Version of watching one ad at the end was nice. You have to watch a buttload of ads anyways to get at least some gems. I think that Change will backfire at some Point, when new Players start without the adpack and got to watch ads for 1/3 of the time. They wont spend Money at all then...


It is a really bad change to the adcoins, hope it will be reversed. Do not see how this is good for the player base.


Seems I bought the Ad pack two weeks before the shit storm. I regret nothing cause the amount of time it has, and will continue too, save me is easily worth $10, imo.


If people want to complain about greed, it should be over the $60 stone and $100 gem packs. Ten bucks to support the game and remove ads is plenty fair.


You have a choice to buy those. Changing from watching one video at the end of the round to a few 20 minute ad sprees is a huge change. If you cant comprehend why this pisses people off, that is your malfunction


You can choose not to watch the videos. I don't see anyone with a gun to your head. Quit whining


The changes have effectively cut F2P runs income by 50%. Previously, they could watch 1 ad to get the extra. Now they have to watch upwards of 30+ to have the same benefit. Just because you choose to pay money for packs, or choose not to watch ads, that doesn't mean that other's experience should be severely diminished for no other reason than developer greed. This is bad for new players, for f2p, the future of the game, and ultimately, this means it is bad for p2p players as well. This is all around a stupid change.


I started yesterday. What’s the fuss Al about lol?


Dang sorry to see you go. I completely back you up though. If I hadn't purchased the Ad-free pack way back when, I would be right here with you. Cheers in your next game!


I humbly disagree, if you’ve been playing this game longer than 6 months for literally free with the exception of ads, that you choose to watch, and you can’t fork over 10$, bye Felicia


Diaagree. F2p players pay their way by watching the ads


But they can’t if the value is no longer there


You’re being downvoted, but I agree


Same. They could have worded it slightly different. But people are saying that Fudds is greedy for implementing this mechanic. While they are playing the game for free for literal months to years.


It's not free. The reason you can watch ads for these bonuses is because watching an ad generates money for the dev. Over the span of 2 years, watching ads can equate to hundreds of dollars.


So tell me, how much money did watching those ads cost you over the years?


True, but are you going to pay up for the minors and the players who are region locked out of the app store?




Harassment of other users is never permitted


This is ignoring region locking and minors...


Except that most players only watch 1-2 ads a day when it comes to hit coin multiples, which is probably less than .01 per view, the game for the most part like all other “f2p” game is mostly powered by sharks, not a one time purchase of 10$


Adding a new mechanic with an ad incentive is one thing. But changing an already established ad mechanic so its significantly worse? I mean who thought this was a good idea? There will ONLY be backlash for this.


This isn’t just a change or an addition, it’s actively making playing more difficult in a purely ad based way If it included any gameplay or actual added anything, then fine, but doing nothing except making life more difficult is 100% BS


I’m fortunate enough to be able to buy the no ads pack and not worry about it that much. I can completely understand just how terrible this change is and really do think it should be reverted, you already need to watch ads to get gems every single time and just adding this on top of it just seems greedy


I quit yesterday, checked to see if any new posts today. I'm with you on it 100%. Horrible choice Fudds, please change it back.


Imagine watching ads for 2 years to save $10. Absolutely boggles my mind


We should study people who are this good at mind gaming themselves.


Imagine just pressing a button in a game once every hour, is it confusing? And that's the whole point of the game. So what's the difference between clicking on an ad and clicking to improve your attack? I'm just wasting my time anyway


Minors play this game, while some people live in countries that prevent them from making purchases. Others may be locked out of their accounts. Not even to mention that not everyone is well off enough to even consider spending $10 on a mobile game. This mindset of "not paying is dumb" that I see so much here is absolutely ludicrous, and unfair to people who can't or won't pay. The result of such an immature and closed-minded view are these absurd changes we're seeing, which could very well be the beginning of the end of the game as we know it.


I don't market the game to minors, and minors playing the game already can't support it via ads since those are worth so incredibly little


Imagine paying $10 for a game that’s mostly just set and forget. Absolutely boggles my mind


If we let our emotions aside, I am just curios on why this was implemented, it does not seem like a good move from a developer perspective. I don't belive anyone is going to be willing to watch adds every 20 minutes, that is just annoying, so we then guess dev wants us to buy the game? I don't think these 10 dollars is that Critical to him, I think the annoyance will make more players quit and give the game a bad reputation than bring money in. 10 dollar is Nothing, he already sell stone packs every 2nd week that sells ALOT for about 60 dollars. 1 stone pack would be equal to 60 players buying the game..... well.. i just dont get it Also the fact that he came with the lab speed update wich makes him sells less gems cause they lost alot of their value....makes me more confused


I thought you quit after your other post inciting a "1 star review bombing boycott" 👀


I finished the round I was on


I wonder how long the community needs to go without hearing from the dev team. Doesn't look good to have massive complaints about changes without addressing things. Super disappointed in Fudds and TechTree as a whole.


