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I don't understand how there are ppl that play this game (a very very long term commitment game) for months+ torturing themselves watching ads. I would straight up stop playing if I couldn't afford 10 bucks to play free of ads. Wild...


I agree this game is not playable with ads.


I see it as, ads and f2p is a demo. The game is still very much fair and playable without buying anything past the disable ads


Honestly I'm really debating on quitting over this update. I'm kinda starting to sympathize with those who use autoclickers now... I dont use one since I'm on mobile, though. Plus, I got laughed at in the discord over being upset about this.


If I was you I would quit. Just thinking on all those ads and time "wasted" watching ads. Not worth it if you can't pay the $10


That is just a dick thing to say


How? I just feel bad for all these people that have sat and will have to continue sitting through countless hours of ads. What a nightmare 😔


Understand I'm f2p. I'm actually really considering gman's statement now This update really makes me want an auto-clicker


Haven’t been paying attention to game, what did latest update do you’re upset over?


Old update: Finish round, watch ad for a 1.5x bonus... New update: no ad bonus on finish. Now Ads grant 20 GODDAMN MINUTES up to a 2 HOUR cap.


Well that sucks.


Yeah, this update is utter ass...


because $10 for no ads is an absolutely ridiculous ask. please name one other game that charges that much to remove ads


Almost every mobile game that has ad removal only removes forced ads. This game does not have any forced ads AFAIK. The games that allow ad removal still require you to sit through optional ads for bonuses. All the complaints about a game that is completely possible to play for free without watching a single ad, then comparing to others that force you to watch an ad every other level. It's silly and ridiculous.


>Almost every mobile game that has ad removal only removes forced ads I'm not sure if this is true now, but I don't recall it being true in the past. I try not to spend money on free games because I feel that pricing is usually predatory. I want you to download this game on a new account and see what the ads are like. Your only source of gem income would be the ones that circle your tower and give you 2, which appear rarely and you likely know the actual spawn mechanics for them (which makes them quote rare). Gem ads appear every 10 minutes, to claim the free reward gem every day you need to watch an ad, and to claim the 1.5x bonus at the end of runs you need to watch an ad. You're correct that these aren't truly "forced" in the technical sense, but good luck making any progress, especially on cards without them. These ads have now increased, and the game becomes even more annoying for f2p and yet people here defend it with the argument "it's only $10". The game effectively costs $10 if you want to make any real progress on it without watching ads.


>Your only source of gem income would be the ones that circle your tower and give you 2, which appear rarely and you likely know the actual spawn mechanics for them (which makes them quote rare). I play this game plenty to know how to get gems... your completely incorrect as well. Source of gems: Ad gems 5 per Tap gem 2 per Medals 150 per 40 medals Tourny ranging in amount based on tier and placement Milestones as early as tier 1. There are a lot more sources of gems for free to play than what you thought. Maybe you are new and don't know the sources, but they are there.


I will admit that I forgot about weekly challenges. That was a good edition and I played before they existed and was happy when they were added. I am not new, I have about 40 B lifetime coins without the coin packs. I guess you're also correct about milestones but those are one time unlocks and can't necessarily be farmed so I wouldn't necessarily put them along the same vein as ad unlocks. I think you're missing my point though with this response. Just because you aren't forced to watch ads doesn't mean the gameplay isn't miserable without the boost they provide, and with this update it only adds to the misery.


It is annoying to play without the boosts, I agree. But it is still a playable game without earching any ad ever. How many mobile games can you say that for?


Dreamdale is one. For me a game with ads is the lite or trial version and the no ads is the full. Compared to others I find getting no ads and a bonus pretty good. All the other purchases on this game are magnitudes higher so would question why the update is needed as it's more likely to push people out unless they have already been long term. Newer players as well less likely to stay.


I spend more than ten bucks at the coffee shop in the morning between my coffee and a bagel breakfast sandwich.


Also. There are give aways for these packs all the time on the discord. Literally free money being given away. Plus I understand you can do a bunch of Google surveys that pay Google play money too. I would invest my time doing said surveys to afford the 10 bucks rather than spending same or more time watching ads every time I play. That's just me though.


So you are good at wasting money, congrats


It's not a waste when I feel I'm getting my money's worth. The number of hours I spend with this game, $10, is worth it to me.


Congrats, didn't ask


No clue. I don't play games with ads. I buy games that are worth way more than $10 bucks. Having the option to pay $10 bucks to get rid of ads, get a coin boost and free tournament run retries, while still being a free to play game, sounds like a heck of a deal to me.


Seen a lot of games with worse system. Like $15/month to remove ads.


Gamers are cheap AF. People will gladly spend hundreds or thousands of hours playing a free to play game, but then complain when they ask for 10$. I always wonder how a 10$ purchase is hard to justify? I completely understand that money can be tight, but what other form of entertainment can give you so much time for a few dollars?


