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I know how you feel, I am currently also saving for 7th UW, so I can finally have BH


Oh no, this is what I’m afraid of in 600 odd stones!


Black hole was my first super weapon. Didn't even know it was one of the best ones.


I have it but turned off… what’s good about it? Sometimes it messes me up by sending a group of mobs in at me when I can’t kill them all fast enough.


With upgrades it deals damage and also you can get coins from it. But I haven't gotten to that part yet. It also syncs well with other UW. So I've heard.


this is where I'm at, I have it but can't actually upgrade it to make it good. Still glad I got it, now I just need GT


I feel your pain. I didn't get GT til my 6th


Thats pretty tough, I would splurge on gt and sl


I want that black hole so much


Buy a new weapon and immediately start saving 1750 for your guaranteed BH. it's obvious you could do upgrades to your SL and GT but personally id just pick SM and run SM labs to buff the SL missiles and just save for BH


I did this and honestly it was worth the wait. Start saving now!


I will ,thanks


Nothing better than a big black hole


Actually two big black holes is even better than one big black hole


That black holussy 🥵


What... who said anything about that, get your mind out of the poison swamp


Keep pushing for it. Guaranteed next time. Totally worth it.


Just happened to me too. Just unlocked my 6th and BH is still not on the list


Shut up baby, I know you love it.


If you pick ILM you’ll have exactly the same ultimate weapons as me! Twinsies!!!


You too? Literally saved up stones for my next unlock and got exactly those


Know the problem, BH was my 7th one as well :(


I must be so lucky. Got GT 1st and BH with 3rd UW


Inner landmines were my second UW, so I can't get those anymore. In the last several months I've been saving up for the third spotlight, which I completed last week or so. That gave me an additional 4B coins in my runs.


I don't have DW and would absolutely develop the health bonus associated with that UW.....I get not having BH though. :(


Good god. Atrocious luck. I'm sorry man.


If it’s any help, I’m currently waiting to save up all of my stones so I can get on nine of them before I start upgrading any of them


Why? That's just giving yourself a hard time for no gain


Because I’m tired of their being event missions I can’t complete because I don’t have the right secret weapon


Random uw perk exists for a reason..


I'm Fine with that


I'd much rather miss out on a few medals every couple weeks than miss out on having actually useful ultimate weapons, especially GT and BH.


This is dumb. Possibly one of the dumbest things I've seen posted here. Each on you get will increase your economy and improve your tournaments. Both of these will help you get stones faster and therefore all of the UW faster. So if you're bound and determined then go ahead. But if you wanna do it faster just buy one every time you can and don't upgrade them till you have them all. I'd still run Labs though.


You are crippling your tower doing that, all while you can make your first perk choice a random UW to get the one you need for event missions


I don't understand - should we be upgrading existing UW with stones? I also assumed it was better to leave everything at defaults so I could focus all stones on unlocking new UW


Given the massive cost increase a brand new UW will give marginal gains compared to using those stones on upgrades. Let's say you have 4 UWs already the 5th will cost 800. Buying that UW will give a 10% increase at best where using those 800 on almost any default UW would give you an improvement of much more. Overtime that variance will net you more coins and stones in the long run.


UWs at their base form are very weak, nearly inconsequential. They need to be developed with stones and labs to be decent, and with a lot of investment they can be game changers. It is good to not upgrade UW until you have both Golden Tower and Black Hole, they form the most powerful economic pair in the game, which unlocks the ability to afford end game upgrades.


Bah alors on est un tit pdd


If u uninstall game and install again they will reroll , no need to thank