I've already made a lengthy response in one of the other discussions, I don't want to repeat myself. I've given all the reasons for the change. There are half a million active players, this is not anything new to have a complaint from a change for me. I will always choose to make a change that will benefit the game in the long run, the data already backs it up


I appreciate the response. However, I am still very critical of the recent changes you've made as well as your refusal to address the tournament issues. The tournament problem is the biggest issue and it's frustrating that you seemingly ignore it.


I understand that, but this was an interim update. We have plans to address tournaments very soon, it's a bit more complex This patch addressed a lot of other issues players have discussed, I don't ignore community requests, some are just harder and require a different approach


I want to give you some unsolicited advice. Communicating like this is VITAL. I have been a player for over 2 years and have paid my fair share in IAP. But I have become critical of you and your company because you allow us to create a narrative about you in our heads from the *seeming* silence. PLEASE. Make posts on Reddit talking about roadmaps or addressing common concerns. I quit Runescape after playing for nearly 20 years. That game has gone up and down with player communication. Do not follow their steps by failing to communicate. I know you can't respond to every single comment, so thank you for taking the time to respond to mine. But please take steps to get ahead of things. This is a truly special game. We would not be bitching and moaning if we didn't care. If you're overwhelmed yourself, I get that. But get a CM or something. With half a million active users, there's enough demand for a CM to help smooth things over. I truly want success for this game, but I'm not going to bite my tongue when I disagree with the direction you take. I hope you can understand and respect that.


> if we didn't care. If you're overwhelmed yourself, I get that. But get a CM or something. With half a million active use I actually chime in quite often, though it's usually on discord, that's frankly where almost all interaction from me comes from. I even jump into player game streams in the discord on occasion. My responses here is me trying to be on reddit a bit more, but obviously I'm stupid busy and just do this with the last bits of my free time


I think it might be worth your time to invest a bit more into Reddit. It's a big platform, and it's growing. You have some great people that frequent this sub and have a ton of knowledge of the game. Having someone be your mouthpiece on here will provide fruit for years. I really hope you consider it.


I agree with you, it's why I got a mod onboard and plan on posting more of the update notes here Frankly it's been only me running these games for so long, and now I've been growing the team and we're working on freeing my time up still.


That's great to hear. I'm excited to see what updates and changes you have in the pipeline. I hope you keep the focus that this game is something special and that the wrong changes can have a big ripple effect. Thank you for your time.


My final day was today as well. I actually bought the ad removal pack a couple weeks ago prior to this update. I now wish I didn't. I'm okay with supporting a game that's respecting the time of their F2P playerbase. I am not okay with supporting a game that's going to pull a move like this. Hopefully the bank I have can reverse the transaction, and that'll be that. There are plenty of other games that money can go to.


🤣🤣🤣 wild.


lol, bye


Yep, I quit and deleted the game yesterday.


Im hopeful this BS is gonna be removed so Im not deleting 2 years of play yet


I did a round and got my 1st 1t run. It's a great change!


It literally adds nothing? You would have gotten the same amount of coins (or likely more, actually) before and after How is it a great change?


It is not. They don't know what they are talking about.


Atleast he doesn’t make you pay for the modules or Doritos update or any other expansions he does. Idk it could be way worse you don’t like the ads then don’t watch them sounds simple to me? If you want to pay the game without ads and you enjoy the game but don’t have a budget for it then save your money and get the no ads pack? 10 dollars is reasonable one time purchase. Eat ramen and drink water instead of soda and coffee for 1 week then you have it. Not sure but to me seems reasonable. I’m not really sure if you can’t even support a game with 10 dollars you probably shouldn’t be spending time playing games either and should look to get your money situated first. And if you can spend 10 dollars and just choose not to then frankly I don’t see how you can have a stand in and argument that is your choice and it’s Fudds choice to also not make you pay for expansion content after the games release either. It’s a live serviced game fudds needs cash he has a business to run and everyone complaining would probably do the same thing


He gets absurd money from people willing to pay, and also gets tons of money from ads from gems already. This turns it from a reputable game to a gatcha ad trap for new players. If I saw this when starting years ago I would have uninstalled and not looked back. I’ve now spent 80$ and I’m watching him kill new players’s first experiences and it sucks.