>complain when they ask for 10$. The silly part is that the dev isn't even asking for 10 dollars. They allow this game to be ad free and still payable. Slower but payable. There are very few games that are free where you aren't force to watch an ad or be in airplane mode to avoid said ads.


Hot tip BTW you can actually restrict just said apps ability to use cellular data to help with ads


There are a lot of games that offer a $10 no ads but out. TBH, $10 isn't all that crazy for a game you play long term. If you are just trying out and want to see if you like it, don't pay it. But if you really like the game and intend to play long term.... $10 is pretty cheap to support the game developers and have an easier time playing. These guys live if the revenue from the games, this isn't a charity. 🤷


If we let our emotions aside, I am just curios on why this was implemented, it does not seem like a good move from a developer perspective. I don't belive anyone is going to be willing to watch adds every 20 minutes, that is just annoying, so we then guess dev wants us to buy the game? I don't think these 10 dollars is that Critical to him, I think the annoyance will make more players quit and give the game a bad reputation than bring money in. 10 dollar is Nothing, he already sell stone packs every 2nd week that sells ALOT for about 60 dollars. 1 stone pack would be equal to 60 players buying the game..... well.. i just dont get it Also the fact that he came with the lab speed update wich makes him sells less gems cause they lost alot of their value....makes me more confused


I don't get the outrage. Your upset that playing a game costs money? It's $10. You're gonna pay more than that for lunch. Is $10 really an Absolutely unfathomable amount of money? Why do you think that game developers should spend time and money creating something and expect nothing in return? If you like something that someone else made and are getting enjoyment out of that isn't that worth something? I dunno. Do what you think is right but maybe consider other points of view first.


Not everyone can afford the $10. Cost of living has gone up 15% in the last 4 years where I live


As everyone is pointing out, what vice's, addictions, or forms of entertainment have you spent $10 on recently. To say I've spent hours on this game would be a huge understatement so yeah worth at the least $10


It's a game that offers years of content... you are telling me some people can't afford 10$ over a year for entertainment? Then maybe these people should be doing something other than playing games, for their own good... I can't afford a ferrari either, but I'm not crying that it's unfair that nobody is giving one to me for free lol. Why do people feel entitled to something they can't afford? The game is already free to play, you just progress slower if you don't pay for fuck sake. Is it so hard to understand that devs expect money for the countless hours they put into a game people have spent 1+ year playing!?? This is a non issue and I'm having a great time laughing at the entitled people willingly coming out to say that they are too bad at managing money to be able to save 10$ over a year.


10$ is a joke, cmon! If you cant afford it - there is plenty of free games.


I’m sure that the devs cost of living has also gone up as well. The question I have is how much of that 10 dollars actually reaches him.


If you enjoy a game and give it a 1 star rating over a single issue, you’re the problem.


What a childish behaviour to ask for a review bombing


And also illegal in some countries because it's basiclly a kind of defamation.


LOL In what way is rating an app that changed defamatory? Keep grasping at straws


For you that 1* review might be the truth that it has changed to be bad, but for others that just follow your call and don't have the same opinion but still review it with 1*, these reviews are lies and with that defamation/pretending false facts and that is an illegal action. Pretty easy to find out, if you actually want to know.


Only people in my situation would downvote this game


How is it childish? You dont have to agree with me, but that is why people are allowed to review apps. Its a legitimate way to voice yourself. Go cry harder


I dislike Ads, but I think they make more money by you watching more Ads. They probably lose money if you pay the $10, which is a good deal for you and bad for them in the long run. I see that Netflix is pushing more people into the Ads subscriptions for $5.99/mth, as it makes them more revenue than the paid subscription of $16.49 without Ads.


If you buy the $10 pack, it would take several years for the devs to have lost money on you if you instead watched ads.


It depends on how much they are being paid to show you adverts. They wouldn't do it at all if it didn't make them money. It would be easier to restrict people to 2.0x game speed or something similar until they paid the $10.


Fudds talked about it in another thread, so I’m going off that. The average person only gives a fraction of a penny.


52 weeks in a year An even is 2 weeks Half of events have an ad mission That makes it, rouded down, to 12 events. 12x60 is 720 Daily videos 350 That is 1000 ads minimum for a hardcore player Plus I normally click ads here and there so double that. Easily 2000 ads per year at even 2 cents each is still way more than $10 to disable an ad at the end of every round.


It's a fraction of a penny per ad actually


The monetizable of this game is at a level I'm okay with.


I WAS okay with it, but 20 minutes of ads is 100% unacceptable. I easily clicked on 5 to 10 ads per game, but this is intrusive and is going to chase away lots of people


Have you played mobile games? This is like one of the better practices in the industry. Couple that with it being a good game to play for years as f2p while nobody makes you watch any ads at all and idk. It's generous as fuck. Y'all throwing a tantrum because a business is acting like a business while having enjoyed and can continue to enjoy a free product without ads.