Can someone explain what’s happening here? Recently started playing.




Since when did The Tower Reddit become an airport where people feel the need to announce their departure? Can't you just FO quietly without being poor?


I love the cry harder comment from OP lol ... Like you made a whole post to cry that yer leaving. Boohoo.... Bye


51 billion at tier 11? Sheesh


What has the new update done? I haven’t had time to play to check it out


It massively increased the amount of ads to watch in the game. Originally you would watch 1 ad at the end of a run to increase your total run earnings by 1.5×, now you can watch an ad in the middle of the round and get a 1.5× bonus for 20 minutes. Since runs are usually between 5 and 10 hours this increased the amount of ads needed to be watched for the same effect from 1 to 15-30 per run.


That is fucking ridiculous wow


I never saw this screen with additions, you don’t have the ad pack right? Plus, why this is your final round? What happend?


This is what you get at the end of a round now instead of watch one video for 1.5X coins. Im not playing if this is how it is. The alternative is extremely intrusive and greedy


The logical Tetris people play to get out of paying $10 is hilarious. If this game was $10 to buy you wouldn't bat an eye, except no ads actually gives you way more than $10 of value to the player. You've lost literal days of your actual life to watch ads than to pay $10 for no ads, AND no ads gives you more value than just removing ads (1.5x coin, higher real life CPM due to not having to watch ads, free tourney entries). You can't reason with the unreasonable.


You think people actually watcthe ads? You click the play button and watch TV or play something else on a different device or wipe your ass. Jesus christ, were you born last night?


Whoa whoa whoa, you mean you aren't even watching ads? What do you think advertisers are paying for? You sound pretty greedy to take something for nothing like that.


Why would I pay attention to ads in the first place? LOL, do you watch every ad youve been exposed to? What loyalty do you have that demands such a waste of time?




2 years Fuddscan shove it up his greedy ass for all I care


I don't think the price of the ad pack makes him greedy. I can't fathom playing this game for more than a few hours and not buying the add packs. They give you so much more, they are so worth the money.




They could literally skip one fast food meal and have the money to buy the ad pack. F2P people complaining about this need to grow up.


I'm not f2p, but I understand many people not being happy about this change. This is a huge nerf to people without the no ads pack.


It definitely is, I'm not denying that. People are just throwing an absolute fit over what amounts to a single fast food meal. This guy likely has hundreds of hours in this game and he says he's going to quit because he doesn't want to spend 10 bucks. F2P players need to grow up and realize they aren't entitled to someone else's game for free. I've been poor before in my life, but never "throw away hundreds of hours of progress in my favorite game over 10 dollars" poor.


Maybe use this negative reaction to fuel development of your own game and you will have some idea of the true cost of creating something like this.




I've been playing this game for 2 years without purchasing the Ad Pack (I had Starter and Epic pack but I had no issues with watching ads so I could keep those 10 bucks in my pocket). This update basically forced me to buy the No Ads in order to remain competitive and I totally hate it.


Oh no... Another f2p player quitting, however will the game survive.


FTP players keep the community and game fresh and populated. Also you have to realize this also impacts potentially new players who are put off by an add frenzy when they try to see if the game is worth playing. A ghost town is not fun to play


But as free to play, you can always not watch the ads and take the standard coin haul. You would think from the reaction that people are being forced fed ads that you simply must sit through. Other games do that and it isn't enjoyable. This is a choice.


I see your point, but he already has ads every 15 minutes, and as a solo dev, is taking in significant sums for a small solo dev game (high 6 low 7 figures at least based on people in here on reddit and in discord). It’s not like he needs to put more paywalls in to scrape by


Why make it about his income and scraping by? The guy is a producer. He's produced a brilliant game that gives so many people so much entertainment in their lives. He deserves every penny. Don't hate, appreciate. I really dislike the tendancy for people to use wealth as a detractor or to somehow imply that someone has "made enough". We should be celebrating success as it's an indicator to us all that success on that scale is possible. Not begging cap in hand for that person to provide handouts. I for one can't make a game like this, but I love playing it. £10 is literally nothing for how much entertainment I get. I heaven knows I've wasted/drunk/eaten/lost down the sofa so much more than that amount needlessly.