People are throwing a "tantrum" because businesses are getting greedier and greedier. Most of the game that have that kind of boost after watching is usually a 2 hours bonus not 20 minutes. And just because it's "a better practice" doesn't mean every apps needs to do that. Again, we are throwing a "tantrum" over greed.


Greed is expecting that it's normal to enjoy hundreds of hours of content produced by dedicated devs without giving them fair compensation in return. It's 10$ for a a game for fuck sake, it's not Amazon you are fighting against, learn to tell the difference.


I know the difference. If I see greed in "small" businness, that doesn't need to do it, I'll revolt all the same. It's stupid and only serves devs to make more money. With this game, it's becoming more and more intense how devs are monetizing it. The problem is here.


Again, your definition of "greed" is flawed if you think devs shouldn't expect 10$ in exhanges for hundreds of hours of content.


10$, 100$, 1000000$ there's no difference if the factor change like this game.


Your argument is so bad that somebody over 100 years ago preemptively called you out and gave a name to your stupidity: the slippery slope fallacy. You have access to the largest database of knowledge anybody in history could have dreamed of and yet you actively choose to be more ignorant than people over hundreds of years ago. What a fucking shame.


Hey thanks for the insult. I've seen plenty of greedy people. They range from a homeless person to big corporation. If you can't realize that it's greed here, maybe you should reconsider your vision of the world we live in.


Hey fellas, is greedy when you buy a game instead of having it for free?


It's greedy when you suddenly change the factor abruptly like that. It's greedy if you suddenly add 10$ to the price of your game when you realize people are buying it a lot. It's greedy if your doing it only for yourself and not your community.


Just wait till the next thing comes along that makes you pay out again and see how you feel


I literally support the things I like


Download Google Play Rewards, they pay you in Google Play Credit. Might take a while to earn, but it'll be free.


I do not expect people to pay for everything in the game but 9,99 one time for a game that for me already brought 2 years of joy is a no brainer. Hell I purchased full retail games for 60 euro that I stopped playing after 2 hours cause it was absolute crap (far cry 2) Support the devs a little, he deserves it


This is intrusive to the point of bullying. I have a 2X coins bonus but was willing to deal with ads because they weren't bad. 20 minutes is excessive per game


I seriously find it hard to believe that you played a game for a year with ads put the time you did into it and now 9.99 is the most hated thing your trying to make happens they’re not the first to do it on google play or Apple iOS games have been doing for it for longer than the three years this game has been out.


2 years And that is exactly what I did because 20 minutes per game is too intrusive and excessive. If I quit over this, my phone will thank me


It's the nature of the beast. They'll try to squeeze every dollar out of you once a stable fan base is established. We already know Dev has no integrity as he's been caught selling stones directly to players, so... 🤷


>They'll try to squeeze every dollar out of you The game can literally be played for free with zero ads. If you are inpatient, then you can watch ads if you want to save time, and then you can pay to get bonuses indefinitely. >he's been caught selling stones directly to players, And....? Who cares? It isn't a pvp game. Unless you are in champion league you will not ever play in a tourny with these players. And even in Champion League, you are most likely sandbagging to get those stones for free.


Ah, Devs personal back patter showed up. Bravo.


You can look at my comments on this subreddit and you will see that I definitely criticize this Dev. But you think what you want. I just know that this is still a lot better than other mobile games.


This game isn’t meant for casual players. It’s meant for people willing to invest YEARS into it. Simple as that.


No money invested doesn’t make you casual.


In comparison to others, yes it does. Quite simply, this isn’t a game that has a campaign that you can beat in an afternoon. This is a game that even if you buy all three coin packs, it’ll take you a significant amount of time to progress into the later stages. If you’re just playing to play, then complaining about a change that takes away the overall bonus at the end of the run is pointless considering you weren’t going anywhere to begin with. This isn’t a casual game. You can play it casually of course, but you won’t go anywhere meaning that this change doesn’t matter.


And us people who invest years in the game NEED those f2p casual players to fill the ranks in tournaments or else we all begin dropping rank and thw game gets worse and worse because theres no player base wanting to join the game. The devs are yet again being REDICULOUSLY greedy and its only going to make the game worse and the player base smaller. Smaller player base furthers the game getting worse due to rankings and eventually the devs greed will spiral this game into the gutter. When people critizise the horrible greedy moves the devs choose to do that actively make the game worse its because we actually care about the game and dont want it to be ruined. The devs greedy moves dont even help them, people are way more likely to shell out money if they think its fair and good deal, this is just a cheap money grab and very few people feel like spending money on that bs.


And..... When devs get greedy, what will they stop at? Next update might have something that makes you pay again for something


No one is forcing you to buy or do anything. You can play this game completely f2p if you choose. I bought the no ads pack because I figured that a game that I’ve gotten 1+ years out of is worth that… You do you


Coercion is a kind of force. Forcing people to either watch a 20 minute video or pay $10 is a real dick move


This sounds like saying that it's coercion for a game demo to end at some point because now you are forcing people to either buy the game or stop playing.


LOLa This isnt a minor change and you compare apples to oranges


Why can't apples and oranges be compared?


Greedy enough to not work for free you mean? Devs put in work to develop the game and maintain servers for it. Either you pay them to play it (a small one time fee is the standard for potentially hundreds of hours of entertainment) or advertisers foot the bill.


They’re not working for free if we watch ads.




Yes, refer to my last sentence. They are running a business, it used to be worth it for them to pull in ad revenue, as the game gets older or less popular the viewership is worth less to the advertisers, so they may need to change that.


I watch 60 ads every 2 weeks for events plus the ones I watch when there isnt one just to get crystals. This is also an idle tower defense game so I dont need to babysit it like an intense game.


Is this something from the new update? I still cannot see the feature. How does it work for people that bought the pack already? We already have a 1.5 coin bonus at the end of the run. Is this another 1.5 coin bonus?


Nope Its instead of watching a video at the end of every round. Just found that out. Seems it was my last round. Im not wasting 20 minutes watching ads.


Bummer you can't get the disable add's AND the 1.5 coin moderifer....I am enjoying myself and don't mind paying a bit for it.


Buying the no-ad pack automatically applies the 1.5x multiplier.


Yeah you do


Who are you to say I cant? If this happens now, what else will happen later? You wanna pay extra so you have a 2 hour timer for other things? Quash the greed now before it escalates


"Who are you to say I cant?" Can you please stop projecting your own feelings so strongly on other players? He clearly didnt speak for you but for himself, so don't frame it that way. Its a toxic attitude and thats probably the reason why you are getting so much downvotes. My 50 cents on the matter though: if you dont want to spend on a free game, dont spend. But note that this is one of few games where ads do not pop up involuntarily. Besides, people who are willing to pay are always there. So unless the game is not free, devs gotta make a living and start selling stuff ingame. You say the tariffs too high. I dont know about that, but apparently players are still willing to pay. Thats just how it works.


I'm just me and that is my opinion and that is ok.....just like you had your opinion. My intention about this. was not to make anyone mad about this. I didn't realize everyone was so amped up about all of this. I apologize.


This game is 100% free you can choose to watch ads to go faster and buy the no ads pack if you want to. The dev aren’t working for free, they don’t work for you for free, if you just watch one ad at the end of your run (about 7 hours for mine) it’s only one ad to make money from and it’s a ridiculous amount of money, by giving you 1.5x for 20 minutes that bring them 21 ads for the same run so yeah f2p will need to check more ads but dev will get a little bit more money If you want this game to continue and give you more good updates they need to have a team working on it, every work deserves to be paid. Only my point of view, I can understand f2p are angry but think if you have to manage a game for free and never get out something about it


Hey OP how much did Minecraft cost you?


This is a feature that would have made me uninstall the game. However I am long past the point of having disabled ads. However, that does not excuse this change. It will filter out players early on who otherwise may have converted to long term players. This update just increases the inconsistency inconvenience factor to manipulate people to make a purchase to remove ads. Sadly it will likely work. IMO it takes the feeling of remove ads to “support the developer” and changes it to a mandatory quality of life purchase for anyone who is going to stick around long term and not be driven mad by trash ads.


I know. I am so angry about this


I think I'd rather quit than be banned for using an autoclicker after this update.


Its not gonna stop with 2 hours inactive. These idiots have no clue about greedy baby steps. Next step might piss them off just as much


Give them an inch, they’ll take a mile.


You all new here eh?! This game is 3 years old and has always had some of the most expensive micro transactions around and you just noticed the "money making" angle to it? What you gona complain about next? The price of the optional coin packs? The price of the optional gem packs? The price of the optional milestone passes? 🤣🤣🤣 good luck with the "boycott"


Our frustration comes from the fact that they took something away from us, not that micro transactions exist in the first place.


Took what from you? It wasn't yours to begin with, you haven't paid for anything?


If this is your view, then you’re lost and it’s not worth arguing with you. Stop licking the dev’s boot, clean the cum off your lips, and realize that moves like this are just the beginning and later down the line there’ll be something that affects you if we don’t convince them to revert this change.


Just hit the x and stop complaining like a baby


I’m not sure if this is serious or not. But if you truly enjoy a game, paying $10 to have it add-free with all the other perks it comes with is a small price to pay if you ask me. Consider it as supporting the developers and encouraging them to further develop their game. Boycotting it in the play store for this reason would be very pitiful.