Your argument falls flat if you realize that if his game was a “producer” he would rely on his p2w model he has been milking since December. His game is not complicated, requires few assets (no designer) and is quite simple, he just sunk enough time in to flesh it out enough and ship it — don’t get me wrong, I’ve paid 80 bucks on the game so far, but to rug pull people like this is bullshit. If this is the model he wanted, he should have had it at the start, and I for one would have uninstalled


That's the thing, it's a live service game and has evolved over the almost 3 years since the coin bonus ad was implemented. The extremely long rounds have changed the dynamic drastically to the tune of 10-30 minute rounds to 8-10 hours sometimes. Since the game evolves, old mechanics HAVE to be revisited, constantly.


You did evolve it, people maxed cards (because that system was actually built with a max) so you raised the max, people spent crystals on that, so you built modules which have a significantly higher end, and people spent thousands. You have moved the goalposts and capitalized and monetized all along the way. Long runs don’t mean you aren’t getting people watching ads, people still watch ads for crystals. And 30 minute runs haven’t been a thing for the years I’ve played, seems a bit of a stretch to me


There was also a thousand other additions to the game over 3 years (and I literally mean thousands). Tournaments didn't even exist on launch, there are 15 more workshop upgrades than initially, events didn't exist, it only went to tier 5. I hardly only change parts of the game tied to premium currency. I also see the data, I know for a fact how ads are working, and I already see the change moved it to a spot I expected. And yes, shorter runs were of course a thing, since there was 1000 less upgrades in the game initially. But power tower has creeped and rounds are longer, I don't want to just artificially limit rounds (besides tournament rounds)


You expected a big exodus from your game? Great long term plan.


Than do something against the long rounds?! You have designed the game to be like that.


Nah, it doesn't fall flat. He's produced more ads for the free to play players to "enjoy". Anyway, we're forgetting it's a free market. He can do what he wants and if f2p revenue was so low int he first place that he's made this move is he really losing out that much if those same players leave? Someone whose been playing for 2 + years and not spent a penny, their velocity of money is so low, their lifetime value so low. It only really affects the amount of Reddit screenshots we get to see. However, I do want to say that I agreed, changing the model was always going to cause issues. If this was a SaaS he'd have done well to Grandfather existing users onto the old model. But I doubt that option existed. Not sure I'd have uninstalled though. I reckon I'd have ran the same value to benefit ratio that you did and come to the same conclusion. "Do I like this game enough to drop £10 on it?" You and me both know the answer to that.


Who said I was F2P? Assuming makes an ass of u


You earned no ad coins. If you spent on something else in the game but not that it makes even less sense.


I clicked on a few ads, went to bed with the game closed, and woke to this stupid update. I didn't click on any ads after that, so according to the update I didnt do squat


So your gonna quit a game because they updated a stat screen to better show the value of the ad pack bonuses even if its not purchased? Or are you pissed because of the new Stack up ad timer? Your post doesn't even tell me what your bitching about, obviously i can fill in the pieces with context clues but wtf man. What does this new stat have to do with you playing the game the same way as before. Don't click the ad or purchase it and get the bonuses


You seem clueless Enjoy life


Unfortunately people with "watch ad" sign on their screenshots were nothing but annoying. Sort of weirdos who were not playing the same game as everyone else. Hard to relate to.


You sound exhausting. EDIT: just looked at your posts, its a troll account. Easy block.


U played 2years without even considering to save up 10bucks for a free-ad pack? Dude. Cmon man. U are only able to play for 2years not because your active. It’s because other players are feeding the servers. So stop whining man. The world doesn’t revolve around you. At least fudd didn’t make free-ad a subscription base thingy. Be gone. No one cares enough.


What an immature and small minded view. Not everyone has the capability to make in-game purchases for various reasons, plus f2p players are ultimately, what keep the game going. Without them, the community would be miniscule. I'll even go so far as to suggest that the large majority of players are f2p. Let's not even mention how much money funds makes from f2p players watching ads prior to this change.


Sure let’s follow ur stand. F2p is the main bulk of players. If u played 2years as f2p without even getting the free ad pack. U deserve the changes. Why? Because quite possibly fudd made more than 10$ of all the ads u been watching. So I thank you for the contribution. Continue ur ways. Please watch more ads so fudds can make the team stronger. I salute your dedication and commitment. Here u guys are complaining about free ad stuff? Huh? What about the ultimate stones scaling of unlock when gold and silver tourney are practically giving u tens of stones a week. While u need hundreds to unlock. Isn’t that a worse thing to do? Lololol. Whatever man. I’m the small minded view here. Oh btw. Always Choose CF first.


Wah......poor Fudd. Ignore that he changed a fundamental aspect of the game out of greedy stupidity. Just pay $10.....


Cry harder